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Elements of Mathematics : A Problem-Centered Approach to History and Foundations / Gabor Toth
Elements of Mathematics : A Problem-Centered Approach to History and Foundations / Gabor Toth
Autore Toth, Gabor
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer, 2021
Descrizione fisica xv, 527 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 00-XX - General and overarching topics; collections [MSC 2020]
00A05 - Mathematics in general [MSC 2020]
01-XX - History and biography [MSC 2020]
01A05 - General histories, source books [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Arithmetic operations on polynomials
Axiomatic mathematics before calculus
Axiomatic precalculus
Basel problems
Bernoulli Numbers
Birkhoff metric geometry
Dedekind cut
History of mathematics
Math circles
Mathematics Competitions
Mathematics senior capstone
Peano's axioms
Real number system via Cauchy sequences
Rigorous precalculus
Stolz-Cesaro theorems
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN00274715
Toth, Gabor  
Cham, : Springer, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Methods of solving nonstandard problems / Ellina Grigorieva
Methods of solving nonstandard problems / Ellina Grigorieva
Autore Grigorieva, Ellina
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Cham], : Birkhäuser, : Springer, 2015
Descrizione fisica XXI, 327 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 11D25 - Cubic and quartic Diophantine equations [MSC 2020]
00A07 - Problem books [MSC 2020]
11B25 - Arithmetic progressions [MSC 2020]
11J81 - Transcendence (general theory) [MSC 2020]
65H10 - Numerical computation of solutions to systems of equations [MSC 2020]
65Hxx - Nonlinear algebraic or transcendental equations [MSC 2020]
65H05 - Numerical computation of solutions to single equations [MSC 2020]
26A48 - Monotonic functions, generalizations [MSC 2020]
26C10 - Real polynomials: location of zeros [MSC 2020]
11A05 - Multiplicative structure; Euclidean algorithm; greatest common divisors [MSC 2020]
26A15 - Continuity and related questions (modulus of continuity, semicontinuity, discontinuities, etc.) for real functions in one variable [MSC 2020]
26A09 - Elementary functions [MSC 2020]
26D05 - Inequalities for trigonometric functions and polynomials [MSC 2020]
11B65 - Binomial coefficients; factorials; $q$-identities [MSC 2020]
65H04 - Numerical computation of roots of polynomial equations [MSC 2020]
26D07 - Inequalities involving other types of functions [MSC 2020]
97H20 - Elementary algebra (educational aspects) [MSC 2020]
97H30 - Equations and inequalities (educational aspects) [MSC 2020]
97G60 - Plane and spherical trigonometry (educational aspects) [MSC 2020]
08A50 - Word problems (aspects of algebraic structures) [MSC 2020]
11D72 - Diophantine equations in many variables [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Elementary Functions
Math Problem Solving
Mathematical Skills
Mathematics Competitions
Mathematics Olympiad
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN0113644
Grigorieva, Ellina  
[Cham], : Birkhäuser, : Springer, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Methods of solving nonstandard problems / Ellina Grigorieva
Methods of solving nonstandard problems / Ellina Grigorieva
Autore Grigorieva, Ellina
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Cham], : Birkhäuser, : Springer, 2015
Descrizione fisica XXI, 327 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 00A07 - Problem books [MSC 2020]
08A50 - Word problems (aspects of algebraic structures) [MSC 2020]
11A05 - Multiplicative structure; Euclidean algorithm; greatest common divisors [MSC 2020]
11B25 - Arithmetic progressions [MSC 2020]
11B65 - Binomial coefficients; factorials; $q$-identities [MSC 2020]
11D25 - Cubic and quartic Diophantine equations [MSC 2020]
11D72 - Diophantine equations in many variables [MSC 2020]
11J81 - Transcendence (general theory) [MSC 2020]
26A09 - Elementary functions [MSC 2020]
26A15 - Continuity and related questions (modulus of continuity, semicontinuity, discontinuities, etc.) for real functions in one variable [MSC 2020]
26A48 - Monotonic functions, generalizations [MSC 2020]
26C10 - Real polynomials: location of zeros [MSC 2020]
26D05 - Inequalities for trigonometric functions and polynomials [MSC 2020]
26D07 - Inequalities involving other types of functions [MSC 2020]
65H04 - Numerical computation of roots of polynomial equations [MSC 2020]
65H05 - Numerical computation of solutions to single equations [MSC 2020]
65H10 - Numerical computation of solutions to systems of equations [MSC 2020]
65Hxx - Nonlinear algebraic or transcendental equations [MSC 2020]
97G60 - Plane and spherical trigonometry (educational aspects) [MSC 2020]
97H20 - Elementary algebra (educational aspects) [MSC 2020]
97H30 - Equations and inequalities (educational aspects) [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Elementary Functions
Math Problem Solving
Mathematical Skills
Mathematics Competitions
Mathematics Olympiad
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN00113644
Grigorieva, Ellina  
[Cham], : Birkhäuser, : Springer, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui