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Extended Working Life Policies : International Gender and Health Perspectives / / edited by Áine Ní Léime, Jim Ogg, Martina Rašticová, Debra Street, Clary Krekula, Monika Bédiová, Ignacio Madero-Cabib
Extended Working Life Policies : International Gender and Health Perspectives / / edited by Áine Ní Léime, Jim Ogg, Martina Rašticová, Debra Street, Clary Krekula, Monika Bédiová, Ignacio Madero-Cabib
Autore Ní Léime Áine
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XXIV, 515 p. 18 illus., 16 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 361
Soggetto topico Social policy
Industrial sociology
Employee health promotion
Social Policy
Sociology of Work
Employee Health and Wellbeing
Gender Studies
Soggetto non controllato Social Policy
Sociology of Work
Employee Health and Wellbeing
Gender Studies
Human Resource Management
Extended Working Life (EWL)
Influences of Gender and Health on EWL
Foundation for Evidence-Based Policymaking
Extended Working Life Debate
Gender and Health of Older Workers
Extended Working Life and Pension Policies
Introduction of Extended Working Life (EWL) Policies
Europe and Dealing with Extending the Working Life
Extended Working Life Under Neoliberal Societal Change
Indicators for Health and Socio-Economic Well-Being
Implications for Well-Being in a Gender Perspective
Extended Working Life and Employment Policies
Extended Working Life and Health Policies
Precarious Emplyment and Improving Policies
Open Access
Political economy
Social & ethical issues
Sociology: work & labour
Personnel & human resources management
Age groups: adults
Gender studies, gender groups
ISBN 3-030-40985-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Part I. Introductory Section -- Chapter 1. Empirical and Policy Landscape; Jim Ogg and Martina Rasticova -- Chapter 2. Theoretical Perspectives; Clary Krekula, Sarah Vickerstaff -- Chapter 3. Data Sources and Issues; Michaela Gstrein and Tindara Addaboo -- Part II. Country Reports -- Chapter 4. Albania -- Chapter 5. Austria -- Chapter 6. Belgium -- Chapter 7. Bulgaria -- Chapter 8. Chile -- Chapter 9. Croatia -- Chapter 10. Cyprus -- Chapter 11. Czech Republic -- Chapter 12. Finland.-Chapter 13. France -- Chapter 14. Germany -- Chapter 15. Greece -- Chapter 16. Ireland -- Chapter 17. Israel -- Chapter 18. Italy -- Chapter 19. Lithuania -- Chapter 20. Netherlands -- Chapter 21. New Zealand -- Chapter 22. Poland -- Chapter 23. Portugal -- Chapter 24. Romania -- Chapter 25. Serbia -- Chapter 26. Spain -- Chapter 27. Sweden -- Chapter 28. United Kingdom -- Chapter 29. United States -- Part III. Future Directions -- Chapter 30. Policy Tool-Kits; Jonas Radl and Nata Duvvury. - Chapter 31. Conclusion: Future Directions: Debra Street and Aine Ni Leime.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910380742703321
Ní Léime Áine  
Springer Nature, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Implementing responsible research and innovation : organisational and national conditions / / by Christian Wittrock, Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Auke Pols, Philip Macnaghten, David Ludwig
Implementing responsible research and innovation : organisational and national conditions / / by Christian Wittrock, Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Auke Pols, Philip Macnaghten, David Ludwig
Autore Wittrock Christian
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xix, 120 pages) : illustrations; digital file(s)
Disciplina 174.9
Collana SpringerBriefs in Ethics
Soggetto topico Research—Moral and ethical aspects
School management and organization
School administration
Economic sociology
Soggetto non controllato Research Ethics
Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary
Administration, Organization and Leadership
Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology
Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics
Humanities and Social Sciences
Organization and Leadership
Economic Sociology
organizational change
responsible research and innovation
science and innovation studies
responsible innovation
research ethics
RRI keys and dimensions
academic culture and RRI
international research ethics
RRI and national contetxts
science technology and innovation
Open Access
Ethics & moral philosophy
Philosophy of science
Interdisciplinary studies
Educational administration & organization
Sociology: work & labour
ISBN 3-030-57850-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. About this report -- 2. General introduction to the RRI-Practice Study. - 3. Organizational Drivers for Responsible Research and Innovation -- 4. Organizational Barriers for Responsible Research and Innovation -- 5. Discussion of key findings in the organisational study -- 6. Overview of national discourse by country -- 7. How national contexts affect the RRI keys and dimensions -- 8. The who, why and how questions and the AIRR dimensions -- 9. Discussion and conclusion on the national comparison.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910418355003321
Wittrock Christian  
Springer Nature, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Organisationsbildung und Gesellschaftliche Differenzierung : Empirische Einsichten und Theoretische Perspektiven
Organisationsbildung und Gesellschaftliche Differenzierung : Empirische Einsichten und Theoretische Perspektiven
Autore Schwarting Rena
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (333 pages)
Collana Organisation und Gesellschaft - Forschung
Soggetto topico Society & social sciences
Sociology: work & labour
Soggetto non controllato Social Sciences, general
Sociology of Work
Sociology of Organizations and Occupations
Open Access
Society & Social Sciences
Sociology: work & labour
ISBN 3-658-32872-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Vorwort -- Danksagung -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Abkürzungsverzeichnis -- 1 Einleitung -- 1.1 Organisationsbildung in einer „unorganisierten Gesellschaft" -- 1.2 Vorgehen -- 2 Forschungsstand -- 2.1 Desiderata einer gesellschaftstheoretisch interessierten Organisationsforschung -- 2.1.1 Historische Organisationsbildung -- 2.1.2 Rechtsorganisationen -- 2.2 Organisationssoziologie als Theoriedesiderat der RKG-Forschung -- 3 Theoretische Grundlagen: Beitrag der soziologischen Systemtheorie -- 3.1 Unterscheidung von System und Struktur -- 3.2 Funktionen und Folgen formal organisierter Sozialsysteme -- 3.2.1 Formale Verhaltenserwartungen -- 3.2.2 Informale Verhaltenserwartungen -- 3.3 Organisationsbildung und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung -- 3.3.1 Gesellschaftliche Strukturvoraussetzungen von Organisationen -- 3.3.2 Gesellschaftliche Leistungen von Organisationen -- 3.3.3 Abstraktionsgrade von Verhaltenserwartungen -- 3.3.4 Originäre und abgeleitete Organisationsbildung -- 4 Methodischer Zugang -- 4.1 Jüngere RKG-Forschung als empirische Basis -- 4.2 Funktionale Methode -- 4.3 Erwartungskonflikte als Indiz für Ausdifferenzierungen -- 5 Zwischen Organisation und Verfahren: Rechtskommunikation in der vormodernen Gesellschaft -- 5.1 Rechtserwartungen im (Spät-)Mittelalter: Zusammenfallen von Rechtsetzung, Rechtsprechung und Rechtsdurchsetzung -- 5.2 Funktionale Spezifizierung von Rechtserwartungen -- 5.2.1 Rechtsetzung auf den Reichstagen: Regieren ohne Opposition -- 5.2.2 Rechtsdurchsetzung in Form „guter Policey": Rechtsunsicherheit und Kompetenzüberlagerung -- 5.2.3 Rechtsprechung am Reichshofgericht und Königlichen Kammergericht: Reichsoberhaupt als oberster Herrscher und Rechtsherr -- 5.3 Originäre Organisationsbildung: Vom Hofgericht zum Gerichtshof -- 6 Organisation von Rechtsprechung am Reichskammergericht.
6.1 Formale Strukturausprägungen -- 6.1.1 Reichsrechtliche Entscheidungsabhängigkeit und Repräsentation der „guten Gesellschaft" -- 6.1.2 Dominanz formaler Hierarchie: Sesselstreit 1757 -- 6.1.3 Entscheidungsautonomie: Verlegung des Gerichtssitzes -- 6.1.4 Strukturanpassung durch Visitation: Bücherstreit 1775 -- 6.1.5 Richterliche Formalisierungskompetenz: Gemeine Bescheide -- 6.1.6 Zusammenfassung -- 6.2 Informale Strukturausprägungen -- 6.2.1 Interne Differenzierung von Entscheidungsverfahren -- 6.2.2 Ausschweifungen in der Audienz -- 6.2.3 Abwesenheit in der Audienz als (un)brauchbare Illegalität -- 6.2.4 Überspringen formaler Kommunikationswege -- 6.2.5 Formale Sanktionen informaler Einflussnahmen: Affäre Papius -- 6.2.6 Formalisierung informaler Praktiken der Verfahrensbeschleunigung: Sollizitatur -- 6.2.7 Zusammenfassung -- 6.3 Formale Strukturausprägungen im Besonderen: Personal, hierarchische Kommunikationswege und Programme -- 6.3.1 Kammerrichter als oberste Grenzstelle -- 6.3.2 Boten als untere Grenzstelle -- 6.3.3 Praktika als Stationen akademischer Pilgerreisen -- 6.3.4 Assessoren als professionelles Entscheidungskollegium -- 6.3.5 Prokuratoren als professionelle und mittlere Grenzstelle -- 6.3.6 Zusammenfassung -- 6.4 Darstellung des Gerichts für Nichtmitglieder -- 6.4.1 Kameralfreiheiten und Gerichtsstandsprivilegien -- 6.4.2 Gerichtliche Kleiderordnung -- 6.4.3 Bildliche Audienzdarstellungen -- 6.4.4 Zusammenfassung -- 7 Schluss -- 8 Erratum zu: Theoretische Grundlagen: Beitrag der soziologischen Systemtheorie -- Erratum zu: Kapitel 3 in: R. Schwarting, Organisationsbildung und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung, Organisation und Gesellschaft - Forschung, -- Literatur.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910473454503321
Schwarting Rena  
Springer Nature, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Parenting and work in Poland : a gender studies perspective / / Katarzyna Suwada
Parenting and work in Poland : a gender studies perspective / / Katarzyna Suwada
Autore Suwada Katarzyna
Edizione [1st ed. 2021.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIII, 107 p.) : 8 illus., 7 illus. in color
Disciplina 305
Collana SpringerBriefs in Sociology
Soggetto topico Parenthood - Poland
Industrial sociology
Soggetto non controllato Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging
Gender Studies
Sociology of Work
Social Theory
Family policy
Gender roles
Parenthood in Polish society
Family life in Poland
Gender inequalities
Domestic work
Paid work
Social Policies
open access
Sociology: family & relationships
Gender studies, gender groups
Sociology: work & labour
ISBN 3-030-66303-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Parenting, work and gender. Sociological perspective -- Chapter 3: Care work and parenting -- Chapter 4: Paid work and parenting -- Chapter 5: Domestic work and parenting -- Chapter 6: Conclusions: power relations and parenting.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910433228303321
Suwada Katarzyna  
Springer Nature, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Trade Union Cooperation in Europe : Patterns, Conditions, Issues / / by Bengt Furåker, Bengt Larsson
Trade Union Cooperation in Europe : Patterns, Conditions, Issues / / by Bengt Furåker, Bengt Larsson
Autore Furåker Bengt
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Singapore, : Springer Nature, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIV, 157 p. 2 illus., 1 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 658.3
Soggetto topico Personnel management
Industrial sociology
Human Resource Management
Sociology of Work
Soggetto non controllato Human Resource Management
Sociology of Work
Industrial relations
the labour movement
European studies
statutory minimum wages
posting of workers directive
Open Access
trade unions
Personnel & human resources management
Sociology: work & labour
ISBN 3-030-38770-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. Why and How to Study Trade Union Cooperation in Europe? -- 2. Patterns of transnational trade union cooperation in Europe -- 3. The European Trade Union Movement and the Issue of Statutory Minimum Wages -- 4. Revision of the EU Posting of Workers Directive, Social Dumping and Trade Unions’ Position -- 5. Concluding Discussion.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910383845403321
Furåker Bengt  
Singapore, : Springer Nature, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality : A Global Perspective
Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality : A Global Perspective
Autore van Ham Maarten
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (518 pages)
Altri autori (Persone) TammaruTiit
Collana The Urban Book
Soggetto topico Urban & municipal planning
Social issues & processes
Economic geography
Sociology: work & labour
Human geography
Population & demography
Soggetto non controllato Urban Geography / Urbanism (inc. megacities, cities, towns)
Social Structure, Social Inequality
Economic Geography
Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology
Human Geography
Urban Geography and Urbanism
Social Structure
Economic Sociology
Population and Demography
Socio-Economic Segregation
Residential Segregation
Dissimiliarity Index
Income Inequality
Occupational Categories
Socio-Economic Groups
Large Cities / Metropoles
Neighbourhood Change
Open Access Book
Urban & municipal planning
Social & ethical issues
Sociology: work & labour
Population & demography
ISBN 3-030-64569-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Editors and Contributors -- Part I Introduction -- 1 Rising Inequalities and a Changing Social Geography of Cities. An Introduction to the Global Segregation Book -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Approach and Justification -- 1.3 Income Inequality and Segregation -- 1.4 Main Results in Five Conclusions -- 1.5 A Global Segregation Thesis -- Appendix 1: Guidelines for Authors, Data, and Methods -- Appendix 2: Summary Table of Data Used for Each Case Study City -- Appendix 3: Occupational Structure of Comparable Case Study Cities (Source Individual Chapters in This Book) -- Appendix 4: Dissimilarity Indices Between Top and Bottom Socio-economic Status Groups, in All Years Provided by the Authors (Source Individual Chapters in This Book) -- References -- 2 Residential Segregation Between Income Groups in International Perspective -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Challenges of Comparing Segregation Across Borders -- 2.3 Method and Data -- 2.4 Results -- 2.5 Discussion and Conclusion -- References -- Part II Africa -- 3 Income Inequality, Socio-Economic Status, and Residential Segregation in Greater Cairo: 1986-2006 -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 The Social Geography of GCR -- 3.3 GCR as a Case in Point -- 3.4 Factors Influencing Residential Segregation in GCR -- 3.4.1 Income Inequality -- 3.4.2 Welfare Regime Politics -- 3.4.3 Centralized Urban Governance -- 3.4.4 Settlement Types: Formal and Informal -- 3.4.5 Housing Policies -- 3.5 Landscape of Residential Segregation in GCR, 1986-2006 -- 3.6 Spatial Distribution of Occupational Groups -- 3.7 Neighborhoods' Leading Specializations -- 3.8 Patterns of Socio-Economic Intermixing -- 3.9 Conclusions -- References -- 4 Social Inequality and Spatial Segregation in Cape Town -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Determinants of Residential Patterns -- 4.2.1 Racial Segregation: 1950s-1980s.
4.2.2 Market-Led Development: 1990s-2020 -- 4.2.3 State-Led Housing: 1990s-2020 -- 4.3 Inequality in the Labour Market -- 4.3.1 Data and Methods -- 4.3.2 Occupational Structure -- 4.3.3 Index of Dissimilarity -- 4.4 Socio-economic Segregation -- 4.4.1 Occupational Location Quotients -- 4.4.2 Socio-economic Status -- 4.4.3 Distribution of the Top Socio-economic Group -- 4.5 Conclusion -- References -- 5 Income Inequality and Socio-economic Segregation in the City of Johannesburg -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Drivers of Dominant Residential Patterns -- 5.2.1 Racial Segregation -- 5.2.2 Housing -- 5.2.3 Suburbs -- 5.3 Inequality in Johannesburg -- 5.3.1 Data Sources -- 5.3.2 Changes in Occupational Structure -- 5.3.3 Income Inequality -- 5.4 Socio-economic Segregation in Johannesburg -- 5.4.1 Dissimilarity Index -- 5.4.2 Location Quotient -- 5.4.3 Classification of Neighbourhoods by Socio-economic Composition -- 5.4.4 Location of Top Socio-economic Status Groups in 2001 and 2011 -- 5.5 Conclusion -- References -- Part III Asia -- 6 Dual Land Regime, Income Inequalities and Multifaceted Socio-Economic and Spatial Segregation in Hong Kong -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Context -- 6.2.1 Dual Land Regime -- 6.2.2 Housing System -- 6.2.3 Welfare System and Inequality -- 6.3 Census Data and Spatial Units -- 6.4 Spatial Patterns of Occupational and Income Disparities -- 6.4.1 Changing Occupational Structure and Growing Income Disparity -- 6.4.2 Socio-Economic Segregation -- 6.4.3 Residential Locations of Top and Bottom SES Workforce -- 6.4.4 Socio-Economic Composition of Neighbourhoods -- 6.5 Underlying Causes for Socio-Spatial Segregation -- 6.6 Conclusion -- References -- 7 Income Inequality and Socioeconomic Segregation in Jakarta -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Jakarta: The Core, Inner Peripheries and Outer Peripheries -- 7.3 Rapid Urbanization and Income Inequality.
7.4 Changes in Occupational Structures -- 7.5 Levels of Residential Segregation Between Socioeconomic Groups -- 7.6 Geography of Residential Segregation Between Socioeconomic Groups -- 7.7 Conclusion -- References -- 8 Socio-spatial Segregation and Exclusion in Mumbai -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Data and Methods -- 8.3 Real Estate and Increase of Slums in the City -- 8.4 Inter-religious Conflicts and the Segregation of Muslims -- 8.5 Segregation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes -- 8.6 Conclusions -- References -- 9 Social Polarization and Socioeconomic Segregation in Shanghai, China: Evidence from 2000 and 2010 Censuses -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Residential Segregation in Large Cities in China -- 9.3 Data and Methods -- 9.3.1 Data -- 9.3.2 Methods -- 9.4 Results -- 9.4.1 Level of Segregation in Shanghai -- 9.4.2 Spatial Pattern of Occupation-Based Segregation in Shanghai -- 9.4.3 Spatial Pattern of Hukou-Based Segregation in Shanghai -- 9.5 Drivers of Changing Patterns of Residential Segregation in Shanghai -- 9.6 Conclusion and Discussion -- References -- 10 Increasing Inequality and the Changing Spatial Distribution of Income in Tel-Aviv -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Increasing Income Inequality in Israel and Socio-spatial Implications -- 10.3 Inequality Among Socio-demographic Groups in Israel -- 10.4 The Tel-Aviv MA: Development and Transition -- 10.5 Data and Methods -- 10.6 The Segregation Between Income Classes in the Tel-Aviv MA -- 10.7 Changing Spatial Distributions of Top and Bottom Income Quintiles in the Tel-Aviv MA -- 10.8 Changing Socioeconomic Compositions in Tel-Aviv Neighbourhoods -- 10.9 Conclusions -- References -- 11 Changes in Occupational Structure and Residential Segregation in Tokyo -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Context -- 11.2.1 Income Inequality -- 11.2.2 Welfare System -- 11.2.3 Housing System -- 11.2.4 Urban Policy.
11.3 Data and Methods -- 11.4 Occupational Structure -- 11.5 Residential Segregation -- 11.6 Spatial Distribution of Occupational Groups -- 11.6.1 Concentration of the Top Occupational Groups -- 11.6.2 Location Quotient for the Top and Bottom Occupational Groups -- 11.6.3 Classification of Neighborhoods by Socio-economic Composition -- 11.7 Discussion and Conclusions -- References -- Part IV Australia -- 12 The Land of the 'Fair Go'? Mapping Income Inequality and Socioeconomic Segregation Across Melbourne Neighbourhoods -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Welfare in Australia -- 12.3 Income Inequality in Australia -- 12.4 The Australian Housing System -- 12.5 Greater Melbourne -- 12.6 Neighbourhoods in the Australian Context -- 12.7 Change in Occupational Structure in Melbourne -- 12.8 Socioeconomic Segregation in Melbourne -- 12.8.1 Dissimilarity Index -- 12.8.2 Location Quotients (LQs) -- 12.8.3 Local Moran's I (LM-I) -- 12.8.4 Classification of Neighbourhoods by Socioeconomic Composition -- 12.8.5 Location of the Top Socioprofessional Group -- 12.9 Socioeconomic Segregation and Ethnic Segregation Patterns -- 12.10 Conclusions -- References -- Part V Europe -- 13 Making Sense of Segregation in a Well-Connected City: The Case of Berlin -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 From Divided to Gentrified City -- 13.3 Methods -- 13.4 Socioeconomic Segregation -- 13.5 Segregation by Foreigner/Migration Background -- 13.6 How Does Segregation Matter? -- 13.7 Conclusion -- References -- 14 Socio-spatial Disparities in Brussels and its Hinterland -- 14.1 Introduction -- 14.2 Background -- 14.3 Space, Data and Methods -- 14.3.1 Space Delimitation and Spatial Units -- 14.3.2 Data and Definitions -- 14.3.3 Methods -- 14.4 Findings -- 14.4.1 Location Quotients -- 14.4.2 Income Classification of Neighbourhoods -- 14.4.3 Location of High-Income Earners.
14.4.4 Dissimilarity Indices -- 14.4.5 The Local Spots of Change -- 14.5 Discussion -- References -- 15 Residential Segregation in a Highly Unequal Society: Istanbul in the 2000s -- 15.1 Introduction -- 15.2 Background: Frantic years of 2000s -- 15.3 Studying Segregation in Istanbul -- 15.4 Data and Method -- 15.5 Results -- 15.5.1 Classification and Mapping of Neighbourhoods -- 15.5.2 From 2000 to 2017: Exodus of the Poor -- 15.6 Concluding Remarks -- References -- 16 Segregation in London: A City of Choices or Structures? -- 16.1 Introduction -- 16.1.1 Ethnicity -- 16.1.2 Economic -- 16.1.3 Housing -- 16.1.4 Chapter Outline -- 16.2 Inequality and Occupational Segregation -- 16.3 Location Quotient Maps -- 16.4 Maps of Typologies -- 16.4.1 Location of the Top Occupational Group -- 16.5 Contrasting Dimensions of Segregation -- 16.6 Conclusions -- References -- 17 Income Inequality and Segregation in the Paris Metro Area (1990-2015) -- 17.1 Introduction -- 17.2 Background -- 17.2.1 The Role of Immigrant Residential Segregation -- 17.2.2 The Role of Urban Policy and Public Housing -- 17.2.3 The Role of Rising Income Inequality -- 17.3 Data and Methods -- 17.4 Results -- 17.4.1 Changes in Occupational Structure and Inequality -- 17.4.2 Residential Patterns of Occupational Groups in the Paris Metro Area -- 17.4.3 Occupational and Immigrant Segregation -- 17.5 Conclusion -- References -- Part VI North America -- 18 Growing Income Inequality and Socioeconomic Segregation in the Chicago Region -- 18.1 Introduction -- 18.2 The Chicago Region -- 18.2.1 The Economy -- 18.2.2 The Welfare System -- 18.2.3 Demographics -- 18.2.4 The Housing System -- 18.3 Analysis and Results -- 18.3.1 Income Inequality -- 18.3.2 Occupational Structure -- 18.3.3 Dissimilarity Index -- 18.3.4 Location of Top Occupational Groups -- 18.3.5 Location Quotients (LQs).
18.3.6 Residential Segregation Based on Socioeconomic Status.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910473455403321
van Ham Maarten  
Springer Nature, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Von Bauingenieurinnen und Sozialarbeitern : Studien(fach)wahlen im Kontext von sozialem Milieu und Geschlecht / / von Lena Loge
Von Bauingenieurinnen und Sozialarbeitern : Studien(fach)wahlen im Kontext von sozialem Milieu und Geschlecht / / von Lena Loge
Autore Loge Lena
Edizione [1st ed. 2021.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XVII, 318 S. 9 Abb.)
Disciplina 306.36
Soggetto topico Industrial sociology
Social structure
Social sciences—Philosophy
Sociology of Work
Social Structure, Social Inequality
Cultural Studies
Social Philosophy
Soggetto non controllato Sociology of Work
Social Structure, Social Inequality
Cultural Studies
Social Philosophy
Social Structure
Feminism and Feminist Theory
Soziale Herkunft
Open Access
Sociology: work & labour
Social & ethical issues
Social & political philosophy
ISBN 3-658-32445-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Record Nr. UNINA-9910433248403321
Loge Lena  
Springer Nature, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Wirtschaft neu lehren : Erfahrungen aus der pluralen, sozioökonomischen Hochschulbildung / / herausgegeben von Janina Urban, Lisa-Marie Schröder, Harald Hantke, Lukas Bäuerle
Wirtschaft neu lehren : Erfahrungen aus der pluralen, sozioökonomischen Hochschulbildung / / herausgegeben von Janina Urban, Lisa-Marie Schröder, Harald Hantke, Lukas Bäuerle
Autore Urban Janina
Edizione [1st ed. 2021.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIV, 300 S. 21 Abb., 11 Abb. in Farbe.)
Disciplina 306.3
Collana Sozioökonomische Bildung und Wissenschaft
Soggetto topico Economic sociology
Social sciences
Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology
Social Sciences, general
Soggetto non controllato Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology
Social Sciences, general
Economic Sociology
Sociology of Knowledge and Discourse
Open Access
Plurale Ökonomik
Innovative Ansätze in der Wirtschaft
Studium Wirtschaftssoziologie
Politische Ökonomie
Sociology: work & labour
Society & Social Sciences
ISBN 3-658-30920-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Wirtschaft neu lehren – eine Einleitung -- In Wirklichkeit können wir neue sozioökonomische Realitäten imaginieren (lernen) -- Lehre im Interesse der Studierenden: Selbstverständnis, Prinzipien und Praktiken einer bildungswirksamen Hochschullehre -- Plurale Einführung in die VWL? Zu den Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten pluraler Einführungsveranstaltungen -- „Warum sagt einem das niemand?“ Pluralität und Reflexivität für die schulische (sozio-)ökonomische Bildung -- Teaching Feminist Economics. Conceptual Notes and Practical Advice for Teaching a Subject in the Making -- Plurale Lehre in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen -- Low-Profit im Kontext der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele -- Using Academic Travel to Teach Sustainable Economic Development -- „Uni auf den Acker!“ – eine weltzugewandte ökonomische Bildung auf Exkursion -- Lebensentwürfe im Spannungsfeld von Ökonomisierung, Selbstverwirklichung und unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit -- Gestaltungsorientiert forschen lernen mit design thinking – Erläutert am Beispiel des Umgangs mit dem Lernfeldparadoxon der wirtschaftsberuflichen Bildung -- Was ist Ökonomie? Das Interdisziplinäre Studentische Kolloquium (ISK) an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin -- Interdisziplinäre Problemlösung konkret (IPK): Eine Methode für die Sozioökonomie -- Das Leipziger Erwägungsseminar. Ein didaktisch reflektierender Erfahrungsbericht -- Dialogischer Pluralismus als Polit-Talk – Ein Seminarkonzept zur Vermittlung von Diskurskultur und angewandter Pluraler Ökonomik -- Poetry-Slams als Impuls für eine subjektiv begründete Reflexion wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Denk- und Sprachkulturen -- Gedeih-Räume sozioökonomischer Hochschullehre. Zur Innenarchitektur einer lebendigen Wirtschaftsdidaktik -- Literaturempfehlungen zur Selbsterprobung: Einblicke in Theorie und Praxis der (sozioökonomischen) Hochschullehre in Deutschland.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910427736603321
Urban Janina  
Springer Nature, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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