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Acanthaster and the Coral Reef: A Theoretical Perspective : Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Aug. 6–7, 1988 / Roger Bradbury (ed.)
Acanthaster and the Coral Reef: A Theoretical Perspective : Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Aug. 6–7, 1988 / Roger Bradbury (ed.)
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, : Springer, 1990
Descrizione fisica vi, 336 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto non controllato Coral reefs
Population dynamics
Species diversity
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN00286711
Berlin, : Springer, 1990
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
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Animal as machine : the quest to understand how animals work and adapt / / Michel Anctil
Animal as machine : the quest to understand how animals work and adapt / / Michel Anctil
Autore Anctil Michel <1945->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Montreal, Quebec : , : McGill-Queen's University Press, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (343 pages)
Disciplina 612
Soggetto topico Physiology - History
Soggetto genere / forma History
Informational works.
Soggetto non controllato Belgian School
Bernd Heinrich
Bodil Schmidt-Nielsen
C Ladd Prosser
Charles Darwin
Edward Stuart Russell
Eric Kandel
Georges Cuvier
Naples Zoological Station
Steven Pinker
William Hoar
Woods Hole
comparative biochemistry
ISBN 9780228012214
Classificazione cci1icc
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Matter -- Contents -- Prologue -- Chronology -- An Unspoken Branch of Natural History -- The Uncertain Beginnings -- Building Sound Foundations -- The Turning Point -- American Schools of Comparative Physiology -- The Belgian School and the Rise of Comparative Biochemistry -- The Canadian Way: Fish Physiology and Biochemistry -- A Showcase of Animals Living on the Edge -- Learning How Animal Brains Work -- Learning How Chemicals Rule Animal Moods -- Epilogue -- References -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910795762603321
Anctil Michel <1945->  
Montreal, Quebec : , : McGill-Queen's University Press, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Animal as machine : the quest to understand how animals work and adapt / / Michel Anctil
Animal as machine : the quest to understand how animals work and adapt / / Michel Anctil
Autore Anctil Michel <1945->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Montreal, Quebec : , : McGill-Queen's University Press, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (343 pages)
Disciplina 612
Soggetto topico Physiology - History
Soggetto genere / forma History
Informational works.
Soggetto non controllato Belgian School
Bernd Heinrich
Bodil Schmidt-Nielsen
C Ladd Prosser
Charles Darwin
Edward Stuart Russell
Eric Kandel
Georges Cuvier
Naples Zoological Station
Steven Pinker
William Hoar
Woods Hole
comparative biochemistry
ISBN 9780228012214
Classificazione cci1icc
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Matter -- Contents -- Prologue -- Chronology -- An Unspoken Branch of Natural History -- The Uncertain Beginnings -- Building Sound Foundations -- The Turning Point -- American Schools of Comparative Physiology -- The Belgian School and the Rise of Comparative Biochemistry -- The Canadian Way: Fish Physiology and Biochemistry -- A Showcase of Animals Living on the Edge -- Learning How Animal Brains Work -- Learning How Chemicals Rule Animal Moods -- Epilogue -- References -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910827647603321
Anctil Michel <1945->  
Montreal, Quebec : , : McGill-Queen's University Press, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Aquaponics food production systems : combined aquaculture and hydroponic production technologies for the future / / editors, Simon Goddek [et al.]
Aquaponics food production systems : combined aquaculture and hydroponic production technologies for the future / / editors, Simon Goddek [et al.]
Autore Goddek Simon
Edizione [1st edition 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XVI, 619 p. 116 illus., 114 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 577.6
Soggetto topico Aquaponics
Aquatic biology
Sustainable development
Environmental education
Soggetto non controllato Life sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Sustainable development
Environmental education
ISBN 3-030-15943-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto PART 1: FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS IN A RESOURCE LIMITED WORLD -- 1: Aquaponics and Global Food Challenges -- 2: Aquaponics: closing the cycle on limited water, land and nutrient resources -- 3: Recirculating Aquaculture Technology -- 4: Hydroponic Technology -- PART 2: SPECIFIC AQUAPONIC TECHNOLOGY -- 5: Aquaponics: The Basics -- 6: Bacterial Relationships in Aquaponics: New Research Directions -- 7: Coupled Aquaponic Systems -- 8: Decoupled Aquaponic Systems -- 9: Nutrient Cycling -- 10: Aerobic & Anaerobic Treatments for Aquaponic Sludge Reduction and Mineralisation -- 11: Systems Modelling -- 12: Aquaponics: Alternative Types and Approaches -- PART 3: PERSPECTIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT -- 13: Fish Diets in Aquaponics -- 14: Plant Pathogens and Control Strategies in Aquaponics -- 15: Smarthoods: Aquaponics Integrated Microgrids -- 16: Aquaponics for the Anthropocene: Towards a 'sustainable first' Agenda -- PART 4: MANAGEMENT & MARKETING -- 17: Insight into Risk in Aquatic Animal Health in Aquaponics -- 18: Commercial Aqupaonics - A Long Road Ahead -- 19: Aquaponics: The Ugly Duckling in Organic Regulation -- 20: Regulatory Frameworks for Aquaponics within the EU -- 21: Aquaponics in the Built Environment -- PART 5: AQUAPONICS AND EDUCATION -- 22: Aquaponics as an Educational Tool -- 23: Opportunities and challenges in using aquaponics among young people at school – a Danish perspective -- 24: Aquaponics and Social Enterprise.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910337956103321
Goddek Simon  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Behavioral Ecology of the Tibetan Macaque [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Jin-Hua Li, Lixing Sun, Peter M. Kappeler
The Behavioral Ecology of the Tibetan Macaque [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Jin-Hua Li, Lixing Sun, Peter M. Kappeler
Autore Li Jin-Hua
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XVI, 299 p. 93 illus., 59 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 591.5
Collana Fascinating Life Sciences
Soggetto topico Behavioral sciences
Physical anthropology
Cognitive psychology
Animal welfare
Animal ecology
Behavioral Sciences
Biological and Physical Anthropology
Cognitive Psychology
Animal Welfare/Animal Ethics
Animal Ecology
Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management
Soggetto non controllato Life sciences
Behavioral sciences
Physical anthropology
Cognitive psychology
Animal welfare
Animal ecology
ISBN 3-030-27920-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Part I: Introduction -- Chapter 1: Recent developments in primatology and their relevance to the study of Tibetan macaques -- Part II: Social Behavior and Dynamics in Tibetan Macaques -- Chapter 2: Social and Life History Strategies of Tibetan Macaques at Mt. Huangshan -- Chapter 3: Size Matters in Primate Societies: How Social Mobility Relates to Social Stability in Tibetan and Japanese Macaques -- Chapter 4: Behavioral exchange and interchange as strategies to facilitate social relationships in Tibetan macaques -- Chapter 5: Social relationships impact collective decision-making in Tibetan macaques -- Chapter 6: Considering Social Play in Primates: A Case Study in Juvenile Tibetan Macaques (Macacathibetana) -- Chapter 7: The Vocal Repertoire of Tibetan Macaques (Macacathibetana) and Congeneric Comparisons -- Chapter 8: Tibetan Macaque Social Style: Co-variant and Quasi-independent Evolution -- Part III: Evolution of Rituals: Insights from Bridging Behavior -- Chapter 9: Preliminary observations of female-female bridging behavior in Tibetan macaques (Macacathibetana) at Mt. Huangshan, China -- Chapter 10: Bridging Behavior and Male-Infant Interactions in Macacathibetana and M. assamensis: Insight into the Evolution of Social Behavior in the sinica Species-group of Macaques -- Part IV: Livingwith Microbes, Parasites, and Diseases -- Chapter 11: The gut microbiome of Tibetan macaques: composition, influencing factors and function in feeding ecology -- Chapter 12: Medicinal Properties in the Diet of Tibetan Macaques at Mt. Huangshan - A Case for Self-medication -- Chapter 13: Primate infectious disease ecology: Insights and future directions at the human-macaque interface -- Part V: Emerging Technologies in Primatology -- Chapter 14: High field MRI technology for behavioral and cognitive studies in macaques in vivo.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910367258503321
Li Jin-Hua  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Bluefin Tuna Fishery in the Bay of Biscay [[electronic resource] ] : Its Relationship with the Crisis of Catches of Large Specimens in the East Atlantic Fisheries from the 1960s / / by José Luis Cort, Pablo Abaunza
The Bluefin Tuna Fishery in the Bay of Biscay [[electronic resource] ] : Its Relationship with the Crisis of Catches of Large Specimens in the East Atlantic Fisheries from the 1960s / / by José Luis Cort, Pablo Abaunza
Autore Cort José Luis
Edizione [1st ed. 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XI, 123 p. 73 illus., 35 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 597
Collana SpringerBriefs in Biology
Soggetto topico Wildlife
Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Applied ecology
Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management
Freshwater & Marine Ecology
Marine & Freshwater Sciences
Applied Ecology
Soggetto non controllato Life sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Applied ecology
ISBN 3-030-11545-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction -- Some characteristics of the bluefin tuna its geographical distribution, areas and fishing systems -- The bluefin tuna catch in the strait of gibraltar, a review of its history -- the present state of traps and fisheries research in the strait of gibraltar -- Bluefin tuna fishing in the bay of biscay -- Research related to bluefin tuna fishing in the bay of biscay -- A publication that sheds light on the disappearance of the eastern atlantic bluefin tuna spawner in the 1960s. .
Record Nr. UNINA-9910337946403321
Cort José Luis  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The European Landing Obligation [[electronic resource] ] : Reducing Discards in Complex, Multi-Species and Multi-Jurisdictional Fisheries / / edited by Sven Sebastian Uhlmann, Clara Ulrich, Steven J. Kennelly
The European Landing Obligation [[electronic resource] ] : Reducing Discards in Complex, Multi-Species and Multi-Jurisdictional Fisheries / / edited by Sven Sebastian Uhlmann, Clara Ulrich, Steven J. Kennelly
Autore Uhlmann Sven Sebastian
Edizione [1st ed. 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIX, 431 p. 78 illus., 55 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 577.6
Soggetto topico Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Natural resources
Sustainable development
Freshwater & Marine Ecology
Marine & Freshwater Sciences
Natural Resources
Sustainable Development
Maritime Economics
Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management
Soggetto non controllato Life sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Natural resources
Sustainable development
ISBN 3-030-03308-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Part 1. Global and European perspectives on discard policies -- 1. Strategies used throughout the world to manage fisheries discards – lessons for implementation of the EU Landing Obligation -- 2. Discards in the Common Fisheries Policy: The evolution of the policy -- 3. Requirements for documentation, data collection and scientific evaluations -- Part II. Potential social, economic and ecological impacts of the Landing Obligation -- 4. Fishing Industry perspectives on the EU Landing Obligation -- 5. The implementation of the Landing Obligation in small-scale fisheries of southern European Union countries -- 6. Potential economic consequences of the Landing Obligation -- 7. The impact of fisheries discards on scavengers in the sea -- Part III. Cultural,institutional and multi-jurisdictional challenges -- 8. How the implementation of the Landing Obligation was weakened -- 9. Muddying the waters of the Landing Obligation: how multi-level governance structures can obscure policy implementation -- 10. The Baltic cod trawl fishery: the perfect fishery for a successful implementation of the Landing Obligation? -- 11. Creating a breeding ground for compliance and honest reporting under the Landing Obligation: insights from behavioural science -- Part IV. Tactical and technological options for reducing unwanted catches -- 12. A Marine Spatial Planning approach to minimize discards: challenges and opportunities of the Landing Obligation in European waters -- 13. The best way to reduce discards is by not catching them! -- 14. Discard avoidance by improving fishing gear selectivity: helping the fishing industry help itself -- 15. Mitigating slipping-related mortality from purse seine fisheries for small pelagic fish: Case studies from European Atlantic waters -- 16. Onboard and vessel layout modifications -- 17. What to do with unwanted catches: valorisation options and selection strategies -- Part V. Control, monitoring and surveillance -- 18. Tools and technologies for the monitoring, control and surveillance of unwanted catches -- 19. Monitoring the implementation of the Landing Obligation: The Last Haul programme -- 20. Possible uses of genetic methods in fisheries under the EU Landing Obligation.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910337948503321
Uhlmann Sven Sebastian  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Aad C. Smaal, Joao G. Ferreira, Jon Grant, Jens K. Petersen, Øivind Strand
Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Aad C. Smaal, Joao G. Ferreira, Jon Grant, Jens K. Petersen, Øivind Strand
Autore Smaal Aad C
Edizione [1st ed. 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XXV, 591 p. 125 illus., 93 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 577.6
Soggetto topico Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Environmental sciences
Environmental management
Freshwater & Marine Ecology
Marine & Freshwater Sciences
Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management
Environmental Science and Engineering
Environmental Management
Soggetto non controllato Life sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Marine sciences
Environmental sciences
Environmental management
