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Civic priests [[electronic resource] ] : cult personnel in Athens from the Hellenistic period to late antiquity / / edited by Marietta Horster and Anja Klöckner
Civic priests [[electronic resource] ] : cult personnel in Athens from the Hellenistic period to late antiquity / / edited by Marietta Horster and Anja Klöckner
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; Boston, : De Gruyter, c2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (256 p.)
Disciplina 292.6/109385
Altri autori (Persone) HorsterMarietta
Collana Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten
Soggetto topico Priests - Greece
Soggetto non controllato Athens
Greek Religion
Roman Religion
ISBN 1-283-40059-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction / HORSTER, MARIETTA / KLÖCKNER, ANJA -- Priests, priesthoods, cult personnel - traditional and new approaches / HORSTER, MARIETTA -- Tradition - Repräsentation - Distinktion. Eine Fallstudie zu Reliefweihungen von Priestern im späthellenistischen und römischen Attika / KLÖCKNER, ANJA -- The social construction of priests and priestesses in Athenian honorific decrees from the fourth century BC to the Augustan period / LAMBERT, STEPHEN D . -- Prêtres et prêtresses d'Athènes et de Délos à travers les décrets honorifiques athéniens (167-88 a. C.) / PERRIN-SAMINADAYAR, ERIC -- The tenure, appointment and eponymy of priesthoods and their (debatable) ideological and political implications / HORSTER, MARIETTA -- Heidnische Priester in Attika vom dritten bis zum fünften Jahrhundert nach Christus / SIRONEN, ERKKI -- Athenian civic priests from classical times to late antiquity: some considerations / BREMMER, JAN N . -- Indices
Record Nr. UNINA-9910778811503321
Berlin ; ; Boston, : De Gruyter, c2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Philosophy and salvation in Greek religion [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Vishwa Adluri
Philosophy and salvation in Greek religion [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Vishwa Adluri
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; Boston, : De Gruyter, 2013
Descrizione fisica xii, 398 p
Disciplina 180
Altri autori (Persone) AdluriVishwa
Collana Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten
Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten
Soggetto topico Philosophy, Ancient
Soggetto non controllato Greek Religion
ISBN 3-11-055214-0
Classificazione BE 7303
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Contents -- Philosophy, Salvation, and the Mortal Condition / Adluri, Vishwa -- Salvation for the Wanderer: Odysseus, the Gold Leaves, and Empedocles / Herrero de Jáuregui, Miguel -- Self-Determination and Freedom: The Relationship of God and Man in Homer / Schmitt, Arbogast -- Parmenides' Proem and Pythagoras' Descent / Burkert, Walter -- Ὁ Πλάτων παρωιδεῖ τὰ Ὀρφέως Plato's Transposition of Orphic Netherworld Imagery / Bernabé, Alberto -- The Eleusinian Mysteries in Pre-Platonic Thought: Metaphor, Practice and Imagery for Plato's Symposium / Sattler, Barbara -- Plato's Soteriology? / Menn, Stephen -- From Politics to Salvation through Philosophy: Herodotus' Histories and Plato's Republic / Adluri, Vishwa / Lenz, John -- Rebirth Eschatology in Plato and Plotinus / Bussanich, John -- Memory and the Soul's Destiny in Plotinus / Brisson, Luc -- Between the Two Realms: Plotinus' Pure Soul / Slaveva-Griffin, Svetla -- Iamblichus, Theurgy, and the Soul's Ascent / Finamore, John -- About the Contributors -- Bibliography -- Index of terms
Record Nr. UNINA-9910779726003321
Berlin ; ; Boston, : De Gruyter, 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Religion und Stadtekonkurrenz : zum politischen und kulturellen Kontext von Pausanias' Periegese / / von Christa Frateantonio
Religion und Stadtekonkurrenz : zum politischen und kulturellen Kontext von Pausanias' Periegese / / von Christa Frateantonio
Autore Frateantonio Christa
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, : De Gruyter, 2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (303 p.)
Disciplina 880
Collana Millennium-Studien
Soggetto topico HISTORY / Ancient / Greece
Soggetto non controllato Greek Religion
Second Sophistic
ISBN 1-282-18765-1
Classificazione 290
FH 64253
NH 2663
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- Einleitung -- 1. Unvermeidliche Fragen der Pausaniasforschung -- 2. Zum politischen Kontext der Periegese: Konkurrenz griechischer Städte und Ethnien im Medium Religion -- 3. Zum kulturellen Kontext der Periegese: Imitation, Exegese und griechische Genealogie -- Zusammenfassung -- Appendix Korinth -- Backmatter
Record Nr. UNINA-9910512200803321
Frateantonio Christa  
Berlin, : De Gruyter, 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Religion und Städtekonkurrenz : Zum politischen und kulturellen Kontext von Pausanias' "Periegese" / / Christa Frateantonio
Religion und Städtekonkurrenz : Zum politischen und kulturellen Kontext von Pausanias' "Periegese" / / Christa Frateantonio
Autore Frateantonio Christa
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin/Boston, : De Gruyter, 2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (303 p.)
Disciplina 880
Collana Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies
Soggetto topico Greek Religion
Griechische Religion
Second Sophistic
Zweite Sophistik
Religiöse Identität
HISTORY / Ancient / Greece
Soggetto non controllato Greek Religion
Second Sophistic
ISBN 1-282-18765-1
Classificazione 290
FH 64253
NH 2663
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- Einleitung -- 1. Unvermeidliche Fragen der Pausaniasforschung -- 2. Zum politischen Kontext der Periegese: Konkurrenz griechischer Städte und Ethnien im Medium Religion -- 3. Zum kulturellen Kontext der Periegese: Imitation, Exegese und griechische Genealogie -- Zusammenfassung -- Appendix Korinth -- Backmatter
Record Nr. UNISA-996449446603316
Frateantonio Christa  
Berlin/Boston, : De Gruyter, 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The sacred law of Andania [[electronic resource] ] : a new text with commentary / / Laura Gawlinski
The sacred law of Andania [[electronic resource] ] : a new text with commentary / / Laura Gawlinski
Autore Gawlinski Laura
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, : De Gruyter, 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (312 p.)
Disciplina 292.080938/9
Collana Sozomena : studies in the recovery of ancient texts
Soggetto topico Mysteries, Religious - Greece
Cults - Greece
Inscriptions, Ancient - Greece
Soggetto non controllato Epigraphy
Greek Religion
Sacred Space
ISBN 3-11-026815-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Acknowledgments -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- Text and Translation -- Commentary -- Appendix: An Oracle Inscription Concerning the Mysteries -- Abbreviations -- Bibliography -- List of Figures -- Indices -- Plates
Record Nr. UNINA-9910791967903321
Gawlinski Laura  
Berlin, : De Gruyter, 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Tracing Orpheus [[electronic resource] ] : studies of orphic fragments : in honor of Alberto Bernabé / / edited by Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui ... [et al.]
Tracing Orpheus [[electronic resource] ] : studies of orphic fragments : in honor of Alberto Bernabé / / edited by Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui ... [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; Boston, : De Gruyter, c2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (472 p.)
Disciplina 292.4/2
Altri autori (Persone) Herrero de JáureguiMiguel
Bernabé PajaresAlberto
Collana Sozomena. Studies in the recovery of ancient texts
Soggetto topico Dionysia
Soggetto non controllato Dionysos
Greek Literature
Greek Philosophy
Greek Religion
ISBN 1-283-40256-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- Series Editor's Forward / Obbink, Dirk -- Editors' Preface -- Alberto Bernabé's Orphic Bibliography -- Abbreviations -- Ad Orphicorum Fragmenta -- 1. The Place of Performance of Orphic Poetry (OF 1) / Bremmer, Jan N. -- 2. L'écriture de la voix enchanteresse d'Orphée (OF 1) / Calame, Claude -- 3. Exclusive Singing (OF 1a/b) / Graf, Fritz -- 4. El buen médico y el médico ignorante (OF 1) / Lara, M.a Dolores -- 5. Echoes of the Formula "Let the Profane Shut the Doors" (OF 1) in two passages by Euripides / Otero, Sara Macías -- 6. Ζεὺς μοῦνος: Philosophical Monism and Mythological Monism (OF 12) / Mendoza, Julia -- 7. Orphic Theogonies and the Goddess Isis in Apuleius (OF 14, 31 and 243) / Boned, Pilar -- 8. Aristotle, Metaphysics 14.4: a Problematic Reference to Orphism (OF 20 IV) / Martínez, Tomás Calvo -- 9. Comments on OF 22 / Nagy, Gregory -- 10. ΑΙΓΥΠΤΙΩΝ ΙΕΡΟΣ ΛΟΓΟΣ (OF 40-63) / Landaluce, Manuel Sánchez Ortiz de -- 11. Dionysos Dismembered and Restored to Life: The Earliest Evidence (OF 59 I-II) / Henrichs, Albert -- 12. The Gods who Die and Come Back to Life: the Orphic Dionysus and his parallels in the Near-East (OF 59 I-III and 327 II) / Corrente, Paola -- 13. Teilt Kaiser Julian die kritische Sicht auf monströse orphische Mythologeme mit den Christen? Beobachtungen zu Adversus Galilaeos fr. 4 Masaracchia (= OF 59 VII = Kyrill von Alexandrien Contra Iulianum 2.11) / Riedweg, Christoph -- 14. The Cosmic Egg (OF 64, 79, 114) / Luján, Eugenio R. -- 15. OF 111: Χρόνος ἀγήραος / Nieto, Roxana Beatriz Martínez -- 16. A Hangover of Cosmic Proportions: OF 222 and its Mythical Context / López-Ruiz, Carolina -- 17. Heraclitus Fragment B 52 DK (on OF 242) / Most, Glenn W. -- 18. Titans in Disguise: the Chalk in Myth and Ritual (OF 308) / Villarubia, Rosa García-Gasco -- 19. The Role of Gypsum in Orphism (OF 308) / Cordero, Oscar Patón -- 20. Hecate, Leto's Daughter, in OF 317 / Johnston, Sarah Iles -- 21. Dionysus' Definitive Rebirth (OF 328 I) / Caballero, Silvia Porres -- 22. From the Heart and with a Serpent: on OF 329 / Platas, Fátima Díez -- 23. Presence in Stoicism of an Orphic Doctrine on the Soul quoted by Aristotle (De Anima 410b 27 = OF 421) / Megino, Carlos -- 24. Non-musical Notes on the Orphic Lyra (OF 417) / Moreno, Francisco Molina -- 25. OF 437 and the Transformation of the Soul / Kahle, Madayo -- 26. OF 443.2: ἐνάτωι ἔτεϊ. The Delphic Key / Torre, Emilio Suárez de la -- 27. Do not Drink the Water of Forgetfulness (OF 474-477) / Cristóbal, Ana Isabel Jiménez San -- 28. Adnotatiunculae in lamellam Hipponensem (OF 474) / Caerols, José Joaquín -- 29. La λίμνη divina della lamina di Petelia (OF 476.8-10) / Ghidini, Marisa Tortorelli -- 30. Festivals in the Afterlife: A New Reading of the Petelia Tablet (OF 476.11) / Edmonds III, Radcliffe G. -- 31. OF 485-486: 'On this Day' / Jáuregui, Miguel Herrero de -- 32. "Ram, You Fell into the Milk" (OF 485.5-486.4). Possible Orphic Echoes in an Apulian Image / Cabrera, Paloma -- 33. En las redes de χρόνος. La peregrinación inicial de las almas contaminadas (Plu. De facie 943C): sobre OF 487.6 / Jiménez, Aurelio Pérez -- 34. "I Have Reached the Desired Crown with Swift Feet" (OF 488.6) / Álvarez, Marco Antonio Santamaría -- 35. The "Great Tablet" from Thurii (OF 492) / Betegh, Gábor -- 36. OF 496: Dialectal Diversity in Macedon at the End of the Fourth Century BC / Crespo, Emilio -- 37. Ad OF 496 / Tzifopoulos, Yannis Z. -- 38. Reflejos del orfismo en Plutarco (OF 524, 358 II, 31 V; Epimen. fr. 43) / Aguilar, Rosa M.