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Appealing to justice : prisoner grievances, rights, and carceral logic / / Kitty Calavita and Valerie Jenness
Appealing to justice : prisoner grievances, rights, and carceral logic / / Kitty Calavita and Valerie Jenness
Autore Calavita Kitty
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oakland, California : , : University of California Press, , 2015
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (264 p.)
Disciplina 365/.64
Soggetto topico Grievance procedures for prisoners - California
Prisoners - Civil rights - California
Prisoners - California - Social conditions
Prisons - Law and legislation - California
Soggetto non controllato american prison system
california prisons
correction officers
corrections officials
daily life for prisoners
file claims
grievance process
human condition
institutional responses
lack of justice
marginalized populations
mass incarceration
power dynamics
prison in the 21st century
prison litigation reform
prison staff
prison stories
prison system
stigmatized populations
united states of america
ISBN 0-520-28418-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Tables -- Acknowledgments -- 1. Introduction: Rights, Captivity, and Disputing behind Bars -- 2. "Needles," "Haystacks," and "Dead Watchdogs": The Prison Litigation Reform Act and the Inmate Grievance System in California -- 3. Naming, Blaming, and Claiming in an Uncommon Place of Law -- 4. Prisoners' Counternarratives: "This Is a Prison and It's Not Disneyland" -- 5. "Narcissists," "Liars," Process, and Paper: The Dilemmas and Solutions of Grievance Handlers -- 6. Administrative Consistency, Downstream Consequences, and "Knuckleheads" -- 7. Grievance Narratives as Frames of Meaning, Profiles of Power -- 8. Conclusion -- Appendix A: Procedures for Interviews with Prisoners -- Appendix B: Procedures for Interviews with CDCR Personnel -- Appendix C: Coding the Sample of Grievances -- Cases -- Notes -- References -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910788096003321
Calavita Kitty  
Oakland, California : , : University of California Press, , 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Appealing to justice : prisoner grievances, rights, and carceral logic / / Kitty Calavita and Valerie Jenness
Appealing to justice : prisoner grievances, rights, and carceral logic / / Kitty Calavita and Valerie Jenness
Autore Calavita Kitty
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oakland, California : , : University of California Press, , 2015
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (264 p.)
Disciplina 365/.64
Soggetto topico Grievance procedures for prisoners - California
Prisoners - Civil rights - California
Prisoners - California - Social conditions
Prisons - Law and legislation - California
Soggetto non controllato american prison system
california prisons
correction officers
corrections officials
daily life for prisoners
file claims
grievance process
human condition
institutional responses
lack of justice
marginalized populations
mass incarceration
power dynamics
prison in the 21st century
prison litigation reform
prison staff
prison stories
prison system
stigmatized populations
united states of america
ISBN 0-520-28418-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Tables -- Acknowledgments -- 1. Introduction: Rights, Captivity, and Disputing behind Bars -- 2. "Needles," "Haystacks," and "Dead Watchdogs": The Prison Litigation Reform Act and the Inmate Grievance System in California -- 3. Naming, Blaming, and Claiming in an Uncommon Place of Law -- 4. Prisoners' Counternarratives: "This Is a Prison and It's Not Disneyland" -- 5. "Narcissists," "Liars," Process, and Paper: The Dilemmas and Solutions of Grievance Handlers -- 6. Administrative Consistency, Downstream Consequences, and "Knuckleheads" -- 7. Grievance Narratives as Frames of Meaning, Profiles of Power -- 8. Conclusion -- Appendix A: Procedures for Interviews with Prisoners -- Appendix B: Procedures for Interviews with CDCR Personnel -- Appendix C: Coding the Sample of Grievances -- Cases -- Notes -- References -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910825784303321
Calavita Kitty  
Oakland, California : , : University of California Press, , 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Collaborating Against Child Abuse [[electronic resource] ] : Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model / / edited by Susanna Johansson, Kari Stefansen, Elisiv Bakketeig, Anna Kaldal
Collaborating Against Child Abuse [[electronic resource] ] : Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model / / edited by Susanna Johansson, Kari Stefansen, Elisiv Bakketeig, Anna Kaldal
Autore Kari Stefansen
Edizione [1st ed. 2017.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XXXIII, 384 p. 6 illus.)
Disciplina 364
Soggetto topico Crime—Sociological aspects
Juvenile delinquents
Critical criminology
Social service
International criminal law
Crime and Society
Youth Offending and Juvenile Justice
Critical Criminology
Social Work and Community Development
International Criminal Law
Soggetto non controllato multi-agency working
child protection
ISBN 3-319-58388-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Contents -- Editors and Contributors -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Photos -- 1 Implementing the Nordic Barnahus Model: Characteristics and Local Adaptions -- Introduction -- The Barnahus Idea -- A Multi-professional Approach -- The One Door Principle -- Avoiding Secondary Victimisation -- A Safe Place for Disclosure and Neutral Place for Professional Interventions -- A Broad Target Group and Definition of Child Abuse -- The Nordic Welfare State Context -- The Child Welfare System -- The Criminal Justice System -- Child-Friendly Justice -- The Child Rights Perspective -- The Nordic Barnahus Model(s) -- Comparing Key Characteristics and Local Adaptions -- Types of Abuse and Target Groups -- Implementation and Regulation -- Central Coordination and Collaboration -- Concluding Remarks -- Outline of the Book -- Themes and Chapters -- References -- Part I Child-Friendliness, Support and Treatment -- 2 Staging a Caring Atmosphere: Child-Friendliness in Barnahus as a Multidimensional Phenomenon -- Introduction -- Staging Atmospheres: Articulations of Child-Friendliness in Key Texts -- Perceived Atmospheres: Children and Caretaker Experiences of Barnahus -- Concluding Thoughts -- Afterword -- References -- 3 To Be Summoned to Barnahus: Children's Perspectives -- Introduction -- Routines in Swedish Barnahus -- Methods -- Barnahus from Children's Perspectives: A House of Police -- Scary but Necessary: To Be Summoned Without Parent's Knowledge -- Discussion and Conclusions -- References -- 4 Treatment in Barnahus: Implementing Combined Treatment for Children and Parents in Physical Abuse Cases -- Introduction -- Combined Parent-Child Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CPC-CBT) -- Child Treatment -- Parent Treatment -- Joint Sessions -- Implementation and Adaptions to the Swedish Context -- Results.
Parenting Measurements -- Trauma Symptoms -- Parenting Strategies -- Parents' Psychological Well-Being -- Children and Trauma -- Trauma Symptoms -- Children's Experience of Parenting Strategies -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- References -- Part II The Forensic Child Investigative Interview -- 5 The Nordic Model of Handling Children's Testimonies -- Introduction -- The Adversarial Package -- The "Nordic Model" -- General -- The Development of the Nordic Model -- Interview Protocols and Guidelines -- Interview Training and Professionalisation -- Investigative Interviewers in the Nordic Model -- Norway -- Iceland -- Sweden -- Denmark -- Finland -- Conclusion -- References -- 6 The NICHD Protocol: Guide to Follow Recommended Investigative Interview Practices at the Barnahus? -- Introduction -- Improving the Quality of Investigative Interviews with Alleged Child Victims -- NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol -- Children's Memory Development -- Age Differences and Memory -- Interviewer Techniques in Relation to the Quality and Quantity of Children's Response -- Suggestive Interviewing -- The Structure of the NICHD Protocol -- The Revised NICHD Protocol -- Importance of Interviewer Training -- The Barnahus: A Universal Model to Improve the Response to Child Abuse -- References -- 7 Child Forensic Interviewing in Finland: Investigating Suspected Child Abuse at the Forensic Psychology Unit for Children and Adolescents -- Preamble -- Introduction -- The Legal and Theoretical Framework for Assessing Allegations of Crimes Against Children in Finland -- Evidence-Based Child Interviewing -- Conducting Child Abuse Assessments in University Hospital Units -- Cases at the Helsinki Unit Between 2006 and 2012 -- The Investigative Method at the Helsinki Unit -- Formulating Alternative Hypotheses to the Allegation.
Assessing the Emergence and Background Information of the Suspicion -- Screening the Cases: When Children Are not Interviewed -- Support for the Children and Families -- Concluding Remarks and Future Directions -- References -- 8 Sequential Interviews with Preschool Children in Norwegian Barnahus -- Introduction -- Challenges Encountered When Interviewing Preschool Children -- The Standard Model in Norway: The Dialogical Communication Method (DCM) -- Developing the Sequential Interview (SI) Model -- Extended Forensic Interviews (EFI) -- Methodology -- Key Differences Between the Standard Method (DCM) and Sequential Interviews (SI) -- Preparations -- Legal Participants -- Collecting Information -- Information Sharing -- Interview Sessions -- The First Session -- The First Break -- The Second Session -- The Last Break -- The Last Session -- Final Reflections -- References -- Part III Children's Rights Perspectives -- 9 Child Friendly Justice: International Obligations and the Challenges of Interagency Collaboration -- Introduction -- The Method of Interdisciplinary Child Rights Justice Systems Analysis -- Aim -- Data -- The Elements of the Analysis of Interdisciplinary Child Rights Justice Systems -- International Instruments -- Main Principles Governing the Processes of Handling Child Sexual Abuse Cases -- A Step-by-Step Descriptive Analysis-an Illustrative Process Diagram of the Justice Systems -- The Views of Major Stakeholders and Focus Group -- Tensions and Challenges Within the Justice Systems -- Barnahus in Iceland-Developments and Challenges -- Critical Analysis -- Parallel Processes -- Set Routines -- The Focus of Collaboration and the Flow of Information -- Long Distances -- Child Explorative Interviews -- Child Investigative Interviews -- Mutual Preparation and Follow-up After Interviews -- Participation of the Child.
Criminal Investigation and/or the Safety and Well-Being of the Child -- Conclusion -- References -- 10 Children's Right to Information in Barnahus -- Introduction -- Children's Right to Participation and Information: A Complex and Challenging Task -- The Right to Participation and Access to Justice -- The Principle of Self- and Co-Determination According to Age and Maturity -- The Right to Participation Through Representation -- Needs- or Competence-Oriented Perspectives -- Children's Right to Information in a Criminal Investigation in Barnahus: In Theory and Practise -- Introduction -- Information When the Child Is Brought to and Arrives at Barnahus -- Information Concerning the Child Investigative Interview -- Information About the Medical Examination -- Information After the Interview -- Discussion and Final Comments -- Conclusions -- References -- 11 The Swedish "Special Representatives for Children" and Their Role in Barnahus -- Introduction -- The Core Legal Issues -- The Child Victim's Rights -- Independent Legal Representation -- the Barnahus Context -- The Child as a Client -- Role(s) in the Criminal Investigation Room -- Initial Coordination Meeting: Assignment -- Bringing the Child to Barnahus -- Cooperation with Other Professionals -- The Child Investigative Interview -- Medical Examination of the Child -- Role(s) in Relation to the Other "Rooms" in Barnahus -- Child Protection -- The Child's Medical and Psychological Needs -- Discussion -- Concluding Remarks -- References -- Part IV Interagency Collaboration and Professional Autonomy -- 12 Power Dynamics in Barnahus Collaboration -- Introduction -- Theoretical Framework -- Institutional Theory of Organisations -- Three Dimensions of Power in Collaboration -- Methodology and Empirical Material -- Analysis -- Perceptions of Power (Im)Balance.
'Setting the Agenda' by Including and Excluding Actors from Collaborative Arenas -- Consultation Meetings -- Co-hearings of (Forensic) Child Investigative Interviews -- Coordinator Influence on Formal Decision-Making Power -- Juridification as a Three-Dimensional Power Effect -- Conclusion -- References -- 13 Exploring Juridification in the Norwegian Barnahus Model -- Introduction -- Juridification -- Juridification in the Swedish Barnahus Model -- Different Contexts for Analysing Juridification -- Juridification in the Norwegian Barnahus Model -- Methods -- Empirical Results Regarding Juridification in the Norwegian Barnahus Model -- Factors that May Suggest Less Influence from the Penal Perspective in the Norwegian Model -- Factors that May Imply a Juridification Effect in the Norwegian Model -- Conclusion -- References -- 14 The Establishment of Barnahus in Denmark: Dilemmas for Child Welfare Caseworkers -- Introduction -- Responsibilities of Barnahus and the Local Child Welfare Services -- Theoretical Perspectives on Holistic Social Work -- Methodology and Strategy of Analysis -- Centralisation of Competences Challenges Holism -- Improvement in Cooperation with Other Public Agencies -- Dilemmas of Involving the Police -- Conflicting Approaches to Working with the Family -- Concluding Discussion: Common Agenda, Different Perspectives -- References -- 15 Barnahus for Adults? Reinterpreting the Barnahus Model to Accommodate Adult Victims of Domestic Violence -- Introduction -- Conceptual Framework -- Background -- The Source Models: Barnahus and Project Karin -- The Norwegian Context: Public Policies and Services in the Field of Domestic Violence -- Analysis -- Project November -- Key Challenges for a "Barnahus for Adults" -- Translating Across National Borders: Issues of Particular Contexts -- Translating Across Age: Issues of Autonomy.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910231244903321
Kari Stefansen  
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Coming of age : youth and juvenile delinquency in Munich, 1942-1973 / / Martin Kalb
Coming of age : youth and juvenile delinquency in Munich, 1942-1973 / / Martin Kalb
Autore Kalb Martin
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York ; ; Oxford, [England] : , : Berghahn, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (285 p.)
Disciplina 364.360943/3640904
Soggetto topico Juvenile delinquency - Germany - Munich - History - 20th century
Youth - Political activity - Germany - Munich - History - 20th century
Soggetto non controllato adult society
anxious years
fascinating study
german culture
german history
german occupation
german society
german youth
hypothetical threat
juvenile delinquency
military government
moral condition
page turner
postwar germany
postwar stability
sexual deviance
social control
social disruption
social issues
us military government
world war 2.
ww ii
ISBN 1-78533-154-X
Classificazione NS 2960
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro; Contents; Illustrations; Preface; Introduction; Part I - Delinquency in the Crisis Years, 1942-1949; Chapter 1 - Constructing the Delinquent Boy and the Sexually Deviant Girl; Chapter 2 - Controlling Juvenile Delinquents in the Crisis Years; Part 2 - Americanization and Youth Cultures in the Miracle Years, 1949-1962; Chapter 3 - Constructing the Halbstarke and the Teenager; Chapter 4 - Controlling Youth and Society in the Miracle Years; Part 3 - Political Activism in the Protest Years, 1962-1973; Chapter 5 - Constructing the Student and the Gammler
Chapter 6 - Controlling Protestors in the Protest YearsConclusion; Bibliography; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910477180603321
Kalb Martin  
New York ; ; Oxford, [England] : , : Berghahn, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Crime and Punishment in Istanbul : 1700-1800 / / Fariba Zarinebaf
Crime and Punishment in Istanbul : 1700-1800 / / Fariba Zarinebaf
Autore Zarinebaf Fariba
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berkeley, CA : , : University of California Press, , [2011]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (305 p.)
Disciplina 364.94961809033
Soggetto topico Crime - History - Turkey - Istanbul
Punishment - History - Istanbul - Turkey
Soggetto non controllato 18th century
crime historians
crime history
early modern history
economic history
government and governing
historical analysis
middle east scholars
middle east
multicultural society
political history
revisionist history
social change
social sciences
turkish society
world history
ISBN 1-283-27730-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Illustrations -- Acknowledgments -- Note on Transliteration and Translation -- Introduction: A Mediterranean Metropolis -- 1. Istanbul in the Tulip Age -- 2. Migration and Marginalization -- 3. Istanbul between Two Rebellions -- 4. Crimes against Property and Counterfeiting -- 5. Prostitution and the Vice Trade -- 6. Violence and Homicide -- 7. Policing, Surveillance, and Social Control -- 8. Ottoman Justice in Multiple Legal Systems -- 9. Ottoman Punishment: From Oars to Prison -- Epilogue: The Evolution of Crime and Punishment in a Mediterranean Metropolis -- Appendix: A Janissary Ballad from the 1703 Rebellion -- Notes -- Glossary -- Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910785327303321
Zarinebaf Fariba  
Berkeley, CA : , : University of California Press, , [2011]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Enduring violence : Ladina women's lives in Guatemala / / Cecilia Menjívar
Enduring violence : Ladina women's lives in Guatemala / / Cecilia Menjívar
Autore Menjívar Cecilia
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berkeley, : University of California Press, c2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (304 pages)
Disciplina 305.48/969420972814
Soggetto topico Women - Guatemala - Social conditions
Women - Violence against - Guatemala
Ladino (Latin American people) - Violence against - Guatemala
Violence - Guatemala
Soggetto non controllato anthropology
female survivors
female victims
gender inequality
gender norms
gender roles
gender studies
institutional violence
latin america
political violence
structural violence
underdeveloped countries
violence against women
womens studies
ISBN 1-283-29180-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- U.N. Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter 1. Approaching Violence in Eastern Guatemala -- Chapter 2. A Framework for Examining Violence -- Chapter 3. Corporeal Dimensions of Gender Violence: Woman's Self and Body -- Chapter 4. Marital Unions and the Normalization of Suffering -- Chapter 5. Children, Motherhood, and the Routinization of Pain and Sacrifice -- Chapter 6. Women's Work Normalizing and Sustaining Gender Inequality -- Chapter 7. Church, Religion, and Enduring Everyday Violence -- Chapter 8. Enduring Violence -- Appendix -- Notes -- References -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910786708803321
Menjívar Cecilia  
Berkeley, : University of California Press, c2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Green Criminology : Crime, Justice, and the Environment / / Michael J. Lynch, Michael A. Long, Paul B. Stretesky, Kimberly L. Barrett
Green Criminology : Crime, Justice, and the Environment / / Michael J. Lynch, Michael A. Long, Paul B. Stretesky, Kimberly L. Barrett
Autore Lynch Michael J.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oakland, California : , : University of California Press, , [2017]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xvii, 307 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 364.1/45
Soggetto topico Offenses against the environment
Criminology - Environmental aspects
Soggetto non controllato climate change
climate science
criminological analysis
ecological additions
ecological destruction
ecological disorganization
ecological footprint
ecological withdrawal
environmental justice
environmental organizations
environmental science
green crime
green criminological analysis
green criminology
nongovernmental environmental organizations
toxic towns
wildlife poaching
wildlife trafficking
ISBN 9780520964228
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Illustrations -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- 1. Introduction: Green Criminology and Political Economy -- 2. The State of Green Criminology -- 3. Pollution Crimes -- 4. Withdrawal Crimes -- 5. Crimes of Ecological Additions and Illness -- 6. Crimes of Overproduction and Overconsumption -- 7. Toxic Towns and Studies of Ecologically Devastated Communities -- 8. Wildlife Trafficking, Smuggling, and Poaching -- 9. Environmental Justice and Green Criminology -- 10. The Treadmill of Environmental Law -- 11. Environmental Social Movements and Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations -- 12. Connecting the Dots: Explaining Green Crimes -- References -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910794759603321
Lynch Michael J.  
Oakland, California : , : University of California Press, , [2017]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Hiding in Plain Sight : The Pursuit of War Criminals from Nuremberg to the War on Terror / / Eric Stover, Victor Peskin, Alexa Koenig
Hiding in Plain Sight : The Pursuit of War Criminals from Nuremberg to the War on Terror / / Eric Stover, Victor Peskin, Alexa Koenig
Autore Stover Eric
Edizione [First edition.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berkeley, CA : , : University of California Press, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (512 p.)
Disciplina 341.6/9
Soggetto topico War crime trials
War crimes investigation
International criminal courts
Soggetto non controllato 9 11
balkan war criminals
balkan war
crimes against humanity
criminal justice
human rights violations
human rights
international courts
international criminal court
international justice
nazi collaborators
nazi war criminals
political crimes
post 9 11
postwar justice
prosecuting terrorists
rwandan genocide
suspected war crimes
war crimes
war criminals
world war ii war crimes
worlds most wanted
ISBN 0-520-96276-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- 1. Introduction: The Promise of International Justice -- 2. To Nuremberg and Beyond -- 3. The Hunters and the Hunted -- 4. The Last Nazi War Criminals -- 5. Balkan Fugitives, International Prosecutors -- 6. Tracking Rwanda's Génocidaires -- 7. Hybrid Tribunals: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally -- 8. International Criminal Court: At the Mercy of States -- 9. The "War on Terror" and Its Legacy -- 10. Epilogue: The Future of Global Justice -- Notes -- Selected Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910798171303321
Stover Eric  
Berkeley, CA : , : University of California Press, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The jail : managing the underclass in American society / / John Irwin ; with a new foreword by Jonathan Simon
The jail : managing the underclass in American society / / John Irwin ; with a new foreword by Jonathan Simon
Autore Irwin John
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berkeley : , : University of California Press, , [2013]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (177 p.)
Disciplina 365/.6/0979461
Soggetto topico Jails - Social aspects - California
Prisoners - California
Prison psychology
Soggetto non controllato alienation
american class system
american jails
american prison system
american society
arrested persons
big city jail
class system
convicted felons
criminal justice
human condition
jail reform
lock up
mass incarceration
prison reform
prison system
rabble class
social control
social science
underclass rabble
united states of america
ISBN 0-520-95745-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Tables -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- 1. Managing Rabble -- 2. Whols Arrested? -- 3. Disintegration -- 4. Disorientation -- 5. Degradation -- 6. Preparation -- 7. Rabble, Crime, and the Jail -- Appendix -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910790429603321
Irwin John  
Berkeley : , : University of California Press, , [2013]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The jail : managing the underclass in American society / / John Irwin ; with a new foreword by Jonathan Simon
The jail : managing the underclass in American society / / John Irwin ; with a new foreword by Jonathan Simon
Autore Irwin John
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berkeley : , : University of California Press, , [2013]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (177 p.)
Disciplina 365/.6/0979461
Soggetto topico Jails - Social aspects - California
Prisoners - California
Prison psychology
Soggetto non controllato alienation
american class system
american jails
american prison system
american society
arrested persons
big city jail
class system
convicted felons
criminal justice
human condition
jail reform
lock up
mass incarceration
prison reform
prison system
rabble class
social control
social science
underclass rabble
united states of america
ISBN 0-520-95745-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Tables -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- 1. Managing Rabble -- 2. Whols Arrested? -- 3. Disintegration -- 4. Disorientation -- 5. Degradation -- 6. Preparation -- 7. Rabble, Crime, and the Jail -- Appendix -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910814902203321
Irwin John  
Berkeley : , : University of California Press, , [2013]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui

Data di pubblicazione