ISBN 3-319-96776-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto PART I General Introduction -- PART II Provisioning services -- Introduction -- 2 Global production trends and challenges -- 3 Resource provisioning and efficient use -- 4 Bivalve production system in China -- 5 Production of pearls -- 6 Biotechnologies from marine bivalves -- PART III Regulating services -- 7 Introduction -- 8 Biofiltration for turbidity management -- 9 Feedbacks by filter feeders: nutrient regeneration -- 10 Nutrient extraction through bivalves -- 11 Perspectives of bivalves in IMTA -- 12 Regulating services of bivalve molluscs in the context of the carbon cycle and implications for ecosystem valuation -- 13 Bivalve reefs as eco-engineers -- 14 Bivalve beds as biodiversity hot spots -- 15 Enhanced production of finfish and large crustaceans by bivalve reefs -- PART IV Cultural services -- 16 Introduction -- 17 Socio-economy of shellfish culture communities -- 18 A variety of approaches for incorporating community outreach and education in oyster reef restoration projects: Examples from the United States -- 19 Bivalve gardening -- 20 Shells as collector’s item -- 21 Archaeology and sclerochronology of marine bivalves -- PART V Assessment of services -- 22 Introduction -- 23 Bivalve aquaculture carrying capacity: concepts and assessment tools -- 24 Farm scale production models -- 25 Ecosystem models -- 26 Spatial models -- 27 Nutrient trading -- Epilogue.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910337949303321
Smaal Aad C  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Mercury and Methylmercury Toxicology and Risk Assessment / Laurie Hing Chan
Mercury and Methylmercury Toxicology and Risk Assessment / Laurie Hing Chan
Autore Chan Laurie Hing
Pubbl/distr/stampa Basel, Switzerland : , : MDPI, , 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 electronic resource (142 p.)
Soggetto non controllato toxicity
sympathodominant state
child development
exposure assessment
prenatal exposure
heart rate variability
cortical precursors
delayed toxicity
dose-response relationship
low-dose exposure
long term exposure
methylmercury neurotoxicity
correlation of signs and symptoms
developmental neurotoxicity
molecular mechanisms
neurological findings
delayed effects
oxidative stress
mercury vapor
ISBN 9783038979715
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910346688503321
Chan Laurie Hing  
Basel, Switzerland : , : MDPI, , 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
YOUMARES 8 – Oceans Across Boundaries: Learning from each other [[electronic resource] ] : Proceedings of the 2017 conference for YOUng MARine RESearchers in Kiel, Germany / / edited by Simon Jungblut, Viola Liebich, Maya Bode
YOUMARES 8 – Oceans Across Boundaries: Learning from each other [[electronic resource] ] : Proceedings of the 2017 conference for YOUng MARine RESearchers in Kiel, Germany / / edited by Simon Jungblut, Viola Liebich, Maya Bode
Autore Jungblut Simon
Edizione [1st ed. 2018.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer Nature, 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XVII, 251 p. 58 illus., 46 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 551.4
Soggetto topico Marine sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Science education
Marine & Freshwater Sciences
Freshwater & Marine Ecology
Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management
Science Education
Soggetto non controllato Environment
Marine sciences
Aquatic ecology 
Science education
ISBN 3-319-93284-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. YOUMARES – A Conference from and for YOUng MARine RESearchers -- 2. Can Climate Models Simulate the Observed Strong Summer Surface Cooling in the Equatorial Atlantic? -- 3. The Physical System of the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas in a Changing Climate -- 4. Marine Optics and Ocean Color Remote Sensing -- 5. Phytoplankton Responses to Marine Climate Change – An Introduction -- 6. Reading the Book of Life – Omics as a Universal Tool Across Disciplines -- 7. Bio-Telemetry as an Essential Tool in Movement Ecology and Marine Conservation -- 8. How Do They Do It? – Understanding the Success of Marine Invasive Species -- 9. For a World Without Boundaries: Connectivity Between Marine Tropical Ecosystems in Times of Change -- 10. Arctic Ocean Biodiversity and DNA Barcoding – A Climate Change Perspective -- 11. Regime Shifts – A Global Challenge for the Sustainable Use of our Marine Resources -- 12. Biodiversity and the Functioning of Ecosystems in the Age of Global Change: Integrating Knowledge Across Scales -- 13. Microplastics in Aquatic Systems – Monitoring Methods and Biological Consequences -- Appendix 1. List of Conference Participants -- Appendix 2. Conference Sessions and Abstracts.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910299379303321
Jungblut Simon  
Cham, : Springer Nature, 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui