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Making a large irrigation scheme work : a case study from Mali / / Djibril Aw, Geert Diemer

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Autore: Aw Djibril <1935-> Visualizza persona
Titolo: Making a large irrigation scheme work : a case study from Mali / / Djibril Aw, Geert Diemer Visualizza cluster
Pubblicazione: Washington, DC, : World Bank, 2005
Edizione: 1st ed.
Descrizione fisica: xx, 156 pages : illustrations, map ; ; 23 cm
Disciplina: 333.91/3/096623
Soggetto topico: Irrigation - Mali
Water resources development - Mali
Altri autori: DiemerGeert  
Note generali: Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph
Nota di bibliografia: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Nota di contenuto: Intro -- Table of Contents -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- About the Authors -- Acronyms and Abbreviations -- Executive Summary -- 1. Introduction -- Main features of Mali -- Main features of the Office du Niger -- Physical resources -- Infrastructure and water management -- Governance and management of people and resources -- Production before the reforms -- Summary -- Notes -- 2. Reaching a Diagnosis, 1978-82 -- Mali's funding request to the World Bank -- The Segu multidonor meeting -- Deterioration of ON finances: The cost of Costes -- The outcomes of donor explorations -- Restructuring the rice market -- Donors and government narrowly escape stalemate -- Summary -- Notes -- 3. Reform Steps That Shifted the Power Balance, 1982-92 -- A pragmatic pilot at KL2 -- Encountering another set of constraints -- ARPON's policy of technical interventions and pragmatic support -- High-grade modernization, intensification, and innovative institutions -- The role of farmers -- Responses to the partial reforms: World Bank, KfW, and EDF -- Liberalization and protection of the domestic rice market -- Malian government-donor dialogue -- Results -- Summary -- Notes -- 4. Piecing Reforms into a Comprehensive Framework, 1993-96 -- A window of opportunity -- Agency restructuring and sector reforms -- Land-tenure consolidation -- Privatization of assets and activities -- Overhaul of the agricultural credit system -- Results -- Summary -- Notes -- 5. Monitoring Performance and Adjusting Institutions, 1996-2002 -- The development impact of ON reforms -- A chain reaction in institutions -- The ON's future: risks and challenges -- Summary -- Notes -- 6. Relevance of the ON Experience to Other Countries -- The political economy of the reform process at the ON -- The political economy of irrigation reforms -- Building support -- Implementation and consolidation.
User funding of O& -- M as normal practice -- Summary -- Notes -- Appendix A: Summaries of Major Official Documents -- Appendix A.1: Terms of Reference of the Government General Delegate in Charge of Office du Niger Reform -- Appendix A.2: Financing Reform of the Office du Niger -- Appendix A.3: Act No. 94-004 Reforming the Office du Niger -- Appendix A.4: Decree No. 94-142 on Office du Niger Organization and Operation -- Appendix A.5: Decree No. 96-188 on Land Administration and Management of Operation and Maintenance -- Appendix A.6: 2002-2004 Performance Contract -- Appendix A.7: Management of Staff Redundancy -- Notes -- Appendix B: Concepts and Institutional Options in Irrigation Reform -- Governance -- Institutional options -- Effects of reforms -- Private sector incentives in irrigation management -- Triggering and feeding "out-of-the-box" thinking -- Transparency and financial accountability -- Window of opportunity -- Notes -- Appendix C: Toward Political Feasibility: Five Country Histories -- Australia -- Indonesia -- Madagascar -- Mexico -- The Philippines -- Notes -- Appendix D: Office du Niger Area -- References -- Index. -- Boxes -- 1.1 Origin, features, and development of the inner delta of the Niger River -- 1.2 History of the Office du Niger from founding to first donor meeting -- 3.1 Walking backward into progress: From seed broadcasting to transplantation -- 4.1 Reaching consensus on paddy production costs -- 4.2 How farmers' representatives are elected -- 4.3 Small hulling machines make large mills obsolete -- 5.1 A farmer-leader investing in comanagement -- 6.1 From agency to user management in the American West -- Figures -- 1.1 Hydraulic units in the Office du Niger canal system -- 5.1 Producer responses to minimum and maximum hydraulic improvement -- 5.2 Dynamics of performance contract negotiations.
5.3 Post-reform accountability of the ON -- Tables -- 1.1 Changes in farmer involvement in the Office du Niger irrigation scheme, 1978-82 and 1996-2003 -- 1.2 Changes in business processes in the Office du Niger irrigation scheme, 1978-82 and 1996-2003 -- 1.3. Land development in hectares, 1934-2002 -- 3.1 Adoption of transplanting, 1982-83-2001-02 -- 3.2 Wet season rice crops, 1982-93 -- 4.1 Devolution of assets and activities relinquished by the ON -- 4.2 Performance of the ON, 1992-93 through 1995-96 -- 4.3 Water fee collection and infrastructure maintenance (current terms), 1992-93 through 1995-96 -- 5.1 ON agronomic performance, 1995-96 through 2001-02 -- 5.2 Evolution of demographic and agronomic benchmarks, 1982-2002 -- 5.3 Household strategies related to farm size per person of working age -- 5.4 Nominal water fees over time, according to land development class and season -- 5.5 Fee collection and share used for maintenance, 1995-96 through 2000-01 -- 5.6 Sources and uses of funds by the ON, calendar year 2000. -- 5.7 Performance of the savings and loan associations, 1996-2001 -- 5.8 Typology of hydraulic hardware -- 6.1 Evolution of stakeholder positions between 1978-82 and 1993-96 -- 6.2 Timeline for switch from government to user funding of O& -- M -- A.1 Budget and funding of the reform unit, April 1993-March 1996 -- A.2 Cost and financing of severance allowances -- B.1 Institutions current in the management of multiuser schemes -- B.2 Private participation in water utilities and irrigation management -- C.1 Evolution of the area under command in the Philippines, 1964-99.
Titolo autorizzato: Making a large irrigation scheme work  Visualizza cluster
ISBN: 1-280-09081-2
Formato: Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione: Inglese
Record Nr.: 9910819779903321
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Serie: Directions in development (Washington, D.C.)