ª -- 39. OF 531 I, Sapph. fr. 58 Voigt y la "nueva Safo" / Gangutia, Elvira -- 40. Un dio dai molti nomi (OF 540) / Ricciardelli, Gabriella -- 41. OF 540 = Macrobio, Sat. 1.18.12 e Inno orfico 52: Dioniso tra teogonia e attualità religiosa / Gasparro, Giulia Sfameni -- 42. Orfismo nel culto romano di Bona Dea (OF 584) / Mastrocinque, Attilio -- 43. Note to OF 586: κρανιάρχης / Somolinos, Juan Rodríguez -- 44. Theophrastus, Characters 16.12: Orphism or Rhetoric? (OF 654) / Domínguez, Alberto Nodar -- 45. Synesius, Dio 7 (OF 674) / Martínez, María Paz López -- 46. Critical Notes to OF 683 / Muñoz, Felipe G. Hernández -- 47. The Etymology of Gk. ῎Εμπουσα (OF 713-716) / Núñez, Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa -- 48. OF 750: Frost or Snow? / Somolinos, Helena Rodríguez -- 49. Greek ἐπηετανός and Other Possible Compounds of ἔτος 'year' in Ancient Greek (OF 773) / Berenguer-Sánchez, José A. -- 50. Τύχα in Two Lead Tablets from Selinous (OF 830) / Hernández, Raquel Martín -- 51. Música y Palabra en Orfeo (sobre OF 960) / Martínez, Marcos -- 52. Heracles y Orfeo. Una relación de por vida (sobre OF 1018 I) / Olmos, Ricardo -- 53. Extraordinary Orpheus. The Image of Orpheus and Orphism in the Texts of the Paradoxographers (OF 1065, 787, 790, 793, and 794) / Leyra, Irene Pajón -- 54. ἀμουσότερος Λειβηθρίων (OF 1069) / Romero, Fernando García -- 55. Orpheus Reunited with Eurydice (on OF 1076-1077) / Konstan, David / Nieto, Pura -- ad Musaei Linique Fragmenta -- 56. Orphism, Cosmogony, and Genealogy (Mus. fr. 14) -- 57. Linus fr. 2: Music and Death / Aguirre, Mercedes -- ad Papyrum Derveni -- 58. The Derveni Papyrus on Heraclitus (col. IV) / Burkert, Walter -- 59. Eraclito e i Persiani nel Papiro di Derveni (col. IV 10-14) / Ferrari, Franco -- 60. Col. VI of the Derveni Papyrus and the Ritual Presence of Poultry / Martínez, José Luis Calvo -- 61. The Castration of Uranus and its Physical Consequences in the Derveni Papyrus (cols. XIII and XIV) and the First Stoic Philosophers / Bordoy, Francesc Casadesús -- 62. Okéanos dans la colonne XXIII du Papyrus de Derveni / Brisson, Luc -- 63. Enigmatic Hints at the Hidden Meaning of Two Central Homeric Passages. The Derveni-Author as Homeric Philologist in PDerv. col. XXVI / Bierl, Anton -- ad Hymnos Orphicos -- 64. Orphic Hymn 37 / Faraone, Christopher A. -- 65. Orphic Hymn 86 "To Dream": On Orphic Sleep and Philo / Tovar, Sofía Torallas -- de Orpheo in Moderna Aetate -- La decisión de Orfeo (según Cesare Pavese) / Gual, Carlos García -- Carmina Orphica Hispanica -- Himno órfico a Zeus / Cuenca, Luis Alberto de -- El Orfeo de Ovidio en hexámetros castellanos / Cristóbal, Vicente -- Analytic index -- Index fontium
Record Nr. UNINA-9910789879703321
Berlin ; ; Boston, : De Gruyter, c2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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