1987 annual meeting, november 15-20, New York Hilton, New York, with the Conference on Biotechnology, Sheraton Centre November15-17
American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1988 Summer National Meeting august 21-24. Denver Marriott Hotel-City Center
84th National Meeting, February 26 - March 1, 1978, Atlanta, Georgia
85th National Meeting and Chemical Plant Equipment Exposition, June 4-8, Philadelphia
87th National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, August 19-22, 1979
86th National Meeting 10th Petroexpo, April 1-5, 1979, Houston, Texas
1981 Summer National Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, August 16-19, 1981. Headquarters Detroit Plaza Hotel
1982 Winter Meeting, Orlando, Florida, February 28-March 3, 1982
1982 Summer National Meeting Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 1982. Headquarters Stouffer's Inn on the Square
1982 Spring National Meeting and Chemical Plant Equipment Exposition. Anaheim Convection Center, Anaheim,California, June 6-10, 1982
1984 Winter National Meeting, the Westin Peachtree, Plaza, Atlanta, Georgia, March 11-14, 1984
1984 spring national meeting, Anaheim, Camay 20-23, National Program
1985 spring national meeting and petro expo '85. Astrhall, Houston, Texas, March 24-28
1986 annual meeting Fontainebleau Hilton, Miami Beach, Florida, November 2-7, 1986
1987 Spring national meeting and petro expo '87. Astrohall, Houston, Texas, march 29-april 2
American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1988 annual meeting and BioChemE. the Washington Hilton and Towers, WashingtonD.C., November 27 - December 2, 1988
1989 Summer National Meeting. Wyndham Franklin Plaza, August 20-23, 1989, Philadelphia, PA
1989 annual meeting. 2nd topical conference on emerging technologies in materials. Ammonia symposium. AIChE-ACS-IEC separations symposium. November 5-10,1989, San Francisco Hilton, San Francisco, CA
1990 annual meeting november 11-16, 1990 The Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois