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Augustin Penseur De La Raison ?: (Lettre 120, a Consentius)
Augustin Penseur De La Raison ?: (Lettre 120, a Consentius)
Autore Fattal
Pubbl/distr/stampa Editions L'Harmattan
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (126 p.)
Collana Ouverture Philosophique
Soggetto topico Trinity - History of doctrines
ISBN 2-14-001793-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Record Nr. UNINA-9910155355303321
Editions L'Harmattan
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Cambridge companion to the Trinity / / edited by Peter C. Phan [[electronic resource]]
The Cambridge companion to the Trinity / / edited by Peter C. Phan [[electronic resource]]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cambridge : , : Cambridge University Press, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xiv, 417 pages) : digital, PDF file(s)
Disciplina 231/.044
Collana Cambridge companions to religion
Soggetto topico Trinity - History of doctrines
ISBN 9780511975875
Classificazione REL102000
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Developments of the doctrine of the Trinity / Peter C. Phan -- Systematic issues in trinitarian theology / Peter C. Phan -- Like a finger pointing to the moon : exploring the Trinity in/and the New Testament / Elaine M. Wainwright -- The Trinity in the Greek fathers / John Anthony McGuckin -- Latin trinitarian theology / Michel René Barnes -- God as the mystery of sharing and shared love : Thomas Aquinas on the Trinity / Anselm Kyongsuk Min -- The Trinity in Bonaventure / Kenan B. Osborne -- The Trinity in the Protestant Reformation : continuity within discontinuity / Young-Ho Chun -- Between history and speculation : Christian trinitarian thinking after the Reformation / Christine Helmer -- Karl Barth, reconciliation and the triune God / Peter Goodwin Heltzel and Christian T. Collins Winn -- Mystery of grace and salvation : Karl Rahner's theology of the Trinity / Peter C. Phan -- Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Trinity / Karen Kilby -- The trinitarian doctrines of Jürgen Moltmann and Wolfhart Pannenberg in the context of contemporary discussion / Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen -- Sophia, apophasis and communion : the Trinity in contemporary Orthodox theology / Aristotle Papanikolaou -- The life-giving reality of God from Black, Latin American, and US Hispanic theological perspectives / Miguel H. Díaz -- Feminist theologies and the Trinity / Patricia A. Fox -- The Tao in Confucianism and Taoism : the Trinity in East Asian perspective / Heup Young Kim -- Trinity and Hinduism / Francis X. Clooney -- Primordial vow : reflections on the Holy Trinity in light of dialogue with Pure Land Buddhism / James L. Fredericks -- Trinity in Judaism and Islam / David B. Burrell -- Trinity, Christology, and pneumatology / Anne Hunt -- The Trinity in the liturgy, sacraments, and mysticism / Susan K. Wood -- The Trinity and social-political ethics / Dale T. Irvin.
Record Nr. UNISA-996211771303316
Cambridge : , : Cambridge University Press, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The doctrine of God in African Christian thought [[electronic resource] ] : the Holy Trinity, theological hermeneutics, and the African intellectual culture / / by James Henry Owino Kombo
The doctrine of God in African Christian thought [[electronic resource] ] : the Holy Trinity, theological hermeneutics, and the African intellectual culture / / by James Henry Owino Kombo
Autore Kombo James Henry Owino
Pubbl/distr/stampa Leiden ; ; Boston, : Brill, 2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (312 p.)
Disciplina 231/.044096
Collana Studies in Reformed theology
Soggetto topico Trinity - History of doctrines
God - History of doctrines
Theology, Doctrinal - Africa
Christianity and other religions - African
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-282-39704-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Prologue -- pt. 1. The doctrine of the Trinity : the Bible and the Church Fathers. An analysis of the biblical roots of the doctrine of the Trinity -- The emergence of the doctrine of immanent Trinity -- pt. 2. Western theologies' responses to the doctrine of the Trinity. God as essence -- God as an absolute subject -- God as community in unity -- Issues in the Western reinterpretations -- pt. 3. The doctrine of God in African inculturation theology. The African conceptual framework -- The notion of God among the African peoples : the accounts of B. Idowu, J.S. Mbiti, and G.M. Setiloane -- Moving beyond the African notion of God: clearing ground for the doctrine of the Trinity -- pt. 4. From the African concepts of God to the doctrine of the Trinity. God as the 'Great Muntu' manifested by the Son and the Holy Spirit -- Fostering the view of God as the 'Great Muntu' manifested by the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910454813003321
Kombo James Henry Owino  
Leiden ; ; Boston, : Brill, 2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The doctrine of God in African Christian thought [[electronic resource] ] : the Holy Trinity, theological hermeneutics, and the African intellectual culture / / by James Henry Owino Kombo
The doctrine of God in African Christian thought [[electronic resource] ] : the Holy Trinity, theological hermeneutics, and the African intellectual culture / / by James Henry Owino Kombo
Autore Kombo James Henry Owino
Pubbl/distr/stampa Leiden ; ; Boston, : Brill, 2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (312 p.)
Disciplina 231/.044096
Collana Studies in Reformed theology
Soggetto topico Trinity - History of doctrines
God - History of doctrines
Theology, Doctrinal - Africa
Christianity and other religions - African
ISBN 1-282-39704-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Prologue -- pt. 1. The doctrine of the Trinity : the Bible and the Church Fathers. An analysis of the biblical roots of the doctrine of the Trinity -- The emergence of the doctrine of immanent Trinity -- pt. 2. Western theologies' responses to the doctrine of the Trinity. God as essence -- God as an absolute subject -- God as community in unity -- Issues in the Western reinterpretations -- pt. 3. The doctrine of God in African inculturation theology. The African conceptual framework -- The notion of God among the African peoples : the accounts of B. Idowu, J.S. Mbiti, and G.M. Setiloane -- Moving beyond the African notion of God: clearing ground for the doctrine of the Trinity -- pt. 4. From the African concepts of God to the doctrine of the Trinity. God as the 'Great Muntu' manifested by the Son and the Holy Spirit -- Fostering the view of God as the 'Great Muntu' manifested by the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910778550303321
Kombo James Henry Owino  
Leiden ; ; Boston, : Brill, 2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
From logos to trinity : the evolution of religious beliefs from Pythagoras to Tertullian / / Marian Hillar [[electronic resource]]
From logos to trinity : the evolution of religious beliefs from Pythagoras to Tertullian / / Marian Hillar [[electronic resource]]
Autore Hillar Marian
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cambridge : , : Cambridge University Press, , 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xi, 320 pages) : digital, PDF file(s)
Disciplina 231/.044
Soggetto topico Trinity - History of doctrines
ISBN 1-107-22946-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Foreword / by Anthony Buzzard -- The logos in Greek culture -- The logos in Judaism -- The development of Jewish Messianic traditions: the source of Christian scrupture and doctrines -- Development of the Hellenistic Christian doctrine -- Justin Martyr and the logos -- Justin Martyr and the metaphysical triad -- Terullian, originator of the trinity -- Tertullian and the son of God -- Thomas Aquinas and the accepted concept of the Trinity -- Appendix I: The possible sources for the development of the Christian Trinitarian concepts -- Appendix II: Egyptian chronology.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910457424603321
Hillar Marian  
Cambridge : , : Cambridge University Press, , 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
From logos to trinity : the evolution of religious beliefs from Pythagoras to Tertullian / / Marian Hillar [[electronic resource]]
From logos to trinity : the evolution of religious beliefs from Pythagoras to Tertullian / / Marian Hillar [[electronic resource]]
Autore Hillar Marian
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cambridge : , : Cambridge University Press, , 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xi, 320 pages) : digital, PDF file(s)
Disciplina 231/.044
Soggetto topico Trinity - History of doctrines
ISBN 1-107-22946-4
Classificazione REL102000
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Foreword / by Anthony Buzzard -- The logos in Greek culture -- The logos in Judaism -- The development of Jewish Messianic traditions: the source of Christian scrupture and doctrines -- Development of the Hellenistic Christian doctrine -- Justin Martyr and the logos -- Justin Martyr and the metaphysical triad -- Terullian, originator of the trinity -- Tertullian and the son of God -- Thomas Aquinas and the accepted concept of the Trinity -- Appendix I: The possible sources for the development of the Christian Trinitarian concepts -- Appendix II: Egyptian chronology.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910778954403321
Hillar Marian  
Cambridge : , : Cambridge University Press, , 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
God is a communicative being [[electronic resource] ] : divine communicativeness and harmony in the theology of Jonathan Edwards / / William M. Schweitzer
God is a communicative being [[electronic resource] ] : divine communicativeness and harmony in the theology of Jonathan Edwards / / William M. Schweitzer
Autore Schweitzer William M
Pubbl/distr/stampa London ; ; New York, : T&T Clark International, c2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (209 p.)
Disciplina 230
Collana T & T Clark studies in systematic theology
Soggetto topico Baptists - Doctrines
Trinity - History of doctrines
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-280-57572-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Introduction; I Perry Miller and the Beautiful Mind; II Explaining Edwards; III The Roadmap; Chapter 1 The Communicative God; I Introduction; II The Trinity (Communicativeness ad intra); III Creation and Redemption (Communicativeness ad extra); IV The Content of Divine Communication; V The Manner of Divine Communication; VI The Medium and Media of Divine Communication; VII Conclusion; Chapter 2 Nature; I Introduction; II Edwards as Scientist; III Edwards as "Mystic"; IV Nature as Types; V The Harmony of Nature; VI Conclusion
Chapter 3 Special RevelationI Introduction; II Natural Theology, No; Natural Revelation, Yes; III The Communicative Argument; IV Locke as a Possible Antagonist for the Communicative Argument; V The Necessity of Revelation in Edwards' Apologetic Program; VI Conclusion; Chapter 4 Scripture; I Introduction; II The Authority of Scripture; III Conventional Arguments for Biblical Authority; IV The Harmony of Scripture; V The Inspiration of Scripture; VI The Canon of Scripture; VII The Illumination of Scripture; VIII Locke's "Fundamentalism"; IX Edwards' Relation to Biblical Criticism; X Conclusion
Chapter 5 HistoryI Introduction; II Historiographer of Supernature; III Typology, Harmony, and Prophecy; IV The Development of Edwards' Use of History; V The "History of the Work of Redemption"; VI Current Events and The Christian History Periodicals; VII The Redemptive-Historical Beatific Vision; VIII Zakai on "Miscellany" 777; IX Conclusion; Chapter 6 Edwards' Project; I Introduction; II Relevant Highlights of Edwards' Theology; III The Minister's Project; IV The "Personal Narrative"; V The Three "Great Works"; VI The Agenda of the Awakenings; VII This Theory in Relation to Some Others
VIII ConclusionBibliography; I Primary Works by Jonathan Edwards; II Other Primary Sources; III Secondary Works; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910461708403321
Schweitzer William M  
London ; ; New York, : T&T Clark International, c2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
God is a communicative being [[electronic resource] ] : divine communicativeness and harmony in the theology of Jonathan Edwards / / William M. Schweitzer
God is a communicative being [[electronic resource] ] : divine communicativeness and harmony in the theology of Jonathan Edwards / / William M. Schweitzer
Autore Schweitzer William M
Pubbl/distr/stampa London ; ; New York, : T&T Clark International, c2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (209 p.)
Disciplina 230
Collana T & T Clark studies in systematic theology
Soggetto topico Baptists - Doctrines
Trinity - History of doctrines
ISBN 0-567-53933-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Introduction; I Perry Miller and the Beautiful Mind; II Explaining Edwards; III The Roadmap; Chapter 1 The Communicative God; I Introduction; II The Trinity (Communicativeness ad intra); III Creation and Redemption (Communicativeness ad extra); IV The Content of Divine Communication; V The Manner of Divine Communication; VI The Medium and Media of Divine Communication; VII Conclusion; Chapter 2 Nature; I Introduction; II Edwards as Scientist; III Edwards as "Mystic"; IV Nature as Types; V The Harmony of Nature; VI Conclusion
Chapter 3 Special RevelationI Introduction; II Natural Theology, No; Natural Revelation, Yes; III The Communicative Argument; IV Locke as a Possible Antagonist for the Communicative Argument; V The Necessity of Revelation in Edwards' Apologetic Program; VI Conclusion; Chapter 4 Scripture; I Introduction; II The Authority of Scripture; III Conventional Arguments for Biblical Authority; IV The Harmony of Scripture; V The Inspiration of Scripture; VI The Canon of Scripture; VII The Illumination of Scripture; VIII Locke's "Fundamentalism"; IX Edwards' Relation to Biblical Criticism; X Conclusion
Chapter 5 HistoryI Introduction; II Historiographer of Supernature; III Typology, Harmony, and Prophecy; IV The Development of Edwards' Use of History; V The "History of the Work of Redemption"; VI Current Events and The Christian History Periodicals; VII The Redemptive-Historical Beatific Vision; VIII Zakai on "Miscellany" 777; IX Conclusion; Chapter 6 Edwards' Project; I Introduction; II Relevant Highlights of Edwards' Theology; III The Minister's Project; IV The "Personal Narrative"; V The Three "Great Works"; VI The Agenda of the Awakenings; VII This Theory in Relation to Some Others
VIII ConclusionBibliography; I Primary Works by Jonathan Edwards; II Other Primary Sources; III Secondary Works; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910789933903321
Schweitzer William M  
London ; ; New York, : T&T Clark International, c2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, and the Filioque / / by Chungman Lee
Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, and the Filioque / / by Chungman Lee
Autore Lee Chungman
Pubbl/distr/stampa Leiden, The Netherlands ; ; Boston : , : Brill, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Disciplina 230.14092
Collana Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae
Soggetto topico Holy Spirit - Procession - History of doctrines
Trinity - History of doctrines
ISBN 90-04-46516-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- ‎Contents -- ‎Acknowledgements -- ‎Abbreviations -- ‎Chapter 1. Introduction -- ‎1. The Filioque Again? -- ‎2. Validity of Renewed Reflection -- ‎2.1. Doctrine of the Triune God -- ‎2.2. Christology -- ‎2.3. Pneumatology and Ecclesiology -- ‎3. Questions -- ‎Chapter 2. What Is Still at Stake? -- ‎1. Introduction -- ‎2. The Memorandum of 1981 -- ‎2.1. Aims and Influence -- ‎2.2. Approaches -- ‎2.3. Theological Argumentation -- ‎2.4. The Conclusion -- ‎3. What Is Still at Stake? (I) -- ‎3.1. The Role of the Son and Monopatrism -- ‎3.2. The Taxis: Subordination of the Holy Spirit -- ‎3.3. The Economic Trinity and the Immanent Trinity -- ‎4. The Vatican Clarification of 1995 -- ‎4.1. Ecumenical Significance -- ‎4.2. Aims and Structure -- ‎4.3. Theological Argumentation -- ‎5. What Is Still at Stake? (II) -- ‎5.1. The Debate over the Clarification -- ‎5.2. The First and Second Confusions -- ‎5.3. The Third Confusion -- ‎5.4. The Fourth Confusion -- ‎5.5. The Linguistic Approach -- ‎5.6. Summary -- ‎6. What Is Still at Stake? (III) -- ‎6.1. Monopatrism -- ‎6.2. Peculiar Personhood of the Holy Spirit -- ‎7. Analytic Summary -- ‎7.1. Disagreement between East and West -- ‎7.2. Disagreement within the Same Tradition -- ‎7.3. Ad Fontes -- ‎Chapter 3. Gregory of Nyssa -- ‎1. Introduction -- ‎2. Introduction to Gregory's Trinitarian Thought -- ‎2.1. ἐπίνοια -- ‎2.2. The Uncreated Being and Created Beings -- ‎2.3. θεολογία and οἰκονομία -- ‎2.4. ἐνέργεια and Names -- ‎2.5. Anagogic Analogy and Faith -- ‎3. The Monarchy of the Father -- ‎3.1. The Father as αἰτία -- ‎3.2. τάξις -- ‎3.3. Consubstantiality and Hypostasis -- ‎4. The Role of the Son -- ‎4.1. The Involvement Required -- ‎4.2. The Son's Role as Mediation -- ‎4.3. Immediately Definitive -- ‎5. The Hypostatic Property of the Holy Spirit -- ‎5.1. In Gregory's Trinitarian Theology.
‎5.2. Gregory's Ideas on the Works of the Holy Spirit -- ‎Chapter 4. Augustine of Hippo -- ‎1. Introduction -- ‎2. Introduction to Augustine's Trinitarian Thought -- ‎2.1. Trinitarian Anthropology -- ‎2.2. Uera Theologia -- ‎2.3. Love and Purification -- ‎3. The Monarchy of the Father -- ‎3.1. Principium for the Son -- ‎3.2. Principium for the Holy Spirit -- ‎3.3. Two More Questions -- ‎4. The Son as Principium -- ‎4.1. Necessity of the Role of the Son -- ‎4.2. The Hypostatic Property of the Spirit -- ‎4.3. Summary -- ‎5. The Hypostatic Property of the Holy Spirit -- ‎5.1. In the Trinity -- ‎Excursus: Nello Cipriani, Lewis Ayres, and David Coffey -- ‎5.2. In Augustine's Trinitarian Epistemology -- ‎5.3. In Augustine's Spiritual Theology -- ‎Chapter 5. Conclusion: Comparison and Contribution -- ‎1. Introduction -- ‎2. Comparison between Gregory and Augustine -- ‎2.1. οἰκονομία-θεολογία and οὐσία-ἐνέργεια -- ‎2.2. The Monarchy of the Father -- ‎2.3. The Role of the Son -- ‎2.4. The Hypostatic Property of the Holy Spirit -- ‎3. Contribution -- ‎3.1. How to Define οἰκονομία-θεολογία and οὐσία-ἐνέργεια -- ‎3.2. How to Define Monopatrism -- ‎3.3. How to Define the Role of the Son -- ‎3.4. How to Define the Hypostatic Property of the Holy Spirit -- ‎4. Conclusion -- ‎Bibliography -- ‎Index of Biblical References -- ‎Index of Ancient Authors -- ‎Index of Modern Authors -- ‎General Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910794502303321
Lee Chungman  
Leiden, The Netherlands ; ; Boston : , : Brill, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, and the Filioque / / by Chungman Lee
Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, and the Filioque / / by Chungman Lee
Autore Lee Chungman
Pubbl/distr/stampa Leiden, The Netherlands ; ; Boston : , : Brill, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Disciplina 230.14092
Collana Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae
Soggetto topico Holy Spirit - Procession - History of doctrines
Trinity - History of doctrines
ISBN 90-04-46516-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- ‎Contents -- ‎Acknowledgements -- ‎Abbreviations -- ‎Chapter 1. Introduction -- ‎1. The Filioque Again? -- ‎2. Validity of Renewed Reflection -- ‎2.1. Doctrine of the Triune God -- ‎2.2. Christology -- ‎2.3. Pneumatology and Ecclesiology -- ‎3. Questions -- ‎Chapter 2. What Is Still at Stake? -- ‎1. Introduction -- ‎2. The Memorandum of 1981 -- ‎2.1. Aims and Influence -- ‎2.2. Approaches -- ‎2.3. Theological Argumentation -- ‎2.4. The Conclusion -- ‎3. What Is Still at Stake? (I) -- ‎3.1. The Role of the Son and Monopatrism -- ‎3.2. The Taxis: Subordination of the Holy Spirit -- ‎3.3. The Economic Trinity and the Immanent Trinity -- ‎4. The Vatican Clarification of 1995 -- ‎4.1. Ecumenical Significance -- ‎4.2. Aims and Structure -- ‎4.3. Theological Argumentation -- ‎5. What Is Still at Stake? (II) -- ‎5.1. The Debate over the Clarification -- ‎5.2. The First and Second Confusions -- ‎5.3. The Third Confusion -- ‎5.4. The Fourth Confusion -- ‎5.5. The Linguistic Approach -- ‎5.6. Summary -- ‎6. What Is Still at Stake? (III) -- ‎6.1. Monopatrism -- ‎6.2. Peculiar Personhood of the Holy Spirit -- ‎7. Analytic Summary -- ‎7.1. Disagreement between East and West -- ‎7.2. Disagreement within the Same Tradition -- ‎7.3. Ad Fontes -- ‎Chapter 3. Gregory of Nyssa -- ‎1. Introduction -- ‎2. Introduction to Gregory's Trinitarian Thought -- ‎2.1. ἐπίνοια -- ‎2.2. The Uncreated Being and Created Beings -- ‎2.3. θεολογία and οἰκονομία -- ‎2.4. ἐνέργεια and Names -- ‎2.5. Anagogic Analogy and Faith -- ‎3. The Monarchy of the Father -- ‎3.1. The Father as αἰτία -- ‎3.2. τάξις -- ‎3.3. Consubstantiality and Hypostasis -- ‎4. The Role of the Son -- ‎4.1. The Involvement Required -- ‎4.2. The Son's Role as Mediation -- ‎4.3. Immediately Definitive -- ‎5. The Hypostatic Property of the Holy Spirit -- ‎5.1. In Gregory's Trinitarian Theology.
‎5.2. Gregory's Ideas on the Works of the Holy Spirit -- ‎Chapter 4. Augustine of Hippo -- ‎1. Introduction -- ‎2. Introduction to Augustine's Trinitarian Thought -- ‎2.1. Trinitarian Anthropology -- ‎2.2. Uera Theologia -- ‎2.3. Love and Purification -- ‎3. The Monarchy of the Father -- ‎3.1. Principium for the Son -- ‎3.2. Principium for the Holy Spirit -- ‎3.3. Two More Questions -- ‎4. The Son as Principium -- ‎4.1. Necessity of the Role of the Son -- ‎4.2. The Hypostatic Property of the Spirit -- ‎4.3. Summary -- ‎5. The Hypostatic Property of the Holy Spirit -- ‎5.1. In the Trinity -- ‎Excursus: Nello Cipriani, Lewis Ayres, and David Coffey -- ‎5.2. In Augustine's Trinitarian Epistemology -- ‎5.3. In Augustine's Spiritual Theology -- ‎Chapter 5. Conclusion: Comparison and Contribution -- ‎1. Introduction -- ‎2. Comparison between Gregory and Augustine -- ‎2.1. οἰκονομία-θεολογία and οὐσία-ἐνέργεια -- ‎2.2. The Monarchy of the Father -- ‎2.3. The Role of the Son -- ‎2.4. The Hypostatic Property of the Holy Spirit -- ‎3. Contribution -- ‎3.1. How to Define οἰκονομία-θεολογία and οὐσία-ἐνέργεια -- ‎3.2. How to Define Monopatrism -- ‎3.3. How to Define the Role of the Son -- ‎3.4. How to Define the Hypostatic Property of the Holy Spirit -- ‎4. Conclusion -- ‎Bibliography -- ‎Index of Biblical References -- ‎Index of Ancient Authors -- ‎Index of Modern Authors -- ‎General Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910823846303321
Lee Chungman  
Leiden, The Netherlands ; ; Boston : , : Brill, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui