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Lefèvre Raoul fl. 1460
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Lefèvre Raoul fl. 1460
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For as moche as late by the comaudement of the right hye and noble princesse my right redoubted lady my lady Margarete by the grace of god Duchesse of Bourgoyne Brabant etc. ... as to the historie of Iason ...
Ge to gyder of the hystoryes of Troy
HEre begynneth the volume intituled and named the recuyell of the historyes of Troye, composed and drawen out of dyuerce bookes of latyn in to frensshe by the ryght venerable persone and worshipfull man. Raoul le ffeure. preest and chapelayn vnto the ryght noble gloryous and myghty prynce in his tyme Phelip duc of Bourgoyne of Braband c in the yere of the incarnacion of our lord god a thousand foure honderd sixty and foure, and translated and drawen out of frenshe in to englisshe by Willyam Caxton mercer of ye cyte of London, at the comaundement of the right hye myghty and vertuouse pryncesse hys redoubtyd lady. Margarete by the grace of god. Duchesse of Bourgoyne of Lotryk of Braband etc., whiche sayd translacion and werke was ... fynysshid in the holy cyte of Colen the. xix. day of septembre the yere of our sayd lord god a thousand foure honderd sixty and enleuen sic etc .
The ancient historie of the destruction of Troy
The auncient historie, of the destruction of Troy
The destruction of Troy
The destruction of Troy
The destruction of Troy, the secon book
The destruction of Troy, the third book
The recuile of the histories of Troie. First traslated out of latin in to Frenche by Raoul le feure in the yere from thincarnacion of our Sauiour Christ. .MCCCCLxiiii. and translated out of Frenche in to Englishe by Wyllyam Caxton Mercer of London, begon in the fyrst day of Marche in the yere of our Lord god. MCCC.CLxviiii. and fynished in the. xix. of Septembre in the yere mencyoned by the sayd Caxton in the ende of the seconde booke. Where in be declared the myghty prowesses of Hercules, the valyant actes of Hector and the renomed dedes of many other notable persones of famous memory, worthy to bee rede and diligently to be marked of all men, and specially of men of nobilytie and high degree
The recuyles or gaderige to gyder of ye hystoryes of Troye
The veray trew history of the valiaut knight Iason