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Terotechnology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th International Conference on Terotechnology, September 26-27, 2013, Kielce, Poland / / edited by A. Szczotok [and three others]
Terotechnology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th International Conference on Terotechnology, September 26-27, 2013, Kielce, Poland / / edited by A. Szczotok [and three others]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Durnten-Zurich : , : TTP, , [2014]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (167 p.)
Altri autori (Persone) SzczotokA
Collana Advanced materials research
Soggetto topico Plant engineering
Maintainability (Engineering)
Reliability (Engineering)
ISBN 3-03826-361-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Terotechnology; Preface and Conference Organizers; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Materials; The Material Properties of Different Zones of Joints Welded Using a Laser; Tribological Properties of Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings; Influence Environment and Parameters Ablative Laser Texturing on Selected Properties Surface Layer Steel 100CrMnSi6-4; Quanitative Analysis of the Polymer/Metal Powder Magnetic Composites Compacts Structure; The Average Friction Coefficient of Laser Textured Surfaces of Silicon Carbide Identified by RSM Methodology
Evaluation of the State for the Material of the Live Steam Super heater Pipe Coils of V Degree Fatigue Strength of Ductile Iron in Ultra-High Cycle Regime; Chapter 2: Technologies; Influence of Laser Surface Texturing on Scuffing Resistance of Sliding Pairs; Contour Error of the 3-DoF Hydraulic Translational Parallel Manipulator; The Impact of the Power Plant Unit Start-Up Scheme on the Pollution Load; Impact of the Parameters of Laser-Vibration Treatment on the Roughness of Aluminium Melts; Research of the Elastic Properties of Bellows Made in SLS Technology
The Centrifugal Pump with the Impeller Supported in Sealing Clearances Enhancing Safety and Security of Networked FPGA-Based Embedded Systems; Laser Texturing, Spark Erosion and Sanding of the Surfaces and their Practical Applications in Heat Exchange Devices; Electrospark Alloying of Carbon Steel with WC-Co-Al2O3: Deposition Technique and Coating Properties; The Influence of Electrospark and Laser Treatment upon Corrosive Resistance of Carbon Steel ; Laser Cold Ablation as a Cutting Edge Method of Forming Silicon Wafers Used in Solar Cells; Laser Technologies in Microsystems
Chapter 3: Methods Modelling of the Mechanical State of a Diamond Particle in the Metallic Matrix; Application the 3D Image Analysis Techniques for Assessment the Quality of Material Surface Layer before and after Laser Treatment; Modeling of Errors Counting System for PCB Soldered in the Wave Soldering Technology; The Heuristic Approach to the Selection of Experimental Design, Model and Valid Pre-Processing Transformation of DoE Outcome; The Optimization of the Technological Process with the Fuzzy Regression; Factorial Approach to Assessment of GPU Computational Efficiency in Surrogate Models
On the Possibility of the Estimation of the Depth of a Keyhole Formed during Laser Welding Keywords Index; Authors Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910811340903321
Durnten-Zurich : , : TTP, , [2014]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Thermal, power and electrical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014), April 26-28, 2014, Xi'an, China / / edited by George Zhao [and three others]
Thermal, power and electrical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014), April 26-28, 2014, Xi'an, China / / edited by George Zhao [and three others]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (1654 p.)
Disciplina 621.31
Collana Advanced Materials Research
Soggetto topico Electric power systems
Electric power systems - Environmental aspects
Power (Mechanics)
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 3-03826-519-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Thermal, Power and Electrical Engineering III; Preface and Conference Organization; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Materials and Processing Technology; Fluoroimmunoassay Based on FITC-Labeled Antibody for the Determination of Estradiol; Study and Analysis on the High Temperature Performance of Calcined Bauxite; Study on Parrifine Removal Additive of High Wax Crude Oil; Study on the Produce Process and Electrical Resistivity of Carbon Fiber Conductive Concrete; Chemical Composition Characteristics of Calcite in Gold and Silver Deposits in Jiaodong Peninsula, China
Crack Growth Features in Hydrogenating High-Strength Steel AISI 4340 under CyclingExtrusion Process and Mould Design for Contact Finger; Fast Detection of Illegal Sweeteners in Liquor and Wine by Laser Raman Spectroscopy; Optimum Design of Flexible Microwave Absorption Fabrics; Research New Waterproof Agent of the Particleboard; The Comparison of Albumin Dialysis between Open- and Closed-Loop Dialysis Modes; The Research of High Internal Pressure Forming Process of Variable Cross-Section Elliptical Tube; The Research Progress of Boron Nitride Nano-Tubes in Hydrogen Storage
Wetting Property of Cu-Doped ZnO with Micro-/Nano-StructuresDevelopment of SO2 Absorption Materials Having Low Temperature Activity by Base Adducted Complex Method; Electron Beam Irradiation on Substrate for Precise Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes - A Simulation; Preparation of Novel Membrane Material 4',4''(5'')-di-tert-butyldicyclohexyl-18-crown-6; Study on Influence of Snowmelt Agent to Performances of Asphalt; CT Analysis of Meso-Structure Changes in Rock Salt with Brine Corrosion; Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91D Alloy
Study on Preparation and Properties of In Situ Composite of Nano-SiO2 and Vinyl Acetate-Acrylate EmulsionTechniques of Preventing Subgrade from Salinization for Qarham to Golmud Expressway; The Current Situation and Development Trend of Electroforming; Influence of Si Content on Microstructure and Erosion Properties of Al-Based Alloy; Preparation and Properties of CF/CNTs/NanoG Filled Polyacrylate Electrically Conductive Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives; Study of Garlic Extract as a Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Acidic Media; Ceramic Nano Composites for Thermal Insulators
Inhibition of Corrosion by Dithiocarbamate in Oilfield Water InjectionMonomethyl β-Methylglutarate of New Synthetic Methods; Preparation and Properties of Thiol-Ene UV-Curable Fluorinated Emulsion; The Effects of Magnetic Field on Micro-Arc Oxidation Ceramic Coating on Magnesium Alloys; Preparation and Properties of Organosilicon-Modified Epoxy Esters Resin; Corrosion Resistance of CrSiN Coatings by Cathodic Arc Deposition with Different Arc Currents; Synthesize of Mesoporous ZnO Thin Films and Gas Sensing Property
Glass Forming Ability and Crystallization Kinetics of Al-Mg-Ni-La Metallic Glasses
Record Nr. UNINA-9910464527603321
Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Thermal, power and electrical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014), April 26-28, 2014, Xi'an, China / / edited by George Zhao [and three others]
Thermal, power and electrical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014), April 26-28, 2014, Xi'an, China / / edited by George Zhao [and three others]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (1654 p.)
Disciplina 621.31
Collana Advanced Materials Research
Soggetto topico Electric power systems
Electric power systems - Environmental aspects
Power (Mechanics)
ISBN 3-03826-519-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Thermal, Power and Electrical Engineering III; Preface and Conference Organization; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Materials and Processing Technology; Fluoroimmunoassay Based on FITC-Labeled Antibody for the Determination of Estradiol; Study and Analysis on the High Temperature Performance of Calcined Bauxite; Study on Parrifine Removal Additive of High Wax Crude Oil; Study on the Produce Process and Electrical Resistivity of Carbon Fiber Conductive Concrete; Chemical Composition Characteristics of Calcite in Gold and Silver Deposits in Jiaodong Peninsula, China
Crack Growth Features in Hydrogenating High-Strength Steel AISI 4340 under CyclingExtrusion Process and Mould Design for Contact Finger; Fast Detection of Illegal Sweeteners in Liquor and Wine by Laser Raman Spectroscopy; Optimum Design of Flexible Microwave Absorption Fabrics; Research New Waterproof Agent of the Particleboard; The Comparison of Albumin Dialysis between Open- and Closed-Loop Dialysis Modes; The Research of High Internal Pressure Forming Process of Variable Cross-Section Elliptical Tube; The Research Progress of Boron Nitride Nano-Tubes in Hydrogen Storage
Wetting Property of Cu-Doped ZnO with Micro-/Nano-StructuresDevelopment of SO2 Absorption Materials Having Low Temperature Activity by Base Adducted Complex Method; Electron Beam Irradiation on Substrate for Precise Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes - A Simulation; Preparation of Novel Membrane Material 4',4''(5'')-di-tert-butyldicyclohexyl-18-crown-6; Study on Influence of Snowmelt Agent to Performances of Asphalt; CT Analysis of Meso-Structure Changes in Rock Salt with Brine Corrosion; Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91D Alloy
Study on Preparation and Properties of In Situ Composite of Nano-SiO2 and Vinyl Acetate-Acrylate EmulsionTechniques of Preventing Subgrade from Salinization for Qarham to Golmud Expressway; The Current Situation and Development Trend of Electroforming; Influence of Si Content on Microstructure and Erosion Properties of Al-Based Alloy; Preparation and Properties of CF/CNTs/NanoG Filled Polyacrylate Electrically Conductive Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives; Study of Garlic Extract as a Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Acidic Media; Ceramic Nano Composites for Thermal Insulators
Inhibition of Corrosion by Dithiocarbamate in Oilfield Water InjectionMonomethyl β-Methylglutarate of New Synthetic Methods; Preparation and Properties of Thiol-Ene UV-Curable Fluorinated Emulsion; The Effects of Magnetic Field on Micro-Arc Oxidation Ceramic Coating on Magnesium Alloys; Preparation and Properties of Organosilicon-Modified Epoxy Esters Resin; Corrosion Resistance of CrSiN Coatings by Cathodic Arc Deposition with Different Arc Currents; Synthesize of Mesoporous ZnO Thin Films and Gas Sensing Property
Glass Forming Ability and Crystallization Kinetics of Al-Mg-Ni-La Metallic Glasses
Record Nr. UNINA-9910786607403321
Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Thermal, power and electrical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014), April 26-28, 2014, Xi'an, China / / edited by George Zhao [and three others]
Thermal, power and electrical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014), April 26-28, 2014, Xi'an, China / / edited by George Zhao [and three others]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (1654 p.)
Disciplina 621.31
Collana Advanced Materials Research
Soggetto topico Electric power systems
Electric power systems - Environmental aspects
Power (Mechanics)
ISBN 3-03826-519-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Thermal, Power and Electrical Engineering III; Preface and Conference Organization; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Materials and Processing Technology; Fluoroimmunoassay Based on FITC-Labeled Antibody for the Determination of Estradiol; Study and Analysis on the High Temperature Performance of Calcined Bauxite; Study on Parrifine Removal Additive of High Wax Crude Oil; Study on the Produce Process and Electrical Resistivity of Carbon Fiber Conductive Concrete; Chemical Composition Characteristics of Calcite in Gold and Silver Deposits in Jiaodong Peninsula, China
Crack Growth Features in Hydrogenating High-Strength Steel AISI 4340 under CyclingExtrusion Process and Mould Design for Contact Finger; Fast Detection of Illegal Sweeteners in Liquor and Wine by Laser Raman Spectroscopy; Optimum Design of Flexible Microwave Absorption Fabrics; Research New Waterproof Agent of the Particleboard; The Comparison of Albumin Dialysis between Open- and Closed-Loop Dialysis Modes; The Research of High Internal Pressure Forming Process of Variable Cross-Section Elliptical Tube; The Research Progress of Boron Nitride Nano-Tubes in Hydrogen Storage
Wetting Property of Cu-Doped ZnO with Micro-/Nano-StructuresDevelopment of SO2 Absorption Materials Having Low Temperature Activity by Base Adducted Complex Method; Electron Beam Irradiation on Substrate for Precise Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes - A Simulation; Preparation of Novel Membrane Material 4',4''(5'')-di-tert-butyldicyclohexyl-18-crown-6; Study on Influence of Snowmelt Agent to Performances of Asphalt; CT Analysis of Meso-Structure Changes in Rock Salt with Brine Corrosion; Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91D Alloy
Study on Preparation and Properties of In Situ Composite of Nano-SiO2 and Vinyl Acetate-Acrylate EmulsionTechniques of Preventing Subgrade from Salinization for Qarham to Golmud Expressway; The Current Situation and Development Trend of Electroforming; Influence of Si Content on Microstructure and Erosion Properties of Al-Based Alloy; Preparation and Properties of CF/CNTs/NanoG Filled Polyacrylate Electrically Conductive Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives; Study of Garlic Extract as a Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Acidic Media; Ceramic Nano Composites for Thermal Insulators
Inhibition of Corrosion by Dithiocarbamate in Oilfield Water InjectionMonomethyl β-Methylglutarate of New Synthetic Methods; Preparation and Properties of Thiol-Ene UV-Curable Fluorinated Emulsion; The Effects of Magnetic Field on Micro-Arc Oxidation Ceramic Coating on Magnesium Alloys; Preparation and Properties of Organosilicon-Modified Epoxy Esters Resin; Corrosion Resistance of CrSiN Coatings by Cathodic Arc Deposition with Different Arc Currents; Synthesize of Mesoporous ZnO Thin Films and Gas Sensing Property
Glass Forming Ability and Crystallization Kinetics of Al-Mg-Ni-La Metallic Glasses
Record Nr. UNINA-9910806185703321
Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Traditional and advanced ceramics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Traditional and Advanced Ceramics (ICTA 2013), September 11-13, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand / / edited by Somnuk Sirisoonthorn [and five others] ; Somnuk Sirisoonthorn, Sirithan Jiemsirilers, conference chairs ; organizers, The Thai Ceramic Society [and twenty-three others] ; sponsors, Asian Exhibition Services (AES) Ltd., Office of Naval Research, Siam Cement Public Company Limited
Traditional and advanced ceramics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Traditional and Advanced Ceramics (ICTA 2013), September 11-13, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand / / edited by Somnuk Sirisoonthorn [and five others] ; Somnuk Sirisoonthorn, Sirithan Jiemsirilers, conference chairs ; organizers, The Thai Ceramic Society [and twenty-three others] ; sponsors, Asian Exhibition Services (AES) Ltd., Office of Naval Research, Siam Cement Public Company Limited
Pubbl/distr/stampa Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (378 p.)
Disciplina 666
Collana Key Engineering Materials
Soggetto topico Ceramic materials
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 3-03826-444-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Traditional and Advanced Ceramics; Preface, Committee, Organizers and Sponsors; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Ceramic Industrial Technology; Using Lime Mud Waste from Pulp Mill as an Additive in Brick Clay; Valorization of Mill Scale Waste by its Incorporation in Fired Clay Bricks; Study of Residual Stresses in Traditional Ceramics; Effect of Flux Materials on the Melting Characteristics of Ash Glaze; Strength Improvement of Porous Ceramics by the Surface Infiltration of Strengthening Materials; Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Ceramics with the Addition of Alumina Fiber
Construction of a Glaze DatabaseInfluence of Grog and Cement on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Unfired Clay Bricks; Properties of Dan Kwian, Sukhothai and Ratchaburi Pottery Clays Fired at 700 and 900 °C; Development of Carbon Emission Label for Local Ceramic Product; Preparation of Nanocomposite Particles from Typha angustifolia and Egg Shells; Foam Glass Development Using Glass Cullet and Fly Ash or Rice Husk Ash as the Raw Materials; Preparation of Xylem-Imitating Porous Ceramic by Coconut Coir and Pottery Clay; Development of Ceramic Candle Filters by Slip Casting Process
Characteristics of Automotive Glass Waste-Containing Gypsum Bodies Made from Used Plaster MouldEffects of Waste from HDPE Catalyst Process on Melting Behaviour and Thermal Properties of White Opaque Glazes; Utilization of Rice Husk Ash and Waste Sludge from Cutting Glass Manufacturing with Angthong Pottery; Preparation and Characterization of Fly Ash and Aluminium Waste Geopolymer; Effect of Firing Temperatures on Physical Properties and Phase Evolutions of Fine Stoneware Bodies; Low-Temperature Synthesis of Cordierite Using Magnesite
Zinc Oxide Nano Walls Synthesized by Chemical Vapor DepositionMetakaolin-Based Porous Geopolymer with Aluminium Powder; Chapter 2: Advanced Ceramics; Influence of N-Doped TiO2 Nanocomposite Film on Hydrophilic Property of Rubber Dipping Former Surface; Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of Cr and La-Codoped SrTiO3 Photocatalyst; Microwave Assisted Method on the Morphology of Aluminium Doped ZnO Nanocrystals; Morphology Controlled Flower-Like ZnO Particles Synthesized by Low Cost High Pressure Cooker
Photocatalytic Degradation of Humic Acid Using Fe3+ and N-Doped 3SnO2/TiO2 Thin Films Coated on Glass FibersInfluence of Specimen Dimensions and Temperature on the Debinding Behavior of Alumina Feedstock; A Study of Alumina Spray Dried Granules on Packing Density and Sintering Shrinkage of Simple and Complex Shape; Effect of Sintering Conditions on Mechanical and Optical Properties of 3Y-TZP Dental Ceramic; Effect of MnCO3 Doping on Microstructure and Electrical Properties of PSZT Ceramics; Enhancement of Dielectric Constants in Strontium Titanate through Mg and Al Doping
Photocatalytic Performance of ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized by Microwave-Assisted Process Using Zinc-Dust Waste as a Starting Material
Record Nr. UNINA-9910464507603321
Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Traditional and advanced ceramics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Traditional and Advanced Ceramics (ICTA 2013), September 11-13, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand / / edited by Somnuk Sirisoonthorn [and five others] ; Somnuk Sirisoonthorn, Sirithan Jiemsirilers, conference chairs ; organizers, The Thai Ceramic Society [and twenty-three others] ; sponsors, Asian Exhibition Services (AES) Ltd., Office of Naval Research, Siam Cement Public Company Limited
Traditional and advanced ceramics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Traditional and Advanced Ceramics (ICTA 2013), September 11-13, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand / / edited by Somnuk Sirisoonthorn [and five others] ; Somnuk Sirisoonthorn, Sirithan Jiemsirilers, conference chairs ; organizers, The Thai Ceramic Society [and twenty-three others] ; sponsors, Asian Exhibition Services (AES) Ltd., Office of Naval Research, Siam Cement Public Company Limited
Pubbl/distr/stampa Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (378 p.)
Disciplina 666
Collana Key Engineering Materials
Soggetto topico Ceramic materials
ISBN 3-03826-444-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Traditional and Advanced Ceramics; Preface, Committee, Organizers and Sponsors; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Ceramic Industrial Technology; Using Lime Mud Waste from Pulp Mill as an Additive in Brick Clay; Valorization of Mill Scale Waste by its Incorporation in Fired Clay Bricks; Study of Residual Stresses in Traditional Ceramics; Effect of Flux Materials on the Melting Characteristics of Ash Glaze; Strength Improvement of Porous Ceramics by the Surface Infiltration of Strengthening Materials; Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Ceramics with the Addition of Alumina Fiber
Construction of a Glaze DatabaseInfluence of Grog and Cement on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Unfired Clay Bricks; Properties of Dan Kwian, Sukhothai and Ratchaburi Pottery Clays Fired at 700 and 900 °C; Development of Carbon Emission Label for Local Ceramic Product; Preparation of Nanocomposite Particles from Typha angustifolia and Egg Shells; Foam Glass Development Using Glass Cullet and Fly Ash or Rice Husk Ash as the Raw Materials; Preparation of Xylem-Imitating Porous Ceramic by Coconut Coir and Pottery Clay; Development of Ceramic Candle Filters by Slip Casting Process
Characteristics of Automotive Glass Waste-Containing Gypsum Bodies Made from Used Plaster MouldEffects of Waste from HDPE Catalyst Process on Melting Behaviour and Thermal Properties of White Opaque Glazes; Utilization of Rice Husk Ash and Waste Sludge from Cutting Glass Manufacturing with Angthong Pottery; Preparation and Characterization of Fly Ash and Aluminium Waste Geopolymer; Effect of Firing Temperatures on Physical Properties and Phase Evolutions of Fine Stoneware Bodies; Low-Temperature Synthesis of Cordierite Using Magnesite
Zinc Oxide Nano Walls Synthesized by Chemical Vapor DepositionMetakaolin-Based Porous Geopolymer with Aluminium Powder; Chapter 2: Advanced Ceramics; Influence of N-Doped TiO2 Nanocomposite Film on Hydrophilic Property of Rubber Dipping Former Surface; Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of Cr and La-Codoped SrTiO3 Photocatalyst; Microwave Assisted Method on the Morphology of Aluminium Doped ZnO Nanocrystals; Morphology Controlled Flower-Like ZnO Particles Synthesized by Low Cost High Pressure Cooker
Photocatalytic Degradation of Humic Acid Using Fe3+ and N-Doped 3SnO2/TiO2 Thin Films Coated on Glass FibersInfluence of Specimen Dimensions and Temperature on the Debinding Behavior of Alumina Feedstock; A Study of Alumina Spray Dried Granules on Packing Density and Sintering Shrinkage of Simple and Complex Shape; Effect of Sintering Conditions on Mechanical and Optical Properties of 3Y-TZP Dental Ceramic; Effect of MnCO3 Doping on Microstructure and Electrical Properties of PSZT Ceramics; Enhancement of Dielectric Constants in Strontium Titanate through Mg and Al Doping
Photocatalytic Performance of ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized by Microwave-Assisted Process Using Zinc-Dust Waste as a Starting Material
Record Nr. UNINA-9910786912903321
Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Traditional and advanced ceramics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Traditional and Advanced Ceramics (ICTA 2013), September 11-13, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand / / edited by Somnuk Sirisoonthorn [and five others] ; Somnuk Sirisoonthorn, Sirithan Jiemsirilers, conference chairs ; organizers, The Thai Ceramic Society [and twenty-three others] ; sponsors, Asian Exhibition Services (AES) Ltd., Office of Naval Research, Siam Cement Public Company Limited
Traditional and advanced ceramics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Traditional and Advanced Ceramics (ICTA 2013), September 11-13, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand / / edited by Somnuk Sirisoonthorn [and five others] ; Somnuk Sirisoonthorn, Sirithan Jiemsirilers, conference chairs ; organizers, The Thai Ceramic Society [and twenty-three others] ; sponsors, Asian Exhibition Services (AES) Ltd., Office of Naval Research, Siam Cement Public Company Limited
Pubbl/distr/stampa Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (378 p.)
Disciplina 666
Collana Key Engineering Materials
Soggetto topico Ceramic materials
ISBN 3-03826-444-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Traditional and Advanced Ceramics; Preface, Committee, Organizers and Sponsors; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Ceramic Industrial Technology; Using Lime Mud Waste from Pulp Mill as an Additive in Brick Clay; Valorization of Mill Scale Waste by its Incorporation in Fired Clay Bricks; Study of Residual Stresses in Traditional Ceramics; Effect of Flux Materials on the Melting Characteristics of Ash Glaze; Strength Improvement of Porous Ceramics by the Surface Infiltration of Strengthening Materials; Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Ceramics with the Addition of Alumina Fiber
Construction of a Glaze DatabaseInfluence of Grog and Cement on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Unfired Clay Bricks; Properties of Dan Kwian, Sukhothai and Ratchaburi Pottery Clays Fired at 700 and 900 °C; Development of Carbon Emission Label for Local Ceramic Product; Preparation of Nanocomposite Particles from Typha angustifolia and Egg Shells; Foam Glass Development Using Glass Cullet and Fly Ash or Rice Husk Ash as the Raw Materials; Preparation of Xylem-Imitating Porous Ceramic by Coconut Coir and Pottery Clay; Development of Ceramic Candle Filters by Slip Casting Process
Characteristics of Automotive Glass Waste-Containing Gypsum Bodies Made from Used Plaster MouldEffects of Waste from HDPE Catalyst Process on Melting Behaviour and Thermal Properties of White Opaque Glazes; Utilization of Rice Husk Ash and Waste Sludge from Cutting Glass Manufacturing with Angthong Pottery; Preparation and Characterization of Fly Ash and Aluminium Waste Geopolymer; Effect of Firing Temperatures on Physical Properties and Phase Evolutions of Fine Stoneware Bodies; Low-Temperature Synthesis of Cordierite Using Magnesite
Zinc Oxide Nano Walls Synthesized by Chemical Vapor DepositionMetakaolin-Based Porous Geopolymer with Aluminium Powder; Chapter 2: Advanced Ceramics; Influence of N-Doped TiO2 Nanocomposite Film on Hydrophilic Property of Rubber Dipping Former Surface; Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of Cr and La-Codoped SrTiO3 Photocatalyst; Microwave Assisted Method on the Morphology of Aluminium Doped ZnO Nanocrystals; Morphology Controlled Flower-Like ZnO Particles Synthesized by Low Cost High Pressure Cooker
Photocatalytic Degradation of Humic Acid Using Fe3+ and N-Doped 3SnO2/TiO2 Thin Films Coated on Glass FibersInfluence of Specimen Dimensions and Temperature on the Debinding Behavior of Alumina Feedstock; A Study of Alumina Spray Dried Granules on Packing Density and Sintering Shrinkage of Simple and Complex Shape; Effect of Sintering Conditions on Mechanical and Optical Properties of 3Y-TZP Dental Ceramic; Effect of MnCO3 Doping on Microstructure and Electrical Properties of PSZT Ceramics; Enhancement of Dielectric Constants in Strontium Titanate through Mg and Al Doping
Photocatalytic Performance of ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized by Microwave-Assisted Process Using Zinc-Dust Waste as a Starting Material
Record Nr. UNINA-9910827643103321
Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Trends in magnetism : nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the V Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism": Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) September 15-21, 2013, Vladivostok, Russia / / edited by Sergey Ovchinnikov and Alexander Samardak
Trends in magnetism : nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the V Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism": Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) September 15-21, 2013, Vladivostok, Russia / / edited by Sergey Ovchinnikov and Alexander Samardak
Pubbl/distr/stampa Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (517 p.)
Disciplina 538
Collana Solid State Phenomena
Soggetto topico Magnetism
Magnetic materials
Magnetic materials - Industrial applications
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 3-03826-435-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Trends in Magnetism: Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013); Preface and Committees; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Fundamental Problems of Magnetism; Phase Transitions in the Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on a Triangular Lattice with the Next-Nearest Neighbor Interactions; Magnetic Response of Pr1-xLaCexCuO4 in Comparison with Hole-Doped Cuprates; Ising Antiferromagnet with Nearest-Neighbor and Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interactions on a Square Lattice; Fundamental Limitations of Half-Metallicity in Spintronic Materials
Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of Iron Doped TiO2 (Rutile): XPS Measurements and CPA CalculationsStatistical and Multifractal Properties of Barkhausen Jumps in Exchange-Coupled Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Bilayers; Modulated Nanomagnetics; Electronic Structure of Nonstoichiometric LaMnO3-x Calculated in the Coherent Potential Approximation; The Investigation of Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional 3-State Antiferromagnetic Potts Model on a Triangular Lattice with Interaction of Next Nearest Neighbors; Partially Disordered State in the Frustrated Heisenberg Ferrimagnet
Incommensurate Magnetic Structures in the Rhombohedrally Distorted Cubic LatticePeculiarities of the Magnetocaloric Effect in an Isotropic Antiferromagnet; Phase Transitions between Magnetic Incommensurate States of Terbium Manganite in Magnetic Field; Upper Critical Field in Electron-Doped Superconductor with Nonstoichiometric Disorder near Antiferromagnetic-Superconducting Phase Boundary; Effect of Cobalt Deficiency on Physical Properties of the GdBaCo2-xO5+δ Single Crystal; The Effect of Mechanical Stresses on the Coercive Force of the System of Two-Phase Interacting Nanoparticles
Quantum Theory of Magnetoelectric Properties of Rare-Earth Alumoborates: Holmium AlumoboratePercolation Effects in Composites Superconductor - Ferromagnetic Half-Metal; Magnetoelastic Resonance in Media with the Inhomogeneous Coupling Parameter; Hyperfine Interactions on Magnetic Ions Nuclei in Titanates; Thermodynamic and Relaxation Processes near Curie Point in Gadolinium; Phase Transitions in Magnets with Competing Exchange Interactions; Magnetic Phase Diagrams of Tm2Fe19-xMnx and Tm2Fe17+δ Systems; Spin Glass State in Iron-Doped Bi2Fe0.128Te2.844Se0.145 Topological Insulator
First Principles Calculations of Magnetic Exchange Parameters of Fe-Mn-Al Heusler AlloysChapter 2: Magnetic Films, Nanostructures and Nanoparticles; Crystal Structure and Coercivity of Electrodeposited Nickel Films; Solid-State Reactions in Fe/Si Multilayer Nanofilms; Coercivity of Amorphous Со-Р Single-Layer and Trilayer Films Fabricated by Chemical Deposition; Uniaxial Magnetic Anisotropy of Bismuth-Doped Ferrite-Garnet Films, Induced by Weak Adsorption; Magnetic and Structural Properties of Nanocomposite ZnO-Fe3O4 Films Prepared by Solid-State Synthesis
Magnetorefractive Effect in Doped La1-xKxMnO3 Thin Films
Record Nr. UNINA-9910464531103321
Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Trends in magnetism : nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the V Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism": Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) September 15-21, 2013, Vladivostok, Russia / / edited by Sergey Ovchinnikov and Alexander Samardak
Trends in magnetism : nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the V Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism": Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) September 15-21, 2013, Vladivostok, Russia / / edited by Sergey Ovchinnikov and Alexander Samardak
Pubbl/distr/stampa Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (517 p.)
Disciplina 538
Collana Solid State Phenomena
Soggetto topico Magnetism
Magnetic materials
Magnetic materials - Industrial applications
ISBN 3-03826-435-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Trends in Magnetism: Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013); Preface and Committees; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Fundamental Problems of Magnetism; Phase Transitions in the Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on a Triangular Lattice with the Next-Nearest Neighbor Interactions; Magnetic Response of Pr1-xLaCexCuO4 in Comparison with Hole-Doped Cuprates; Ising Antiferromagnet with Nearest-Neighbor and Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interactions on a Square Lattice; Fundamental Limitations of Half-Metallicity in Spintronic Materials
Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of Iron Doped TiO2 (Rutile): XPS Measurements and CPA CalculationsStatistical and Multifractal Properties of Barkhausen Jumps in Exchange-Coupled Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Bilayers; Modulated Nanomagnetics; Electronic Structure of Nonstoichiometric LaMnO3-x Calculated in the Coherent Potential Approximation; The Investigation of Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional 3-State Antiferromagnetic Potts Model on a Triangular Lattice with Interaction of Next Nearest Neighbors; Partially Disordered State in the Frustrated Heisenberg Ferrimagnet
Incommensurate Magnetic Structures in the Rhombohedrally Distorted Cubic LatticePeculiarities of the Magnetocaloric Effect in an Isotropic Antiferromagnet; Phase Transitions between Magnetic Incommensurate States of Terbium Manganite in Magnetic Field; Upper Critical Field in Electron-Doped Superconductor with Nonstoichiometric Disorder near Antiferromagnetic-Superconducting Phase Boundary; Effect of Cobalt Deficiency on Physical Properties of the GdBaCo2-xO5+δ Single Crystal; The Effect of Mechanical Stresses on the Coercive Force of the System of Two-Phase Interacting Nanoparticles
Quantum Theory of Magnetoelectric Properties of Rare-Earth Alumoborates: Holmium AlumoboratePercolation Effects in Composites Superconductor - Ferromagnetic Half-Metal; Magnetoelastic Resonance in Media with the Inhomogeneous Coupling Parameter; Hyperfine Interactions on Magnetic Ions Nuclei in Titanates; Thermodynamic and Relaxation Processes near Curie Point in Gadolinium; Phase Transitions in Magnets with Competing Exchange Interactions; Magnetic Phase Diagrams of Tm2Fe19-xMnx and Tm2Fe17+δ Systems; Spin Glass State in Iron-Doped Bi2Fe0.128Te2.844Se0.145 Topological Insulator
First Principles Calculations of Magnetic Exchange Parameters of Fe-Mn-Al Heusler AlloysChapter 2: Magnetic Films, Nanostructures and Nanoparticles; Crystal Structure and Coercivity of Electrodeposited Nickel Films; Solid-State Reactions in Fe/Si Multilayer Nanofilms; Coercivity of Amorphous Со-Р Single-Layer and Trilayer Films Fabricated by Chemical Deposition; Uniaxial Magnetic Anisotropy of Bismuth-Doped Ferrite-Garnet Films, Induced by Weak Adsorption; Magnetic and Structural Properties of Nanocomposite ZnO-Fe3O4 Films Prepared by Solid-State Synthesis
Magnetorefractive Effect in Doped La1-xKxMnO3 Thin Films
Record Nr. UNINA-9910786913403321
Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Trends in magnetism : nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the V Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism": Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) September 15-21, 2013, Vladivostok, Russia / / edited by Sergey Ovchinnikov and Alexander Samardak
Trends in magnetism : nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the V Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism": Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013) September 15-21, 2013, Vladivostok, Russia / / edited by Sergey Ovchinnikov and Alexander Samardak
Pubbl/distr/stampa Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (517 p.)
Disciplina 538
Collana Solid State Phenomena
Soggetto topico Magnetism
Magnetic materials
Magnetic materials - Industrial applications
ISBN 3-03826-435-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Trends in Magnetism: Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013); Preface and Committees; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Fundamental Problems of Magnetism; Phase Transitions in the Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on a Triangular Lattice with the Next-Nearest Neighbor Interactions; Magnetic Response of Pr1-xLaCexCuO4 in Comparison with Hole-Doped Cuprates; Ising Antiferromagnet with Nearest-Neighbor and Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interactions on a Square Lattice; Fundamental Limitations of Half-Metallicity in Spintronic Materials
Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of Iron Doped TiO2 (Rutile): XPS Measurements and CPA CalculationsStatistical and Multifractal Properties of Barkhausen Jumps in Exchange-Coupled Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Bilayers; Modulated Nanomagnetics; Electronic Structure of Nonstoichiometric LaMnO3-x Calculated in the Coherent Potential Approximation; The Investigation of Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional 3-State Antiferromagnetic Potts Model on a Triangular Lattice with Interaction of Next Nearest Neighbors; Partially Disordered State in the Frustrated Heisenberg Ferrimagnet
Incommensurate Magnetic Structures in the Rhombohedrally Distorted Cubic LatticePeculiarities of the Magnetocaloric Effect in an Isotropic Antiferromagnet; Phase Transitions between Magnetic Incommensurate States of Terbium Manganite in Magnetic Field; Upper Critical Field in Electron-Doped Superconductor with Nonstoichiometric Disorder near Antiferromagnetic-Superconducting Phase Boundary; Effect of Cobalt Deficiency on Physical Properties of the GdBaCo2-xO5+δ Single Crystal; The Effect of Mechanical Stresses on the Coercive Force of the System of Two-Phase Interacting Nanoparticles
Quantum Theory of Magnetoelectric Properties of Rare-Earth Alumoborates: Holmium AlumoboratePercolation Effects in Composites Superconductor - Ferromagnetic Half-Metal; Magnetoelastic Resonance in Media with the Inhomogeneous Coupling Parameter; Hyperfine Interactions on Magnetic Ions Nuclei in Titanates; Thermodynamic and Relaxation Processes near Curie Point in Gadolinium; Phase Transitions in Magnets with Competing Exchange Interactions; Magnetic Phase Diagrams of Tm2Fe19-xMnx and Tm2Fe17+δ Systems; Spin Glass State in Iron-Doped Bi2Fe0.128Te2.844Se0.145 Topological Insulator
First Principles Calculations of Magnetic Exchange Parameters of Fe-Mn-Al Heusler AlloysChapter 2: Magnetic Films, Nanostructures and Nanoparticles; Crystal Structure and Coercivity of Electrodeposited Nickel Films; Solid-State Reactions in Fe/Si Multilayer Nanofilms; Coercivity of Amorphous Со-Р Single-Layer and Trilayer Films Fabricated by Chemical Deposition; Uniaxial Magnetic Anisotropy of Bismuth-Doped Ferrite-Garnet Films, Induced by Weak Adsorption; Magnetic and Structural Properties of Nanocomposite ZnO-Fe3O4 Films Prepared by Solid-State Synthesis
Magnetorefractive Effect in Doped La1-xKxMnO3 Thin Films
Record Nr. UNINA-9910827894703321
Dürnten, Switzerland ; ; Zurich, Switzerland : , : TTP, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui