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Eleanor Lady, d. 1652
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Eleanor Lady, d. 1652
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A prayer, or, Petition for peace
A prophesie of the last day to be revealed in the last times
A sign given them being entred into the day of judgment to set their house in order. For the high court of Parliament assembled. From the Lady Eleanor
A vvarning to the dragon and all his angels
Amend, amend, Gods kingdome is at hand, amen, amen, the proclamation .
And they shall look upon him whom they have pierced
And without proving what we say, but as saying and doing, which are two, like to a cypher alone .
Apocalyps, chap. 11
As not unknowne. This petition or prophecie on record, presented to His Majestie in the yeare 1633
Before the Lords second coming, of the last days to be visited, signed with the tyrant Pharaohs overthrow
Bethlehem signifying the house of bread, or, VVar
Elija the Tishbite's supplication when presented the likeness of hand, &c. (Kings 18.)
Ezekiel the prophet explained as follows
Ezekiel, cap. 2
For VVhitsontyds last feast: the present, 1645
For the blessed feast of Easter. Writs. by the La. Eleanor
For the most honorable states sitting at White-Hall
For the right noble, Sir Balthazer Gerbier Knight: from the Lady Eleanor
From the Lady Eleanor, her blessing to her beloved daughter; the Right Honorable Lucy, Countesse of Huntingdon
From the Lady Eleanor, her blessing, to her beloved davghter the Right Honorable Lvcy, Covntesse of Huntingdon
Given to the Elector Prince Charls of the Rhyne from the Lady Eleanor, anno 1633. At her being in Holland or Belgia. Lamentation, mourning and wo. Witness, how washt the late cup; that of Noahs, &c
Given to the elector Prince Charles of the Rhyne from the Lady Eleanor, anno 1633
Great Brittains visitation
Hells destruction. By the Lady Eleanor Douglas
Her appeal from the court to the camp
I am the first and the last, the beginning and the ending
Je le tien: the general restitution
Of errors ioynd vvith Gods word
Of the general great days approach. To his excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax general. From the Lady Eleanor Da: & Do
Of times and seasons, their mystery
Reader, the heavy hour at hand, that it should not as a thief surprize us in the night, Babylons scattering whirlwind our final or utter blow .
Samsons fall, presented to the house 1642
Sions lamentation
Strange and vvonderfull prophesies by the Lady Eleanor Audeley; who is yet alive, and lodgeth in White-Hall
The Lady Eleanor
The VVord of God, to the citie of London, from the Lady Eleanor: of the Earle of Castle-Haven: condemn'd, and beheaded: Aprill 25. 1631. &c
The appearance or presence of the son of man
The arraignment. By the Lady Eleanor
The benediction
The benidiction· From the A:lmighty O:mnipotent
The bill of excommunication
The blasphemous charge against her
The brides preparation
The comming of Our Lord
The everlasting gospel
The excommunication out of paradice
The gatehouse salutation from the Lady Eleanor. Revelat. cap. 4. Serving for Westminsters Cathedral, their old service. And courts of Westminster, those elders sitting, &c. February, 1646
The mystery of general redemption
The new Jerusalem at hand
The new proclamation, in ansvver to a letter
The restitution of prophecy
The restitvtion of reprobates
The revelation interpreted
The serpents excommunication
The star to the wise. 1643
The writ of restitution
To the most honorable the high court of Parliament assembled, &c
Tobits book
Wherefore to prove the thing, otherwise as good as nothing what we say .