Redefining Dionysos / / edited by Alberto Bernabé [and three others] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2013] |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (700 p.) |
Disciplina | 292.2113 |
Altri autori (Persone) | Bernabé PajaresAlberto |
Collana | Mythoseikonpoiesis |
Soggetto topico |
Dionysus (Greek deity)
Gods, Greek |
Soggetto non controllato |
Bacchic rituals
Dionysos Greek gods Greek literature Greek religion |
3-11-030133-4 |
Classificazione | BE 7302 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Front matter -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Introduction -- Walter F. Otto’s Dionysos (1933) -- Dionysos in the Mycenaean World -- The Term βάκχος and Dionysos Βάκχιος -- Apollo and Dionysos: Intersections -- ‘Rien pour Dionysos?’ Le dithyrambe comme forme poétique entre Apollon et Dionysos -- Redefining Dionysos in Athens from the Written Sources: The Lenaia, Iacchos and Attic Women -- Gender Differentiation and Role Models in the Worship of Dionysos: The Thracian and Thessalian Pattern -- Dionysos versus Orpheus? -- Maenadic Ecstasy in Greece: Fact or Fiction? -- Maenadic Ecstasy in Rome: Fact or Fiction? -- Dioniso e i cani di Atteone in Eumelo di Corinto (Una nuova ipotesi su P. Oxy. xxx 2509 e Apollod. 3.4.4) -- Dionysos in the Homeric Hymns: the Olympian Portrait of the God -- Herodotus’ Egyptian Dionysos. A Comparative Perspective -- Dushara and Allāt alias Dionysos and Aphrodite in Herodotus 3.8 -- The Sophoclean Dionysos -- Under the Spell of the Dionysian: Some Meta-tragic Aspects of the Xenos Attributes in Euripides’ Bacchae -- The Image of Dionysos in Euripides’ Bacchae: The God and his Epiphanies -- The Names of Dionysos in Euripides’ Bacchae and the Rhetorical Language of Teiresias -- Dionysos in Old Comedy. Staging of Experiments on Myth and Cult -- Dionysian Enthusiasm in Plato -- Les ‘Dionysoi’ de Patras Le mythe et le culte de Dionysos dans la Periégèse de Pausanias -- Dionysos in Egypt? Epaphian Dionysos in the Orphic Hymns -- Dioniso tra polinomia ed enoteismo: il caso degli Inni Orfici -- Dionysos and Dionysism in the Third Book of Maccabees -- Parallels between Dionysos and Christ in Late Antiquity: Miraculous Healings in Nonnus’ Dionysiaca -- The Gifts of Dionysos -- The Symposiast Dionysos: A God like Ourselves -- Bacchus and Felines in Roman Iconography: Issues of Gender and Species -- An Augustan Trend towards Dionysos: Around the ‘Auditorium of Maecenas’ -- Dionysos: One or Many? -- Contributors -- Analytic Index -- Index Fontium -- Plates. Part 1 -- Plates. Part 2 |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910787652203321 |
Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2013] | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Redefining Dionysos / / edited by Alberto Bernabé [and three others] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2013] |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (700 p.) |
Disciplina | 292.2113 |
Altri autori (Persone) | Bernabé PajaresAlberto |
Collana | Mythoseikonpoiesis |
Soggetto topico |
Dionysus (Greek deity)
Gods, Greek |
Soggetto non controllato |
Bacchic rituals
Dionysos Greek gods Greek literature Greek religion |
3-11-030133-4 |
Classificazione | BE 7302 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Front matter -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Introduction -- Walter F. Otto’s Dionysos (1933) -- Dionysos in the Mycenaean World -- The Term βάκχος and Dionysos Βάκχιος -- Apollo and Dionysos: Intersections -- ‘Rien pour Dionysos?’ Le dithyrambe comme forme poétique entre Apollon et Dionysos -- Redefining Dionysos in Athens from the Written Sources: The Lenaia, Iacchos and Attic Women -- Gender Differentiation and Role Models in the Worship of Dionysos: The Thracian and Thessalian Pattern -- Dionysos versus Orpheus? -- Maenadic Ecstasy in Greece: Fact or Fiction? -- Maenadic Ecstasy in Rome: Fact or Fiction? -- Dioniso e i cani di Atteone in Eumelo di Corinto (Una nuova ipotesi su P. Oxy. xxx 2509 e Apollod. 3.4.4) -- Dionysos in the Homeric Hymns: the Olympian Portrait of the God -- Herodotus’ Egyptian Dionysos. A Comparative Perspective -- Dushara and Allāt alias Dionysos and Aphrodite in Herodotus 3.8 -- The Sophoclean Dionysos -- Under the Spell of the Dionysian: Some Meta-tragic Aspects of the Xenos Attributes in Euripides’ Bacchae -- The Image of Dionysos in Euripides’ Bacchae: The God and his Epiphanies -- The Names of Dionysos in Euripides’ Bacchae and the Rhetorical Language of Teiresias -- Dionysos in Old Comedy. Staging of Experiments on Myth and Cult -- Dionysian Enthusiasm in Plato -- Les ‘Dionysoi’ de Patras Le mythe et le culte de Dionysos dans la Periégèse de Pausanias -- Dionysos in Egypt? Epaphian Dionysos in the Orphic Hymns -- Dioniso tra polinomia ed enoteismo: il caso degli Inni Orfici -- Dionysos and Dionysism in the Third Book of Maccabees -- Parallels between Dionysos and Christ in Late Antiquity: Miraculous Healings in Nonnus’ Dionysiaca -- The Gifts of Dionysos -- The Symposiast Dionysos: A God like Ourselves -- Bacchus and Felines in Roman Iconography: Issues of Gender and Species -- An Augustan Trend towards Dionysos: Around the ‘Auditorium of Maecenas’ -- Dionysos: One or Many? -- Contributors -- Analytic Index -- Index Fontium -- Plates. Part 1 -- Plates. Part 2 |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910826395203321 |
Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2013] | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Tracing Orpheus [[electronic resource] ] : studies of orphic fragments : in honor of Alberto Bernabé / / edited by Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui ... [et al.] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Berlin ; ; Boston, : De Gruyter, c2011 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (472 p.) |
Disciplina | 292.4/2 |
Altri autori (Persone) |
Herrero de JáureguiMiguel
Bernabé PajaresAlberto |
Collana | Sozomena. Studies in the recovery of ancient texts |
Soggetto topico | Dionysia |
Soggetto non controllato |
Greek Literature Greek Philosophy Greek Religion Orphism |
9786613402561 3-11-026053-0 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- Series Editor's Forward / Obbink, Dirk -- Editors' Preface -- Alberto Bernabé's Orphic Bibliography -- Abbreviations -- Ad Orphicorum Fragmenta -- 1. The Place of Performance of Orphic Poetry (OF 1) / Bremmer, Jan N. -- 2. L'écriture de la voix enchanteresse d'Orphée (OF 1) / Calame, Claude -- 3. Exclusive Singing (OF 1a/b) / Graf, Fritz -- 4. El buen médico y el médico ignorante (OF 1) / Lara, M.a Dolores -- 5. Echoes of the Formula "Let the Profane Shut the Doors" (OF 1) in two passages by Euripides / Otero, Sara Macías -- 6. Ζεὺς μοῦνος: Philosophical Monism and Mythological Monism (OF 12) / Mendoza, Julia -- 7. Orphic Theogonies and the Goddess Isis in Apuleius (OF 14, 31 and 243) / Boned, Pilar -- 8. Aristotle, Metaphysics 14.4: a Problematic Reference to Orphism (OF 20 IV) / Martínez, Tomás Calvo -- 9. Comments on OF 22 / Nagy, Gregory -- 10. ΑΙΓΥΠΤΙΩΝ ΙΕΡΟΣ ΛΟΓΟΣ (OF 40-63) / Landaluce, Manuel Sánchez Ortiz de -- 11. Dionysos Dismembered and Restored to Life: The Earliest Evidence (OF 59 I-II) / Henrichs, Albert -- 12. The Gods who Die and Come Back to Life: the Orphic Dionysus and his parallels in the Near-East (OF 59 I-III and 327 II) / Corrente, Paola -- 13. Teilt Kaiser Julian die kritische Sicht auf monströse orphische Mythologeme mit den Christen? Beobachtungen zu Adversus Galilaeos fr. 4 Masaracchia (= OF 59 VII = Kyrill von Alexandrien Contra Iulianum 2.11) / Riedweg, Christoph -- 14. The Cosmic Egg (OF 64, 79, 114) / Luján, Eugenio R. -- 15. OF 111: Χρόνος ἀγήραος / Nieto, Roxana Beatriz Martínez -- 16. A Hangover of Cosmic Proportions: OF 222 and its Mythical Context / López-Ruiz, Carolina -- 17. Heraclitus Fragment B 52 DK (on OF 242) / Most, Glenn W. -- 18. Titans in Disguise: the Chalk in Myth and Ritual (OF 308) / Villarubia, Rosa García-Gasco -- 19. The Role of Gypsum in Orphism (OF 308) / Cordero, Oscar Patón -- 20. Hecate, Leto's Daughter, in OF 317 / Johnston, Sarah Iles -- 21. Dionysus' Definitive Rebirth (OF 328 I) / Caballero, Silvia Porres -- 22. From the Heart and with a Serpent: on OF 329 / Platas, Fátima Díez -- 23. Presence in Stoicism of an Orphic Doctrine on the Soul quoted by Aristotle (De Anima 410b 27 = OF 421) / Megino, Carlos -- 24. Non-musical Notes on the Orphic Lyra (OF 417) / Moreno, Francisco Molina -- 25. OF 437 and the Transformation of the Soul / Kahle, Madayo -- 26. OF 443.2: ἐνάτωι ἔτεϊ. The Delphic Key / Torre, Emilio Suárez de la -- 27. Do not Drink the Water of Forgetfulness (OF 474-477) / Cristóbal, Ana Isabel Jiménez San -- 28. Adnotatiunculae in lamellam Hipponensem (OF 474) / Caerols, José Joaquín -- 29. La λίμνη divina della lamina di Petelia (OF 476.8-10) / Ghidini, Marisa Tortorelli -- 30. Festivals in the Afterlife: A New Reading of the Petelia Tablet (OF 476.11) / Edmonds III, Radcliffe G. -- 31. OF 485-486: 'On this Day' / Jáuregui, Miguel Herrero de -- 32. "Ram, You Fell into the Milk" (OF 485.5-486.4). Possible Orphic Echoes in an Apulian Image / Cabrera, Paloma -- 33. En las redes de χρόνος. La peregrinación inicial de las almas contaminadas (Plu. De facie 943C): sobre OF 487.6 / Jiménez, Aurelio Pérez -- 34. "I Have Reached the Desired Crown with Swift Feet" (OF 488.6) / Álvarez, Marco Antonio Santamaría -- 35. The "Great Tablet" from Thurii (OF 492) / Betegh, Gábor -- 36. OF 496: Dialectal Diversity in Macedon at the End of the Fourth Century BC / Crespo, Emilio -- 37. Ad OF 496 / Tzifopoulos, Yannis Z. -- 38. Reflejos del orfismo en Plutarco (OF 524, 358 II, 31 V; Epimen. fr. 43) / Aguilar, Rosa M.ª -- 39. OF 531 I, Sapph. fr. 58 Voigt y la "nueva Safo" / Gangutia, Elvira -- 40. Un dio dai molti nomi (OF 540) / Ricciardelli, Gabriella -- 41. OF 540 = Macrobio, Sat. 1.18.12 e Inno orfico 52: Dioniso tra teogonia e attualità religiosa / Gasparro, Giulia Sfameni -- 42. Orfismo nel culto romano di Bona Dea (OF 584) / Mastrocinque, Attilio -- 43. Note to OF 586: κρανιάρχης / Somolinos, Juan Rodríguez -- 44. Theophrastus, Characters 16.12: Orphism or Rhetoric? (OF 654) / Domínguez, Alberto Nodar -- 45. Synesius, Dio 7 (OF 674) / Martínez, María Paz López -- 46. Critical Notes to OF 683 / Muñoz, Felipe G. Hernández -- 47. The Etymology of Gk. ῎Εμπουσα (OF 713-716) / Núñez, Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa -- 48. OF 750: Frost or Snow? / Somolinos, Helena Rodríguez -- 49. Greek ἐπηετανός and Other Possible Compounds of ἔτος 'year' in Ancient Greek (OF 773) / Berenguer-Sánchez, José A. -- 50. Τύχα in Two Lead Tablets from Selinous (OF 830) / Hernández, Raquel Martín -- 51. Música y Palabra en Orfeo (sobre OF 960) / Martínez, Marcos -- 52. Heracles y Orfeo. Una relación de por vida (sobre OF 1018 I) / Olmos, Ricardo -- 53. Extraordinary Orpheus. The Image of Orpheus and Orphism in the Texts of the Paradoxographers (OF 1065, 787, 790, 793, and 794) / Leyra, Irene Pajón -- 54. ἀμουσότερος Λειβηθρίων (OF 1069) / Romero, Fernando García -- 55. Orpheus Reunited with Eurydice (on OF 1076-1077) / Konstan, David / Nieto, Pura -- ad Musaei Linique Fragmenta -- 56. Orphism, Cosmogony, and Genealogy (Mus. fr. 14) -- 57. Linus fr. 2: Music and Death / Aguirre, Mercedes -- ad Papyrum Derveni -- 58. The Derveni Papyrus on Heraclitus (col. IV) / Burkert, Walter -- 59. Eraclito e i Persiani nel Papiro di Derveni (col. IV 10-14) / Ferrari, Franco -- 60. Col. VI of the Derveni Papyrus and the Ritual Presence of Poultry / Martínez, José Luis Calvo -- 61. The Castration of Uranus and its Physical Consequences in the Derveni Papyrus (cols. XIII and XIV) and the First Stoic Philosophers / Bordoy, Francesc Casadesús -- 62. Okéanos dans la colonne XXIII du Papyrus de Derveni / Brisson, Luc -- 63. Enigmatic Hints at the Hidden Meaning of Two Central Homeric Passages. The Derveni-Author as Homeric Philologist in PDerv. col. XXVI / Bierl, Anton -- ad Hymnos Orphicos -- 64. Orphic Hymn 37 / Faraone, Christopher A. -- 65. Orphic Hymn 86 "To Dream": On Orphic Sleep and Philo / Tovar, Sofía Torallas -- de Orpheo in Moderna Aetate -- La decisión de Orfeo (según Cesare Pavese) / Gual, Carlos García -- Carmina Orphica Hispanica -- Himno órfico a Zeus / Cuenca, Luis Alberto de -- El Orfeo de Ovidio en hexámetros castellanos / Cristóbal, Vicente -- Analytic index -- Index fontium |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910789879703321 |
Berlin ; ; Boston, : De Gruyter, c2011 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
La vigne et le vin dans la littéraure moderne et contemporaine / / Michel Prat |
Autore | Abdelkefi Hédia |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Pessac, : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2021 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (198 p.) |
Altri autori (Persone) |
Delbos-JanetMarie DeytsPierre FrancalanzaEric LouichonBrigitte MansauAndrée MaubantYves PascalJean-Noël PeyletGérard PratChristiane PratMichel Tenaguillo y CortàzarAmancio |
Collana | Eidôlon |
Soggetto topico |
Literature (General)
poésie culture paysage mythe vigne vin vendanges ivresse Bacchus Dionysos |
Soggetto non controllato |
culture paysage mythe vigne vin vendanges ivresse Bacchus Dionysos |
ISBN | 979-1-03-000713-8 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | fre |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910562201103321 |
Abdelkefi Hédia
![]() |
Pessac, : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2021 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||