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Eat My Dust : Early Women Motorists / / Georgine Clarsen
Eat My Dust : Early Women Motorists / / Georgine Clarsen
Autore Clarsen Georgine <1949->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Baltimore : , : Johns Hopkins University Press, , 2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (211 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 388.3/42082
Soggetto topico Nineteen twenties
Women - Social life and customs - 20th century
Feminism - History - 20th century
Women consumers - History - 20th century
Women automobile drivers - History - 20th century
Automobile ownership - United States - History - 20th century
Automobile ownership - Great Britain - History - 20th century
Automobile ownership - Australia - History - 20th century
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 9780801884658
9781421405148 (e-book)
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Movement in a minor key : dilemmas of the woman motorist -- A war product : the British motoring girl and her garage -- A car made by English ladies for others of their sex : the feminist factory and the lady's car -- Transcontinental travel : the politics of automobile consumption in the United States -- Campaigns on wheels : American automobiles and a suffrage of consumption -- "The woman who does" : a Melbourne women's motor garage -- Driving Australian modernity : conquering Australia by car -- Machines as the measure of women : Cape-to-Cairo by automobile.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910524667703321
Clarsen Georgine <1949->  
Baltimore : , : Johns Hopkins University Press, , 2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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New women in colonial Korea : a sourcebook / / ompiled and translated with an introduction by Hyaeweol Choi
New women in colonial Korea : a sourcebook / / ompiled and translated with an introduction by Hyaeweol Choi
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York, N.Y. : , : Routledge, , 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (262 p.)
Disciplina 305.40951909/034
Altri autori (Persone) ChoiHyaeweol
Collana Asian Studies Association of Australia women in Asia series
Soggetto topico Women - Korea - History - 19th century
Women - Korea - History - 20th century
Women's rights - Korea - History
Women - Education - Korea
Women - Social life and customs - 19th century
Women - Social life and customs - 20th century
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-283-58616-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction: new women in discursive and historical space -- The woman question -- New woman, old woman -- Na Hyesok : the ideal woman -- Inaugural editorial from Sin Yoja -- Kim Wonju : the self-awakening of women -- Kim Hwallan : urging men to critically reflect on themselves -- Ham Sepung : women's liberation means social progress -- Yi Chonghui : what does freedom mean for women? -- Im Chinsil : an observation on the status of women -- Kim Chunyon : nations of gender equality and gender inequality -- Yi Kwangsu : ten commandments for new women -- Ko Yongsuk : a rash statement : rebuttal to yi kwangsu -- Chu Yosop : characteristics of new women and traditional women -- Kim Wonju : the necessity of women's education -- Problems regarding uniforms and school badges for schoolgirls -- Ho Chongsuk : to girl students returning to their homes in the countryside -- Yi Kwangsu : centering women's education on motherhood -- Palbong Sanin : contemporary women and modern education : teach romance and sex education in order to guide women in the midst of moral decay -- Pang Chonghwan: even if I have a daughter, I won't send her to school : request for the reform of girls' school -- Alice Appenzeller : issues in the higher education for women in Korea -- Hyon Sangyun : a message to Korean schoolgirls -- Cho Tongsik : moral discipline and Korean schoolgirls -- Kim Hwallan : problems in girls' education -- The "modern girl" question -- Yu Kwangyol : what is modern? : the great debate on modern girl, modern boy -- Pak Yonghui : characteristics of "modern woman" and "modern man" in a bourgeois society : the great debate on modern girl, modern boy -- Songsoin : modern woman : the great debate on modern girl, modern boy -- Choe Haksong : a symbol of decadence : the great debate on modern girl, modern boy -- Love, marriage, and divorce -- No Chayong : the forerunner of the women's movement : Ellen Key -- Chu Yosop : suggestions for a happy marriage : starting with a more liberal wedding ceremony -- Kim Sukhui : I'd like to have a lover in addition to a husband -- Chong Chilsong : critique on red love : kollontai's sexual morality -- Chin Sangju : upsurge of proletarian love, the class nature of love -- Kim Kangchun : a thesis on the reform of romance -- Hwang Sindok : love in marriage, love suicide, and sex education -- Song Sangnae : legitimacy of divorce -- Special issue on second wife (che i puin) -- Pak Indok: korea's nora left the doll's house -- Na hyesok : a confession about my divorce: to chonggu -- Politics of the body : chastity, birth control and fashion -- Kim Wonju : my view on chastity -- Roundtable : a debate on chastity -- Is it a sin to have sex during the engagement? -- Na Hyesok : starting a new life -- Paek Chol : a new view on chastity -- Yun Songsang : urgent call for birth control : the necessity of publicity and practice -- An urgent call for birth control : four medical methods -- Chu Sejuk : I advocate short hair -- Is short hair good or bad? -- Yun Songsang : modern woman reflected in vogue -- Transcultural experiences -- Yuam : higher education for women in the U.S. : advancement of women is equal to advancement of the.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910462337903321
New York, N.Y. : , : Routledge, , 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
New women in colonial Korea : a sourcebook / / ompiled and translated with an introduction by Hyaeweol Choi
New women in colonial Korea : a sourcebook / / ompiled and translated with an introduction by Hyaeweol Choi
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York, N.Y. : , : Routledge, , 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (262 p.)
Disciplina 305.40951909/034
Altri autori (Persone) ChoiHyaeweol
Collana Asian Studies Association of Australia women in Asia series
Soggetto topico Women - Korea - History - 19th century
Women - Korea - History - 20th century
Women's rights - Korea - History
Women - Education - Korea
Women - Social life and customs - 19th century
Women - Social life and customs - 20th century
ISBN 1-136-29749-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction: new women in discursive and historical space -- The woman question -- New woman, old woman -- Na Hyesok : the ideal woman -- Inaugural editorial from Sin Yoja -- Kim Wonju : the self-awakening of women -- Kim Hwallan : urging men to critically reflect on themselves -- Ham Sepung : women's liberation means social progress -- Yi Chonghui : what does freedom mean for women? -- Im Chinsil : an observation on the status of women -- Kim Chunyon : nations of gender equality and gender inequality -- Yi Kwangsu : ten commandments for new women -- Ko Yongsuk : a rash statement : rebuttal to yi kwangsu -- Chu Yosop : characteristics of new women and traditional women -- Kim Wonju : the necessity of women's education -- Problems regarding uniforms and school badges for schoolgirls -- Ho Chongsuk : to girl students returning to their homes in the countryside -- Yi Kwangsu : centering women's education on motherhood -- Palbong Sanin : contemporary women and modern education : teach romance and sex education in order to guide women in the midst of moral decay -- Pang Chonghwan: even if I have a daughter, I won't send her to school : request for the reform of girls' school -- Alice Appenzeller : issues in the higher education for women in Korea -- Hyon Sangyun : a message to Korean schoolgirls -- Cho Tongsik : moral discipline and Korean schoolgirls -- Kim Hwallan : problems in girls' education -- The "modern girl" question -- Yu Kwangyol : what is modern? : the great debate on modern girl, modern boy -- Pak Yonghui : characteristics of "modern woman" and "modern man" in a bourgeois society : the great debate on modern girl, modern boy -- Songsoin : modern woman : the great debate on modern girl, modern boy -- Choe Haksong : a symbol of decadence : the great debate on modern girl, modern boy -- Love, marriage, and divorce -- No Chayong : the forerunner of the women's movement : Ellen Key -- Chu Yosop : suggestions for a happy marriage : starting with a more liberal wedding ceremony -- Kim Sukhui : I'd like to have a lover in addition to a husband -- Chong Chilsong : critique on red love : kollontai's sexual morality -- Chin Sangju : upsurge of proletarian love, the class nature of love -- Kim Kangchun : a thesis on the reform of romance -- Hwang Sindok : love in marriage, love suicide, and sex education -- Song Sangnae : legitimacy of divorce -- Special issue on second wife (che i puin) -- Pak Indok: korea's nora left the doll's house -- Na hyesok : a confession about my divorce: to chonggu -- Politics of the body : chastity, birth control and fashion -- Kim Wonju : my view on chastity -- Roundtable : a debate on chastity -- Is it a sin to have sex during the engagement? -- Na Hyesok : starting a new life -- Paek Chol : a new view on chastity -- Yun Songsang : urgent call for birth control : the necessity of publicity and practice -- An urgent call for birth control : four medical methods -- Chu Sejuk : I advocate short hair -- Is short hair good or bad? -- Yun Songsang : modern woman reflected in vogue -- Transcultural experiences -- Yuam : higher education for women in the U.S. : advancement of women is equal to advancement of the.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910785793203321
New York, N.Y. : , : Routledge, , 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Sex and manners [[electronic resource] ] : female emancipation in the West, 1890-2000 / / Cas Wouters
Sex and manners [[electronic resource] ] : female emancipation in the West, 1890-2000 / / Cas Wouters
Autore Wouters Cas
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : SAGE, 2004
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (199 p.)
Disciplina 392.4/09182/10904
Collana Theory, culture & society
Soggetto topico Women - Social life and customs - 20th century
Women - Social life and customs
Etiquette for women - History
Sexual ethics for women - History
Man-woman relationships - History
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-4129-2918-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1 - Introduction; Chapter 2 - Confined to the Drawing Room; Chapter 3 - Dancing Fury; Chapter 4 - To Pay or Be Paid For?; Chapter 5 - Going to Work; Chapter 6 - Developments in Courting Regimes; Chapter 7 - The Lust Balance of Sex and Love since the Sexual Revolution: Fuck Romance!; Chapter 8 - International Comparisons, Theoretical Interpretations, and Regularities in Processes of Emancipation and Integration; Notes; References; Name Index; Subject Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910450304003321
Wouters Cas  
London, : SAGE, 2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui