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Forms of Exile in Jewish Literature and Thought : Twentieth-Century Central Europe and Migration to America / / Bronislava Volková
Forms of Exile in Jewish Literature and Thought : Twentieth-Century Central Europe and Migration to America / / Bronislava Volková
Autore Volková Bronislava
Pubbl/distr/stampa Boston, MA : , : Academic Studies Press, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (120 p.)
Disciplina 809.933552
Soggetto topico Alienation (Philosophy) in literature
Central European literature - Jewish authors - History and criticism
Central European literature - 20th century - History and criticism
Exile (Punishment) in literature
Exiles in literature
Soggetto non controllato Alma Mahler
Arnost Lustig
Arthur Schnitzler
Bruno Schulz
Central Europe
Egon Hostovsky
Elie Wiesel
Franz Kafka
Franz Werfel
Hermann Broch
Hermann Ungar
Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Jewish history
Jiri Weil
Joseph Roth
Karl Kraus
Ladislav Fuks
Marcel Proust
Max Nordau
Peter Weiss
Primo Levi
Robert Musil
Saul Friedlander
Sholem Aleichem
Sigmund Freud
Stefan Zweig
Theodor Herzl
cultural studies
twentieth century
ISBN 1-64469-406-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction: A General History of Concepts of Exile -- 1. Exile as Expulsion and Wandering: Joseph Roth, Sholem Aleichem, Stefan Zweig -- 2. Exile as Aesthetic Revolt and an Inward Turn: Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Robert Musil, Hermann Broch -- 3. Exile as Social Renewal: Theodor Herzl, Max Nordau -- 4. Exile as Resistance and a Moral Stance: Karl Kraus, Arthur Schnitzler -- 5. Exile as Gender Marginalization and the Independence of the Femme Fatale: Alma Mahler -- 6. Exile as an Escape from Patriarchal Oppression: Franz Werfel -- 7. Exile as Anxiety and Involuntary Memory: Franz Kafka, Sigmund Freud, Marcel Proust, Bruno Schulz -- 8. Exile as Doom and Revenge: Hermann Ungar -- 9. Exile as a Loss of Identity: Saul Friedländer -- 10. Exile as Abandonment: Peter Weiss -- 11. Exile as Bearing Witness: Elie Wiesel -- 12. Exile as Dehumanization: Primo Levi -- 13. Exile as an Awakening of Consciousness: Jiří Weil, Ladislav Fuks, Arnošt Lustig -- 14. Exile as a Feeling of Meaninglessness: Egon Hostovský -- 15. Exile as Transformation and a Will to Meaning: Viktor Frankl, Simon Wiesenthal -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNISA-996433046703316
Volková Bronislava  
Boston, MA : , : Academic Studies Press, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Modernist form and the myth of Jewification [[electronic resource] /] / Neil Levi
Modernist form and the myth of Jewification [[electronic resource] /] / Neil Levi
Autore Levi Neil Jonathan <1967->
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York, : Fordham University Press, 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (414 p.)
Disciplina 700/.4112
Soggetto topico Modernism (Art)
Art criticism
Soggetto non controllato Culture
Holocaust Studies
James Joyce
Jews and the arts
Max Nordau
Nazi art policy
Richard Wagner
Samuel Beckett
Theodor W. Adorno
Wyndham Lewis
fascism and the arts
the arts
the avant-garde
ISBN 0-8232-5508-5
Classificazione REL040030LIT004170PHI001000
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: Phobic Reading, Modernist Form, and the Figure of the Antisemite -- Part I: Modernist Form as Judaization -- 1. Genealogies: Judaization, Wagner, Nordau -- 2. Jews, Art, and History: The Nazi Exhibition of "Degenerate Art" as Historicopolitical Spectacle -- 3. Fanatical Abstraction: Wyndham Lewis's Critique of Modernist Form as Judaization in Time and Western Man -- Part II: Modernist Form and the Antisemitic Imagination -- 4. Straw Men: Projection, Personification, and Narrative Form in Ulysses -- 5. Images of the Bilderverbot: Adorno, Antisemitism, and the Enemies of Modernism -- 6. The Labor of Late Modernist Poetics: Beckett after Céline -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910787539003321
Levi Neil Jonathan <1967->  
New York, : Fordham University Press, 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui