Ink Against the Devil [[electronic resource] ] : Luther and His Opponents / / Harry Loewen |
Autore | Loewen Harry <1930-, > |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Waterloo, Ontario : , : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, , [2015] |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (356 p.) |
Disciplina | 270.6 |
Soggetto topico | Reformation |
Soggetto genere / forma | Electronic books. |
Soggetto non controllato |
Anti-Trinitarians Denck Erasmus Frederick The Wise Grebel Gutenberg Hoffman Hubmaier Hus Hutterite Jews Judensau Karlstadt Leo X. Luther Mantz Marpeck Melanchthon Menno Simons Mennonite Muentzer Muenzterism Muslims Peasants' War Schwenckfeldt Suleiman the Magnificent Wittenberg Zwingli anti-semitism papacy |
1-77112-081-9 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | In search of a gracious God -- Luther's early red-hot pen -- Dissenting groups and why they opposed Luther -- The enemies within: Luther and the Wittenberg radicals -- "The soft-living flesh of Wittenberg": Luther's struggle and the revolutionaries -- "I commanded them to be killed": Luther and the peasants -- Two riders of the human will: Luther opposes Erasmus and humanism -- Luther knew and opposed the Evangelical Anabaptists -- "I told you so": Luther and the Anabaptist kingdom in Münster -- Much ado about spirit and matter: Luther and the spiritualists -- Three in one or one in three? Luther opposes the rationalists -- To believe what you like? Luther and his opponents on tolerance and religious liberty -- "Drive them out of the land!" Luther on the Jews -- The cross and the crescent: Luther opposes the Turks and Islam -- "An institution of the Devil!" Luther's last battle against the Papacy -- Conclusion and evaluation -- Epilogue. |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910154962103321 |
Loewen Harry <1930-, >
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Waterloo, Ontario : , : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, , [2015] | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Jesus Christus, Seun van God, ís ons Versoening : ’n Missionêre Christologie |
Autore | Verster Pieter |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Bloemfontein, : UJ Press, 2017 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 electronic resource (321 p.) |
Soggetto topico | Christianity |
Soggetto non controllato |
aanbidding aarde aards aardse Aäron aartsvader Abelardes Abraham Adam-Christologie Adam-Christologieë Adam-tipologie afgode afgodery Afrika Aleksandrynse Allah alleen Allerhoogste Almagtige alversoening Anselmus Antiocheense apokaliptiek apokaliptiese apokriewe apostels Aquinas Aristoteliese Arius armes armoede Athanasius atonement Augustinus Barmen Barth bediening beeld begrip begrippe bekering beliggaam beliggaming belofte beloftes belydenis belydenisse Bergpredikasie Berkhof bestaan bevraagteken bevry bevrydende Bevryder bevryding bloed Bonhoeffer boodskap Bosch bruid Bruidegom bruilof Bultmann Bybel Calvyn Chalcedon Christ Christelike Christelikheid Christen Christendom Christene Christian Christianity Christians Christologie Christologieë Christologies Christologiese Christosentries Christosentriese Christus church Claritas Clemens Cyprianus Cyrillus Damaskus-Christofanie Darwinisme Dawid Dawkins death deity dekaloog Dekapolis demokrasie demokratisering Derrida diakonia dialoog diens dissipels dissipelskap dooie dooies Doper Drie-eenheid Drie-enige dualisme dualisties dualistiese duisternis duiwel duiwelbesetenes dwaalleraars ecclesiae eenswesens eerste eersteling eerstelinge eindtyd eindtyd-oordeel ekklesia ekklesiologie ekklesiologiese ekologie ekologies ekologiese ekonomie ekonomiese ekonoom eksegese eksiliese ekskatologiese ekumeniese engele eniggebore enigste entrepreneurskap erediens eredienste eskatologie eskatologiese eurosentrisme evangelie evolusie evolusionêre ewige ewigheid Fariseërs filosofie filosofiese fundamentalisme fundamentalisties gebed geboorte gebore gebroke Gebrokene gebrokenheid geestelik geestelike gehoorsaam gehoorsaamheid gehoorsame geïnkarneer gekruisig Gekruisigde geloof gelowige gelowiges gemeente gemeentes genade genesings geopenbaar gered gereformeerde Gereformeerdes geregtigheid geregverdig geroep geskape geskapenes geslag geslagte gespreksvoorwaardes gesterf gesterwe getuienis gewelddadig geweldloosheid geweldlose goddelike Goddelikheid goddeloses Godgelyke Godheid God-mens godsdiens godsdienste godsdienstige Grice Hebreeuse heelal heerlikheid Heidelbergse heilig heiligdom Heilige hel Hellenistiese hemel hemele hemelse hemelvaart hier-en-nou Hindoeïsme historisiteit Hoëpriester hominiede homoiousios homoousios hoofstroomgodsdienste hoog-kapitalisme humanisme humanistiese humaniteit huwelik illokusie illokusies immanensie immanente Immanuel inkarnasie inkarneer inkulturasie Islam Israel Israeliet Israeliete Jerusalem Jesus Joodse Kanaänitiese kanon Kapitaal kapitalisme kapitalistiese Kappadosiërs Kappadosiese keiser keisers kerk Kerke kerkisme koloniale kolonialisme Koning konings koningskap koninklik koninklike koninkryk koninkryke koninkrykschristendom koninkryksteologie korrupsie kosmiese kosmos kreasionisme krities-materialistiese krities-rasionalistiese kruis kruisdood kruishout Kruisig Kruisiging kruisigingsgebeure Krygsheer kulture kulturele kultuur Kurios kwaliteitsreël kwantiteitsreël lewend lewende liefde liggaam Logos lokusie Lokusies losgekoop losprys Luther lutron lydende lydensbeker lyding maagd maagdelike maagdelikheid majesteit Marcion Marcusse Maria Marialogie Melgisedek mensgeworde menswording Messiaanse Messias Messias-geheim Messias-Koning Messiasskap Middelaar Middelaar-priester middelaarsrol missio missiologiese mission missionaal missional missionale missionary Missionêr missionêre missiones missions Mohammed Moses Moslems narratiewe Nasarener Nasaret nasies Neo-Darwinisme Niceaanse offer onderdruktes oordeel openbaar opstaan opstanding opstandingshoop opstandingsliggaam Origines partisipasie partisipeer pasifistiese Pauliniese Paulus perlokusie Plaasvervanger plaasvervanging politieke post-koloniale post-kolonialisme postmodernisme prediking pre-eksistensie Priester profete profeties profetiese Protestantse pseudepigrafiese reconciliation reddende Redder redding Reformasie reformatore reformatoriese regeer regeerders reg-eisende regering regter regverdig regverdiging regverdigmaking reg-verskaffende religieuse rentmeesterskap resurrection revolusie revolusionêre roeping roepingsvisioen Romeinse Rooms-Katolieke Rooms-Katolisisme sekerheid sendeling sendelinge sending Skepper Skepperkoning skepping Skrif soewerein soewereine soewereiniteit sonde sondeloosheid sondelose Sosialistiese sterf sterwe swakheid Taalhandelingsperspektief teksvoorwaardes teoloë teologie teologiese teologisering teoloog Teopasgitisme Tertullinanus toekoms transendensie transendent transendente Trinitaries Trinitariese Trinitatis Triniteit troon troonbestyging troonvisioen uniek unieke uniek-gebore uniekheid universalisme universalisties universaliteit universeel universele Vader Vader-gebed Vaderhuis vaevuur verbond verheerlik verhewe verkondig verkondiging verlos verlossende Verlosser verlossing verlossingsdaad verlossingsgeskiedenis verlossingswerk versoeking versoekings versoen versoende versoenende versoening vleeswording vloek volbring vryspraak waarheid wedergeboorte wederkoms wêreld wêreldbeeld wêreldbeskouing wêreldbeskoulike werke Westerse wetenskap wetenskaplike wonder woord woorde wysheid YAHWEH |
ISBN | 1-928424-11-2 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | afr |
Altri titoli varianti |
Jesus Christus, Seun van God, ís ons Versoening
Jesus Christus, Seun van God, Ãs ons Versoening |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910619477703321 |
Verster Pieter
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Bloemfontein, : UJ Press, 2017 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Making sense of Jesus : experiences, interpretations and identities / / D.F. Tolmie, R. Venter, editors |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Bloemfontein, : UJ Press, 2017 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 electronic resource (274 p.) |
Disciplina | 232 |
Collana | Theological Explorations |
Soggetto topico |
Calvinist, Reformed & Presbyterian Churches
Christianity |
Soggetto non controllato |
Africa African Aquinas Ars moriendi Barth Balthasar Black Theology Caesar Calvin Christology Crucified crucifixion Deification Devil Digital Disability Divinity Dürer Emmanuel Emperor Empire Erasmus Eschatology Ethics Flesh Gay God Heterosexual Homosexual Historical Jesus Humanity Identity In Christ Incarnation Inter-religion Jerome Jerusalem Jüngel Justice Kenosis King Kingdom Lamb Lewis Love Luther Maluleke Masculinity Mercy Moltmann Moral morality Moses Neigbour Novello Pacifist pacifism Paradox Paul Perichoresis Philo Pluralism plurality Pneumatological Post-colonial post-colonialism Postmodern postmodernity Pragmatics Pre-existence Queer Rahner Rambo Reciprocity Resurrection Revelation Rome Satan Servant Solidarity Son of God Spirit Spirituality Symbolic symbolism Theodore of Mopsuestia Tradition traditions Trinity Trinitarian Truth Welker |
1928424074 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Caesar, Moses and Jesus as "God", "godlike" or "God's Son" : constructions of divinity in paganism, Philo and Christianity in the Greco-Roman world / Peter Lampe -- Overburdening Jesus with divinity causes theological limitations : Matthew 4:1-11 as test case / Peter Nagel -- Paul's way of imparting Jesus Christ crucified : self-portrayal, identity, and vocation in 1 Corinthians / Dustin W. Ellington -- "A beloved brother in the Lord" : on the reception of Christology and ethics in Philemon 15-16 / D.F. (Francois) Tolmie -- Interpretive encounters with Christ in Revelation and its reception history / Pieter G.R. de Villiers -- The Lamb and the Servant as constructions of divinity : the worship of Jesus in early Christianity from a disability studies perspective / Pieter JJ. Botha -- The plurality of contemporary Christological discourses : some perspectives / Rian Venter -- Christ in pluralism? Michael Welker's pneumatological Christology / Henco van der Westhuizen -- The dying Christ : revisiting the ars moriendi in a pneumatological perspective / Deborah van den Bosch -- The moral-theological dimension of Jesus' way of life / Peter G. Kirchschlaeger -- What has Tshwane to do with Copenhagen? Groping for an embodied Christology with Tinyiko Maluleke / Jakub Urbaniak -- @jesus : a practical theological following of Jesus-expressions on twitter / Jan-Albert van den Berg. |
Altri titoli varianti | Making sense of Jesus |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910619476403321 |
Bloemfontein, : UJ Press, 2017 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism: Contemporary Issues in Global Perspective |
Autore | Nassif Bradley |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Basel, Switzerland, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2021 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 electronic resource (250 p.) |
Soggetto topico |
Social interaction |
Soggetto non controllato |
Evangelical ecumenism Patristics Stăniloae Evangelicals ecology creation care leadership Russia Ukraine discipleship Orthodox Christian Oriental Christian Coptic Egypt Ethiopia India Moltmann Eastern Orthodox Chinese evangelicals collectivism social trinitarian anthropology Confucian-influenced/Ru-influenced repressed form of self relational selfhood Cabasilas Luther Mariology Magnificat Eastern Orthodox theology moral discourse contemporary North American Christianity remnant orthodox and evangelicals ecumenical movement proselytism World Council of Churches moral values Symeon the New Theologian Orthodox spirituality Pentecostal/Charismatic spirituality mysticism asceticism apatheia religiosity in Russia spirituality Orthodoxy Protestantism Evangelical Christians subjective well-being spiritual well-being scale religious coping Brief RCOPE Scale enchurchment ecumenical convergence Romanian evangelicals Bible authority deification perichoretic model inaugurated eschatology iconography icon veneration evangelical–Orthodox relations Wesleyan evangelism John Wesley Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative monk asceticism-monastic life community-desert celibacy fasting common life Orthodox Christianity liturgical theology kingdom of God narrative critical realism atonement redemption ransom metaphor concept theory of atonement kerygma theology Romania interfaith Evangelicalism Serbia spiritual revivals Neo-Protestantism Department of Religion the work of Christ retributive justice penal substitution satisfaction nonviolence Christus Victor Gustaf Aulén Anselm Irenaeus Darby Kathleen Ray J. Denny Weaver Thomas Finger Gregory Boyd |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Altri titoli varianti | Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910557353403321 |
Nassif Bradley
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Basel, Switzerland, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2021 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||