The crime of my very existence [[electronic resource] ] : Nazism and the myth of Jewish criminality / / Michael Berkowitz |
Autore | Berkowitz Michael |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Berkeley, Calif. ; ; London, : University of California Press, c2007 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (355 p.) |
Disciplina | 305.892404309043 |
Collana | An S. Mark Taper Foundation book in Jewish studies |
Soggetto topico |
Antisemitism - Germany - History - 20th century
National socialism Propaganda, German - History - 20th century Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) - Causes Jews - Germany - Public opinion Public opinion - Germany |
Soggetto non controllato |
20th century european history
20th century jewish history adolf hitler antisemitism auschwitz concentration camps criminality european jews extermination camps gas chambers genocide ghettos global conspiracy historical holocaust human condition jewish criminality jewish displaced persons jewish jews and crime jews judaism myths nazi germany nazi nazism postwar europe second world war self control self perception stereotypes weimar republic zionism |
9786612772177 0-520-94068-7 1-4356-0199-8 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Front matter -- Contents -- Illustrations -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- 1. Above Suspicion? Facts, Myths, and Lies about Jews and Crime -- 2. The Construction of "Jewish Criminality" in Nazi Germany -- 3. The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of the Ghettos -- 4. Inverting the Innocent and the Criminal in Concentration Camps -- 5. Re-presenting Zionism as the Apex of Global Conspiracy -- 6. Lingering Stereotypes and Jewish Displaced Persons -- 7. Jewish DPs Confronting the Law: Prescriptions, Self-Perceptions, and Pride of Self-Control -- Epilogue: The Estonia Enigma -- Notes -- Index |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910778117403321 |
Berkowitz Michael
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Berkeley, Calif. ; ; London, : University of California Press, c2007 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Crímenes de Lesa Humanidad y Genocidio : Cómo Calificar la Violencia Estatal en la Argentina (1976-1983) |
Autore | Lozada Martín |
Edizione | [1st ed.] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Bogota : , : Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, , 2019 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (268 p.) |
Altri autori (Persone) | ClémentZlata Drnas de |
Soggetto topico |
terrorisme d'État génocide crimes contre l'humanité tribunaux internationaux droits humains procès en Argentine système juridique de l'Argentine XX siècle dictature argentine State terrorism genocide crimes against humanity international courts human rights trial in Argentina Argentina's legal system twentieth century argentine dictatorship terrorismo de Estado genocidio crímenes de lesa humanidad crímenes contra la humanidad tribunales internacionales derechos humanos juzgamiento en la Argentina sistema jurídico de la Argentina siglo XX dictadura argentina |
Soggetto non controllato |
Argentina's legal system
argentine dictatorship human rights twentieth century genocide trial in Argentina State terrorism crimes against humanity international courts |
987-4960-18-3 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | spa |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910340602403321 |
Lozada Martín
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Bogota : , : Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, , 2019 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Debates on the Holocaust [[electronic resource] /] / Tom Lawson |
Autore | Lawson Tom |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Manchester, U.K. ; ; New York, : Manchester University Press, 2010 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (336 p.) |
Disciplina | 940.5318072 |
Collana |
Issues in Historiography
Issues in historiography |
Soggetto topico | Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) - Historiography |
Soggetto non controllato |
Jews Nazi-occupied Europe Shoah genocide historical narratives historiography moral politics perpetrators post-war intellectual culture survivors victims |
1-84779-321-5 |
Classificazione |
8 8,1 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | 'The Theory and Practice of Hell': post-war interpretations of the genocide of the Jews -- 'Eichmann in Jerusalem': war crimes prosecutions and the emergence of Holocaust metanarratives -- 'The Deputy': bystanders to the Holocaust -- 'The Realisation of the Unthinkable': searching for the origins of the 'Final Solution' -- 'National Socialist Extermination Policies': the end of the Cold War and the breakdown of Holocaust metanarratives -- 'Ordinary Men': rethinking the politics of perpetrator history -- 'Like Sheep to Slaughter': debates on Jewish responses to Nazism -- 'Holocaust Testimonies': the ruins of memory and Holocaust historiography. |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910786207003321 |
Lawson Tom
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Manchester, U.K. ; ; New York, : Manchester University Press, 2010 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Diasporas and exiles [[electronic resource] ] : varieties of Jewish identity / / edited by Howard Wettstein |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Berkeley, : University of California Press, c2002 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (302 p.) |
Disciplina | 909/.04924 |
Altri autori (Persone) | WettsteinHoward |
Soggetto topico |
Jewish diaspora - History
Jews - Identity Jews - Civilization |
Soggetto non controllato |
adversity affliction alien antisemitism arab assimilation belonging concentration camps diaspora ethnicity exile france genocide germany hans tietze heine holocaust homeland identity israel jew jewish community jewish identity jewish life jewish migration jewry jews as victims judaica judaism middle east nonfiction palestine philanthropy refugees religion religious communities religious difference religious identity rite ritual suffering tradition victimhood vienna zion |
9786612356483 0-520-92689-7 1-59734-578-4 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Front matter -- Contents -- Illustrations -- Introduction -- 1. Diaspora and Homeland -- 2. Coming to Terms with Exile -- 3. A Politics and Poetics of Diaspora: Heine's "Hebräische Melodien" -- 4. Dancing at Two Weddings: Mazel between Exile and Diaspora -- 5. Portraiture and Assimilation in Vienna: The Case of Hans Tietze and Erica Tietze-Conrat -- 6. A Different Road to Modernity: Jewish Identity in the Arab World -- 7. Remaking Jewish Identity in France -- 8. "This Is Not What I Want": Holocaust Testimony, Postmemory, and Jewish Identity -- 9. The Ideology of Affliction: Reconsidering the Adversity Thesis -- 10. Jewish Identity Writ Small: The Everyday Experience of Baalot Teshuvah -- 11. Contesting Identities in Jewish Philanthropy -- Contributors -- Index |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910777324703321 |
Berkeley, : University of California Press, c2002 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
En el País de Nomeacuerdo : Archivos y Memorias Del Genocidio Del Estado Argentino Sobre Los Pueblos Originarios 1870-1950 |
Autore | Malvestitti Liliana Marisa |
Edizione | [1st ed.] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Bogota : , : Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, , 2018 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (328 p.) |
Altri autori (Persone) |
LentonDiana EscolarDiego NagyMariano PapaziánAlexis MusanteMarcelo CañuqueoLorena SaldiLeticia SosaJorge |
Soggetto topico |
Indians of South America - Violence against - Argentina - History - 19th century
Indians of South America - Violence against - Argentina - History - 20th century Genocide - Argentina - History - 19th century Genocide - Argentina - History - 20th century |
Soggetto non controllato |
native people
memory indigenous communities otherness genocide Patagonia Nation state |
987-3667-80-6 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | spa |
Nota di contenuto | Memorias del awkan / Walter Delrio y Marisa Malvestitti -- De todos lados, en un solo lugar / Alexis Papazian y Mariano Nagy -- Castas invisibles de la nueva nación / Diego Escolar y Leticia Saldi -- De la mapu a los ingenios / Diana Lenton y Jorge Sosa -- El secreto del estado, el estado de los secretos / Pilar Pérez y Lorena Cañuqueo -- Reducir y controlar / Marcelo Musante -- Poder pastoral anglicano y tobas (qom) del oeste de Formosa / Mariana Gómez. |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910313023003321 |
Malvestitti Liliana Marisa
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Bogota : , : Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, , 2018 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Engaging contradictions [[electronic resource] ] : theory, politics, and methods of activist scholarship / / edited by Charles R. Hale |
Autore | Hale Charles R. |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Berkeley, : University of California Press, c2008 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource |
Disciplina | 322.4 |
Altri autori (Persone) | HaleCharles R. <1957-> |
Collana | Global, area, and international archive |
Soggetto topico |
Political activists
Social action Scholars |
Soggetto non controllato |
action research activism activist research activist scholars activists american studies coalition community action education ethnography ethnology genocide grassroots higher education immigration marginalized communities minorities nonfiction police shootings political engagement political movement politics protest public scholarship race racialization racism radical professors refugees research social action social activism social justice social science sociology urban studies |
9786612356179 0-520-91617-4 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Forgotten places and the seeds of grassroots planning / Ruth Wilson Gilmore -- Research, activism, and knowledge production / Dani Wadada Nabudere -- Breaking the chains and steering the ship : how activism can help change teaching and scholarship / George Lipsitz -- Activist groundings or groundings for activism? : the study of racialization as a site of political engagement / Jemima Pierre -- Globalizing scholar activism : opportunities and dilemmas through a feminist lens / Jennifer Bickham Mendez -- Activist scholarship : limits and possibilities in times of black genocide / João H. Costa Vargas -- Making violence visible : an activist anthropological approach to women's rights investigation / Samuel Martínez -- Forged in dialogue : toward a critically engaged activist research / Shannon Speed -- Community-centered research as knowledge/capacity building in immigrant and refugee communities / Shirley Suet-ling Tang -- Theorizing and practicing democratic community economics : engaged scholarship, economic justice, and the academy / Jessica Gordon Nembhard -- Crouching activists, hidden scholars : reflections on research and development with students and communities in Asian American studies / Peter Nien-chu Kiang -- Theoretical research, applied research, and action research : the deinstitutionalization of activist research / Davydd J. Greenwood -- FAQs : frequently (un)asked questions about being a scholar activist / Laura Pulido -- Afterword : activist scholars or radical subjects? / by Joy James and Edmund T. Gordon. |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910778314903321 |
Hale Charles R.
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Berkeley, : University of California Press, c2008 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Ethics and Literary Practice |
Autore | Newton Adam Zachary |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Basel, Switzerland, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 electronic resource (248 p.) |
Soggetto topico | Philosophy |
Soggetto non controllato |
Stanley Cavell Michael Palmer poetry American philosophy Ralph Waldo Emerson poetics language poetry moral perfectionism emergence aesthetics mimesis Adorno ethics literature skepticism tragedy romanticism Emersonian perfectionism Emmanuel Levinas ethics and literature analogy empathy Israeli literature Israelis and Palestinians narrative ethics recognition responsibility decoloniality Kafka Timm racism genocide German Empire reading postcritical Afro-Caribbean literature African-American literature paracritical Glissant Seamus Heaney Jacques Derrida Seamus Heaney's Human Rights Lecture po-ethics the other politics redress the individual Shakespeare Dante Alighieri Simon Critchley Czeslaw Miłosz Primo Levi alterity compassion enlarged thinking human rights judgment refugees sensus communis Teresa Brennan Hélène Cixous affect porosity vulnerability entre deux philosophy attention representation indigenous writers gendered violence Levinas Weil pedagogy metonymy metaphor neorealism contingency dialectics Heidegger Proust time literary form Being Alterity Anthropocene sonic rhetorics non-linguistic turn space prosody etymology Plato the Other orthography classical Greek Biblical Hebrew the reversible vov |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910557379203321 |
Newton Adam Zachary
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Basel, Switzerland, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Ethnische "Säuberungen" in der Moderne : globale Wechselwirkungen nationalistischer und rassistischer Gewaltpolitik im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert / / Michael Schwartz |
Autore | Schwartz Michael <1963-> |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | De Gruyter, 2013 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (708 p.) |
Disciplina | 364.15/1 |
Collana | Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte |
Soggetto topico |
Racism |
Soggetto non controllato |
forced emigration genocide |
ISBN | 3-486-72142-9 |
Classificazione | MD 8980 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | ger |
Nota di contenuto | Front Matter -- I. Einleitung: Ethnische "Säuberungen" und unsere moderne Welt -- II. Dammbruch: Ethnische "Säuberungen" und Erster Weltkrieg -- 4. Verhinderte Deportation: Die Juden im Osmanischen Reich -- III. "Der Westen und der Rest": Außereuropäische Lernorte für ethnische "Säuberungen" -- IV. Modernisierung durch Vertreibung: Der Balkan als europäischer Lernort für ethnische "Säuberungen" -- V. Alternativen der Zwischenkriegszeit 1919-1939: Drei Modelle ethnischer Konfliktlösung -- VI. Höhepunkt: Ethnische "Säuberungen" und Zweiter Weltkrieg -- 4. Vergeltung und Zwangshomogenisierung: Die antideutschen "Transfer"-Planungen der Anti-Hitler-Koalition -- VII. Globalisierte Gewaltpolitik nach 1945: Wechselwirkungen ethnischer "Säuberungen" -- VIII. Schluss: Zwölf Bemerkungen zu den ethnischen "Säuberungen" in unserer Moderne -- Back Matter |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910261093103321 |
Schwartz Michael <1963->
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De Gruyter, 2013 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Ethnische "Säuberungen" in der Moderne : globale Wechselwirkungen nationalistischer und rassistischer Gewaltpolitik im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert / / Michael Schwartz |
Autore | Schwartz Michael <1963-> |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | De Gruyter, 2013 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (708 p.) |
Disciplina | 364.15/1 |
Collana | Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte |
Soggetto topico |
Racism |
Soggetto non controllato |
forced emigration genocide |
ISBN | 3-486-72142-9 |
Classificazione | MD 8980 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | ger |
Nota di contenuto | Front Matter -- I. Einleitung: Ethnische "Säuberungen" und unsere moderne Welt -- II. Dammbruch: Ethnische "Säuberungen" und Erster Weltkrieg -- 4. Verhinderte Deportation: Die Juden im Osmanischen Reich -- III. "Der Westen und der Rest": Außereuropäische Lernorte für ethnische "Säuberungen" -- IV. Modernisierung durch Vertreibung: Der Balkan als europäischer Lernort für ethnische "Säuberungen" -- V. Alternativen der Zwischenkriegszeit 1919-1939: Drei Modelle ethnischer Konfliktlösung -- VI. Höhepunkt: Ethnische "Säuberungen" und Zweiter Weltkrieg -- 4. Vergeltung und Zwangshomogenisierung: Die antideutschen "Transfer"-Planungen der Anti-Hitler-Koalition -- VII. Globalisierte Gewaltpolitik nach 1945: Wechselwirkungen ethnischer "Säuberungen" -- VIII. Schluss: Zwölf Bemerkungen zu den ethnischen "Säuberungen" in unserer Moderne -- Back Matter |
Record Nr. | UNISA-996309109503316 |
Schwartz Michael <1963->
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De Gruyter, 2013 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno | ||
The Etruscans in the modern imagination / / Sam Solecki |
Autore | Solecki Sam |
Edizione | [1st ed.] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Montreal, Quebec : , : McGill-Queen's University Press, , [2022] |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (343 pages) |
Disciplina | 937.5 |
Collana | McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas |
Soggetto topico | Etruscans |
Soggetto non controllato |
affinity cultural and national ancient civilizations assimilation classical conquest dance decline disappearance dissemination empires federalism genocide grand tour historiography ideological indigenous influence inventing the past linguistic genocide multicultural multivocal mythologies of unlucky conquered nations peoples unlucky in history pleasure religion superstition syncretic taste and antiquity the disappeared tomb paintings tombs uses of the past vanished civilizations |
0-2280-1576-6 |
Classificazione | cci1icc |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Front Matter -- Contents -- Illustrations -- Preface: The Return of the Repressed -- Acknowledgments -- Antique Matters -- Introduction: The Etruscans from Empire to Defeat … Assimilation … Return -- Creating a Taste for the Etruscans -- Johann Joachim Winckelmann: The Etruscan Chapter in The History of the Art of Antiquity (1764) -- Sir William Hamilton and Josiah Wedgwood: The Indispensable Connoisseur and the Potter Who Made the Etruscans Visible, -- Fashionable, and Popular -- William Blake: What Is an “Etruscan” Doing in “An Island in the Moon” (1784–85)? -- Barthold Georg Niebuhr: The Return of the Etruscans in The History of Rome (1812) -- Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino: Selling Out the Etruscans -- Thomas Babington Macaulay: Lays of Ancient Rome (1842), a Poem of Empire -- Mrs Hamilton Gray and George Dennis: English Travellers -- Etruscans in Basel, Rome, Massachusetts, Paris, London, and Vienna -- Johann Jakob Bachofen: Das Mutterrecht (1861), The Saga of Tanaquil (1870), and an Etruscan Queen -- Etruscan Vases: Prosper Mérimée, Stendhal, and Gustave Flaubert -- Etruscans in America: Ralph Waldo Emerson's Dream (1862), Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Marble Faun (1860), and Emily Dickinson's Etruscan Triptych -- Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt, and Edith Reveley: The Sarcophagus of the Married Couple -- Anatole France's The Red Lily (1894), a Glance at Marcel Proust, and Etruscan Humour -- Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams (1900): Etruscan Dreams -- The Etruscans after Lawrence -- Aldous Huxley's Etruscan Decade: Those Barren Leaves (1925) and “After the Fireworks” (1930), with a Glance at Roger Fry -- D.H. Lawrence's Etruscan Places (1932): The Invention of the Etruscans for the Twentieth Century and Margaret Drabble's Lawrentian -- The Dark Flood Rises (2016) -- Raymond Queneau: How a Restless Surrealist and Future Pataphysician Resurrected the Etruscans in The Bark Tree (1933) -- Mika Waltari's The Etruscan (1955): Civilizations in Crisis and the Fate of Spirit -- Peggy Glanville-Hicks’s Etruscan Concerto (1954): Etruscan Music Imagined -- The Etruscans Enter Our World: The Holocaust, Modernism, the Cold War, Hollywood, Phenomenology, and Marilyn Monroe -- Giorgio Bassani’s The Garden of the Finzi-Continis (1962): EtruscansJewsItalians -- Pablo Picasso, Alberto Giacometti, and David Smith: Etruscan Affinities, and a Note on Massimo Campigli -- Zbigniew Herbert and Wisława Szymborska: Etruscans, Poles, and “Peoples Unlucky in History” -- Rika Lesser’s Etruscan Things (1983): If Stones Could Speak or Lithic Prosopopoeia -- Don Siegel’s The Killers (1964) and William Gibson’s Idoru (1996): When Is an Etruscan Not an Etruscan? -- Anne Carson: “Canicula di Anna” (1984) and Norma Jeane Baker in Etruria -- Afterword: Nostos -- Appendix: Etruscan Sightings -- Bibliography -- Index |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910795997903321 |
Solecki Sam
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Montreal, Quebec : , : McGill-Queen's University Press, , [2022] | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||