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Interpreting Quebec's exile within the federation : selected political essays / / Guy Laforest ; with the collaboration of Oscar Mejia Mesa
Interpreting Quebec's exile within the federation : selected political essays / / Guy Laforest ; with the collaboration of Oscar Mejia Mesa
Autore Laforest Guy <1955-, >
Edizione [Éditions scientifiques internationales.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bern, : Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group, 2015
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (206 pages) : digital file(s)
Disciplina 320.1
Collana Diversitas
Soggetto topico Political science
Soggetto genere / forma History
Soggetto non controllato Essays
Political science
Quebec province
ISBN 3-0352-9916-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Machine generated contents note: ; ch. 1 The Internal Exile of Quebecers in the Canada of the Charter -- ; I. Pierre Trudeau, the Exile of Quebecers, and the Charter -- ; II. To End the Exile -- Conclusion -- ; ch. 2 The Contemporary Meaning and Utility of Federalism -- ; I. The Meaning and Utility of Federalism -- ; II. Federalism's Challenges and Problems -- Conclusion -- ; ch. 3 Making Sense of Canada as a Federal System: The Relevance of Historical Legacies -- ; I. Historical Legacies: Their Nature, Role, Interrelations, and Contemporary Significance -- Conclusion -- ; ch. 4 The Historical and Legal Origins of Asymmetrical Federalism in Canada's Founding Debates: A Brief Interpretive Note -- Conclusion -- ; ch. 5 What Canadian Federalism Means in Quebec -- ; I. Interpretive Context -- ; II. Contemporary Trends and Scholarship: Critical Reflections -- Conclusion -- ; ch. 6 Lord Durham, French Canada, and Quebec: Remembering the Past, Debating the Future -- ; I. Coming to Terms with Lord Durham's Report in French Canada and Quebec -- ; II. Janet Ajzenstat's Introduction: Debating Lord Durham's Influence on Canada and Assessing Him as a Human Being and as a Thinker -- ; III. A Critical Hermeneutics for the Present and for the Future -- Conclusion -- ; ch. 7 Some Reflections on the Bouchard-Taylor Commission -- ; ch. 8 More Distress than Enchantment: The Constitutional Negotiations of November 1981 -- ; I. Causes -- ; II. Assessing the Behaviour of Participants -- ; III. Consequences -- Conclusion -- ; ch. 9 The Canadian State and the Political Freedom of Quebec: The Ideas of James Tully and Michel Seymour -- ; I. Canada's Political-Constitutional Identity and Quebec's Situation -- ; II. The Philosophical Approaches of James Tully and Michel Seymour -- ; III. From a Straightjacket to a Reworking of Democratic Constitutionalism with Universal Scope -- ; IV. Michel Seymour's Criticism -- ; V. Overall Consideration of the Theses in Light of Seymour's Objections -- Conclusion -- ; ch. 10 Trust and Mistrust between Harper and Quebec -- ; I. Some Reflections on Trust and its Derivatives -- ; II. Harper and Quebec -- Conclusion.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910425156403321
Laforest Guy <1955-, >  
Bern, : Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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On the Structure and History of Russian. Selected Essays : With a Preface by Henrik Birnbaum / Dean S. Worth
On the Structure and History of Russian. Selected Essays : With a Preface by Henrik Birnbaum / Dean S. Worth
Autore Worth Dean S
Edizione [1st, New ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Frankfurt a.M, : PH02, 1977
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (276 p.) : , EPDF
Collana Slavistische Beiträge
Soggetto topico linguistics
Soggetto non controllato Birnbaum
Slavische Sprachwissenschaft
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Preface by Henrik Birnbaum - Transform Analysis of Russian Instrumental Constructions - Grammatical and Lexical Quantification in the Syntax of the Russian Numeral - The Role of Transformations in the Definition of Syntagmas in Russian and Other Slavic Languages - On the Representation of Linear Relations in Generative Models of Language - The Notion of "Stem" in Russian Flexion and Derivation - Grammatical Function and Russian Stress - Vowel-Zero Alternations in Russian Derivation - "Surface Structure" and "Deep Structure" in Slavic Morphology - Ambiguity in Russian Derivation - On Cyclical Rules in Derivational Morphophonemics - Linguistics and Historiography. A Problem of Dating in the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle - Lexico-Grammatical Parallelism as a Stylistic Feature of the Zadonêcina - Was There a "Literary Language" in Kievan Rus'? - On Russian Legal Language
Altri titoli varianti On the Structure and History of Russian. Selected Essays
Record Nr. UNINA-9910477327403321
Worth Dean S  
Frankfurt a.M, : PH02, 1977
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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