Archaeology and Ancient Israelite Religion |
Autore | Faust Avraham |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Basel, Switzerland, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 electronic resource (260 p.) |
Soggetto topico |
Biography & True Stories
Archaeology |
Soggetto non controllato |
Iron Age Aegean-style temples shrines household figurines Israelite religion ancient Israel cultic buildings sanctuaries biblical archaeology egalitarian ethos religion women Israel Judah domestic religion family religion rituals worship Jerusalem Temple feminist studies archaeology Hebrew Bible Old Testament Yahweh Asherah Tell el-Far‛ah North shrine model moon rain womb mercy household religion cult sites Transjordan Deir Alla Pella Damiyah Ataruz Mudayna Thamad WT-200 Busayrah Ammon sons of Ammon Ammonite gods Milkom iconography Jordan Solomon’s Temple Khirbet Qeiyafa Motza Kuntillet ʿAjrud theomachy theophany blessings Hebrew inscriptions scribal curriculum zooarchaeology sacrifice offering Yahwistic worship sacred feasting faunal remains animal bones cult ritual Tel Dan Late Bronze Age Canaan Egypt Israelite festivals Sabbath calendars pilgrimage festivals full-moon celebrations harvest celebrations firstborn rituals first produce rituals folk religion Bible Near Eastern archaeology archaeology and religion |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910557493103321 |
Faust Avraham
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Basel, Switzerland, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Fana, templa, delubra. Corpus dei luoghi di culto dell'Italia antica (FTD) - 5 : Regio X: Ljubljana, Vrhnika / / Emanuela Murgia |
Autore | Murgia Emanuela |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Paris, : Collège de France, 2018 |
Altri autori (Persone) |
MurgiaEmanuela ScheidJohn |
Soggetto topico |
History & Archaeology Archaeology Antiquité archéologie cité antique cultes histoire des religions religions sanctuaires archaeology cults history of religions sanctuaries Antichità archeologia culto luoghi di culto storia delle religioni religioni |
Soggetto non controllato |
sanctuaries archaeology religions history of religions |
ISBN | 2-7226-0476-0 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | ita |
Altri titoli varianti | Fana, templa, delubra. Corpus dei luoghi di culto dell'Italia antica |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910287941003321 |
Murgia Emanuela
![]() |
Paris, : Collège de France, 2018 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Fana, templa, delubra. Corpus dei luoghi di culto dell'Italia antica (FTD) - 6 : Regio I: Ostie, Porto / / Françoise Van Haeperen |
Autore | Van Haeperen Françoise |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Paris, : Collège de France, 2019 |
Altri autori (Persone) |
ScheidJohn Van HaeperenFrançoise |
Soggetto topico |
History & Archaeology Archaeology Antiquité archéologie cité antique cultes sanctuaires religions histoire des religions archaeology cults history of religions sanctuaries Antichità archeologia culto luoghi di culto religioni storia delle religioni |
Soggetto non controllato |
sanctuaries archaeology religions history of religions |
ISBN | 2-7226-0511-2 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | fre |
Altri titoli varianti | Fana, templa, delubra. Corpus dei luoghi di culto dell'Italia antica |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910332653803321 |
Van Haeperen Françoise
![]() |
Paris, : Collège de France, 2019 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean : Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries / / ed. by Corinne Bonnet, Thomas Galoppin, Elodie Guillon, Max Luaces, Asuman Lätzer-Lasar, Sylvain Lebreton, Fabio Porzia, Jörg Rüpke, Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli |
Edizione | [1st ed.] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2022] |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (XX, 1069 p.) |
Disciplina | 202.110936 |
Soggetto topico | RELIGION / Antiquities & Archaeology |
Soggetto genere / forma | History |
Soggetto non controllato |
ancient religion sanctuaries spacial turn |
ISBN | 3-11-079843-3 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Frontmatter -- Contents -- Volume 1 -- Introduction -- 1 Naming and Locating the Gods: Space as a Divine Onomastic Attribute -- 1.1 Egypt and Near East -- The Names of Osiris in the Litany of the So-Called Spell 141/142 of the Book of the Dead in Ancient Egypt -- Divine Epithets as Perspectival Discourse -- Nomina nuda tenemus: The God Elyon (ʿlyn) -- Naming and Mapping the Gods in Cyprus: a Matter of Scales? -- 1.2 Greece: Literature -- Regional Loyalties in the Iliad: The Cases of Zeus, Apollo, and Athena -- Agrotera: Situating Artemis in Her Landscapes -- πολύθεοι ἕδραι: Terms for Spatio-Cultic Relationships in Greek -- Les épiclèses toponymiques comme outil interprétatif chez Hérodote : quelques exemples -- ΚΥΠΡΙΣ. Ovvero l’interpretazione degli epiteti divini nel Περὶ θεῶν di Apollodoro di Atene (244 FGrHist 353) -- Place Names as Divine Epithets in Pausanias -- 1.3 Greece: Local and Regional Approaches -- Artemis and Her Territory: Toponymic and Topographical Cult-Epithets of Artemis in Attica -- Alla ricerca della “Buona Fama”: Eukleia tra epiclesi di Artemide e teonimo indipendente -- Insights into the Cult of Apollo and Artemis at the Parian Sanctuaries -- Founders, Leaders, or Ancestors? Ἀρχηγέτης/-ις: Variations on a Name -- Zeus « qui-règne-sur Dodone (Hom., Il. 16.233–234) » et ses épigones. Les attributs onomastiques construits sur medeôn, -ousa + toponyme -- 1.4 Rome and the West -- The Quadruviae: Cult Mobility and Social Agency in the Northern Provinces of the Roman Empire -- Naming the Gods in Roman Sicily: The Case of Enguium -- 2 Mapping the Divine: Presenting Gods in Space -- 2.1 Egypt and Near East -- Khnoum d’Éléphantine et Isis de Philae : la lutte pour le contrôle de la première cataracte du Nil et du Dodécaschène -- From High to Low: Reflections about the Emplacement of Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia -- A New Mobilities Approach to Naming and Mapping Deities: Presence, Absence, and Distance at Kuntillet ‘Ajrud -- Entre espace et puissance : le séjour des morts et la persistance de structures polythéistes dans la Bible hébraïque -- 2.2 Phoenician and Punic World -- Death at the Centre of Life: Some Notes on Gods and the Dead, Temples and Tombs in the Phoenician Context -- In and Out What Archaeology Can Tell Us About the Role of Liminality in the Phoenician Rites -- Graeco-Phoenician Figurines in Phoenicia. A Medley of Imports, Derivatives, Imitations, and Hybrids -- The Gods of the Others: Images of Foreign Deities in the Hellenistic Cult Place of Kharayeb -- Remarques sur le rôle du sel dans les pratiques votives de Kition : un exemple d’interaction entre les figurines divines et leur milieu -- On Gods and Caves: Comparing Cave-Sanctuaries in the Ancient Western Mediterranean -- Between Astarte, Isis and Aphrodite/Venus. Cultural Dynamics in the Coastal Cities of Sardinia in the Roman Age: The Case Study of Nora -- 2.3 Archaic and Classical Greece -- Déplacements, mobilité, communication. Quelques réflexions sur le mode d’action d’Iris dans la poésie archaïque -- Spatialité, performance, choralité divines et humaines : les Charites de Pindare et Bacchylide -- Linking Centre and Periphery: Nymphs and Their Cultic Space in Euripides, Electra 803–843 -- 2.4 Rome and its Empire -- La plebs des dieux. Réflexions sur la hiérarchie et la spatialité des dieux romains -- A Contest for the Control of Ideological Space in Ovid’s Metamorphoses XI 146–94: Apollo/Augustus, Pan, and an Allegory of the Romanization of Hellenistic Lydia -- The Gods at Play: Mapping the Divine at the Amphitheatres in Hispania -- Spaces of Reinvented Religious Traditions in the Danubian Provinces -- Where Did the Gods Speak? A Proposal for (Re)defining “Oracular Sanctuaries” on the Basis of Anatolian Data of the Hellenistic and Roman Period -- Volume 2 -- 3 Gods and Cities: Urban Religion, Sanctuaries and the Emergence of Towns -- 3.1 Egypt and Near East -- Akhenaten and His Aten Cult in Abydos and Akhmim -- Nippur: City of Enlil and Ninurta -- Urban Religion in First Millennium BCE Babylonia -- Hatra of Shamash. How to assign the city under the divine power? -- 3.2 Greek World -- Un réseau de rapports symboliques. Santuari, territorio e pratiche collettive nella Sparta arcaica -- Spatializing ‘Divine Newcomers’ in Athens -- L’articulation de l’espace religieux et de l’espace civique : l’exemple du sanctuaire de Zeus sur l’agora de Thasos -- Squaring Nemesis: Alexander’s Dream, the Oracle, and the Foundation of the New Smyrna -- 3.3 Rome and the West -- Gods in the City -- « Religious Ancient Placemaking » : une nouvelle approche méthodologique pour l’évaluation des religions à l’époque antique -- Cybele and Attis from the Phrygian Crags to the City. History, Places and Forms of the Cult of Magna Mater in Rome -- La ritualisation des territoires ibériques : les sanctuaires urbains de l’Âge du Fer -- Jumping Among the Temples: Early Christian Critique of Polytheism’s “Spatial Fix” -- The Space of “Paganism” in the Early Medieval City: Rome’s Polytheistic Past along the Real and Imaginary Topography of the Pilgrims’ Paths -- Epilogue -- Que faut-il pour faire un sanctuaire ? -- Index Nominum |
Record Nr. | UNISA-996503571103316 |
Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2022] | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno | ||
Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean : Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries / / ed. by Corinne Bonnet, Thomas Galoppin, Elodie Guillon, Max Luaces, Asuman Lätzer-Lasar, Sylvain Lebreton, Fabio Porzia, Jörg Rüpke, Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli |
Edizione | [1st ed.] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2022] |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (XX, 1069 p.) |
Disciplina | 202.110936 |
Soggetto topico | RELIGION / Antiquities & Archaeology |
Soggetto genere / forma | History |
Soggetto non controllato |
ancient religion sanctuaries spacial turn |
ISBN | 3-11-079843-3 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Frontmatter -- Contents -- Volume 1 -- Introduction -- 1 Naming and Locating the Gods: Space as a Divine Onomastic Attribute -- 1.1 Egypt and Near East -- The Names of Osiris in the Litany of the So-Called Spell 141/142 of the Book of the Dead in Ancient Egypt -- Divine Epithets as Perspectival Discourse -- Nomina nuda tenemus: The God Elyon (ʿlyn) -- Naming and Mapping the Gods in Cyprus: a Matter of Scales? -- 1.2 Greece: Literature -- Regional Loyalties in the Iliad: The Cases of Zeus, Apollo, and Athena -- Agrotera: Situating Artemis in Her Landscapes -- πολύθεοι ἕδραι: Terms for Spatio-Cultic Relationships in Greek -- Les épiclèses toponymiques comme outil interprétatif chez Hérodote : quelques exemples -- ΚΥΠΡΙΣ. Ovvero l’interpretazione degli epiteti divini nel Περὶ θεῶν di Apollodoro di Atene (244 FGrHist 353) -- Place Names as Divine Epithets in Pausanias -- 1.3 Greece: Local and Regional Approaches -- Artemis and Her Territory: Toponymic and Topographical Cult-Epithets of Artemis in Attica -- Alla ricerca della “Buona Fama”: Eukleia tra epiclesi di Artemide e teonimo indipendente -- Insights into the Cult of Apollo and Artemis at the Parian Sanctuaries -- Founders, Leaders, or Ancestors? Ἀρχηγέτης/-ις: Variations on a Name -- Zeus « qui-règne-sur Dodone (Hom., Il. 16.233–234) » et ses épigones. Les attributs onomastiques construits sur medeôn, -ousa + toponyme -- 1.4 Rome and the West -- The Quadruviae: Cult Mobility and Social Agency in the Northern Provinces of the Roman Empire -- Naming the Gods in Roman Sicily: The Case of Enguium -- 2 Mapping the Divine: Presenting Gods in Space -- 2.1 Egypt and Near East -- Khnoum d’Éléphantine et Isis de Philae : la lutte pour le contrôle de la première cataracte du Nil et du Dodécaschène -- From High to Low: Reflections about the Emplacement of Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia -- A New Mobilities Approach to Naming and Mapping Deities: Presence, Absence, and Distance at Kuntillet ‘Ajrud -- Entre espace et puissance : le séjour des morts et la persistance de structures polythéistes dans la Bible hébraïque -- 2.2 Phoenician and Punic World -- Death at the Centre of Life: Some Notes on Gods and the Dead, Temples and Tombs in the Phoenician Context -- In and Out What Archaeology Can Tell Us About the Role of Liminality in the Phoenician Rites -- Graeco-Phoenician Figurines in Phoenicia. A Medley of Imports, Derivatives, Imitations, and Hybrids -- The Gods of the Others: Images of Foreign Deities in the Hellenistic Cult Place of Kharayeb -- Remarques sur le rôle du sel dans les pratiques votives de Kition : un exemple d’interaction entre les figurines divines et leur milieu -- On Gods and Caves: Comparing Cave-Sanctuaries in the Ancient Western Mediterranean -- Between Astarte, Isis and Aphrodite/Venus. Cultural Dynamics in the Coastal Cities of Sardinia in the Roman Age: The Case Study of Nora -- 2.3 Archaic and Classical Greece -- Déplacements, mobilité, communication. Quelques réflexions sur le mode d’action d’Iris dans la poésie archaïque -- Spatialité, performance, choralité divines et humaines : les Charites de Pindare et Bacchylide -- Linking Centre and Periphery: Nymphs and Their Cultic Space in Euripides, Electra 803–843 -- 2.4 Rome and its Empire -- La plebs des dieux. Réflexions sur la hiérarchie et la spatialité des dieux romains -- A Contest for the Control of Ideological Space in Ovid’s Metamorphoses XI 146–94: Apollo/Augustus, Pan, and an Allegory of the Romanization of Hellenistic Lydia -- The Gods at Play: Mapping the Divine at the Amphitheatres in Hispania -- Spaces of Reinvented Religious Traditions in the Danubian Provinces -- Where Did the Gods Speak? A Proposal for (Re)defining “Oracular Sanctuaries” on the Basis of Anatolian Data of the Hellenistic and Roman Period -- Volume 2 -- 3 Gods and Cities: Urban Religion, Sanctuaries and the Emergence of Towns -- 3.1 Egypt and Near East -- Akhenaten and His Aten Cult in Abydos and Akhmim -- Nippur: City of Enlil and Ninurta -- Urban Religion in First Millennium BCE Babylonia -- Hatra of Shamash. How to assign the city under the divine power? -- 3.2 Greek World -- Un réseau de rapports symboliques. Santuari, territorio e pratiche collettive nella Sparta arcaica -- Spatializing ‘Divine Newcomers’ in Athens -- L’articulation de l’espace religieux et de l’espace civique : l’exemple du sanctuaire de Zeus sur l’agora de Thasos -- Squaring Nemesis: Alexander’s Dream, the Oracle, and the Foundation of the New Smyrna -- 3.3 Rome and the West -- Gods in the City -- « Religious Ancient Placemaking » : une nouvelle approche méthodologique pour l’évaluation des religions à l’époque antique -- Cybele and Attis from the Phrygian Crags to the City. History, Places and Forms of the Cult of Magna Mater in Rome -- La ritualisation des territoires ibériques : les sanctuaires urbains de l’Âge du Fer -- Jumping Among the Temples: Early Christian Critique of Polytheism’s “Spatial Fix” -- The Space of “Paganism” in the Early Medieval City: Rome’s Polytheistic Past along the Real and Imaginary Topography of the Pilgrims’ Paths -- Epilogue -- Que faut-il pour faire un sanctuaire ? -- Index Nominum |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910648575803321 |
Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2022] | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||