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America's mission [[electronic resource] ] : the United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy / / Tony Smith
America's mission [[electronic resource] ] : the United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy / / Tony Smith
Autore Smith Tony <1942->
Edizione [Expanded ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, N.J., : Princeton University Press, 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (528 p.)
Disciplina 327.73
Collana Princeton Studies in International History and Politics
Princeton studies in international history and politics
Soggetto topico World politics - 20th century
World politics - 21st century
Democracy - History - 20th century
Democracy - History - 21st century
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
Soggetto non controllato Alliance for Progress
American foreign policy
American imperialism
American liberal democracy
American national security
American security
Arab Spring
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
Civil War
Cold War
Dominican Republic
Douglas MacArthur
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Franklin D. Roosevelt
George H. W. Bush
George W. Bush
Jimmy Carter
John F. Kennedy
Latin America
Middle East
Monroe Doctrine
Reagan Doctrine
Ronald Reagan
Soviet Union
Soviet imperialism
United States
Woodrow Wilson
World War II
constitutional democracy
constructive engagement
democratic globalism
democratic peace theory
democratic revolution
democratic transition theory
economic globalization
export commodities
free markets
hard liberal internationalist ideology
human rights
international affairs
international peace
land reform
liberal democratic governments
liberal democratic internationalism
liberal world order
mass politics
multilateral organizations
national security
neo-Wilsonian ideology
new world order
political stability
progressive imperialism
social justice
war on terrorism
world politics
ISBN 1-283-45707-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Foreword to the 2012 Edition by Janice Nittoli -- Preface to the 2012 Edition -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- CHAPTER ONE The United States and the Global Struggle for Democracy -- PART I: Liberal Democratic Internationalism and American Foreign Policy, 1898-1921 -- CHAPTER TWO Democracy in the Philippines -- CHAPTER THREE Wilson and Democracy in Latin America -- CHAPTER FOUR Wilson and a World Safe for Democracy -- PART II: Liberal Democratic Internationalism, 1933-1947 -- CHAPTER FIVE FDR and World Order: Globalizing the Monroe Doctrine -- CHAPTER SIX Democratizing Japan and Germany -- PART III: Liberal Democratic Internationalism and the Cold Warf 1947-1977 -- CHAPTER SEVEN Eisenhower and His Legacy, 1953-1977 -- CHAPTER EIGHT Kennedy's Alliance for Progress, 1961-1965 -- PART IV: Liberal Democratic Internationalism and the Cold War, 1977-1989 -- CHAPTER NINE Carter's Human Rights Campaign -- CHAPTER TEN Reagan's Democratic Revolution -- PART V: Liberal Internationalism after the Cold War, 1989-2012 -- CHAPTER ELEVEN After the Cold War: Wilsonianism Resurgent? -- CHAPTER TWELVE From "Fortunate Vagueness" to "Democratic Globalism," 1989-2008 -- CHAPTER THIRTEEN Liberal Internationalism from George W. Bush to Barack Obama -- EPILOGUE The Irony of American Liberal Internationalism -- APPENDIX Notes on the Study of the International Origins of Democracy -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index
Altri titoli varianti United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy
Record Nr. UNINA-9910457921203321
Smith Tony <1942->  
Princeton, N.J., : Princeton University Press, 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
America's mission [[electronic resource] ] : the United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy / / Tony Smith
America's mission [[electronic resource] ] : the United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy / / Tony Smith
Autore Smith Tony <1942->
Edizione [Expanded ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, N.J., : Princeton University Press, 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (528 p.)
Disciplina 327.73
Collana Princeton Studies in International History and Politics
Princeton studies in international history and politics
Soggetto topico World politics - 20th century
World politics - 21st century
Democracy - History - 20th century
Democracy - History - 21st century
Soggetto non controllato Alliance for Progress
American foreign policy
American imperialism
American liberal democracy
American national security
American security
Arab Spring
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
Civil War
Cold War
Dominican Republic
Douglas MacArthur
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Franklin D. Roosevelt
George H. W. Bush
George W. Bush
Jimmy Carter
John F. Kennedy
Latin America
Middle East
Monroe Doctrine
Reagan Doctrine
Ronald Reagan
Soviet Union
Soviet imperialism
United States
Woodrow Wilson
World War II
constitutional democracy
constructive engagement
democratic globalism
democratic peace theory
democratic revolution
democratic transition theory
economic globalization
export commodities
free markets
hard liberal internationalist ideology
human rights
international affairs
international peace
land reform
liberal democratic governments
liberal democratic internationalism
liberal world order
mass politics
multilateral organizations
national security
neo-Wilsonian ideology
new world order
political stability
progressive imperialism
social justice
war on terrorism
world politics
ISBN 1-283-45707-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Foreword to the 2012 Edition by Janice Nittoli -- Preface to the 2012 Edition -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- CHAPTER ONE The United States and the Global Struggle for Democracy -- PART I: Liberal Democratic Internationalism and American Foreign Policy, 1898-1921 -- CHAPTER TWO Democracy in the Philippines -- CHAPTER THREE Wilson and Democracy in Latin America -- CHAPTER FOUR Wilson and a World Safe for Democracy -- PART II: Liberal Democratic Internationalism, 1933-1947 -- CHAPTER FIVE FDR and World Order: Globalizing the Monroe Doctrine -- CHAPTER SIX Democratizing Japan and Germany -- PART III: Liberal Democratic Internationalism and the Cold Warf 1947-1977 -- CHAPTER SEVEN Eisenhower and His Legacy, 1953-1977 -- CHAPTER EIGHT Kennedy's Alliance for Progress, 1961-1965 -- PART IV: Liberal Democratic Internationalism and the Cold War, 1977-1989 -- CHAPTER NINE Carter's Human Rights Campaign -- CHAPTER TEN Reagan's Democratic Revolution -- PART V: Liberal Internationalism after the Cold War, 1989-2012 -- CHAPTER ELEVEN After the Cold War: Wilsonianism Resurgent? -- CHAPTER TWELVE From "Fortunate Vagueness" to "Democratic Globalism," 1989-2008 -- CHAPTER THIRTEEN Liberal Internationalism from George W. Bush to Barack Obama -- EPILOGUE The Irony of American Liberal Internationalism -- APPENDIX Notes on the Study of the International Origins of Democracy -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index
Altri titoli varianti United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy
Record Nr. UNINA-9910778932003321
Smith Tony <1942->  
Princeton, N.J., : Princeton University Press, 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Educational Reconstruction : African American Schools in the Urban South, 1865-1890 / / Hilary Green
Educational Reconstruction : African American Schools in the Urban South, 1865-1890 / / Hilary Green
Autore Green Hilary
Edizione [First edition.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York, NY : , : Fordham University Press, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (271 p.)
Disciplina 371.829/9607509034
Collana Reconstructing America
Soggetto topico Urbanization - Southern States
Education - Social aspects - Southern States
Schools - Southern States - History
African Americans - Education - Southern States - History
Soggetto non controllato African American Education
Freedmen's Bureau
Freedmen's schools
Normal Schools
Racial uplift
public schools
ISBN 0-8232-7016-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- 1. Remaking the Former Confederate Capital -- 2. No Longer Slaves -- 3. To “Do That Which Is Best” -- 4. Remaking Old Blue College -- 5. Shifting Strategies -- 6. Rethinking Partners -- 7. Walking Slowly but Surely -- 8. Still Crawling -- Epilogue -- Acknowledgments -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910798421703321
Green Hilary  
New York, NY : , : Fordham University Press, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Kreuzenstein : die mittelalterliche Burg als Konstruktion der Moderne / / Andreas Nierhaus
Kreuzenstein : die mittelalterliche Burg als Konstruktion der Moderne / / Andreas Nierhaus
Autore Nierhaus Andreas
Pubbl/distr/stampa Böhlau, 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (256 pages) : illustrations; digital, PDF file(s)
Disciplina 728.81094361248
Soggetto topico Architecture
Soggetto non controllato Architecture
Medieval Castle
Mittelalterliche Burg
Burg Kreuzenstein
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Record Nr. UNINA-9910135388003321
Nierhaus Andreas  
Böhlau, 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Leben und Altern mit ›geistiger Behinderung‹ : Biographische Einblicke und Perspektiven für Forschung und Handlungspraxis / / Michael Börner
Leben und Altern mit ›geistiger Behinderung‹ : Biographische Einblicke und Perspektiven für Forschung und Handlungspraxis / / Michael Börner
Autore Börner Michael
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2023]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (400 p.)
Collana Alter - Kultur - Gesellschaft
Soggetto topico SOCIAL SCIENCE / Gerontology
Soggetto non controllato Ageing
Aging Studies
Biographical Research
Cultural Studies
Disability Studies
Objective Hermeneutics
Social Work
ISBN 3-8394-6935-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- 1. Hinführung -- 1.1 Herleitung und Begründung des Forschungsprojekts -- 1.2 Zum Aufbau des Buches -- 2. Theoretische Grundlagen -- 2.1 Begriffsbestimmung: ›Geistige Behinderung‹ -- 2.2 Begriffsbestimmung: ›Alter(n)‹ -- 3. Alter(n) im Kontext ›geistiger Behinderung‹ -- 3.1 Demographische Entwicklung und neue pädagogische Herausforderungen -- 3.2 Stand der Forschung -- 3.3 Abschließende Einordnung und offene Fragen -- 4. Darstellung der Methoden und forschungspraktisches Vorgehen -- 4.1 Datenerhebung -- 4.2 Datenauswertung -- 5. Darstellung und Auswertung der Interviews -- 5.1 Frau Marie Müller: »Gut, ne? Wir mache alles selbst« -- 5.2 Herr Hans Hamm: »Da hat mein Vater gesagt: ›Die heiratste nich‹« -- 5.3 Herr Karl Klein: »Da hab ich gesagt: ›Seid froh, dass ihr nicht so seid wie ich‹« -- 5.4 Frau Greta Grund: »Das kann ich nit erzähle, sonst fang ich an zu weine« -- 6. Ausarbeitung und Diskussion der Gesamtergebnisse -- Einleitung -- 6.1 Zur Wirkmächtigkeit von Wohn- bzw. Betreuungseinrichtungen -- 6.2 Zur Aushandlung der Kategorie ›geistige Behinderung‹ -- 6.3 Zur Aushandlung des Alter(n)s -- 6.4 Zur Bedeutung und Rolle der Herkunftsfamilie -- 6.5 Zu Erfahrungen von Einsamkeit und Alleinsein -- 6.6 Zur Gewaltförmigkeit von ›geistiger Behinderung‹ -- 6.7 Zu Chancen und Grenzen von Kritik -- 7. Rück- und Ausblick -- 7.1 Theoretischer Rück- und Ausblick -- 7.2 Methodischer Rück- und Ausblick -- 7.3 Handlungspraktischer Ausblick -- 8. Abschließende Gedanken -- Literaturverzeichnis -- Danksagung
Record Nr. UNISA-996545361603316
Börner Michael  
Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2023]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Leben und Altern mit ›geistiger Behinderung‹ : Biographische Einblicke und Perspektiven für Forschung und Handlungspraxis / / Michael Börner
Leben und Altern mit ›geistiger Behinderung‹ : Biographische Einblicke und Perspektiven für Forschung und Handlungspraxis / / Michael Börner
Autore Börner Michael
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2023]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (400 p.)
Collana Alter - Kultur - Gesellschaft
Soggetto topico SOCIAL SCIENCE / Gerontology
Soggetto non controllato Ageing
Aging Studies
Biographical Research
Cultural Studies
Disability Studies
Objective Hermeneutics
Social Work
ISBN 9783839469354
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- 1. Hinführung -- 1.1 Herleitung und Begründung des Forschungsprojekts -- 1.2 Zum Aufbau des Buches -- 2. Theoretische Grundlagen -- 2.1 Begriffsbestimmung: ›Geistige Behinderung‹ -- 2.2 Begriffsbestimmung: ›Alter(n)‹ -- 3. Alter(n) im Kontext ›geistiger Behinderung‹ -- 3.1 Demographische Entwicklung und neue pädagogische Herausforderungen -- 3.2 Stand der Forschung -- 3.3 Abschließende Einordnung und offene Fragen -- 4. Darstellung der Methoden und forschungspraktisches Vorgehen -- 4.1 Datenerhebung -- 4.2 Datenauswertung -- 5. Darstellung und Auswertung der Interviews -- 5.1 Frau Marie Müller: »Gut, ne? Wir mache alles selbst« -- 5.2 Herr Hans Hamm: »Da hat mein Vater gesagt: ›Die heiratste nich‹« -- 5.3 Herr Karl Klein: »Da hab ich gesagt: ›Seid froh, dass ihr nicht so seid wie ich‹« -- 5.4 Frau Greta Grund: »Das kann ich nit erzähle, sonst fang ich an zu weine« -- 6. Ausarbeitung und Diskussion der Gesamtergebnisse -- Einleitung -- 6.1 Zur Wirkmächtigkeit von Wohn- bzw. Betreuungseinrichtungen -- 6.2 Zur Aushandlung der Kategorie ›geistige Behinderung‹ -- 6.3 Zur Aushandlung des Alter(n)s -- 6.4 Zur Bedeutung und Rolle der Herkunftsfamilie -- 6.5 Zu Erfahrungen von Einsamkeit und Alleinsein -- 6.6 Zur Gewaltförmigkeit von ›geistiger Behinderung‹ -- 6.7 Zu Chancen und Grenzen von Kritik -- 7. Rück- und Ausblick -- 7.1 Theoretischer Rück- und Ausblick -- 7.2 Methodischer Rück- und Ausblick -- 7.3 Handlungspraktischer Ausblick -- 8. Abschließende Gedanken -- Literaturverzeichnis -- Danksagung
Record Nr. UNINA-9910743294003321
Börner Michael  
Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2023]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Paths out of Dixie : the democratization of authoritarian enclaves in America's deep south, 1944-1972 / / Robert Mickey
Paths out of Dixie : the democratization of authoritarian enclaves in America's deep south, 1944-1972 / / Robert Mickey
Autore Mickey Robert
Edizione [Pilot project. eBook available to selected US libraries only]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , [2015]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (582 p.)
Disciplina 320.4750904
Collana Princeton studies in American politics
Soggetto topico Democratization
Democratization - Southern States
POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / State
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
Soggetto non controllato African Americans
American political development
Brown v. Board of Education
Civil Rights Act 1964
Clemson College
Deep South
Harry S. Truman
Herman Talmadge
James Meredith
National Democratic Party
Smith v. Allwright
South Carolina
States' Rights Party
U.S. Supreme Court
University of Georgia
University of Mississippi
Voting Rights Act 1965
White Citizens' Council
authoritarian enclaves
authoritarian rule
black education
black insurgency
black politics
black protest
democratic rule
economic development
factional conflict
harnessed revolution
intraparty conflict
massive resistance
one-party rule
party factionalism
party reforms
party-state capacity
partyгtate institutions
political authority
political culture
political development
political geography
presidential elections
racial equality
regime change
subnational authoritarianism
subnational democratization
voting rights
white primary
white supremacy
ISBN 0-691-14963-1
Classificazione NK 4600
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Illustrations and Tables -- Preface and Acknowledgments -- Part One: Deep South Enclaves, 1890-1940 -- 1. Southern Political Development in Comparative Perspective -- 2. The Founding and Maintenance of Southern Enclaves, 1890-1940 -- 3. Deep South Enclaves on the Eve of the Transition -- Part Two: The Transition Begins, 1944-48 -- 4. Suffrage Restriction under Attack, 1944-47 -- 5. Driven from the House of Their Fathers. Southern Enclaves and the National Party, 1947-48 -- Part Three: The Clouds Darken, 1950-63 -- Prologue: "No Solution Offers Except Coercion". Brown, Massive Resistance, and Campus Crises, 1950-63 -- 6. "No Task for the Amateur or Hothead". Mississippi and the Battle of Oxford -- 7. "Integration with Dignity". South Carolina Navigates the Clemson Crisis -- 8. "No, Not One". Georgia's Massive Resistance and the Crisis at Athens -- Part Four: Modes of Democratization and Their Legacies since 1964 -- 9. The Deathblows to Authoritarian Rule. The Civil and Voting Rights Acts and National Party Reform, 1964-72 -- 10. Harnessing the Revolution? Three Paths Out of Dixie -- 11. Legacies and Lessons of the Democratized South -- Notes -- Index -- Backmatter
Record Nr. UNINA-9910460361803321
Mickey Robert  
Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , [2015]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Paths out of Dixie : the democratization of authoritarian enclaves in America's deep south, 1944-1972 / / Robert Mickey
Paths out of Dixie : the democratization of authoritarian enclaves in America's deep south, 1944-1972 / / Robert Mickey
Autore Mickey Robert
Edizione [Pilot project. eBook available to selected US libraries only]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , [2015]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (582 p.)
Disciplina 320.4750904
Collana Princeton studies in American politics
Soggetto topico Democratization
Democratization - Southern States
POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / State
Soggetto non controllato African Americans
American political development
Brown v. Board of Education
Civil Rights Act 1964
Clemson College
Deep South
Harry S. Truman
Herman Talmadge
James Meredith
National Democratic Party
Smith v. Allwright
South Carolina
States' Rights Party
U.S. Supreme Court
University of Georgia
University of Mississippi
Voting Rights Act 1965
White Citizens' Council
authoritarian enclaves
authoritarian rule
black education
black insurgency
black politics
black protest
democratic rule
economic development
factional conflict
harnessed revolution
intraparty conflict
massive resistance
one-party rule
party factionalism
party reforms
party-state capacity
partyгtate institutions
political authority
political culture
political development
political geography
presidential elections
racial equality
regime change
subnational authoritarianism
subnational democratization
voting rights
white primary
white supremacy
ISBN 0-691-14963-1
Classificazione NK 4600
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Illustrations and Tables -- Preface and Acknowledgments -- Part One: Deep South Enclaves, 1890-1940 -- 1. Southern Political Development in Comparative Perspective -- 2. The Founding and Maintenance of Southern Enclaves, 1890-1940 -- 3. Deep South Enclaves on the Eve of the Transition -- Part Two: The Transition Begins, 1944-48 -- 4. Suffrage Restriction under Attack, 1944-47 -- 5. Driven from the House of Their Fathers. Southern Enclaves and the National Party, 1947-48 -- Part Three: The Clouds Darken, 1950-63 -- Prologue: "No Solution Offers Except Coercion". Brown, Massive Resistance, and Campus Crises, 1950-63 -- 6. "No Task for the Amateur or Hothead". Mississippi and the Battle of Oxford -- 7. "Integration with Dignity". South Carolina Navigates the Clemson Crisis -- 8. "No, Not One". Georgia's Massive Resistance and the Crisis at Athens -- Part Four: Modes of Democratization and Their Legacies since 1964 -- 9. The Deathblows to Authoritarian Rule. The Civil and Voting Rights Acts and National Party Reform, 1964-72 -- 10. Harnessing the Revolution? Three Paths Out of Dixie -- 11. Legacies and Lessons of the Democratized South -- Notes -- Index -- Backmatter
Record Nr. UNINA-9910787375603321
Mickey Robert  
Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , [2015]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Paths out of Dixie : the democratization of authoritarian enclaves in America's deep south, 1944-1972 / / Robert Mickey
Paths out of Dixie : the democratization of authoritarian enclaves in America's deep south, 1944-1972 / / Robert Mickey
Autore Mickey Robert
Edizione [Pilot project. eBook available to selected US libraries only]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , [2015]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (582 p.)
Disciplina 320.4750904
Collana Princeton studies in American politics
Soggetto topico Democratization
Democratization - Southern States
POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / State
Soggetto non controllato African Americans
American political development
Brown v. Board of Education
Civil Rights Act 1964
Clemson College
Deep South
Harry S. Truman
Herman Talmadge
James Meredith
National Democratic Party
Smith v. Allwright
South Carolina
States' Rights Party
U.S. Supreme Court
University of Georgia
University of Mississippi
Voting Rights Act 1965
White Citizens' Council
authoritarian enclaves
authoritarian rule
black education
black insurgency
black politics
black protest
democratic rule
economic development
factional conflict
harnessed revolution
intraparty conflict
massive resistance
one-party rule
party factionalism
party reforms
party-state capacity
partyгtate institutions
political authority
political culture
political development
political geography
presidential elections
racial equality
regime change
subnational authoritarianism
subnational democratization
voting rights
white primary
white supremacy
ISBN 0-691-14963-1
Classificazione NK 4600
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Illustrations and Tables -- Preface and Acknowledgments -- Part One: Deep South Enclaves, 1890-1940 -- 1. Southern Political Development in Comparative Perspective -- 2. The Founding and Maintenance of Southern Enclaves, 1890-1940 -- 3. Deep South Enclaves on the Eve of the Transition -- Part Two: The Transition Begins, 1944-48 -- 4. Suffrage Restriction under Attack, 1944-47 -- 5. Driven from the House of Their Fathers. Southern Enclaves and the National Party, 1947-48 -- Part Three: The Clouds Darken, 1950-63 -- Prologue: "No Solution Offers Except Coercion". Brown, Massive Resistance, and Campus Crises, 1950-63 -- 6. "No Task for the Amateur or Hothead". Mississippi and the Battle of Oxford -- 7. "Integration with Dignity". South Carolina Navigates the Clemson Crisis -- 8. "No, Not One". Georgia's Massive Resistance and the Crisis at Athens -- Part Four: Modes of Democratization and Their Legacies since 1964 -- 9. The Deathblows to Authoritarian Rule. The Civil and Voting Rights Acts and National Party Reform, 1964-72 -- 10. Harnessing the Revolution? Three Paths Out of Dixie -- 11. Legacies and Lessons of the Democratized South -- Notes -- Index -- Backmatter
Record Nr. UNINA-9910826469703321
Mickey Robert  
Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , [2015]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Reconstructing modernity : Space, power and governance in mid-twentieth century British cities / / James Greenhalgh
Reconstructing modernity : Space, power and governance in mid-twentieth century British cities / / James Greenhalgh
Autore Greenhalgh James
Pubbl/distr/stampa Manchester : , : Manchester University Press, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (226 pages) : illustrations, maps, photographs
Disciplina 711.40942565
Soggetto topico Urban renewal
Cities and towns - Growth
Urban renewal - Great Britain - History - 20th century
Cities and towns - Great Britain - Growth - History - 20th century
Soggetto genere / forma History
Soggetto non controllato Modernity
Social Housing
Urban Modernism
ISBN 1-5261-1417-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910796727603321
Greenhalgh James  
Manchester : , : Manchester University Press, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui