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Brinsley John fl. 1581-1624
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Brinsley John fl. 1581-1624
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A consolation for our grammar schooles: or, a faithfull and most comfortable incouragement, for laying of a sure foundation of all good learning in our schooles, and for prosperous building thereupon
Calendar-reformation. Or, An humble addresse to the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament
Cato translated grammatically
Corderius dialogues translated grammatically
Dialogues translated grammatically
Esops eables translated grammatically, and also in propriety of our English phrase; and, euery way, in such sort as may bee most profitable for the grammar-schoole
Esops fables translated grammatically, and also in propriety of our English phrase; and, euery way, in such sort as may be most profitable for the grammar-schoole. The vse of it is according to the directionrs in the prefaces, and more fully set downe in Ludus lit. or the Grammar-schoole
Ludus literarius: or, The grammar schoole
Pueriles confabulatiunculæ: or Childrens dialogues
Sententiae pueriles, translated grammatically
Sententiæ pueriles, translated grammatically
Stanbrigii Embryon relimatum, seu Vocabularium metricum
Stanbrigii embryon relimatum, seu, Vocabularium metricum olim à Iohanne Stanbrigio digestum
The Christians cabala, or, Sure tradition
The first book of Tullies Offices translated grammatically, and also according to the propriety of our English tongue; for the more speedy and certain attaining of the singular learning contained in the same, to further to a pure Latin stile, and to expresse the mind more easily, both in English & Latine. Done chiefly for the good of schools; to be vsed according to the directions in the admonition to the reader, and more fully in Ludus lit. or Grammar-schoole
The first booke of Tullies Offices translated grammatically: and also according to the propriety of our English tongue; for the more speedy and certain attaining of the singular learning contained in the same, to further to a pure Latin stile, and to expresse the mind more easily, both in English and Latine. Done chiefly for the good of schooles; to be used according to the directions in the admonition to the reader, and more fully in Ludus lit. or Grammar-schoole
The fourth part of the true watch
The posing of the p A most plain and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar by questions and answers arising directly out of the words of the rules.
The posing of the parts, or, A most plain and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar by questions and ansvvers arising directly out of the words of the rules
The posing of the parts, or, A most plain and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arrising directly out of the words of the rules
The posing of the parts, or, A most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answeres, arising directly out of the words of the rules
The posing of the parts: Or, A most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arising directly out of the words of the rules
The posing of the parts: or A most plain and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arising directly out of the words of the rules
The present separation self-condemned and proved to be schism
The second part of the true watch
The spirituall vertigo, or, Turning sickensse of soul-unsettlednesse in matters of religious concernment
The third part of The true vvatch
The third part of The true-watch
The true vvatch, and rule of liee
The true vvatch, and rule of life
The true vvatch, and rule of life, or A direction for the examination of our spirituall estate
The true watch
The true watch, and rule of life, or, A direction for the examination of our spirituall estate
Virgils Eclogues, vvith his booke De apibus, concerning the gouernment and ordering of bees, translated grammatically, and also according to the proprietie of our English tongue, so farre as grammar and the verse will well permit. Written chiefly for the good of schooles, to be vsed according to the directions in the preface to the painfull schoole maister, and more fully in the booke called Ludus literarius, or the grammar-schoole, chap. 8
Virgils Eclogues, vvith his booke De apibus, concerning the governement and ordering of bees: translated grammatically, and also according to the proprietie of our English tongue, so farre as grammar and the verse will well permit. Written chiefly for the good of schooles, to be used according to the directions in the preface to the painfull schoole-master, and more fully in the booke called Ludus literarius, or the grammer-schoole, chap. 8