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The Bluefin Tuna Fishery in the Bay of Biscay [[electronic resource] ] : Its Relationship with the Crisis of Catches of Large Specimens in the East Atlantic Fisheries from the 1960s / / by José Luis Cort, Pablo Abaunza
The Bluefin Tuna Fishery in the Bay of Biscay [[electronic resource] ] : Its Relationship with the Crisis of Catches of Large Specimens in the East Atlantic Fisheries from the 1960s / / by José Luis Cort, Pablo Abaunza
Autore Cort José Luis
Edizione [1st ed. 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XI, 123 p. 73 illus., 35 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 597
Collana SpringerBriefs in Biology
Soggetto topico Wildlife
Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Applied ecology
Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management
Freshwater & Marine Ecology
Marine & Freshwater Sciences
Applied Ecology
Soggetto non controllato Life sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Applied ecology
ISBN 3-030-11545-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction -- Some characteristics of the bluefin tuna its geographical distribution, areas and fishing systems -- The bluefin tuna catch in the strait of gibraltar, a review of its history -- the present state of traps and fisheries research in the strait of gibraltar -- Bluefin tuna fishing in the bay of biscay -- Research related to bluefin tuna fishing in the bay of biscay -- A publication that sheds light on the disappearance of the eastern atlantic bluefin tuna spawner in the 1960s. .
Record Nr. UNINA-9910337946403321
Cort José Luis  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Border Flows : : A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship / / Daniel Macfarlane, Lynne Heasley
Border Flows : : A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship / / Daniel Macfarlane, Lynne Heasley
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa [s.l.] : , : University of Calgary Press, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 electronic resource (368 p.)
Disciplina 333.9100971
Collana Canadian History and Environment
Soggetto topico History
Environmental economics
History of the Americas
Environmental science, engineering & technology
Soggetto non controllato Canada
ISBN 9781552388969
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover -- Half Title Page -- Series Page -- Full Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- Acknowledgments -- Negotiating Abundanceand Scarcity: Introductionto a Fluid Border -- PART ONE - Finding the Border: Political Ecologies of Water Governance and Tenure -- OPENINGS: Political Ecologies on the Border -- 1: A Citizen's Legal Primer on the Boundary Waters Treaty, International Joint Commission,and Great Lakes Water Management -- 2: Treaties, Wars, and Salish SeaWatersheds: The Constructed Boundaries of Water Governance -- 3: Contesting the Northwest Passage: Four Far-North Narratives -- PART TWO - Constructing the Border: Hydropolitics, Nationalism, and Megaprojects -- OPENINGS: Transboundary Power Flows -- 3: Dam the Consequences: Hydropolitics, Nationalism, and the Niagara-St. Lawrence Projects -- 5: Quebec's Water Export Schemes: The Rise and Fall of a Resource Development Idea -- 6: Engineering a Treaty: The Negotiation of the Columbia River Treaty of 1961/1964 -- PART THREE - Challenging the Border:Ecological Agents of Change -- OPENINGS: Border Ecologies in Boundary Waters -- 7: Lines That Don't Divide: Telling Tales about Animals, Chemicals,and People in the Salish Sea -- 8: Resiliency and Collapse: Lake Trout, Sea Lamprey, and Fisheries Management in Lake Superior -- PART FOUR: Reflections in the Water -- OPENINGS: The Lakes at Night -- 9: Finding Our Place -- Afterword -- Further Reading -- Contributors -- Index -- Back Cover.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910845188103321
[s.l.] : , : University of Calgary Press, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Diversity and Eco-Physiological Responses of Aquatic Plants
Diversity and Eco-Physiological Responses of Aquatic Plants
Autore Liu Chunhua
Pubbl/distr/stampa Frontiers Media SA, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 electronic resource (239 p.)
Soggetto topico Science: general issues
Botany & plant sciences
Soggetto non controllato Aquatic Plants
Ecological Factors
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910557218003321
Liu Chunhua  
Frontiers Media SA, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The European Landing Obligation [[electronic resource] ] : Reducing Discards in Complex, Multi-Species and Multi-Jurisdictional Fisheries / / edited by Sven Sebastian Uhlmann, Clara Ulrich, Steven J. Kennelly
The European Landing Obligation [[electronic resource] ] : Reducing Discards in Complex, Multi-Species and Multi-Jurisdictional Fisheries / / edited by Sven Sebastian Uhlmann, Clara Ulrich, Steven J. Kennelly
Autore Uhlmann Sven Sebastian
Edizione [1st ed. 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIX, 431 p. 78 illus., 55 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 577.6
Soggetto topico Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Natural resources
Sustainable development
Freshwater & Marine Ecology
Marine & Freshwater Sciences
Natural Resources
Sustainable Development
Maritime Economics
Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management
Soggetto non controllato Life sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Natural resources
Sustainable development
ISBN 3-030-03308-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Part 1. Global and European perspectives on discard policies -- 1. Strategies used throughout the world to manage fisheries discards – lessons for implementation of the EU Landing Obligation -- 2. Discards in the Common Fisheries Policy: The evolution of the policy -- 3. Requirements for documentation, data collection and scientific evaluations -- Part II. Potential social, economic and ecological impacts of the Landing Obligation -- 4. Fishing Industry perspectives on the EU Landing Obligation -- 5. The implementation of the Landing Obligation in small-scale fisheries of southern European Union countries -- 6. Potential economic consequences of the Landing Obligation -- 7. The impact of fisheries discards on scavengers in the sea -- Part III. Cultural,institutional and multi-jurisdictional challenges -- 8. How the implementation of the Landing Obligation was weakened -- 9. Muddying the waters of the Landing Obligation: how multi-level governance structures can obscure policy implementation -- 10. The Baltic cod trawl fishery: the perfect fishery for a successful implementation of the Landing Obligation? -- 11. Creating a breeding ground for compliance and honest reporting under the Landing Obligation: insights from behavioural science -- Part IV. Tactical and technological options for reducing unwanted catches -- 12. A Marine Spatial Planning approach to minimize discards: challenges and opportunities of the Landing Obligation in European waters -- 13. The best way to reduce discards is by not catching them! -- 14. Discard avoidance by improving fishing gear selectivity: helping the fishing industry help itself -- 15. Mitigating slipping-related mortality from purse seine fisheries for small pelagic fish: Case studies from European Atlantic waters -- 16. Onboard and vessel layout modifications -- 17. What to do with unwanted catches: valorisation options and selection strategies -- Part V. Control, monitoring and surveillance -- 18. Tools and technologies for the monitoring, control and surveillance of unwanted catches -- 19. Monitoring the implementation of the Landing Obligation: The Last Haul programme -- 20. Possible uses of genetic methods in fisheries under the EU Landing Obligation.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910337948503321
Uhlmann Sven Sebastian  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Aad C. Smaal, Joao G. Ferreira, Jon Grant, Jens K. Petersen, Øivind Strand
Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Aad C. Smaal, Joao G. Ferreira, Jon Grant, Jens K. Petersen, Øivind Strand
Autore Smaal Aad C
Edizione [1st ed. 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XXV, 591 p. 125 illus., 93 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 577.6
Soggetto topico Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Environmental sciences
Environmental management
Freshwater & Marine Ecology
Marine & Freshwater Sciences
Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management
Environmental Science and Engineering
Environmental Management
Soggetto non controllato Life sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Environmental sciences
Environmental management
ISBN 3-319-96776-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto PART I General Introduction -- PART II Provisioning services -- Introduction -- 2 Global production trends and challenges -- 3 Resource provisioning and efficient use -- 4 Bivalve production system in China -- 5 Production of pearls -- 6 Biotechnologies from marine bivalves -- PART III Regulating services -- 7 Introduction -- 8 Biofiltration for turbidity management -- 9 Feedbacks by filter feeders: nutrient regeneration -- 10 Nutrient extraction through bivalves -- 11 Perspectives of bivalves in IMTA -- 12 Regulating services of bivalve molluscs in the context of the carbon cycle and implications for ecosystem valuation -- 13 Bivalve reefs as eco-engineers -- 14 Bivalve beds as biodiversity hot spots -- 15 Enhanced production of finfish and large crustaceans by bivalve reefs -- PART IV Cultural services -- 16 Introduction -- 17 Socio-economy of shellfish culture communities -- 18 A variety of approaches for incorporating community outreach and education in oyster reef restoration projects: Examples from the United States -- 19 Bivalve gardening -- 20 Shells as collector’s item -- 21 Archaeology and sclerochronology of marine bivalves -- PART V Assessment of services -- 22 Introduction -- 23 Bivalve aquaculture carrying capacity: concepts and assessment tools -- 24 Farm scale production models -- 25 Ecosystem models -- 26 Spatial models -- 27 Nutrient trading -- Epilogue.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910337949303321
Smaal Aad C  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
YOUMARES 8 – Oceans Across Boundaries: Learning from each other [[electronic resource] ] : Proceedings of the 2017 conference for YOUng MARine RESearchers in Kiel, Germany / / edited by Simon Jungblut, Viola Liebich, Maya Bode
YOUMARES 8 – Oceans Across Boundaries: Learning from each other [[electronic resource] ] : Proceedings of the 2017 conference for YOUng MARine RESearchers in Kiel, Germany / / edited by Simon Jungblut, Viola Liebich, Maya Bode
Autore Jungblut Simon
Edizione [1st ed. 2018.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XVII, 251 p. 58 illus., 46 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 551.4
Soggetto topico Marine sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Science education
Marine & Freshwater Sciences
Freshwater & Marine Ecology
Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management
Science Education
Soggetto non controllato Environment
Marine sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Science education
ISBN 3-319-93284-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. YOUMARES – A Conference from and for YOUng MARine RESearchers -- 2. Can Climate Models Simulate the Observed Strong Summer Surface Cooling in the Equatorial Atlantic? -- 3. The Physical System of the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas in a Changing Climate -- 4. Marine Optics and Ocean Color Remote Sensing -- 5. Phytoplankton Responses to Marine Climate Change – An Introduction -- 6. Reading the Book of Life – Omics as a Universal Tool Across Disciplines -- 7. Bio-Telemetry as an Essential Tool in Movement Ecology and Marine Conservation -- 8. How Do They Do It? – Understanding the Success of Marine Invasive Species -- 9. For a World Without Boundaries: Connectivity Between Marine Tropical Ecosystems in Times of Change -- 10. Arctic Ocean Biodiversity and DNA Barcoding – A Climate Change Perspective -- 11. Regime Shifts – A Global Challenge for the Sustainable Use of our Marine Resources -- 12. Biodiversity and the Functioning of Ecosystems in the Age of Global Change: Integrating Knowledge Across Scales -- 13. Microplastics in Aquatic Systems – Monitoring Methods and Biological Consequences -- Appendix 1. List of Conference Participants -- Appendix 2. Conference Sessions and Abstracts.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910299379303321
Jungblut Simon  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future : Proceedings of the 2018 conference for YOUng MArine RESearcher in Oldenburg, Germany / / editors, Simon Jungblut, Viola Liebich, Maya Bode-Dalby
YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future : Proceedings of the 2018 conference for YOUng MArine RESearcher in Oldenburg, Germany / / editors, Simon Jungblut, Viola Liebich, Maya Bode-Dalby
Autore Jungblut Simon
Edizione [1st edition 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIX, 370 p. 78 illus., 45 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 577
Soggetto topico Biodiversity
Marine sciences
Science - Study and teaching
Soggetto non controllato Life sciences
Marine sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Science education
ISBN 3-030-20389-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. Science for the Future: The Use of Citizen Science in Marine Research and Conservation -- 2. A Literature Review on Stakeholder Participation in Coastal and Marine Fisheries -- 3. Law and Policy Dimensions of Ocean Governance -- 4. Status and Threats to Marine Biodiversity in the Anthropocene -- 5. Challenges in Marine Restoration Ecology: How Techniques, Assessment Metrics and Ecosystem Valuation can lead to Improved Restoration Success -- 6. Understanding how Microplastics Affect Marine Biota on the Cellular Level is Important for Assessing Ecosystem Function – A Review -- 7. Chemical Biodiversity and Bioactivities of Saponins in Echinodermata with an Emphasis on Sea Cucumbers (Holothuroidea) -- 8. Secondary Metabolites of Marine Microbes: From Natural Products Chemistry to Chemical Ecology -- 9. Sponges Revealed: A Synthesis of their Overlooked Ecological Functions within Aquatic Ecosystems -- 10. Theories, Vectors, and Computer Models – Marine Invasion Science in the Anthropocene -- 11. Benthos-Pelagos Interconnectivity: Antarctic Shelf Examples -- 12. Investigating the Land-Sea Transition Zone -- 13. Fisheries and Tourism: Social, Economic and Ecological Trade-offs in Coral Reef Systems -- 14. Progress in Microbial Ecology in Ice Covered Seas -- 15. Complex Interactions Between Aquatic Organisms and Their Chemical Environment Elucidated from Different Perspectives.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910367257703321
Jungblut Simon  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui