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Clinical interpretation of the WAIS III and WMS III [[electronic resource] /] / edited by David S. Tulsky [et al.]
Clinical interpretation of the WAIS III and WMS III [[electronic resource] /] / edited by David S. Tulsky [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam ; ; Boston, : Academic Press, c2003
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (651 p.)
Disciplina 153.9/3
Altri autori (Persone) TulskyDavid S
Collana Practical resources for the mental health professional
Soggetto topico Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Wechsler Memory Scale
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-280-92710-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; Clinical Interpretation of the WAIS-III and WMS-III; Copyright Page; Contents; Introduction; Preface; Contributors; PART 1: The Evolution of the Wechsler Scales; Chapter 1. Historical Overview of Intelligence and Memory: Factors Influencing the Wechsler Scales; Introduction; The early 1800's; Galton and Cattell; Spearman's Two-Factor Theory and Thorndike's Multifactorial Theory; Binet and Simon: The Measurement of Intelligence in Children; Yerkes and intelligence tests in the Military; The Wechsler Scales of Intelligence; History of Memory Assessment; Discussion; References
Chapter 2. Revising a Standard: An Evaluation of the Origin and Development of the WAIS-III Why a Revision was Necessary; Changing Test Scores and Norms; Revised Test Structure; Goals for the WAIS-III Revision; Deciding What to Change; Changes and Reactions; Emphasis on the Factor Scores; Events Leading up to the WAIS-III; Wechsler's Unrealized Goal: Measurement of Nonintellective Factors; Description of Subtests; Summary; References; Chapter 3. The Wechsler Memory scale, Third Edition: A New Perspective; Historical Factors Leading to the Development of the Wechsler Memory Scale
The Wechsler Memory ScaleThe Publication of the WMS-R; Development of the WMS-III; Description of WMS-III; Structure of WMS-III Index and Subtests Scores; Support for the WMS-III Structure; Conclusions; References; PART 2: Reducing Variance When Interpreting WAIS-III and WMS-III Scores: Introduction to Chapters 4-8; Chapter 4. Assessment of Cognitive Functioning with the WAIS-III and WMS-III: Development of a Six-Factor Model; Contemporary Models of Cognitive Functioning; Factor-Analytic Studies of the Wechsler Scales; Joint WAIS-III/WMS-III Factor-Analytic Studies
The Development of New Norms for a Six-Factor Model of Cognitive Functioning Development of New Index Scores; Conclusion; References; Chapter 5. Demographic Effects and Use of Demographically Corrected Norms with the WAIS-III and WMS-III; Demographic Influences and Normative Corrections; Sensitivity of Demographically Corrected WAIS/WMS Factor Scores to Neurocognitive Impairment; Subject Samples; Developing Demographically Corrected T-Score; Age Effects; Education Effects; Sensitivity of WAIS-WMS-Corrected Scores to Neuropsyschiatric Disorders; Conclusions; References
Chapter 6. WAIS-III WMS-III Discrepancy Analysis: Six-Factor Model Index Discrepancy Base Rates, Implications, and a Preliminary Consideration of Utility Introduction; Understanding Difference Scores: The Logic of Discrepancy Analysis; Discrepancy Data Provided in This Chapter; Understanding Discrepancy Base Rates: Clinically Informative Trends; Which Index Contrasts Are Most Likely to Be Clinically Useful?; Conventional Contrasts: Within- WAIS-III; Conventional Contrasts: Within WMS-III; WAIS-III-WMS-III Contrasts; Does Discrepancy Analysis Work?; Concluding Comments; References
Chapter 7. Diagnostic Validity
Record Nr. UNINA-9910455735603321
Amsterdam ; ; Boston, : Academic Press, c2003
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Clinical interpretation of the WAIS III and WMS III [[electronic resource] /] / edited by David S. Tulsky [et al.]
Clinical interpretation of the WAIS III and WMS III [[electronic resource] /] / edited by David S. Tulsky [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam ; ; Boston, : Academic Press, c2003
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (651 p.)
Disciplina 153.9/3
Altri autori (Persone) TulskyDavid S
Collana Practical resources for the mental health professional
Soggetto topico Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Wechsler Memory Scale
ISBN 1-280-92710-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; Clinical Interpretation of the WAIS-III and WMS-III; Copyright Page; Contents; Introduction; Preface; Contributors; PART 1: The Evolution of the Wechsler Scales; Chapter 1. Historical Overview of Intelligence and Memory: Factors Influencing the Wechsler Scales; Introduction; The early 1800's; Galton and Cattell; Spearman's Two-Factor Theory and Thorndike's Multifactorial Theory; Binet and Simon: The Measurement of Intelligence in Children; Yerkes and intelligence tests in the Military; The Wechsler Scales of Intelligence; History of Memory Assessment; Discussion; References
Chapter 2. Revising a Standard: An Evaluation of the Origin and Development of the WAIS-III Why a Revision was Necessary; Changing Test Scores and Norms; Revised Test Structure; Goals for the WAIS-III Revision; Deciding What to Change; Changes and Reactions; Emphasis on the Factor Scores; Events Leading up to the WAIS-III; Wechsler's Unrealized Goal: Measurement of Nonintellective Factors; Description of Subtests; Summary; References; Chapter 3. The Wechsler Memory scale, Third Edition: A New Perspective; Historical Factors Leading to the Development of the Wechsler Memory Scale
The Wechsler Memory ScaleThe Publication of the WMS-R; Development of the WMS-III; Description of WMS-III; Structure of WMS-III Index and Subtests Scores; Support for the WMS-III Structure; Conclusions; References; PART 2: Reducing Variance When Interpreting WAIS-III and WMS-III Scores: Introduction to Chapters 4-8; Chapter 4. Assessment of Cognitive Functioning with the WAIS-III and WMS-III: Development of a Six-Factor Model; Contemporary Models of Cognitive Functioning; Factor-Analytic Studies of the Wechsler Scales; Joint WAIS-III/WMS-III Factor-Analytic Studies
The Development of New Norms for a Six-Factor Model of Cognitive Functioning Development of New Index Scores; Conclusion; References; Chapter 5. Demographic Effects and Use of Demographically Corrected Norms with the WAIS-III and WMS-III; Demographic Influences and Normative Corrections; Sensitivity of Demographically Corrected WAIS/WMS Factor Scores to Neurocognitive Impairment; Subject Samples; Developing Demographically Corrected T-Score; Age Effects; Education Effects; Sensitivity of WAIS-WMS-Corrected Scores to Neuropsyschiatric Disorders; Conclusions; References
Chapter 6. WAIS-III WMS-III Discrepancy Analysis: Six-Factor Model Index Discrepancy Base Rates, Implications, and a Preliminary Consideration of Utility Introduction; Understanding Difference Scores: The Logic of Discrepancy Analysis; Discrepancy Data Provided in This Chapter; Understanding Discrepancy Base Rates: Clinically Informative Trends; Which Index Contrasts Are Most Likely to Be Clinically Useful?; Conventional Contrasts: Within- WAIS-III; Conventional Contrasts: Within WMS-III; WAIS-III-WMS-III Contrasts; Does Discrepancy Analysis Work?; Concluding Comments; References
Chapter 7. Diagnostic Validity
Record Nr. UNINA-9910780115003321
Amsterdam ; ; Boston, : Academic Press, c2003
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Essentials of WAIS-IV assessment [[electronic resource] /] / Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Alan S. Kaufman
Essentials of WAIS-IV assessment [[electronic resource] /] / Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Alan S. Kaufman
Autore Lichtenberger Elizabeth O
Edizione [2nd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, N.J., : John Wiley & Sons, c2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (478 pages)
Disciplina 153.9/3
Altri autori (Persone) KaufmanAlan S. <1944->
Collana Essentials of psychological assessment series
Soggetto topico Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Intelligence tests
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-283-85148-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction and overview -- How to administer the WAIS-IV -- How to score the WAIS-IV -- How to interpret the WAIS-IV : conceptual and clinical foundations -- How to interpret the WAIS-IV : step-by-step -- Clinical applications I : a neuropsychological approach to interpretation of the WAIS-IV and the use of the WAIS-IV in learning disability assessments / George McCloskey, Emily S. Hartz, Katherine Scipioni -- Clinical applications II : age and intelligence across the adult life span -- Clinical applications III : WAIS-IV use with special groups, practice effects, and gender differences -- Strengths and weaknesses of the WAIS-IV / Ron Dumont, John O. Willis -- Illustrative case reports -- The initial digital adaptaion of the WAIS-IV / Tommie G. Cayton, Dustin Wahlstrom, Mark H. Daniel.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910461771003321
Lichtenberger Elizabeth O  
Hoboken, N.J., : John Wiley & Sons, c2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Essentials of WAIS-IV assessment [[electronic resource] /] / Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Alan S. Kaufman
Essentials of WAIS-IV assessment [[electronic resource] /] / Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Alan S. Kaufman
Autore Lichtenberger Elizabeth O.
Edizione [Second edition]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, N.J., : John Wiley & Sons, c2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (478 pages)
Disciplina 153.9/3
Collana Essentials of psychological assessment series
Soggetto topico Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Intelligence tests
ISBN 1-283-85148-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction and overview -- How to administer the WAIS-IV -- How to score the WAIS-IV -- How to interpret the WAIS-IV : conceptual and clinical foundations -- How to interpret the WAIS-IV : step-by-step -- Clinical applications I : a neuropsychological approach to interpretation of the WAIS-IV and the use of the WAIS-IV in learning disability assessments / George McCloskey, Emily S. Hartz, Katherine Scipioni -- Clinical applications II : age and intelligence across the adult life span -- Clinical applications III : WAIS-IV use with special groups, practice effects, and gender differences -- Strengths and weaknesses of the WAIS-IV / Ron Dumont, John O. Willis -- Illustrative case reports -- The initial digital adaptaion of the WAIS-IV / Tommie G. Cayton, Dustin Wahlstrom, Mark H. Daniel.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910785924503321
Lichtenberger Elizabeth O.  
Hoboken, N.J., : John Wiley & Sons, c2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui