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Bisexuality in Europe : sexual citizenship, romantic relationships, and Bi+ identities / / edited by Emiel Maliepaard, Renate Baumgartner
Bisexuality in Europe : sexual citizenship, romantic relationships, and Bi+ identities / / edited by Emiel Maliepaard, Renate Baumgartner
Autore Maliepaard Emiel
Pubbl/distr/stampa Taylor & Francis, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (222 pages)
Disciplina 306.765094
Collana Global Gender
Soggetto topico Bisexuality - Europe
Soggetto non controllato Gender studies, gender groups
ISBN 0-367-80988-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910476836203321
Maliepaard Emiel  
Taylor & Francis, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Engendering democracy in Africa : women, politics and development / / Niamh Gaynor
Engendering democracy in Africa : women, politics and development / / Niamh Gaynor
Autore Gaynor Niamh <1970->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Taylor & Francis, 2022
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (203 pages)
Disciplina 320.082096
Collana Routledge Studies in African Development
Soggetto topico Women and democracy
Women - Political activity - Africa
Soggetto non controllato Politics and government
Gender studies, gender groups
ISBN 1-00-314787-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910584590303321
Gaynor Niamh <1970->  
Taylor & Francis, 2022
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Extended Working Life Policies : International Gender and Health Perspectives / / edited by Áine Ní Léime, Jim Ogg, Martina Rašticová, Debra Street, Clary Krekula, Monika Bédiová, Ignacio Madero-Cabib
Extended Working Life Policies : International Gender and Health Perspectives / / edited by Áine Ní Léime, Jim Ogg, Martina Rašticová, Debra Street, Clary Krekula, Monika Bédiová, Ignacio Madero-Cabib
Autore Ní Léime Áine
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XXIV, 515 p. 18 illus., 16 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 361
Soggetto topico Social policy
Industrial sociology
Employee health promotion
Social Policy
Sociology of Work
Employee Health and Wellbeing
Gender Studies
Soggetto non controllato Social Policy
Sociology of Work
Employee Health and Wellbeing
Gender Studies
Human Resource Management
Extended Working Life (EWL)
Influences of Gender and Health on EWL
Foundation for Evidence-Based Policymaking
Extended Working Life Debate
Gender and Health of Older Workers
Extended Working Life and Pension Policies
Introduction of Extended Working Life (EWL) Policies
Europe and Dealing with Extending the Working Life
Extended Working Life Under Neoliberal Societal Change
Indicators for Health and Socio-Economic Well-Being
Implications for Well-Being in a Gender Perspective
Extended Working Life and Employment Policies
Extended Working Life and Health Policies
Precarious Emplyment and Improving Policies
Open Access
Political economy
Social & ethical issues
Sociology: work & labour
Personnel & human resources management
Age groups: adults
Gender studies, gender groups
ISBN 3-030-40985-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Part I. Introductory Section -- Chapter 1. Empirical and Policy Landscape; Jim Ogg and Martina Rasticova -- Chapter 2. Theoretical Perspectives; Clary Krekula, Sarah Vickerstaff -- Chapter 3. Data Sources and Issues; Michaela Gstrein and Tindara Addaboo -- Part II. Country Reports -- Chapter 4. Albania -- Chapter 5. Austria -- Chapter 6. Belgium -- Chapter 7. Bulgaria -- Chapter 8. Chile -- Chapter 9. Croatia -- Chapter 10. Cyprus -- Chapter 11. Czech Republic -- Chapter 12. Finland.-Chapter 13. France -- Chapter 14. Germany -- Chapter 15. Greece -- Chapter 16. Ireland -- Chapter 17. Israel -- Chapter 18. Italy -- Chapter 19. Lithuania -- Chapter 20. Netherlands -- Chapter 21. New Zealand -- Chapter 22. Poland -- Chapter 23. Portugal -- Chapter 24. Romania -- Chapter 25. Serbia -- Chapter 26. Spain -- Chapter 27. Sweden -- Chapter 28. United Kingdom -- Chapter 29. United States -- Part III. Future Directions -- Chapter 30. Policy Tool-Kits; Jonas Radl and Nata Duvvury. - Chapter 31. Conclusion: Future Directions: Debra Street and Aine Ni Leime.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910380742703321
Ní Léime Áine  
Springer Nature, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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For Business and Pleasure : Red-Light Districts and the Regulation of Vice in the United States, 1890–1933
For Business and Pleasure : Red-Light Districts and the Regulation of Vice in the United States, 1890–1933
Autore Keire Mara Laura
Pubbl/distr/stampa Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010
Descrizione fisica 1 electronic resource (248 p.)
Soggetto topico Gender studies, gender groups
Soggetto non controllato Gender studies, gender groups
ISBN 1-4214-2769-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti For Business and Pleasure
Record Nr. UNINA-9910583577603321
Keire Mara Laura  
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Life and Afterlife of Gay Neighborhoods : Renaissance and Resurgence
The Life and Afterlife of Gay Neighborhoods : Renaissance and Resurgence
Autore Bitterman Alex
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (434 pages)
Altri autori (Persone) HessDaniel Baldwin
Collana The Urban Book
Soggetto topico Regional & area planning
Gender studies, gender groups
Agricultural economics
Soggetto non controllato Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning
Gender and Sexuality
Urban Economics
Gender Studies
Regional and Spatial Economics
Neighbourhood Planning
Urban Change
Generational Change
Urban Planning
Open Access
Regional & area planning
Gender studies, gender groups
ISBN 3-030-66073-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- References -- Contents -- Editors and Contributors -- About the Editors -- Contributors -- Part IIntroduction -- 1 Who Are the People in Your Gayborhood? Understanding Population Change and Cultural Shifts in LGBTQ+ Neighborhoods -- 1.1 Introduction: Beneath the Crowded LGBTQ+ Umbrella -- 1.2 Nomenclature: Everyone Belongs -- 1.3 The Other: Refuge and Refusal to Change -- 1.4 Marginal to Memorable: The Evolution of Gay Neighborhoods -- 1.4.1 The First Great Plateau -- 1.5 Empirical Plan for This Book -- 1.5.1 A Note Regarding Limitations -- 1.6 Takeaway Messages -- 1.7 Conclusion: Resurgence and Renaissance -- References -- Part IIContext and Composition -- 2 Breaking Down Segregation: Shifting Geographies of Male Same-Sex Households Within Desegregating Cities -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Data and Methods -- 2.2.1 Decennial Census Data -- 2.2.2 Segregation Scores -- 2.2.3 Gay Neighborhoods -- 2.2.4 Other Neighborhood Characteristics -- 2.2.5 Analysis -- 2.3 Results -- 2.3.1 Trends in Segregation and Neighborhood Change -- 2.3.2 Characteristics of Neighborhoods Within Desegregating Cities -- 2.3.3 Increasingly Segregated Cities -- 2.4 The Demographic Future of Gay Neighborhoods -- 2.5 Future Research: Census 2020 and Beyond -- References -- 3 A Queer Reading of the United States Census -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Heteronormativity and Urban Development -- 3.3 The Census, Heteronormativity, and LGBTQ Populations -- 3.4 A Queer Reading of the Census -- 3.5 Testing the Variables in Four Neighborhoods -- 3.6 Non-family Household Results -- 3.7 Never Married by Sex Results -- 3.8 Divorced by Sex Results -- 3.9 Sex Ratio of Age 25-54 Cohort Results -- 3.10 Discussion -- 3.11 Comparison to Same-Sex Unmarried Partner Data -- 3.12 Conclusion -- References -- 4 Why Gayborhoods Matter: The Street Empirics of Urban Sexualities.
4.1 Introduction: Gayborhood Studies -- 4.2 Why Do You Live in the Gayborhood? -- 4.3 Conclusions -- References -- Part IIIIdentity and Evolution -- 5 The Rainbow Connection: A Time-Series Study of Rainbow Flag Display Across Nine Toronto Neighborhoods -- 5.1 Rainbow Flag: Visibility, Implication, and Meaning -- 5.2 A Capsule History of the Rainbow Flag -- 5.3 The Rainbow Flag as Place Brand for Gay Neighborhoods -- 5.4 The Power of Graphics in the Built Environment -- 5.5 Concentration and Persistence of Rainbow Flags Define Boundaries of Gay Neighborhoods -- 5.6 Empirical Plan for the Visual Assessment of Rainbow Flag Display -- 5.7 Observations and Findings -- 5.8 Diaspora as Practical Identity -- 5.9 Rainbow Proliferation: Synthesis and Conclusions -- 5.10 Takeaway Messages -- Sources -- 6 Wearing Pink in Fairy Town: The Heterosexualization of the Spanish Town Neighborhood and Carnival Parade in Baton Rouge -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Consuming Gay Culture -- 6.3 Baton Rouge Mardi Gras and the Spanish Town Parade -- 6.4 Methods -- 6.5 The Bohemian 1980s in Spanish Town -- 6.6 Spanish Town Parades as Part of Gay Cultural History in Baton Rouge -- 6.7 Homophobia and Queer Culture in the Contemporary Parade -- References -- 7 A Tale of Three Villages: Contested Discourses of Place-Making in Central Philadelphia -- 7.1 Background -- 7.2 The Space in Question -- 7.2.1 Gayborhood -- 7.2.2 Washington Square West -- 7.2.3 Midtown Village -- 7.3 Discursive Moments -- 7.3.1 Snapshots from the Gayborhood -- 7.3.2 The Skeleton of Washington West -- 7.3.3 Welcome to Midtown Village -- 7.4 Further Directions -- 7.5 Conclusion -- References -- 8 Are "Gay" and "Queer-Friendly" Neighborhoods Healthy? Assessing How Areas with High Densities of Same-Sex Couples Impact the Mental Health of Sexual Minority and Majority Young Adults -- 8.1 Introduction.
8.2 Background -- 8.3 Method -- 8.4 Results -- 8.5 Discussion -- 8.6 Limitations and Conclusion -- References -- Part IVCo-Relation and Dialectic -- 9 Let's (not) Go Outside: Grindr, Hybrid Space, and Digital Queer Neighborhoods -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Situating Sexualities, Cities, and Technologies -- 9.3 Location-Based Dating Apps and Their Hybrid Queer Spaces -- 9.4 The Ambiguous Impact of Location-Based Media on Existing Gayborhoods -- 9.5 Conclusion: Space for Co-Existence? -- References -- 10 A Gay Neighborhood or Merely a Temporary Cluster of "Strange" Bars? Gay Bar Culture in Antwerp -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 The Emergence of a Gay Bar Culture in Antwerp -- 10.3 The Paradigmatic Case History of Café Strange in the Central Station Area -- 10.4 The Decline of Gay Bar Life in Antwerp -- References -- 11 Recovering the Gay Village: A Comparative Historical Geography of Urban Change and Planning in Toronto and Sydney -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Historical Geographies of Gay Villages: Segregation and Integration -- 11.3 Historical Geographies of Sexuality in Toronto -- 11.3.1 A Nascent Gay Village: Toronto in the 1970s -- 11.3.2 Neoliberalism and Toronto's Gay Village -- 11.3.3 Toronto's Village Today -- 11.4 Historical Geographies of Sexuality in Sydney -- 11.4.1 Consolidation of a Gay Neighborhood: Sydney in the 1970s to the 1990s -- 11.4.2 An End to Village Life in Sydney? -- 11.5 Thoughts on Historical Legacies and the Future of the Gay Village -- 11.6 Concluding Remarks: Wider Implications for Urban Planning and Policy -- References -- 12 After the Life of LGBTQ Spaces: Learning from Atlanta and Istanbul -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces -- 12.3 Midtown, Atlanta -- 12.3.1 Centripetal Forces in the Atlanta Case -- 12.3.2 Centrifugal Forces in the Atlanta Case -- 12.4 Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey.
12.4.1 Centripetal Forces in the Istanbul Case -- 12.4.2 Centrifugal Forces in the Istanbul Case -- 12.5 Discussion -- References -- Part VSignifiying Meaning and Memory Across Generations -- 13 Far Beyond the Gay Village: LGBTQ Urbanism and Generation in Montréal's Mile End -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Methodology -- 13.3 Generation Queer -- 13.4 Divergent LGBTQ Urbanisms -- 13.4.1 The Gay Village -- 13.4.2 Queer Mile End -- 13.5 Conclusion -- References -- 14 Understanding Generation Gaps in LGBTQ+ Communities: Perspectives About Gay Neighborhoods Among Heteronormative and Homonormative Generational Cohorts -- 14.1 Introduction -- 14.2 A Brief Overview of Generational Cohorts -- 14.3 The Contemporary Heteronormative Saeculum and Events that Shaped the World -- 14.4 Exploring LGBTQ+ Generations: Through the Eyes of Warhol, Vidal, Capote & -- Hudson -- 14.5 The Homonormative Saeculum and the Events that Shaped a Century of LGBTQ+ Culture -- 14.6 The Intersection of LGBTQ+ Generational Cohorts and Gay Neighborhoods -- 14.7 Future Possibilities for Gay Neighborhoods -- 14.8 Synthesis and Conclusion: Connections for LGBTQ+ People Across Generational Cohorts -- 14.9 Takeaway Messages -- References -- 15 Commemorating Historically Significant Gay Places Across the United States -- 15.1 Generations of Gay History -- 15.1.1 Violence and Commemoration -- 15.2 Significant LGBTQ+ Sites -- 15.2.1 LGBTQ+ Heritage Initiative -- 15.2.2 Protecting American LGBTQ+ Heritage -- 15.2.3 Aim of Landmarks Dedication -- 15.2.4 Initial Results of the LGBTQ Heritage Initiative -- 15.3 Current Status of the Preservation of LGBTQ+ Sites -- 15.3.1 Constancy of Application -- 15.4 The Future of Preserving the Past -- 15.5 Takeaway Messages -- References -- 16 Plateaus and Afterglows: Theorizing the Afterlives of Gayborhoods as Post-Places -- 16.1 Introduction.
16.2 The Phenomenology of Place -- 16.3 Post-Phenomenological Perspectives -- 16.4 Plateaus and Afterglows -- 16.5 Post-Placing Gayborhoods -- 16.6 Conclusion: Beyond the Gayborhood in Space, Time, and Scholarship? -- References -- Part VI Epilogue -- 17 After/Lives: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Gay Neighborhoods -- 17.1 Introduction: Once More, Without Human Contact? -- 17.2 Do Places Matter? Empirical Trends for the Future of LGBTQ+ Spaces -- 17.3 Concluding Remarks: Beyond the Master Metaphor of the Gayborhood? -- References -- Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910473456803321
Bitterman Alex  
Springer Nature, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies / / edited by Chris Bobel, Inga T. Winkler, Breanne Fahs, Katie Ann Hasson, Elizabeth Arveda Kissling, Tomi-Ann Roberts
The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies / / edited by Chris Bobel, Inga T. Winkler, Breanne Fahs, Katie Ann Hasson, Elizabeth Arveda Kissling, Tomi-Ann Roberts
Autore Bobel Chris
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (L, 1037 p. 48 illus., 33 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 305.3
Soggetto topico Sociology
Gender Studies
Medicine/Public Health, general
Soggetto non controllato Gender Studies
Medicine/Public Health, general
Health Sciences
Critical Menstruation Studies
gender inequality
menstrual activism
menstrual discourses
menstruation and sexuality
menstrual health
menstrual justice
politics of menstruation
Open Access
Gender studies, gender groups
Medicine: general issues
ISBN 981-15-0614-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. Menstrual Health in the Framework of Human Rights and Substantive Equality -- 2. Menstrual Health in Marginalized Settings: Prisoners, Homeless Women, Slum Dwellers, Women with Disabilities, Refugees, IDPs, Sex Workers -- 3. Menstrual Health in the Global South: Challenges beyond Access to Pads -- 4. Advocacy on Menstrual Justice & Menstrual Equity: Some Reflections from Practice Jennifer -- 5. Menstrual Hygiene in Development: Some Critical Reflections from Practice -- 6. Policy Making on Menstrual Hygiene Management (including the Sustainable Development Goals).
Record Nr. UNINA-9910416119003321
Bobel Chris  
Springer Nature, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Parenting and work in Poland : a gender studies perspective / / Katarzyna Suwada
Parenting and work in Poland : a gender studies perspective / / Katarzyna Suwada
Autore Suwada Katarzyna
Edizione [1st ed. 2021.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIII, 107 p.) : 8 illus., 7 illus. in color
Disciplina 305
Collana SpringerBriefs in Sociology
Soggetto topico Parenthood - Poland
Industrial sociology
Soggetto non controllato Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging
Gender Studies
Sociology of Work
Social Theory
Family policy
Gender roles
Parenthood in Polish society
Family life in Poland
Gender inequalities
Domestic work
Paid work
Social Policies
open access
Sociology: family & relationships
Gender studies, gender groups
Sociology: work & labour
ISBN 3-030-66303-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Parenting, work and gender. Sociological perspective -- Chapter 3: Care work and parenting -- Chapter 4: Paid work and parenting -- Chapter 5: Domestic work and parenting -- Chapter 6: Conclusions: power relations and parenting.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910433228303321
Suwada Katarzyna  
Springer Nature, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Physical disability and sexuality : stories from South Africa / / edited by Xanthe Hunt [et al.]
Physical disability and sexuality : stories from South Africa / / edited by Xanthe Hunt [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (170 pages)
Disciplina 362.40968
Altri autori (Persone) HuntXanthe
BraathenStine Hellum
CarewMark T
Soggetto topico People with disabilities - Sexual behavior - South Africa
Soggetto non controllato African Politics
Development and Health
Development and Gender
Disability Studies
Development and Social Change
Development Studies
Disability and Sexuality
Disability in South Africa
sexuality, gender, and embodiment
Global South
Disability and femininity
Disability and masculinity
Sexual and reproductive health
Open Access
Politics & government
Gender studies, gender groups
ISBN 3-030-55567-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter 1: Introduction (Xanthe Hunt, Leslie Swartz, Stine Hellum Braathen, Mark Carew, Mussa Chiwaula, and Poul Rohleder) Chapter 2: Disability and Sport (Rosabelle Riese, Xanthe Hunt, and Leslie Swartz) Chapter 3: Myths and Misconceptions about Sexuality and Disability (Stine Hellum Braathen, Mark Carew, Mussa Chiwaula, and Poul Rohleder) Chapter 4: Desexualizing of Disability (Martha Geiger, Xanthe Hunt, Mussa Chiwaula, and Leslie Swartz)Chapter 5: Disability and femininity (Stine Hellum Braathen, Xanthe Hunt, and Poul Rohleder) Chapter 6: Kate's story: femininity and sexuality (Kate, Xanthe Hunt, and Stine Hellum Braathen) Chapter 7: Disability and masculinity (Leslie Swartz, Jason Bantjes, and Poul Rohleder) Chapter 8: Bongani's story: young man's disability, his sexuality and relationships (Bongani Mapumulo, Leslie Swartz, and Jason Bantjes) Chapter 9: Sexual and reproductive health (Xanthe Hunt, Leslie Swartz, Stine Hellum Braathen, Mark Carew, Mussa Chiwaula, and Poul Rohleder) Chapter 10: Parenthood and Disability (Vic McKinney, Leslie Swartz, and Mark Carew)
Record Nr. UNINA-9910473451303321
Springer Nature, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Pluralistic struggles in gender, sexuality and coloniality : challenging Swedish exceptionalism / / edited by Erika Alm, Linda Berg, Mikela Lundahl Hero, Anna Johansson, Pia Laskar, Lena Martinsson, Diana Mulinari, Cathrin Wasshede
Pluralistic struggles in gender, sexuality and coloniality : challenging Swedish exceptionalism / / edited by Erika Alm, Linda Berg, Mikela Lundahl Hero, Anna Johansson, Pia Laskar, Lena Martinsson, Diana Mulinari, Cathrin Wasshede
Autore Alm Erika
Edizione [First edition, 2021.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Springer Nature, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xiii, 316 pages) : colour illustrations; digital, PDF file(s)
Disciplina 305.3
Soggetto topico Gender identity
Queer theory
Identity politics
Soggetto non controllato Gender and Sexuality
Queer Theory
Politics and Gender
Culture and Gender
Gender Studies
Queer Studies
Gender and Culture
communities of belonging
Open Access
Gender studies, gender groups
Gay & Lesbian studies
Politics & government
Cultural studies
ISBN 3-030-47432-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. Introduction; Erika Alm, Linda Berg, Mikela Lundahl Hero, Anna Johansson, Pia Laskar, Lena Martinsson, Diana Mulinari and Cathrin Wasshede -- 2. Public Intimacy and “White Feminism”: On the Vain Trust in Scandinavian Equality; Mikela Lundahl Hero -- 3. We Were Here, and We Still Are: Negotiations of Political Space Through Unsanctioned Art; Linda Berg and Anna Sofia Lundgren -- 4. 1 May – Muslim Women Talk Back: A Political Transformation of Secular Modernity on International Workers’ Day; Lena Martinsson -- 5. Fat, Black and Unapologetic: Body Positive Activism Beyond White, Neoliberal Rights Discourses; Anna Johansson -- 6. Rainbow Flag and Belongings/Disbelongings: Öckerö Pride and Reclaim Pride in Gothenburg, Sweden 2019; Cathrin Wasshede -- 7. Pink Porn Economy: Genealogies of Transnational LGBTQ organising; Pia Laskar -- 8. A State Affair?: Notions of the State in Discourses on Trans Rights in Sweden; Erika Alm -- 9. “Pain is hard to put on paper”: Exploring the Silences of Migrant Scholars; Despina Tzimoula and Diana Mulinari -- 10. Contesting Secularism: Religious and Secular Binary Through Memory Work; Linda Berg, Anna Johansson, Pia Laskar, Lena Martinsson, Diana Mulinari and Cathrin Wasshede.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910420942203321
Alm Erika  
Springer Nature, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Same-Sex Families and Legal Recognition in Europe / / edited by Marie Digoix
Same-Sex Families and Legal Recognition in Europe / / edited by Marie Digoix
Autore Digoix Marie
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Disciplina 305
Collana European Studies of Population
Soggetto topico Social groups
Gay-parent families - Law and legislation - Europe
Conflict of laws
Medicine - Research
Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging
Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law
Gender Studies
Quality of Life Research
Soggetto non controllato Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging
Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law
Gender Studies
Quality of Life Research
Family law
Equal rights
Homoparentality/same-sex families
Same-sex marriage
Open access
Sociology: family & relationships
International law
Comparative law
Population & demography
Gender studies, gender groups
Personal & public health
Public health & preventive medicine
ISBN 3-030-37054-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter 1. Introduction - LGBTI questions and the family (Marie Digoix) -- Chapter 2. What first, what later? Patterns in the legal recognition of same-sex partners in European countries (Kees Waaldijk) -- Chapter 3. Same-sex couples and their legalization in Europe: Laws and numbers (Clara Cortina & Patrick Festy) -- Chapter 4. Same sex parents negotiating the law in Italy: between claims of recognition and practices of exclusion (Marina Franchi & Giulia Selmi) -- Chapter 5. Same sex families challenging norms and the law in France (Matthias Thibeaud) -- Chapter 6. LGBT desires in family land: parenting, from social acceptance to social pressure in Iceland (Marie Digoix) -- Chapter 7. Postface - After legal recognition (Wilfired Rault).
Record Nr. UNINA-9910377831603321
Digoix Marie  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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