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An introduction to optimal satellite range scheduling / Antonio José Vázquez Álvarez, Richard Scott Erwin
An introduction to optimal satellite range scheduling / Antonio José Vázquez Álvarez, Richard Scott Erwin
Autore Vázquez Álvarez, Antonio J.
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Cham], : Springer, 2015
Descrizione fisica XXVII, 162 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Altri autori (Persone) Erwin, Richard S.
Soggetto topico 68Q25 - Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity [MSC 2020]
05C85 - Graph algorithms (graph-theoretic aspects) [MSC 2020]
68M20 - Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems [MSC 2020]
90-XX - Operations research, mathematical programming [MSC 2020]
62C10 - Bayesian problems; characterization of Bayes procedures [MSC 2020]
91A80 - Applications of game theory [MSC 2020]
91A10 - Noncooperative games [MSC 2020]
91A40 - Other game-theoretic models [MSC 2020]
97K30 - Graph theory (educational aspects) [MSC 2020]
90B36 - Scheduling theory, stochastic in operations research [MSC 2020]
90B35 - Scheduling theory, deterministic in operations research [MSC 2020]
90C39 - Dynamic programming [MSC 2020]
20G07 - Structure theory for linear algebraic groups [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Algorithms
Earth Observations
Heuristic algorithms
Optimal solution
SRS problem
Satellite communications
Satellite mission
Satellite range scheduling
Scheduling problems
Sensor scheduling
Simulations in practical scenarios
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN0113883
Vázquez Álvarez, Antonio J.  
[Cham], : Springer, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
An introduction to optimal satellite range scheduling / Antonio José Vázquez Álvarez, Richard Scott Erwin
An introduction to optimal satellite range scheduling / Antonio José Vázquez Álvarez, Richard Scott Erwin
Autore Vázquez Álvarez, Antonio J.
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Cham], : Springer, 2015
Descrizione fisica XXVII, 162 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Altri autori (Persone) Erwin, Richard S.
Soggetto topico 05C85 - Graph algorithms (graph-theoretic aspects) [MSC 2020]
20G07 - Structure theory for linear algebraic groups [MSC 2020]
62C10 - Bayesian problems; characterization of Bayes procedures [MSC 2020]
68M20 - Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems [MSC 2020]
68Q25 - Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity [MSC 2020]
90-XX - Operations research, mathematical programming [MSC 2020]
90B35 - Scheduling theory, deterministic in operations research [MSC 2020]
90B36 - Scheduling theory, stochastic in operations research [MSC 2020]
90C39 - Dynamic programming [MSC 2020]
91A10 - Noncooperative games [MSC 2020]
91A40 - Other game-theoretic models [MSC 2020]
91A80 - Applications of game theory [MSC 2020]
97K30 - Graph theory (educational aspects) [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Algorithms
Earth Observations
Heuristic algorithms
Optimal solution
SRS problem
Satellite communications
Satellite mission
Satellite range scheduling
Scheduling problems
Sensor scheduling
Simulations in practical scenarios
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN00113883
Vázquez Álvarez, Antonio J.  
[Cham], : Springer, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Handbook of Small Satellites : Technology, Design, Manufacture, Applications, Economics and Regulation / Joseph N. Pelton editor, Scott Madry associated editor
Handbook of Small Satellites : Technology, Design, Manufacture, Applications, Economics and Regulation / Joseph N. Pelton editor, Scott Madry associated editor
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer, 2020
Descrizione fisica lx, 1702 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 00A79 (77-XX) - Physics [MSC 2020]
85-XX - Astronomy and Astrophysics [MSC 2020]
00-XX - General and overarching topics; collections [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Cube satellites
Mini satellites
Orbital debris
Remote sensing systems
Satellite Applications
Satellite communications
Satellite deployment
Satellite design
Satellite manufacture
Satellite networks
Satellite regulations
Satellite services
Satellite technology
Smallsat constellations
Space licenses
University satellites
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN0227118
Cham, : Springer, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Handbook of Small Satellites : Technology, Design, Manufacture, Applications, Economics and Regulation / Joseph N. Pelton editor, Scott Madry associated editor
Handbook of Small Satellites : Technology, Design, Manufacture, Applications, Economics and Regulation / Joseph N. Pelton editor, Scott Madry associated editor
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer, 2020
Descrizione fisica lx, 1702 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 00-XX - General and overarching topics; collections [MSC 2020]
00A79 (77-XX) - Physics [MSC 2020]
85-XX - Astronomy and Astrophysics [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Cube satellites
Mini satellites
Orbital debris
Remote sensing systems
Satellite Applications
Satellite communications
Satellite deployment
Satellite design
Satellite manufacture
Satellite networks
Satellite regulations
Satellite services
Satellite technology
Smallsat constellations
Space licenses
University satellites
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN00227118
Cham, : Springer, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui