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No man's land [[electronic resource] ] : Jamaican guestworkers in America and the global history of deportable labor / / Cindy Hahamovitch
No man's land [[electronic resource] ] : Jamaican guestworkers in America and the global history of deportable labor / / Cindy Hahamovitch
Autore Hahamovitch Cindy
Edizione [Core Textbook]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, : Princeton University Press, c2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (350 p.)
Disciplina 331.6/27292073
Collana Politics and society in twentieth-century America
Soggetto topico Foreign workers - United States
Foreign workers
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
Soggetto non controllato 1960s
Bahamian workers
Caribbean guestworker programs
Caribbean guestworkers
Cuban Revolution
Emergency Farm Labor Importation Program
Florida Rural Legal Services
Great Depression
H2 program
Immigration Reform and Control Act
Jamaican guestworkers
Jim Crow
Leaford Williams
Luther L. Chandler
Lyndon B. Johnson
Mexican guestworker programs
New Deal
U.S. South
U.S. farmworker programme
U.S. guestworker programs
United Farm Workers of America
War on Poverty
World War II
agricultural exceptionalism
alien farmworkers
alien negro laborers
anti-immigrant sentiments
authorized guestworker programs
cane cutters
domestic workers
farm employers
farm labor
female guestworkers
foreign labor
foreign workers
guestworker advocacy
guestworker program
guestworker programs
illegal immigration
immigrant workers
immigration reform legislation
immigration restrictions
international migrants
international migration
labor discipline
labor laws
labor migrants
labor migration
labor recruitment scheme
labor recruitment
labor scarcity
labor standards
labor supply schemes
labor supply systems
managed migration
mass strikes
no man's land
poor working conditions
postwar America
reform programs
state involvement
sugarcane company
temporary immigration schemes
unregulated migration
war workers
ISBN 1-283-16384-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- CHAPTER ONE. Guestworkers of the World, Unite! -- CHAPTER TWO. Everything But a Gun to Their Heads -- CHAPTER THREE. "Stir It Up" -- CHAPTER FOUR. John Bull Meets Jim Crow -- CHAPTER FIVE. The Race to the Bottom -- CHAPTER SIX. A Riotous Success -- CHAPTER SEVEN. The Worst Job in the World -- CHAPTER EIGHT. Takin' It to the Courts -- CHAPTER NINE. "For All Those Bending Years" -- CHAPTER TEN. All the World's a Workplace -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index -- Backmatter
Record Nr. UNINA-9910456651503321
Hahamovitch Cindy  
Princeton, : Princeton University Press, c2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
No man's land [[electronic resource] ] : Jamaican guestworkers in America and the global history of deportable labor / / Cindy Hahamovitch
No man's land [[electronic resource] ] : Jamaican guestworkers in America and the global history of deportable labor / / Cindy Hahamovitch
Autore Hahamovitch Cindy
Edizione [Core Textbook]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, : Princeton University Press, c2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (350 p.)
Disciplina 331.6/27292073
Collana Politics and society in twentieth-century America
Soggetto topico Foreign workers - United States
Foreign workers
Soggetto non controllato 1960s
Bahamian workers
Caribbean guestworker programs
Caribbean guestworkers
Cuban Revolution
Emergency Farm Labor Importation Program
Florida Rural Legal Services
Great Depression
H2 program
Immigration Reform and Control Act
Jamaican guestworkers
Jim Crow
Leaford Williams
Luther L. Chandler
Lyndon B. Johnson
Mexican guestworker programs
New Deal
U.S. South
U.S. farmworker programme
U.S. guestworker programs
United Farm Workers of America
War on Poverty
World War II
agricultural exceptionalism
anti-immigrant sentiments
authorized guestworker programs
cane cutters
domestic workers
farm employers
farm labor
female guestworkers
foreign labor
foreign workers
guestworker advocacy
guestworker program
guestworker programs
illegal immigration
immigrant workers
immigration reform legislation
immigration restrictions
international migrants
international migration
labor discipline
labor laws
labor migrants
labor migration
labor recruitment scheme
labor recruitment
labor scarcity
labor standards
labor supply schemes
labor supply systems
managed migration
mass strikes
no man's land
poor working conditions
postwar America
reform programs
state involvement
sugarcane company
temporary immigration schemes
unregulated migration
war workers
ISBN 1-283-16384-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- CHAPTER ONE. Guestworkers of the World, Unite! -- CHAPTER TWO. Everything But a Gun to Their Heads -- CHAPTER THREE. "Stir It Up" -- CHAPTER FOUR. John Bull Meets Jim Crow -- CHAPTER FIVE. The Race to the Bottom -- CHAPTER SIX. A Riotous Success -- CHAPTER SEVEN. The Worst Job in the World -- CHAPTER EIGHT. Takin' It to the Courts -- CHAPTER NINE. "For All Those Bending Years" -- CHAPTER TEN. All the World's a Workplace -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index -- Backmatter
Record Nr. UNINA-9910781219403321
Hahamovitch Cindy  
Princeton, : Princeton University Press, c2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
No man's land : Jamaican guestworkers in America and the global history of deportable labor / / Cindy Hahamovitch
No man's land : Jamaican guestworkers in America and the global history of deportable labor / / Cindy Hahamovitch
Autore Hahamovitch Cindy
Edizione [Core Textbook]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, : Princeton University Press, c2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (350 p.)
Disciplina 331.6/27292073
Collana Politics and society in twentieth-century America
Soggetto topico Foreign workers - United States
Foreign workers
Soggetto non controllato 1960s
Bahamian workers
Caribbean guestworker programs
Caribbean guestworkers
Cuban Revolution
Emergency Farm Labor Importation Program
Florida Rural Legal Services
Great Depression
H2 program
Immigration Reform and Control Act
Jamaican guestworkers
Jim Crow
Leaford Williams
Luther L. Chandler
Lyndon B. Johnson
Mexican guestworker programs
New Deal
U.S. South
U.S. farmworker programme
U.S. guestworker programs
United Farm Workers of America
War on Poverty
World War II
agricultural exceptionalism
anti-immigrant sentiments
authorized guestworker programs
cane cutters
domestic workers
farm employers
farm labor
female guestworkers
foreign labor
foreign workers
guestworker advocacy
guestworker program
guestworker programs
illegal immigration
immigrant workers
immigration reform legislation
immigration restrictions
international migrants
international migration
labor discipline
labor laws
labor migrants
labor migration
labor recruitment scheme
labor recruitment
labor scarcity
labor standards
labor supply schemes
labor supply systems
managed migration
mass strikes
no man's land
poor working conditions
postwar America
reform programs
state involvement
sugarcane company
temporary immigration schemes
unregulated migration
war workers
ISBN 1-283-16384-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- CHAPTER ONE. Guestworkers of the World, Unite! -- CHAPTER TWO. Everything But a Gun to Their Heads -- CHAPTER THREE. "Stir It Up" -- CHAPTER FOUR. John Bull Meets Jim Crow -- CHAPTER FIVE. The Race to the Bottom -- CHAPTER SIX. A Riotous Success -- CHAPTER SEVEN. The Worst Job in the World -- CHAPTER EIGHT. Takin' It to the Courts -- CHAPTER NINE. "For All Those Bending Years" -- CHAPTER TEN. All the World's a Workplace -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index -- Backmatter
Record Nr. UNISA-996247981803316
Hahamovitch Cindy  
Princeton, : Princeton University Press, c2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Still a house divided [[electronic resource] ] : race and politics in Obama's America / / Desmond S. King & Rogers M. Smith
Still a house divided [[electronic resource] ] : race and politics in Obama's America / / Desmond S. King & Rogers M. Smith
Autore King Desmond S
Edizione [Course Book]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, NJ, : Princeton University Press, 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (320 p.)
Disciplina 323.1196/073
Altri autori (Persone) SmithRogers M. <1953->
Collana Princeton studies in American politics: historical, international, and comparative perspectives
Soggetto topico African Americans - Politics and government
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
Soggetto non controllato African American reform
African Americans
American Civil War
American homes
American housing system
American racial politics
Arthur W. Mitchell
Barack Obama
Jim Crow
affirmative action
antebellum America
antebellum racial alliances
anti-Jim Crow alliances
anti-slavery alliances
color blindness
criminal justice
criminal policy
employment policy
ethnic classification
fair housing
governmental classification
housing choices
immigration issues
majorityЭinority districting
majorityЭinority districts
material race inequalities
modern American schooling
modern racial alliances
multiracial census
policy challenges
political alliance
political dispute
political influence
pro-Jim Crow alliances
pro-slavery alliances
public education
race consciousness
race equality
race-conscious policymaking
racial alliances
racial classification
racial equality
racial housing segregation
racial implications
racial inequalities
racial inequality
racial policy alliances
racial policy coalitions
racial policy
racial progress
residential racial integration
rival racial policy
ISBN 1-283-16901-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- List of Figures and Tables -- Acknowledgments -- PART ONE. Obama's Inheritance -- Chapter 1. "That They May All Be One". America as a House Divided -- PART TWO. The Making and Unmaking of Racial Hierarchies -- Chapter 2. "That is the last speech he will ever make". The Antebellum Racial Alliances -- Chapter 3. "We of the North were thoroughly wrong". How Racial Alliances Mobilized Ideas and Law -- PART THREE. The Trajectory of Racial Alliances -- Chapter 4. "This backdrop of entrenched inequality". Affirmative Action in Work -- Chapter 5. To "affirmatively further fair housing". Enduring Racial Inequalities in American Homes and Mortgages -- Chapter 6. "To elect one of their own". Racial Alliances and Majority-Minority Districts -- Chapter 7. "Our goal is to have one classification-American". Vouchers for Schools and the Multiracial Census -- Chapter 8. "We can take the people out of the slums, but we cannot take the slums out of the people". How Today's Racial Alliances Shape Laws on Crime and Immigration -- PART FOUR. America's Inheritance -- Chapter 9. Prospects of the House Divided -- Notes -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910456981803321
King Desmond S  
Princeton, NJ, : Princeton University Press, 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Still a house divided [[electronic resource] ] : race and politics in Obama's America / / Desmond S. King & Rogers M. Smith
Still a house divided [[electronic resource] ] : race and politics in Obama's America / / Desmond S. King & Rogers M. Smith
Autore King Desmond S
Edizione [Course Book]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Princeton, NJ, : Princeton University Press, 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (320 p.)
Disciplina 323.1196/073
Altri autori (Persone) SmithRogers M. <1953->
Collana Princeton studies in American politics: historical, international, and comparative perspectives
Soggetto topico African Americans - Politics and government
Soggetto non controllato African American reform
African Americans
American Civil War
American homes
American housing system
American racial politics
Arthur W. Mitchell
Barack Obama
Jim Crow
affirmative action
antebellum America
antebellum racial alliances
anti-Jim Crow alliances
anti-slavery alliances
color blindness
criminal justice
criminal policy
employment policy
ethnic classification
fair housing
governmental classification
housing choices
immigration issues
majorityЭinority districting
majorityЭinority districts
material race inequalities
modern American schooling
modern racial alliances
multiracial census
policy challenges
political alliance
political dispute
political influence
pro-Jim Crow alliances
pro-slavery alliances
public education
race consciousness
race equality
race-conscious policymaking
racial alliances
racial classification
racial equality
racial housing segregation
racial implications
racial inequalities
racial inequality
racial policy alliances
racial policy coalitions
racial policy
racial progress
residential racial integration
rival racial policy
ISBN 1-283-16901-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- List of Figures and Tables -- Acknowledgments -- PART ONE. Obama's Inheritance -- Chapter 1. "That They May All Be One". America as a House Divided -- PART TWO. The Making and Unmaking of Racial Hierarchies -- Chapter 2. "That is the last speech he will ever make". The Antebellum Racial Alliances -- Chapter 3. "We of the North were thoroughly wrong". How Racial Alliances Mobilized Ideas and Law -- PART THREE. The Trajectory of Racial Alliances -- Chapter 4. "This backdrop of entrenched inequality". Affirmative Action in Work -- Chapter 5. To "affirmatively further fair housing". Enduring Racial Inequalities in American Homes and Mortgages -- Chapter 6. "To elect one of their own". Racial Alliances and Majority-Minority Districts -- Chapter 7. "Our goal is to have one classification-American". Vouchers for Schools and the Multiracial Census -- Chapter 8. "We can take the people out of the slums, but we cannot take the slums out of the people". How Today's Racial Alliances Shape Laws on Crime and Immigration -- PART FOUR. America's Inheritance -- Chapter 9. Prospects of the House Divided -- Notes -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910781475103321
King Desmond S  
Princeton, NJ, : Princeton University Press, 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui