Traduzione di:
Differencialnye uravnenija s castnymi proizvodnymi
1: Foundations of the classical theory / ed. by Yu.V. Egorov, M.A. Shubin ; 1 Berlin . -Springer , 1993 259 p. , 25 cm.
9: Elliptic boundary value problems / M. S. Agranovich, Yu. V. Egorov, M. A. Shubin (eds.) ; 9 1997 VII, 284 p. , 24 cm.
2: Elements of the modern theory / [Yu. V. Egorov, M. A. Shubin]. Equations with constant coefficients / [A. I. Komech] ; 2 Berlin : Springer, 1994 263 23 cm Per il nome degli A. cfr. l'indice sommario
3: The Cauchy problem / [S. G. Gindikin, L. R. Volevich]. Qualitative theory of second order linear partial differential equations / [V. A. Korandratev, E. M. Landis] ; 3 Berlin : Springer, 1991 197 p. 24 cm Per il nome degli A. cfr. l'indice sommario
4: Microlocal analysis and hyperbolic equations ; 4 Berlin [etc.] : Springer : c1993 , 241 p. ; 25 cm Per il nome degli A. cfr. l'indice sommario. - Contiene: Hyperbolic equations / V. Ya. Ivrii , Microlocal analysis / Yu. V. Egorov. - Tit. della cop. : Partial differential equations fourth.
6: Elliptic and parabolic operators / Yu. V. Egorov, M. A. Shubin (eds.) ; 6 Berlin [etc.] : Springer : c1994 , 325 p. ; 24 cm Per il nome degli A. cfr. l'indice sommario. - Tit. della cop. . -Partial differential equations sixth.
7: Spectral theory of differential operators / M. A. Shubin (ed.) ; 7 1994 272 p. . -ill. ; 24 cm Tit. della cop. . -Partial differential equations seventh.