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5 practices for orchestrating productive task-based discussions in science / / Jennifer L. Cartier [and three others]
5 practices for orchestrating productive task-based discussions in science / / Jennifer L. Cartier [and three others]
Autore Cartier Jennifer L.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Reston, Virginia : , : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, , [2013]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (146 pages)
Disciplina 507
Altri autori (Persone) SmithMargaret Schwan
SteinMary Kay
RossDanielle K
Soggetto topico Science - Study and teaching (Primary)
Science - Study and teaching (Secondary)
Task analysis in education
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Laying the groundwork : setting goals and selecting tasks -- Introducing the five practices model : contrasting the practices of two teachers -- Getting started : anticipating and monitoring students' work -- Making decisions about the discussion : selecting, sequencing, and connecting -- Encouraging and guiding student thinking -- Positioning five practices discussion within instructional design -- Beginning secondary science teachers use the model : lessons learned.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910794659003321
Cartier Jennifer L.  
Reston, Virginia : , : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, , [2013]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
5 practices for orchestrating productive task-based discussions in science / / Jennifer L. Cartier [and three others]
5 practices for orchestrating productive task-based discussions in science / / Jennifer L. Cartier [and three others]
Autore Cartier Jennifer L.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Reston, Virginia : , : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, , [2013]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (146 pages)
Disciplina 507
Altri autori (Persone) SmithMargaret Schwan
SteinMary Kay
RossDanielle K
Soggetto topico Science - Study and teaching (Primary)
Science - Study and teaching (Secondary)
Task analysis in education
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Laying the groundwork : setting goals and selecting tasks -- Introducing the five practices model : contrasting the practices of two teachers -- Getting started : anticipating and monitoring students' work -- Making decisions about the discussion : selecting, sequencing, and connecting -- Encouraging and guiding student thinking -- Positioning five practices discussion within instructional design -- Beginning secondary science teachers use the model : lessons learned.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910827338603321
Cartier Jennifer L.  
Reston, Virginia : , : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, , [2013]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Domains and directions in the development of TBLT : a decade of plenaries from the International Conference / / edited by Martin Bygate, University of Lancaster
Domains and directions in the development of TBLT : a decade of plenaries from the International Conference / / edited by Martin Bygate, University of Lancaster
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , [2015]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (349 p.)
Disciplina 418.0071
Collana Task-Based Language Teaching
Soggetto topico Language and languages - Study and teaching - Methodology
Second language acquisition
Task analysis in education
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 90-272-6782-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Domains and Directions in the Development of TBLT; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Introduction; The DNA of TBLT; The fundamental challenge to the TBLT project; The organisation of the volume; Acknowledgments; References; TBLT; TBLT: Definition and rationale; TBLT's consistency with research findings on ISLA; TBLT: A brief primer; Task-based needs analysis; Task syllabus design; Production of task-based materials; Methodology and pedagogy; Task-based, criterion-referenced performance testing; Program evaluation; Does TBLT have a future?; Building the road as we travel
Task-based interactions online: What the research base tells teachersCognitive complexity in technology-mediated tasks: An opening agenda; Widening the scope: Beyond online translations of traditional tasks; Technology-mediated tasks at their best: Some examples; Traditional tasks reinvigorated by technological innovation and virtual excitement; New tasks deriving from new mobile and social technologies; When technology and tasks meet: Towards technology-mediated TBLT; The challenge of authenticity in technology-mediated TBLT; Multifaceted motivation in technology-mediated TBLT
Concluding remarksReferences; The Cognition Hypothesis, second language task demands and the SSARC model of pedagogic task sequencing; Introduction; Syllabus design; Mapping pedagogic task design to real-world task demands; Situating and distributing task cognition; The Cognition Hypothesis; Task Sequencing Principle 1; Task Sequencing Principle 2; The SSARC model; The Triadic Componential Framework for task classification and sequencing; Task Complexity; Task Complexity and task sequencing; Task Conditions; Task Difficulty; Mapping Task Complexity/Condition-Task Difficulty interactions
Cognitive abilities and Task ComplexityBroad summary of potentials for Task Complexity-Task Difficulty interactions; Affective factors and Task Conditions; The Cognition Hypothesis and the Trade-Off Hypothesis; Summary and Conclusions; Reference; Limited Attention Capacity and Cognition; Introduction; The Limited Attention Capacity (LAC) Hypothesis: Underlying principles; Evidence and theory; Task research and the Levelt Model: General outline; Conceptualiser Influences; Formulator influences: Lemma retrieval; Formulator influences: Syntactic encoding; The Cognition Hypothesis
Contrasts between the approaches
Record Nr. UNINA-9910511618203321
Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , [2015]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Domains and directions in the development of TBLT : a decade of plenaries from the International Conference / / edited by Martin Bygate, University of Lancaster
Domains and directions in the development of TBLT : a decade of plenaries from the International Conference / / edited by Martin Bygate, University of Lancaster
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , [2015]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (349 p.)
Disciplina 418.0071
Collana Task-Based Language Teaching
Soggetto topico Language and languages - Study and teaching - Methodology
Second language acquisition
Task analysis in education
Adquisició d'una segona llengua
Llenguatge i llengües
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 90-272-6782-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Domains and Directions in the Development of TBLT; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Introduction; The DNA of TBLT; The fundamental challenge to the TBLT project; The organisation of the volume; Acknowledgments; References; TBLT; TBLT: Definition and rationale; TBLT's consistency with research findings on ISLA; TBLT: A brief primer; Task-based needs analysis; Task syllabus design; Production of task-based materials; Methodology and pedagogy; Task-based, criterion-referenced performance testing; Program evaluation; Does TBLT have a future?; Building the road as we travel
Task-based interactions online: What the research base tells teachersCognitive complexity in technology-mediated tasks: An opening agenda; Widening the scope: Beyond online translations of traditional tasks; Technology-mediated tasks at their best: Some examples; Traditional tasks reinvigorated by technological innovation and virtual excitement; New tasks deriving from new mobile and social technologies; When technology and tasks meet: Towards technology-mediated TBLT; The challenge of authenticity in technology-mediated TBLT; Multifaceted motivation in technology-mediated TBLT
Concluding remarksReferences; The Cognition Hypothesis, second language task demands and the SSARC model of pedagogic task sequencing; Introduction; Syllabus design; Mapping pedagogic task design to real-world task demands; Situating and distributing task cognition; The Cognition Hypothesis; Task Sequencing Principle 1; Task Sequencing Principle 2; The SSARC model; The Triadic Componential Framework for task classification and sequencing; Task Complexity; Task Complexity and task sequencing; Task Conditions; Task Difficulty; Mapping Task Complexity/Condition-Task Difficulty interactions
Cognitive abilities and Task ComplexityBroad summary of potentials for Task Complexity-Task Difficulty interactions; Affective factors and Task Conditions; The Cognition Hypothesis and the Trade-Off Hypothesis; Summary and Conclusions; Reference; Limited Attention Capacity and Cognition; Introduction; The Limited Attention Capacity (LAC) Hypothesis: Underlying principles; Evidence and theory; Task research and the Levelt Model: General outline; Conceptualiser Influences; Formulator influences: Lemma retrieval; Formulator influences: Syntactic encoding; The Cognition Hypothesis
Contrasts between the approaches
Record Nr. UNINA-9910797893403321
Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , [2015]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Domains and directions in the development of TBLT : a decade of plenaries from the International Conference / / edited by Martin Bygate, University of Lancaster
Domains and directions in the development of TBLT : a decade of plenaries from the International Conference / / edited by Martin Bygate, University of Lancaster
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , [2015]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (349 p.)
Disciplina 418.0071
Collana Task-Based Language Teaching
Soggetto topico Language and languages - Study and teaching - Methodology
Second language acquisition
Task analysis in education
Adquisició d'una segona llengua
Llenguatge i llengües
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 90-272-6782-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Domains and Directions in the Development of TBLT; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Introduction; The DNA of TBLT; The fundamental challenge to the TBLT project; The organisation of the volume; Acknowledgments; References; TBLT; TBLT: Definition and rationale; TBLT's consistency with research findings on ISLA; TBLT: A brief primer; Task-based needs analysis; Task syllabus design; Production of task-based materials; Methodology and pedagogy; Task-based, criterion-referenced performance testing; Program evaluation; Does TBLT have a future?; Building the road as we travel
Task-based interactions online: What the research base tells teachersCognitive complexity in technology-mediated tasks: An opening agenda; Widening the scope: Beyond online translations of traditional tasks; Technology-mediated tasks at their best: Some examples; Traditional tasks reinvigorated by technological innovation and virtual excitement; New tasks deriving from new mobile and social technologies; When technology and tasks meet: Towards technology-mediated TBLT; The challenge of authenticity in technology-mediated TBLT; Multifaceted motivation in technology-mediated TBLT
Concluding remarksReferences; The Cognition Hypothesis, second language task demands and the SSARC model of pedagogic task sequencing; Introduction; Syllabus design; Mapping pedagogic task design to real-world task demands; Situating and distributing task cognition; The Cognition Hypothesis; Task Sequencing Principle 1; Task Sequencing Principle 2; The SSARC model; The Triadic Componential Framework for task classification and sequencing; Task Complexity; Task Complexity and task sequencing; Task Conditions; Task Difficulty; Mapping Task Complexity/Condition-Task Difficulty interactions
Cognitive abilities and Task ComplexityBroad summary of potentials for Task Complexity-Task Difficulty interactions; Affective factors and Task Conditions; The Cognition Hypothesis and the Trade-Off Hypothesis; Summary and Conclusions; Reference; Limited Attention Capacity and Cognition; Introduction; The Limited Attention Capacity (LAC) Hypothesis: Underlying principles; Evidence and theory; Task research and the Levelt Model: General outline; Conceptualiser Influences; Formulator influences: Lemma retrieval; Formulator influences: Syntactic encoding; The Cognition Hypothesis
Contrasts between the approaches
Record Nr. UNINA-9910812716403321
Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , [2015]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Investigating tasks in formal language learning [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Mar?ia del Pilar Garc?ia Mayo
Investigating tasks in formal language learning [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Mar?ia del Pilar Garc?ia Mayo
Pubbl/distr/stampa Clevedon, [England] ; ; Buffalo, : Multilingual Matters, c2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (279 p.)
Disciplina 418.007
Altri autori (Persone) Garc?ia MayoMar?ia del Pilar
Collana Second language acquisition
Soggetto topico Language and languages - Study and teaching
Task analysis in education
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-78892-036-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Foreword -- Contributors -- Introduction -- Chapter 1. Criteria for Classifying and Sequencing Pedagogic Tasks -- Chapter 2. Information Distribution and Goal Orientation in Second Language Task Design -- Chapter 3. The Simultaneous Manipulation of Task Complexity Along Planning Time and (+/- Here-and-Now): Effects on L2 Oral Production -- Chapter 4. Tasks, Negotiation, and L2 Learning in a Foreign Language Context -- Chapter 5. Attention to Form Across Collaborative Tasks by Low-Proficiency Learners in an EFL Setting -- Chapter 6. Cognitive Task Complexity and Linguistic Performance in French L2 Writing -- Chapter 7. The Effect of Manipulating Task Complexity Along the (± Here-and-Now) Dimension on L2 Written Narrative Discourse -- Chapter 8. Writing Tasks: The Effects of Collaboration -- Chapter 9. L2 Vocabulary Acquisition and Reading Comprehension: The Influence of Task Complexity -- Chapter 10. Task-Effect on the Use of Lexical Innovation Strategies in Interlanguage Communication -- Chapter 11. Fostering EFL Learners’ Awareness of Requesting Through Explicit and Implicit Consciousness-Raising Tasks -- Chapter 12. Interactive Task Design: Metachat and the Whole Learner -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910450986403321
Clevedon, [England] ; ; Buffalo, : Multilingual Matters, c2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Investigating tasks in formal language learning [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Mar?ia del Pilar Garc?ia Mayo
Investigating tasks in formal language learning [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Mar?ia del Pilar Garc?ia Mayo
Pubbl/distr/stampa Clevedon, [England] ; ; Buffalo, : Multilingual Matters, c2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (279 p.)
Disciplina 418.007
Altri autori (Persone) Garc?ia MayoMar?ia del Pilar
Collana Second language acquisition
Soggetto topico Language and languages - Study and teaching
Task analysis in education
Soggetto non controllato SLA
Second Language Acquisition
curriculum design
formal language learning contexts
language pedagogy
task-based language learning
task-based language teaching
ISBN 1-78892-036-8
Classificazione ER 925
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Contents -- Foreword -- Contributors -- Introduction -- Chapter 1. Criteria for Classifying and Sequencing Pedagogic Tasks -- Chapter 2. Information Distribution and Goal Orientation in Second Language Task Design -- Chapter 3. The Simultaneous Manipulation of Task Complexity Along Planning Time and (+/- Here-and-Now): Effects on L2 Oral Production -- Chapter 4. Tasks, Negotiation, and L2 Learning in a Foreign Language Context -- Chapter 5. Attention to Form Across Collaborative Tasks by Low-Proficiency Learners in an EFL Setting -- Chapter 6. Cognitive Task Complexity and Linguistic Performance in French L2 Writing -- Chapter 7. The Effect of Manipulating Task Complexity Along the (± Here-and-Now) Dimension on L2 Written Narrative Discourse -- Chapter 8. Writing Tasks: The Effects of Collaboration -- Chapter 9. L2 Vocabulary Acquisition and Reading Comprehension: The Influence of Task Complexity -- Chapter 10. Task-Effect on the Use of Lexical Innovation Strategies in Interlanguage Communication -- Chapter 11. Fostering EFL Learners’ Awareness of Requesting Through Explicit and Implicit Consciousness-Raising Tasks -- Chapter 12. Interactive Task Design: Metachat and the Whole Learner -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910784012903321
Clevedon, [England] ; ; Buffalo, : Multilingual Matters, c2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Processing perspectives on task performance / / edited by Peter Skehan
Processing perspectives on task performance / / edited by Peter Skehan
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; ; Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania] : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (278 p.)
Disciplina 418.0071
Collana Task-Based Language Teaching : Issues, Research and Practice
Soggetto topico Language and languages - Study and teaching
Task analysis in education
Competence and performance (Linguistics)
Second language acquisition
Second language acquisition - Methodology
Cognitive learning
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 90-272-7041-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Processing Perspectives on Task Performance; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Dedication page; Table of contents; Series editors' preface to Volume 5; Preface; The context for researching a processing perspective on task performance; Introduction; The structure of the book; Measurement issues; References; On-line time pressure manipulations; Introduction; Processes of L1 speaking; L2 speaking processing and time pressure; L2 speaking intervention targeting the bottleneck of time pressure; Research Questions; Method; Participants; English proficiency pre-test; Material
Slowed video for on-line planning Task conditions and instructions; Measures of speaking performance; Coding; Analysis; Results; Pre-test; Speaking conditions; Discussion; Intervention targeting content conceptualization; Intervention targeting linguistic formulation; Intervention targeting speech monitoring; Conclusion; Author note; References; Appendix A The Material Content (story scenes); Story 1 Mr. Bean Had a 'Sleepless Night'; Story 2 Mr. Bean went 'Shopping'; Appendix B Task instructions; Task readiness; Introduction; A theoretical framework of task readiness; Methods; Participants
Speaking tasks Proficiency criteria; Study design: Independent variables; Performance measures: Dependent variables; Data analysis; Results; Fluency; Accuracy; Complexity; Discussion; Topic familiarity; Strategic planning; Proficiency; The magnitude of task-internal and task-external readiness effects; Task-internal readiness in form-meaning connection; Compensation effects in fluency between task-internal and task-external readiness; Implications; Conclusion; References; Self-reported planning behaviour and second language performance in narrative retelling; Introduction
Early publications on planning Ortega's research into planning; Motivation for the present research; Method; Research questions; Research methodology; Participants and setting; Tasks; Procedures; Performance measures; Segmenting the retrospective interviews; First coding: Constructing the coding scheme; Second coding: Real coding; Results; Basic quantitative analyses; The codes and the Levelt model; Quantitative data; Frequency of reported planning behaviour and performance levels; Discussion; Build your own structure; Avoid trouble, and be realistic; Handle trouble when it occurs
Plan small or specific (versus Plan General)Avoid grammar focus; Conclusion; References; Appendix 1; Instructions for the Picture Story Telling Task; Instructions when you are a listener; Appendix 2; Retrospective interview prompts; Appendix 3; Coding Scheme: Planning activities of ESL speakers doing picture story telling task; Get it right in the end; Introduction; Literature review; Aims of the present study; Research methodology; Participants; Experimental tasks; Procedures; Research design; Data transcription and coding; Data analysis; Results; Results for Research Question 1
Results for Research Question 2
Record Nr. UNINA-9910465628403321
Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; ; Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania] : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Processing perspectives on task performance / / edited by Peter Skehan
Processing perspectives on task performance / / edited by Peter Skehan
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; ; Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania] : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (278 p.)
Disciplina 418.0071
Collana Task-Based Language Teaching : Issues, Research and Practice
Soggetto topico Language and languages - Study and teaching
Task analysis in education
Competence and performance (Linguistics)
Second language acquisition
Second language acquisition - Methodology
Cognitive learning
ISBN 90-272-7041-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Processing Perspectives on Task Performance; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Dedication page; Table of contents; Series editors' preface to Volume 5; Preface; The context for researching a processing perspective on task performance; Introduction; The structure of the book; Measurement issues; References; On-line time pressure manipulations; Introduction; Processes of L1 speaking; L2 speaking processing and time pressure; L2 speaking intervention targeting the bottleneck of time pressure; Research Questions; Method; Participants; English proficiency pre-test; Material
Slowed video for on-line planning Task conditions and instructions; Measures of speaking performance; Coding; Analysis; Results; Pre-test; Speaking conditions; Discussion; Intervention targeting content conceptualization; Intervention targeting linguistic formulation; Intervention targeting speech monitoring; Conclusion; Author note; References; Appendix A The Material Content (story scenes); Story 1 Mr. Bean Had a 'Sleepless Night'; Story 2 Mr. Bean went 'Shopping'; Appendix B Task instructions; Task readiness; Introduction; A theoretical framework of task readiness; Methods; Participants
Speaking tasks Proficiency criteria; Study design: Independent variables; Performance measures: Dependent variables; Data analysis; Results; Fluency; Accuracy; Complexity; Discussion; Topic familiarity; Strategic planning; Proficiency; The magnitude of task-internal and task-external readiness effects; Task-internal readiness in form-meaning connection; Compensation effects in fluency between task-internal and task-external readiness; Implications; Conclusion; References; Self-reported planning behaviour and second language performance in narrative retelling; Introduction
Early publications on planning Ortega's research into planning; Motivation for the present research; Method; Research questions; Research methodology; Participants and setting; Tasks; Procedures; Performance measures; Segmenting the retrospective interviews; First coding: Constructing the coding scheme; Second coding: Real coding; Results; Basic quantitative analyses; The codes and the Levelt model; Quantitative data; Frequency of reported planning behaviour and performance levels; Discussion; Build your own structure; Avoid trouble, and be realistic; Handle trouble when it occurs
Plan small or specific (versus Plan General)Avoid grammar focus; Conclusion; References; Appendix 1; Instructions for the Picture Story Telling Task; Instructions when you are a listener; Appendix 2; Retrospective interview prompts; Appendix 3; Coding Scheme: Planning activities of ESL speakers doing picture story telling task; Get it right in the end; Introduction; Literature review; Aims of the present study; Research methodology; Participants; Experimental tasks; Procedures; Research design; Data transcription and coding; Data analysis; Results; Results for Research Question 1
Results for Research Question 2
Record Nr. UNINA-9910792156903321
Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; ; Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania] : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Processing perspectives on task performance / / edited by Peter Skehan
Processing perspectives on task performance / / edited by Peter Skehan
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; ; Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania] : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (278 p.)
Disciplina 418.0071
Collana Task-Based Language Teaching : Issues, Research and Practice
Soggetto topico Language and languages - Study and teaching
Task analysis in education
Competence and performance (Linguistics)
Second language acquisition
Second language acquisition - Methodology
Cognitive learning
ISBN 90-272-7041-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Processing Perspectives on Task Performance; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Dedication page; Table of contents; Series editors' preface to Volume 5; Preface; The context for researching a processing perspective on task performance; Introduction; The structure of the book; Measurement issues; References; On-line time pressure manipulations; Introduction; Processes of L1 speaking; L2 speaking processing and time pressure; L2 speaking intervention targeting the bottleneck of time pressure; Research Questions; Method; Participants; English proficiency pre-test; Material
Slowed video for on-line planning Task conditions and instructions; Measures of speaking performance; Coding; Analysis; Results; Pre-test; Speaking conditions; Discussion; Intervention targeting content conceptualization; Intervention targeting linguistic formulation; Intervention targeting speech monitoring; Conclusion; Author note; References; Appendix A The Material Content (story scenes); Story 1 Mr. Bean Had a 'Sleepless Night'; Story 2 Mr. Bean went 'Shopping'; Appendix B Task instructions; Task readiness; Introduction; A theoretical framework of task readiness; Methods; Participants
Speaking tasks Proficiency criteria; Study design: Independent variables; Performance measures: Dependent variables; Data analysis; Results; Fluency; Accuracy; Complexity; Discussion; Topic familiarity; Strategic planning; Proficiency; The magnitude of task-internal and task-external readiness effects; Task-internal readiness in form-meaning connection; Compensation effects in fluency between task-internal and task-external readiness; Implications; Conclusion; References; Self-reported planning behaviour and second language performance in narrative retelling; Introduction
Early publications on planning Ortega's research into planning; Motivation for the present research; Method; Research questions; Research methodology; Participants and setting; Tasks; Procedures; Performance measures; Segmenting the retrospective interviews; First coding: Constructing the coding scheme; Second coding: Real coding; Results; Basic quantitative analyses; The codes and the Levelt model; Quantitative data; Frequency of reported planning behaviour and performance levels; Discussion; Build your own structure; Avoid trouble, and be realistic; Handle trouble when it occurs
Plan small or specific (versus Plan General)Avoid grammar focus; Conclusion; References; Appendix 1; Instructions for the Picture Story Telling Task; Instructions when you are a listener; Appendix 2; Retrospective interview prompts; Appendix 3; Coding Scheme: Planning activities of ESL speakers doing picture story telling task; Get it right in the end; Introduction; Literature review; Aims of the present study; Research methodology; Participants; Experimental tasks; Procedures; Research design; Data transcription and coding; Data analysis; Results; Results for Research Question 1
Results for Research Question 2
Record Nr. UNINA-9910819819503321
Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; ; Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania] : , : John Benjamins Publishing Company, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui