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An abridgeme[n]t of the notable worke of Polidore Vergile [[electronic resource] ] : conteygnyng the deuisers and first finders out aswell of artes, ministeries, feactes [and] ciuill ordinaunces, as of rites, [and] ceremonies, commonly vsed in the churche: and the originall beginnyng of the same. Compe[n]diousely gathered by Thomas Langley

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Autore: Vergil Polydore <1470?-1555.> Visualizza persona
Titolo: An abridgeme[n]t of the notable worke of Polidore Vergile [[electronic resource] ] : conteygnyng the deuisers and first finders out aswell of artes, ministeries, feactes [and] ciuill ordinaunces, as of rites, [and] ceremonies, commonly vsed in the churche: and the originall beginnyng of the same. Compe[n]diousely gathered by Thomas Langley Visualizza cluster
Pubblicazione: Imprinted at London, : vvithin the precincte of the late dissolued house of the grey Friers, by Richarde Grafton printer to the Princis grace, the .xxv. daie of Ianuarie, the yere of our Lorde, M.D.XLVI. [1546]
Descrizione fisica: [7], C.lvi, [8] leaves
Soggetto topico: Inventions
Rites and ceremonies
Altri autori: LangleyThomas <d. 1581.>  
Note generali: A translation and abridgment of: Vergil, Polydore. De inventoribus rerum.
At foot of title page: Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
Leaf a2r catchword: "hym".
With an index.
Signatures: A a-d (-d2,d4) e-v x⁴.
Imperfect; lacks leaves d2 and d4.
Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
Sommario/riassunto: eebo-0018
Titolo autorizzato: An abridgemet of the notable worke of Polidore Vergile  Visualizza cluster
Formato: Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione: Inglese
Record Nr.: 996390679703316
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
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