Habitat et environnement : Prospections dans les marges arides de la Syrie du Nord / / Marie-Odile Rousset, Bernard Geyer, Pierre-Louis Gatier, Nazir Awad |
Autore | Al-Dbiyat Mohamed |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Lyon, : MOM Éditions, 2018 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (370 p.) |
Disciplina | 932-933 |
Altri autori (Persone) |
AwadNazir BesançonJacques CallotOlivier CalvetYves ChambradeMarie-Laure DesfargesPatrick DuvetteCatherine GatierPierre-Louis GenequandDenis GeyerBernard RivoalMarion RoussetMarie-Odile TraboulsiMyriam |
Soggetto topico |
Environmental studies, Geography & Development
History & Archaeology Arid Margins archaeology geoarchaeology housing nomad monastery climate water management residence pottery (ceramics) archéologie monastère environnement habitat monnaie peuplement climat céramique géoarchéologie marge aride steppe prospection nomade sédentaire PPNB |
Soggetto non controllato |
housing water management archaeology climate residence nomad pottery (ceramics) Arid Margins geoarchaeology |
ISBN | 2-35668-187-6 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | fre |
Nota di contenuto | Introduction / Marie-Odile Rousset, Bernard Geyer, PIerre-Louis Gatier et Nazir Awad -- Étude microrégionale du site PPNB récent/final de D̲ahrat al-Ğdayda (Syrie) : contexte environnemental, mode d'implantation et activités de subsistance / Mari-Laure Chambrade -- Les citernes pluviales des steppes syriennes, éléments de la conquête d'une marge aride / Bernard Geyer, Marie-Odile Rousset et Jacques Besançon -- La céramique du château de Šumaymīs : d l'installation de l'âge du Bronze à la citadelle mamelouke / Marie-Odile Rousset et Yves Calvet -- Temples romains et mausolées de la Syrie centrale (2) / Pierre-Louis Gatier et Marie-Odile Rousset -- Un moine dans la steppe syrienne : deux étapes d'Alexandre l'Acémète / Pierre-Louis Gatier et Marie-Odile Rousset -- À propos d'une borne du Ğabal al-Bal'as (IGLS 5, 2549) / Mohamed Al-Dbiyat et Pierre-Louis Gatier -- Une borne d'Andrôna / Pierre-Louis Gatier -- Rasm Afandī, village des steppes de Syrie / Catherine Duvette -- Autour des dépotoirs : production, gestion et exploitation des excréments animaux dans la steppe syrienne pendant l'Antiquité tardive / Mario Rivoal -- Nouvelles monnaies des marges arides de Syrie du Nord (2010) / Olivier Callot -- Résidences aristocratiques byzantines et omeyyades des marges arides du nord de la Syrie / Denis Genequand et Marie-Odile Rousset -- La maison des grands propriétaires dans les marges arides de Syrie centrale / Mohamed Al-Dbiyat -- Tente pérenne ou maison transitoire? Les "usages de l'espace" dans la steppe syrienne au début du XXIe siècle / Olivier Aurenche et Patrick Desfarges -- 1988 et 1989, exemples d'années pluviométriques extrêmes dans la steppe syrienne : mythe ou réalité? / Myriam Traboulsi. |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910297031803321 |
Al-Dbiyat Mohamed
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Lyon, : MOM Éditions, 2018 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
The Iranian Plateau during the Bronze Age : Development of urbanisation, production and trade / / Jan-Waalke Meyer, Emmanuelle Vila, Marjan Mashkour, Michèle Casanova, Régis Vallet |
Autore | Attarpour Samira |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Lyon, : MOM Éditions, 2020 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (356 p.) |
Altri autori (Persone) |
Bessenay-ProlongeJulie BiscioneRaffaele CasanovaMichèle DabbaghMina DecaixAlexia EskandariNasir FahimiHamid FathiHoma FrancfortHenri-Paul La FarinaRiccardo Le BrunAlain MashkourMarjan MaziarSepideh MeierDavid M.P MeyerJan-Waalke MeyerJan‑Waalke MohasebFatemeh Azadeh PalumbiGiulio PiranSedigheh PittmanHolly Rafiei-AlaviBabak RashidianElnaz SardariAlireza TengbergMargareta VahdatiAli A ValletRégis VilaEmmanuelle ZalaghiAli |
Soggetto topico |
Near East Middle East Mesopotamia Central Asia Bronze Age Iron Age Kura-Araxes Elam archaeology geoarchaeology bioarchaeology iconography âge du Bronze âge du Fer Kuro-Araxe archéologie géoarchéologie bioarchéologie iconographie |
Soggetto genere / forma | Conference papers and proceedings. |
Soggetto non controllato |
Iron Age
Near East Central Asia iconography Middle East Mesopotamia Elam archaeology Kura-Araxes Bronze Age geoarchaeology bioarchaeology |
ISBN | 2-35668-177-9 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Preface / Emanuelle Vila, Marjan Mashkour, Régis Vallet, Michèle Casanova, Jan-Waalke Meyer. The Global Context of the Bronze Age on the Iranian Plateau. Early urbanisation in Iran : A view from the west : some considerations about the theory of urbanisation / Jan-Waalke Meyer. Expansion of the Kura-Araxes Culture in Iran. The expansion of the Kura-Araxes culture in Iran : what role for the Uruk? / Giulio Palumbi -- Iran and the Kura-Araxes cultural tradition, so near and yet so far / Sepideh Maziar -- Subsistence economy in Kohneh Pasgah Tepesi (eastern Azerbaijan, Iran) during the Late Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age based on the faunal and botanical remains / Alexia Decaix, Fatemeh Azedeh Mohaseb, Sepideh Maziar, Marjan Mashkour, Margareta Tengberg -- Toward a definition of the Kura-Araxes agropastoral systems / Alexia Decaix, Rémi Berthon, Fatemeh Azadeh Mohaseb, Margareta Tengberg. Elamite Kingdom. Susa at the turn of the 4th and 3rd millennia / Alain Le Brun -- An overview of the settlement patterns of Susa III period in the Upper Khuzestan : Archaeological survey in the western bank of the Karkheh river / Ali Zalaghi -- From the Proto-Elamite to Shimashki : the third millennium BC at Tappeh Senjar, the Susiana Plain / Alireza Sardari, Samira Attarpour -- In search of cities in Elam : For a geoarchaeological approach to the toponym-hydronym interaction / Elnaz Rashidian. Urbanisation in Eastern Iran. Tureng Tepe and its high terrace, a reassessment / Julie Bessenay-Prolonge, Régis Vallet -- Preliminary report on the first season of excavations at Tepe Chalow : New GKC (BMAC) finds in the plain of Jajarm, NE Iran / Ali A. Vahdati, Raffaele Biscione, Riccardo La Farina, Marjan Mashkour, Margareta Tengberg, Homa Fathi, Azadeh Mohaseb -- Regional patterns of Early Bronze Age urbanization in the southeastern Iran : New discoveries on the western fringe of Dasht-e Lut / Nasir Eskandari -- A pyrotechnological installation from the "metallurgical workshop" at Shahdad and its next geographical and chronological comparisons / David M.P. Meier. Production and Trade. The Contribution of women to trade and production in Elam society / Mina Dabbagh -- Iran and Central Asia : The Grand'Route of Khorasan (Great Khorasan Road) during the third millennium BC and the "dark stone" artefacts / Henri-Paul Francfort -- Bronze Age interaction on the Iranian Plateau : From Kerman to the Oxus through seals / Holly Pittman -- Prestige objects in South East of Iran during the Bronze Age in the National Museum of Iran / Sedigheh Piran -- Exchanges and trade during the Bronze Age in Iran / Michèle Casanova -- The biography of a dagger type : The diachronic transformation of the dagers with the crescent-shaped guard / Babak Rafiei-Alavi. The Transition to Iron Age. The Bronze Age and the Iron Age on the Central Iranian Plateau : Two successive cultures or the appearance of a new culture? / Hamid Fahimi. Conclusion. The urbanisation of the Iranian Plateau and adjacent areas during the Bronze Age : Concluding thoughts / Jan-Waalke Meyer, Emmanuelle Vila, Régis Vallet, Marjan Mashkour. |
Altri titoli varianti | Iranian Plateau during the Bronze Age |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910416509103321 |
Attarpour Samira
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Lyon, : MOM Éditions, 2020 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||