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Keith, George, 1639?-1716
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George Keith
Keith, George, 1639?-1716
Keith, George
Keith George 1639?-1716
Keith George
KEITH, George 1639?-1716
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A Christian catechisme, for the instruction of youth, and others to whom it may be useful in the grounds of Christian religion, and practice of Christian piety
A Farther account of the great divisions among the Quakers in Pensilvania, &c
A discovery of the mystery of iniquity & hypocrisie acting and ruling in Hugh Derborough
A farther account of the great divisions among the Quakers in Pensilvania, &c
A friendly epistle to Mr. George Keith and the reformed Quakers at Turners-Hall
A further discovery of the spirit of falshood & persecution in Sam. Jennings, and his party that joyned with him in Pensilvania
A general epistle to Friends
A just vindication of my earnest expostulation, added to my book, called The Antichrists and Sadduces detected, &c
A letter to George Keith concerning the salvability of the heathen
A looking-glass for all those called Protestants in these three nations
A narrative of the proceedings of George Keith at Coopers-Hall in the city of Bristol, the 14th day of August 1700, in detecting the errors of Benjamin Cool, and his brethren the Quakers at Bristol
A plain short catechism for children & youth
A refutation of three opposers of truth
A rod for Trepidantium Malleus, or A letter to Sam. Reconcileable
A salutation of dear and tender love to the seed of God
A seasonable information and caveat against a scandalous book of Thomas Elwood, called An epistle to Friends, &c
A second narrative of the proceedings at Turners-Hall, the 29th of the month called April, 1697
A serious appeal to all the more sober, impartial & judicious people in New-England to whose hands this may come .
A serious call to the Quakers inviting them to return to Christianity
A serious dialogue betwixt a church-man and a Quaker
A sermon preach'd at Turners-Hall, the 5th of May, 1700
A sermon preach'd at the parish-church of St. Helen's, London, May the 19th, 1700
A sermon preached at the meeting of Protestant dissenters called Quakers
A short Christian catechisme for the instruction of children in the grounds and practice of Christian religion
A snake in the grass, caught and crusht, or, A third and last epistle to a now furious deacon in the Church of England, the Reverend Mr. George Keith
A supplement to a late treatise, called An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems
A testimony against that false & absurd opinion which some hold
A third narrative of the proceedings at Turner's Hall the twenty first day of April 1698
A true and faithful accompt of the most material passages of a dispute betwixt some students of divinity (so called) of the University of Aberdene, and the people called Quakers
A true relation of a conference had betwixt G. Keith and T. Upsher, at Colchester the 6th of the fifth month, 1699
A vision concerning the mischievous seperation among Friends in Old England
An account of the Quakers politicks
An account of the great divisions, amongst the Quakers, in Pensilvania, &c
An advertisement of an intended meeting
An answer to George Keith's libel
An appeal from the twenty eight judges to the spirit of truth & true judgment in all faithful Friends, called Quakers, that meet at this Yearly Meeting at Burlington, the 7 month, 1692
An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems
An exact narrative of the proceedings at Turners-Hall, the 11th of the month called June, 1696
An exhortation & caution to Friends concerning buying or keeping of Negroes
Antwoord op elf vʹragen, die door zʹeker persoon aan Benjamin Furly, in de Nʹederduytse tʹale, zijn toegesonden
Bristol Quakerism exposed
Divine immediate revelation and inspiration, continued in the true church
False judgments reprehended
George Keith's Complaint against the Quakers: or, An answer to the Quakers complaint against George Keith
George Keith's Fourth narrative of his proceedings at Turners-hall
George Keith's explications of divers passages contained in his former books
George Keith's vindication from the forgeries and abuses of T. Hick & W. Kiffin with the rest of his confederate brethren of the Barbican-Meeting held London the 28th of the 6th month, 1674
Gross error and hypocrisie detected in George Whitehead and some of his brethern
Help in time of need from the God of help
Immediate revelation, (or, Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God revealed in man
Immediate revelation, or, Jesus Christ the eternall Son of God revealed in man
More divisions amongst the Quakers
Mr. George Keith's account of a national church, and the clergy, &c
Mr. George Keith's farewel sermon preached at Turner Hall, May the 5th
Mr. George Keiths reasons for renouncing Quakerism, and entering into communion with the Church of England
Mr. Keith's sermon, preach'd on May the 12th, 1700
New England's spirit of persecution transmitted to Pennsilvania, and the pretended Quaker found persecuting the true Christian-Quaker
Quakerism confirmed, or, A vindication of the chief doctrines and principles of the people called Qvakers from the arguments and objections of the students of divinity (so called) of Aberdeen in their book entituled Quakerism convassed
Quakerism no popery, or, A particular answere to that part of Iohn Menzeis, professor of divinity in Aberdeen, (as he is called) his book, intituled Roma mendax
Reasons why those of the people called Quakers, challenged by George Keith, to meet him at Turner's Hall the eleventh of this month called June, 1696. refuse their appearance at his peremptory summons
Sermon preached at the meeting of Protestant dissenters called Quakers
Some of the fundamental truths of Christianity. Briefly hinted at, by way of question and answer. With a postscript by the author G.K
Some of the many fallacies of William Penn detected in a paper called Gospel truths
Some reasons and causes of the late seperation that hath come to pass at Philadelphia betwixt us, called by some the Seperate sic Meeting and others that meet apart from us
The Christian Quaker: or, George Keith's eyes opened
The Christian faith and profession of the people commonly called Quakers, concerning the divinity or deity of the Son of God asserted
The Christian faith of the people of God, called in scorn, Quakers in Rhode-Island (who are in unity with all faithfull brethren of the same profession in all parts of the world) vindicated from the calumnies of Christian Lodowick, that formerly was of that profession, but is lately fallen there-from
The Portraiture of Mr. George Keith the Quaker
The Presbyterian and independent visible churches in New-England and else-where
The Quakers creed
The Quakers creed concerning the man Christ Jesus
The Quakers proved apostats and heathens
The Tryals of Peter Boss, George Keith, Thomas Budd, and William Bradford, Quakers
The anti-Christs and Sadduces detected among a sort of Quakers, or, Caleb Pusie of Pensilvania and John Pennington, with his brethren of the second days meeting at London called Quakers, proved antichrists and Sadduces
The arguments of the Quakers, more particularly, of George Whitehead, William Penn, Robert Barclay, John Gratton, George Fox, Humphry Norton, and my own arguments against baptism and the Supper, examined and refuted
The arraignment of worldly philosophy, or, The false wisdom
The benefit, advantage and glory of silent meetings
The benefit, advantage and glory of silent meetings, both as it was found at the beginning, or first breaking forth of this clear manifestation of truth, and continues so to be found, by all the faithfull and upright in heart, at this day
The causeless ground of surmises, jealousies and unjust offences removed, in a full clearing of faithful Friends, and a sober vindication of my innocency, and the Friends concerned with me
The deism of William Penn and his brethren destructive to the Christian religion, exposed and plainly laid open
The fundamental truths of Christianity
The general history of the Quakers
The great doctrine of Christ crucified
The heresie and hatred which was falsly charged upon the innocent justly returned upon the guilty
The light of truth triumphing over darkness and ignorance, error and envy
The nature of Christianity in the true light asserted
The plea of the innocent against the false judgment of the guilty
The pretended antidoe proved poyson: or, The true principles of the Christian & Protestant religion defended, and the four counterfit defenders thereof detected and discovered
The pretended antidote proved poyson: or, The true principles of the Christian & Protestant religion defended, and the four counterfit defenders thereof detected and discovered
The rector corrected, or, The rector of Arrow, shooting his arrow beside the mark
The true Christ owned as he is, true God and perfect man
The true copy of a paper given in to the yearly meeting of the people called Quakers
The tryals of Peter Boss, George Keith, Thomas Budd, and William Bradford, Quakers
The universall free grace of the Gospell asserted, or, The light of the glorious Gospell of Jesus Christ, shining forth universally, and enlightning every man that coms into the world, and therby giving unto every man, a day of visitation
The way cast up, and the stumbling-blocks removed from before the feet of those who are seeking the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward
The way to the city of God described, or, A plain declaration how any man may, within the day of visitation given him of God, pass out of the unrighteous into the righteous state
The way to the city of God described, or, A plaine declaration how any man may, within the day of visitation given him of God, pass out of the unrighteous into the righteous state
The woman-preacher of Samaria
Truth advanced in the correction of many gross & hurtful errors
Truth and innocency defended against calumny and defamation
Truths defence, or, The pretended examination by John Alexander of Leith
Two sermons preach'd at the parish-church of St. George Botolph-Lane, London, May the 12th, 1700
Two sermons preach'd at the parish-church of St. George Botolph-Lane, London, May the 12th. 1700. By George Keith. Being his first preaching after ordination