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Intro -- YTTRIUM: COMPOUNDS, PRODUCTION AND APPLICATIONS -- YTTRIUM: COMPOUNDS, PRODUCTION AND APPLICATIONS -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 ND:YAG LASER TREATMENT FOR DIFFERENT VASCULAR LESIONS -- ABSTRACT -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 2. HISTORY OF ND:YAG LASER FOR THE TREATMENT OF VASCULAR LESIONS -- 3. PRINCIPLES OF VASCULAR LASER -- 4. SELECTING PARAMETERS -- 4.1. Wavelength -- 4.2. Pulse Duration -- 4.3. Spot Size -- 4.4. Fluence -- 4.5. Algorithm -- 5. DEFINITION OF VASCULAR PATHOLOGY -- 6. CLINICAL APPLICATIONS -- 6.1. Patient Selection -- 6.2. Preoperative Patient Evaluation, Care and Checklist -- 6.3. Contraindications -- 6.4. Patient Information and Consent -- 6.5. Role of Cooling -- 6.6. Post-Operative Care -- 6.7. Side Effects -- 6.8. Histopathological Effects of Nd:YAG Laser Treatment -- 7. REVIEW OF ARTICLES ON USE OF ND:YAG LASER FOR VASCULAR LESIONS -- 7.1. Vascular Tumors -- 7.1.1. Hemangiomas -- 7.1.2. Pyogenic Granulomas -- 7.2. Vascular Malformations -- 7.2.1. Congenital Vascular Malformations -- Port Wine Stain -- Other Congenital Vascular Malformations -- 7.2.2. Vascular Ectasias -- Facial Telangiectases -- Leg Telangiectases -- Venous Lake -- Spider Angioma -- Cherry Angiomas -- Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia -- Generalized Essential Telangiectasia -- Poikiloderma of Civatte -- 7.2.3. Angiokeratoma -- 8. ENDOVENOUS ND:YAG LASER THERAPY -- 9. MANUFACTURERS OF ND:YAG LASER -- 10. CONCLUSION -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 2 YTTRIUM IN PIGMENTS AND PHOSPHORS -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- STRUCTURE OF YTTRIUM OXIDES, HYDROXIDES AND OTHER Y-CONTAINING OXIDES WITH INTEREST AS PIGMENTS OR PHOSPHORS -- Properties of Y-Containing Oxides -- Y2O3 -- YVO4 -- Y-Containing Pyrochlores -- YAlO3 Perovskite -- Y2BaCuO5 -- Y2SiO5 (YSO).
CONCLUSION -- Acknowledgments -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 3 MICROWAVE PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS OF YTTRIUM IRON GARNET (YIG) FILMS: CURRENT STATE OF ART AND PERSPECTIVES -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- 1. YIG AS REMARKABLE MATERIAL IN THE FAMILY OF MICROWAVE FERRITES -- 1.1. YIG - 20 Sublattice Ferrimagnet -- 1.2. LPE and PLD YIG Films -- a. LPE YIG Films -- b. PLD YIG Films -- 1.3. Advanced Theoretical Ferromagnetic Models of YIG Films -- a. Anisotropy of (111) LPE Films -- b. The Magnetic Permeability Tensor of (111) Film -- 1.4. Dipole-Exchange Spin Excitations in YIG Films -- 1.5. Experimental Microwave Methods for YIG Magnetic Parameters Testing -- a. Destructive Techniques -- b. Nondestructive Techniques -- 2. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN METAMATERIALS BASED ON YIG FILMS -- 2.1. 1D and 2D Magnonic Crystals -- 2.2. Composite YIG-Piezoelectric and YIG-Ferroelectric Structures -- 2.3. Negative Refractive Index Metamaterials -- 3. MICROWAVE APPLICATIONS OF YIG FILMS -- 3.1. Nonreciprocal Devices -- 3.2. MSW Filters and Filter Banks -- 3.3. Nonlinear Passive Devices -- a. Frequency Selective Limiter Operation -- b. Signal-to-Noise Enhancer Operation -- 3.4. Pulse Signal Processing in YIG Film by the Parametric Pumping -- 3.5. Complex Microwave Signal Generation -- CONCLUSION -- Acknowledgments -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 4 BISMUTH-SUBSTITUTED YTTRIUM IRON GARNET NANOPARTICLES: PREPARATION AND APPLICATIONS -- ABSTRACT -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 2. BASIC SYNTHESIS -- 2.1. Co-Precipitation -- 2.1.1. Direct co-precipitation -- 2.1.2. Homogeneous Coprecipitation -- 2.1.3. Improved Co-precipitation -- Microwave-Assisted Synthesis -- Coprecipitation Using Surfactants -- 2.2. Micro-Emulsion Method -- 2.3. Sol-Gel Processing -- 2.4. Solid State Synthesis -- 3. APPLICATIONS -- 3.1. Magneto-Optical Isolator -- 3.2. Magneto-Optical Sensor.
3.3. Tuned Filter -- 3.4. Magneto-Optical Recorder -- 3.5. Magneto-Optic Modulator -- 3.6. Magneto-Optic Switcher -- 4. SUMMARY -- Acknowledgments -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 5 YTTRIUM APPLICATION FOR SPALLATION NEUTRON ENERGY SPECTRUM RECONSTRUCTION -- ABSTRACT -- 1. INTRODUCTION - WHERE AND WHY THE NEUTRON SPECTRUM KNOWLEDGE IS SO IMPORTANT -- 2. EXPERIMENT DESCRIPTION -- 3. YTTRIUM-89 AS AN ACTIVATION DETECTOR -- 4. RESULTS OF MEASUREMENTS -- 5. SPALLATION NEUTRON SPECTRUM UNFOLDING -- 6. THE METHOD DISCUSSION -- 7. CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 6 YTTRIUM APPLICATIONS FOR HEAT-RESISTING ALLOYS -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- RESULTS -- 1. Chromia-Forming Alloys -- 1.1. Yttrium-Added Ni-20Cr and Ni-20Cr-1Si Alloys [1, 2] -- 1.1.1. Mass Gain -- 1.1.2. Surface Features of Oxide Scale -- 1.1.3. X-Ray Diffraction -- 1.1.4. SEM -- 1.2. Yttria-Coated Ni-20Cr-1Si Alloy [3] -- 1.2.1. Mass Change -- 1.2.2. X-Ray Diffraction -- 1.2.3. SEM -- 2. Alumina-Forming Alloys -- 2.1. Yttrium-Implanted Fe-20Cr-4Al Alloys in Oxygen [4] -- 2.2. Yttrium-Added Fe-20Cr-4Al Alloys in Oxygen At 1473K [5] -- 2.2.1. Mass Gain -- 2.2.2. Surface Appearance and X-Ray Diffraction -- 2.2.3. SEM -- 2.3. Yttrium-Added Fe-20Cr-4Al-Pt Alloys in Oxygen At 1473K [6] -- 2.3.1. Mass Gain and XRD -- 2.3.2. SEM -- 2.3.3. TEM -- 2.4. Yttrium-Added Fe-20Cr-4Al Alloys in Oxygen At 1473, 1573 and 1673K [2] -- 2.4.1. Mass Gain and Amount of Spalled Oxide -- 2.4.2. Surface Appearance -- 2.4.3. SEM -- 2.5. Yttrium-Added Fe-20Cr-4Al Alloys in Oxygen-Water Vapor at 1473, 1573 and 1673K [2] -- 2.5.1. Mass Gain and Amount of Spalled Oxide -- 2.5.2. Surface Appearance -- 2.5.3. SEM -- DISCUSSION -- 1. Chromia-Forming Alloys -- 1.1. Yttrium-Added Ni-20Cr and Ni-20Cr-1Si Alloys [1, 2, 7-9] -- 2. Alumina-Forming Alloys -- 2.1. Yttrium-Added Fe-20Cr-4Al Alloys in Oxygen At 1473K [5].
2.2. Yttrium-Added Fe-20Cr-4Al Alloys in Oxygen At 1473, 1573 and 1673K [2] -- 2.3. Yttrium-Added Fe-20Cr-4Al Alloys in Oxygen-Water Vapor At 1473, 1573 and 1673K [2] -- CONCLUSION -- Acknowledgments -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 7 INFLUENCE OF ANNEALING ON YTTRIUM DOPANT DISTRIBUTION IN CERIA-BASED NANOPARTICLES -- ABSTRACT -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE -- 2.1. Synthesis -- 2.2. Characterization -- 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION -- 3.1. Particle Geometry -- 3.2. Concentration Distribution of Yttrium -- 3.3. Concentration of Cerium (III) -- 4. CONCLUSION -- Acknowledgments -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 8 YTTRIUM PHOSPHANIDES - A SURPRISINGLY SCARCE SUBSTANCE CLASS -- REFERENCES -- Chapter9PHYSICSANDENGINEERINGASPECTSOFELECTRONICCONDUCTIONINYTTRIUMDIHYDRIDE -- Abstract -- 1.Introduction -- 1.1.Yttriumdihydride -- 1.2.Yttriumtrihydride -- 2.Samplepreparationandcharacterization -- 2.1.ThinFilmFabrication -- 2.2.ChemicalAnalysis -- 2.3.StructuralAnalysis -- 3.OpticalProperties -- 3.1.Apparatus -- 3.2.ExperimentalResult -- 3.3.DielectricFunctionAnalysis -- 3.3.1.Modeldielectricfunctionanalysis -- 3.3.2.Kramers-KronigAnalysis -- 3.3.3.Predictedtransmittancespectraandcomparisonwithexperiment -- 4.Electricaltransportproperties -- 4.1.MethodologyandApparatus -- 4.2.ExperimentalResults -- 4.3.ConductionMechanisminYttriumDihydride -- 4.3.1.Model -- 4.3.2.EvaluationofCarrierParameters -- 5.Applications -- 5.1.OpticalDevices -- 5.2.HydrogenGasSensor -- 5.3.ColdCathodeElectrodeMaterial -- 5.4.SpintronicsApplication -- 6.SummaryandOutlook -- References -- INDEX -- Blank Page.