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A godly and necessarye admonition of the decrees and canons of the Counsel of Trent, celebrated vnder Pius the fourth, Byshop of Rome, in the yeares of our Lord. M.D.LXII. and. M.D.LXIII [[electronic resource] ] : Wrytten for those godlye disposed persons sakes, whych looke for amendement of doctrine and ceremonies to bee made by generall counsels. Lately translated out of Latine

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Autore: Flacius Illyricus Matthias <1520-1575.> Visualizza persona
Titolo: A godly and necessarye admonition of the decrees and canons of the Counsel of Trent, celebrated vnder Pius the fourth, Byshop of Rome, in the yeares of our Lord. M.D.LXII. and. M.D.LXIII [[electronic resource] ] : Wrytten for those godlye disposed persons sakes, whych looke for amendement of doctrine and ceremonies to bee made by generall counsels. Lately translated out of Latine Visualizza cluster
Pubblicazione: Imprinted at London, : by John Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, beneath Saint Martins. Cum gratia et priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis per septennium. The. xix. of February. 1564. These bookes are to be sold at hys shop vnder the gate, [1564]
Descrizione fisica: [12], 125, [1] p
Persona (resp. second.): ParkerMatthew <1504-1575, >
Note generali: A translation, possibly by Matthew Parker, of: Flacius Illyricus, Matthias. Pia et necessaria admonitio de decretis et canonibus.
Running title reads: Decrees and canons of the Counsell of Trent.
K4 is cancelled.
In this edition C1r catchword is "regard".
Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
Sommario/riassunto: eebo-0055
Titolo autorizzato: A godly and necessarye admonition of the decrees and canons of the Counsel of Trent, celebrated vnder Pius the fourth, Byshop of Rome, in the yeares of our Lord. M.D.LXII. and. M.D.LXIII  Visualizza cluster
Formato: Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione: Inglese
Record Nr.: 996396047903316
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
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