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Chow Rings, Decomposition of the Diagonal, and the Topology of Families (AM-187) / / Claire Voisin
Chow Rings, Decomposition of the Diagonal, and the Topology of Families (AM-187) / / Claire Voisin
Autore Voisin Claire
Edizione [Course Book]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, NJ : , : Princeton University Press, , [2014]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (172 p.)
Disciplina 516.35
Collana Annals of Mathematics Studies
Soggetto topico Algebraic varieties
Decomposition (Mathematics)
Homology theory
Soggetto non controllato Bloch-Beilinson conjectures
CalabiЙau hypersurfaces
Chow groups
Hodge classes
Hodge coniveau
Hodge structures
K3 surfaces
Lefschetz standard conjecture
Mumford's theorem
abelian varieties
birational invariants
complex algebraic varieties
cycle classes
decomposition isomorphism
dense Zariski open set
generalized Bloch conjecture
generalized Hodge conjecture
geometric coniveau
hyper-Khler manifolds
integral coefficients
integral cohomological decomposition
mixed Hodge structures
projective space
rational equivalence
small diagonal
smooth projective varieties
spreading principle
torsion coefficients
transcendental cohomology
unramified cohomology
ISBN 1-4008-5053-3
Classificazione SI 830
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter One. Introduction -- Chapter Two. Review of Hodge theory and algebraic cycles -- Chapter Three. Decomposition of the diagonal -- Chapter Four. Chow groups of large coniveau complete intersections -- Chapter Five. On the Chow ring of K3 surfaces and hyper-Kähler manifolds -- Chapter Six. Integral coefficients -- Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910790854503321
Voisin Claire  
Princeton, NJ : , : Princeton University Press, , [2014]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Hodge theory / / edited by Eduardo Cattani [and three others] ; Patrick Brosnan [and thirteen others], contributors
Hodge theory / / edited by Eduardo Cattani [and three others] ; Patrick Brosnan [and thirteen others], contributors
Autore Cattani Eduardo
Edizione [Course Book]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (608 p.)
Disciplina 514.223
Collana Mathematical Notes
Soggetto topico Manifolds (Mathematics)
Soggetto non controllato Abel–Jacobi map
Adélic lemmas
Albanese kernel
Bloch–Beilinson conjecture
Chow groups
Decomposition theorem
Deligne cohomology
Deligne's theorem
Galois action
Griffiths group
Griffiths' period map
Grothendieck's theorem
Hermitian structures
Hermitian symmetric domains
Hodge bundles
Hodge cycles
Hodge structure
Hodge structures
Hodge theory
Hodge-theoretic interpretations
Jacobian ideal
Kodaira–Spencer map
Kuga–Satake correspondence
Kähler manifolds
Kähler structures
Lefschetz decomposition
Poincaré residues
Schmid's orbit theorems
Shimura varieties
Thom–Whitney results
Torelli theorem
Verdier duality
absolute Hodge classes
abstract variations
algebraic cycles
algebraic equivalence
algebraic homology
algebraic maps
algebraic varieties
asymptotic behavior
coherent sheaves
compact Kähler manifolds
complex manifolds
complex multiplication
conjectural filtration
contemporary mathematics
cycle class
cycle map
de Rham cohomology
de Rham theorem
differential forms
elliptic curves
equivalence relations
harmonic forms
homological equivalence
horizontal distribution
intersection cohomology complex
intersection cohomology groups
invariant cycle theorem
linear algebra
local systems
mixed Hodge complex
mixed Hodge structure
mixed Hodge structures
nontrivial topological constraints
normal functions
period domains
period mappings
sheaf cohomology
smooth case
smooth projective varieties
spectral sequences
spread philosophy
symplectic structures
tangent space
topological invariants
variational Hodge conjecture
Čech cohomology
ISBN 1-4008-5147-5
Classificazione SI 850
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contributors -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter One. Introduction to Kähler Manifolds / Cattani, Eduardo -- Chapter Two. From Sheaf Cohomology to the Algebraic de Rham Theorem / El Zein, Fouad / Tu, Loring W. -- Chapter Three. Mixed Hodge Structures / Zein, Fouad El / Tráng, Lê Dũng -- Chapter Four. Period Domains and Period Mappings / Carlson, James -- Chapter Five. The Hodge Theory of Maps / Cataldo, Mark Andrea de / Migliorini, Luca -- Chapter Six The Hodge Theory of Maps / Cataldo, Mark Andrea de / Migliorini, Luca -- Chapter Seven. Introduction to Variations of Hodge Structure / Cattani, Eduardo -- Chapter Eight. Variations of Mixed Hodge Structure / Brosnan, Patrick / Zein, Fouad El -- Chapter Nine. Lectures on Algebraic Cycles and Chow Groups / Murre, Jacob -- Chapter Ten. The Spread Philosophy in the Study of Algebraic Cycles / Green, Mark L. -- Chapter Eleven. Notes on Absolute Hodge Classes / Charles, François / Schnell, Christian -- Chapter Twelve. Shimura Varieties: A Hodge-Theoretic Perspective / Kerr, Matt -- Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910786461403321
Cattani Eduardo  
Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Hodge theory / / edited by Eduardo Cattani [and three others] ; Patrick Brosnan [and thirteen others], contributors
Hodge theory / / edited by Eduardo Cattani [and three others] ; Patrick Brosnan [and thirteen others], contributors
Autore Cattani Eduardo
Edizione [Course Book]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (608 p.)
Disciplina 514.223
Collana Mathematical Notes
Soggetto topico Manifolds (Mathematics)
Soggetto non controllato Abel–Jacobi map
Adélic lemmas
Albanese kernel
Bloch–Beilinson conjecture
Chow groups
Decomposition theorem
Deligne cohomology
Deligne's theorem
Galois action
Griffiths group
Griffiths' period map
Grothendieck's theorem
Hermitian structures
Hermitian symmetric domains
Hodge bundles
Hodge cycles
Hodge structure
Hodge structures
Hodge theory
Hodge-theoretic interpretations
Jacobian ideal
Kodaira–Spencer map
Kuga–Satake correspondence
Kähler manifolds
Kähler structures
Lefschetz decomposition
Poincaré residues
Schmid's orbit theorems
Shimura varieties
Thom–Whitney results
Torelli theorem
Verdier duality
absolute Hodge classes
abstract variations
algebraic cycles
algebraic equivalence
algebraic homology
algebraic maps
algebraic varieties
asymptotic behavior
coherent sheaves
compact Kähler manifolds
complex manifolds
complex multiplication
conjectural filtration
contemporary mathematics
cycle class
cycle map
de Rham cohomology
de Rham theorem
differential forms
elliptic curves
equivalence relations
harmonic forms
homological equivalence
horizontal distribution
intersection cohomology complex
intersection cohomology groups
invariant cycle theorem
linear algebra
local systems
mixed Hodge complex
mixed Hodge structure
mixed Hodge structures
nontrivial topological constraints
normal functions
period domains
period mappings
sheaf cohomology
smooth case
smooth projective varieties
spectral sequences
spread philosophy
symplectic structures
tangent space
topological invariants
variational Hodge conjecture
Čech cohomology
ISBN 1-4008-5147-5
Classificazione SI 850
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contributors -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter One. Introduction to Kähler Manifolds / Cattani, Eduardo -- Chapter Two. From Sheaf Cohomology to the Algebraic de Rham Theorem / El Zein, Fouad / Tu, Loring W. -- Chapter Three. Mixed Hodge Structures / Zein, Fouad El / Tráng, Lê Dũng -- Chapter Four. Period Domains and Period Mappings / Carlson, James -- Chapter Five. The Hodge Theory of Maps / Cataldo, Mark Andrea de / Migliorini, Luca -- Chapter Six The Hodge Theory of Maps / Cataldo, Mark Andrea de / Migliorini, Luca -- Chapter Seven. Introduction to Variations of Hodge Structure / Cattani, Eduardo -- Chapter Eight. Variations of Mixed Hodge Structure / Brosnan, Patrick / Zein, Fouad El -- Chapter Nine. Lectures on Algebraic Cycles and Chow Groups / Murre, Jacob -- Chapter Ten. The Spread Philosophy in the Study of Algebraic Cycles / Green, Mark L. -- Chapter Eleven. Notes on Absolute Hodge Classes / Charles, François / Schnell, Christian -- Chapter Twelve. Shimura Varieties: A Hodge-Theoretic Perspective / Kerr, Matt -- Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910817118803321
Cattani Eduardo  
Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Non-associative Structures and Other Related Structures
Non-associative Structures and Other Related Structures
Autore Nichita Florin Felix
Pubbl/distr/stampa Basel, Switzerland, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 electronic resource (106 p.)
Soggetto topico Research & information: general
Mathematics & science
Soggetto non controllato transcendental numbers
Euler formula
Yang-Baxter equation
Jordan algebras
Lie algebras
associative algebras
Euler's formula
hyperbolic functions
UJLA structures
dual numbers
operational methods
umbral image techniques
nonassociative algebra
branching functions
admissible representations
affine Lie algebras
super-Virasoro algebras
twisted wreath
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910557657803321
Nichita Florin Felix  
Basel, Switzerland, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The p-adic Simpson correspondence / / Ahmed Abbes, Michel Gros, Takeshi Tsuji
The p-adic Simpson correspondence / / Ahmed Abbes, Michel Gros, Takeshi Tsuji
Autore Abbes Ahmed
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (618 p.)
Disciplina 512/.2
Collana Annals of mathematics studies
Soggetto topico Group theory
p-adic groups
Geometry, Algebraic
Soggetto non controllato Dolbeault generalized representation
Dolbeault module
Dolbeault representation
Faltings cohomology
Faltings extension
Faltings ringed topos
Faltings site
Faltings topos
Galois cohomology
Gerd Faltings
Higgs bundle
Higgs bundles
Higgs crystals
Higgs envelopes
Higgs isocrystal
HiggsДate algebra
HodgeДate representation
HodgeДate structure
HodgeДate theory
Hyodo's theory
Koszul complex
additive categories
adic module
almost faithfully flat descent
almost faithfully flat module
almost flat module
almost isomorphism
almost tale covering
almost tale extension
covanishing topos
crystalline-type topos
discrete AЇ-module
finite tale site
fundamental group
generalized covanishing topos
generalized representation
inverse limit
linear algebra
locally irreducible scheme
p-adic Hodge theory
p-adic Simpson correspondence
p-adic field
period ring
ringed covanishing topos
ringed total topos
small generalized representation
small representation
solvable Higgs module
tale cohomology
tale fundamental group
ISBN 1-4008-8123-4
Classificazione SI 830
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Foreword -- Chapter I. Representations of the fundamental group and the torsor of deformations. An overview / Abbes, Ahmed / Gros, Michel -- Chapter II. Representations of the fundamental group and the torsor of deformations. Local study / Abbes, Ahmed / Gros, Michel -- Chapter III. Representations of the fundamental group and the torsor of deformations. Global aspects / Abbes, Ahmed / Gros, Michel -- Chapter IV. Cohomology of Higgs isocrystals / Tsuji, Takeshi -- Chapter V. Almost étale coverings / Tsuji, Takeshi -- Chapter VI. Covanishing topos and generalizations / Abbes, Ahmed / Gros, Michel -- Facsimile : A p-adic Simpson correspondence / Faltings, Gerd -- Bibliography -- Indexes
Record Nr. UNINA-9910797970703321
Abbes Ahmed  
Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The p-adic Simpson correspondence / / Ahmed Abbes, Michel Gros, Takeshi Tsuji
The p-adic Simpson correspondence / / Ahmed Abbes, Michel Gros, Takeshi Tsuji
Autore Abbes Ahmed
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (618 p.)
Disciplina 512/.2
Collana Annals of mathematics studies
Soggetto topico Group theory
p-adic groups
Geometry, Algebraic
Soggetto non controllato Dolbeault generalized representation
Dolbeault module
Dolbeault representation
Faltings cohomology
Faltings extension
Faltings ringed topos
Faltings site
Faltings topos
Galois cohomology
Gerd Faltings
Higgs bundle
Higgs bundles
Higgs crystals
Higgs envelopes
Higgs isocrystal
HiggsДate algebra
HodgeДate representation
HodgeДate structure
HodgeДate theory
Hyodo's theory
Koszul complex
additive categories
adic module
almost faithfully flat descent
almost faithfully flat module
almost flat module
almost isomorphism
almost tale covering
almost tale extension
covanishing topos
crystalline-type topos
discrete AЇ-module
finite tale site
fundamental group
generalized covanishing topos
generalized representation
inverse limit
linear algebra
locally irreducible scheme
p-adic Hodge theory
p-adic Simpson correspondence
p-adic field
period ring
ringed covanishing topos
ringed total topos
small generalized representation
small representation
solvable Higgs module
tale cohomology
tale fundamental group
ISBN 1-4008-8123-4
Classificazione SI 830
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Foreword -- Chapter I. Representations of the fundamental group and the torsor of deformations. An overview / Abbes, Ahmed / Gros, Michel -- Chapter II. Representations of the fundamental group and the torsor of deformations. Local study / Abbes, Ahmed / Gros, Michel -- Chapter III. Representations of the fundamental group and the torsor of deformations. Global aspects / Abbes, Ahmed / Gros, Michel -- Chapter IV. Cohomology of Higgs isocrystals / Tsuji, Takeshi -- Chapter V. Almost étale coverings / Tsuji, Takeshi -- Chapter VI. Covanishing topos and generalizations / Abbes, Ahmed / Gros, Michel -- Facsimile : A p-adic Simpson correspondence / Faltings, Gerd -- Bibliography -- Indexes
Record Nr. UNINA-9910819658903321
Abbes Ahmed  
Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui