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J. S
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A Short method for the declining of French verbes, nounes and pronounes, and also aduerbes, coniunctions and prepositions
A brief history of the pious and glorious life and actions of the most illustrious princess, Mary Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c
A description of France in its several governments
A discovery of Fonseca in a voyage to Surranam
A letter from Edinburgh, concerning the difference of the proceedings of the well-affected in Scotland from the proceedings of the Army in England
A letter from a gentleman at New-Market
A new letter from Leghorn
A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1692
A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1693
A pleasant conference betweene a popish recusant, and a Protestant maid
A pleasant conference betweene a popish recvsant and a Protestant maid
A sacramental-question concerning assurance
A sermon against adultery
A true history of all the memorable transactions that have happen'd in England, Scotland, Ireland, Flanders, &c. relating to state affairs, sieges, battles, sea-fights, and other naval matters
A true relation of the Lord Brookes setling of the militia in Warwick shire
A true relation of the Lord Brookes setling of the militia in Warwicke shire
An account of the proceedings against the rebels at an assize holden at Exeter, on the 14th of this instant September, 1685, where to the number of 26 persons were tryed for high-treason, and found guilty
An elegie on the death of that worthy divine Mr. James Janeway
An elegy on that faithful and laborious minister of Christ, Mr Francis Bampfield
An excellent comedy, called, The Prince of Priggs revels: or, The practises of that grand thief Captain James Hind
An historical account of the memorable actions of the most glorious monarch William III, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Prince of Orange &c
An historical discourse, briefly setting forth the nature of procurations, and how they were anciently paid, with the reason of their payment
Andromana, or, The merchants wife
Andromana: or The merchant's wife
Brittains glory
England's merry jester: or, Court, city and country jests
Ews of a new world from the word and works of God compared together
Great Britain's glory: being the history of King Arthur
Match me this vvedding. Or, A health that was drunke in sider and perrie
Match me this vvedding. Or, A health that was drunke in sider and perrie. And good strong beere to, which did make the lads mery
Paidōn nosēmata· = or Childrens diseases
Profit and pleasure united, or, The husbandman's magazene
Scotch politicks
Separation yet no schisme, or, Non-conformists no schismaticks
Some account of the transactions of Mr. William Paterson
Syllogologia; or, An historical discourse of parliaments in their originall before the Conquest, and continuance since
Teratologia: or, a discovery of Gods vvonders
The Character of a quack-astrologer, or, The spurious prognosticator anatomiz'd
The Christian doctrine: or, A short catechism
The Conviction of worldly-vanity, or, The wandring prodigal and his return
The Famous and renowned history of the two unfortunate, though noble lovers, Hero and Leander
The Jesuite discovered, or, A brief discourse of the policies of the Church of Rome, in preserving it self, and dividing of Protestant states and kingdomes
The Souldiers companion, or, Military glory display'd
The Store-house of nature expos'd to View: or, The dsciription and physical vertues of such herbs and plants as are commonly found in this nation. .
The case of the Quakers relating to oaths stated
The copie of a letter sent from Pope Urban the 8. unto the King of France, Jan. 28. 1641
The copie of a letter sent from Pope Vrban the 8 unto the King of France, Jan. 28, 1641
The famous history of the life of the renowned Prince Palmerin of England: or, The glory of knightly prowess
The famous history of the valiant London-prentice
The history of monastical conventions and military institutions, with a survey of the court of Rome, or, A description of the religious and military orders in Europe, Asia and Africa for above twelve hundred years
The history of the Turkish war with the Germans & the Poles: or, An exact account of the state of the present war, in Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Moravia and Silesia
The life of Adam
The lyrick poet
The nature of truth its union and unity with the soule
The novells of Gio. Francesco Loredano
The path-way to perfection
The pious Christians devotio and most excellent family-companion, or, A friendly guide to eternal life and glory
The present state of England
The starr-prophet anatomiz'd & dissected: or, Judicial astrologie, and the astro-mancers
The true fortune-teller, or, Guide to knowledge
The truth of the proceedings in Scotland
The trvth of the proceedings in Scotland
The visible glory of the reign of Christ on earth, no ways repugnant to the spirituality of his kingdom
Truthe tryed