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Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724?
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Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724?
Francis Bugg
Bugg Francis 1640-1724?
BUGG, Francis 1640-1724?
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A brief discovery of some of the blasphemous and seditious principles and practices of the people, called Quakers
A brief history of the rise, growth, and progress of Quakerism
A brief reply to George Whitehead's book stiled, A rambling pilgrim
A brief reply to two papers given into the House of Lords since my book was given in
A defence of An apology for the people called Quakers
A just rebuke to the Quakers insolent behaviour, in their two books, i.e. A just censure, &c. the other, A sober reply, &c
A letter to the Quakers, viz., to Geo. Fox, Geo. Whitehead, Fra. Camfield, Stephen Crisp, and the rest of your preachers
A modest defence of my book entituled, Quakerism expos'd
A second summons to the city of Abel, 2 Sam. 20
An apologetical introduction to the history of the rise, growth, and progress of Quakerism
Battering rams against New Rome
Considerations on the Quakers solemn affirmation
De Christiana libertate, or, Liberty of conscience upon it's true and proper grounds asserted & vindicated
Innocency vindicated and envy rebuked
Jezebel withstood, and her daughter Anne Docwra, publickly reprov'd
New Rome arraigned
New Rome arraigned and out of her own mouth condemned
New Rome unmask'd and her foundation shaken
One blow more at new Rome
Quakerism anatomiz'd, by a charge against the Quakers, with a challenge to Richard Ashby, one of their teachers, to come forth in their vindication
Quakerism expos'd to publick censure by a brief narrative of the proceedings between some of the Norfolk clergy and the Quakers at a late conference .
Quakerism withering and Christianity reviving, or, A brief reply to the Quakers pretended vindication
Seventy queries to seventy Quakers. Or, A second sober expostulation with the hearers
Seventy queries to seventy Quakers. Or, A second sober expostulation with the hearers, amongst the Quakers, by way of interrogation
Sober expostulation with some of the hearers of the Quakers against the insolent boldness of their mercenary teachers
Some of the Quakers principles and doctrines, laws & orders &c
Some reasons humbly offered against the Quakers unreasonable request touching elections of members to serve in Parliament
Some reasons humbly proposed to the Lords spiritual and temporal assembled in Parliament, why the Quakers principles and practices should be examined, and censured or suppressed
Some reasons humbly proposed to the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons assembled in Parliament, why the Quakers principles and practices should be examined, and censured or suppressed
Some remarks on the Quakers written paper
Something in answer to the allegation of the Quakers in their printed case presented to the House of Commons, Decemb. 1693
The Christian ministry of the Church of England vindicated and distinguished from the antichristian ministry of the Quakers
The Quakers detected, their errours confuted, and their hypocrisie discovered
The Quakers set in their true light
The Quakers yearly metting or convocation impeached
The Quakers yearly metting or convocation impeached on the behalf of the Commons of England
The converted Quaker's answer to the allegations of his old brethren the Quakers
The painted-harlot both stript and whipt, or, The second part of Naked truth
The picture of Quakerism drawn to the life
The pilgrim's progress, from Quakerism to Christianity
To the most reverend the archbishops and the right reverend bishops humbly presented
William Penn, the pretended Quaker discovered to hold a correspondence with the Jesuite's at Rome