Volumi nella collana:
Analyse convexe et ses applications comptes rendus, Jan vier 1974
Notes on economic time series analysis system theoretic prospectives
Foundations of system theory finitary and infinitary conditions
Stabilitatsaussagen uber klassen von matrizen mit verschwindenden zeilensummen
Sequencing theory
Problèms de minimax via l'analyse convexe et les inégalités variationnelles théorie et algorithmes
Numerical methods in Markov chains bulk queues
Stochastic differential systems I filtering and control. A function space approach
Homomorphismen und reduktionen linearer sprachen
A theory of supercritical wing sections, with comuter programs and examples
Berechnung optimaler steuerungen maximumprinzip und dynamische optimierung
Bayesian full information analysis of simultaneous equation models using integration by Monte Carlo
Foundations of optimization
Supercritical wing sections III
Rank in organizations