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The affordable city : strategies for putting housing within reach (and keeping it there) / / Shane Phillips
The affordable city : strategies for putting housing within reach (and keeping it there) / / Shane Phillips
Autore Phillips Shane <1984->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, District of Columbia : , : Island Press, , [2020]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (282 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 363.50973
Soggetto topico Housing policy - United States
Housing - United States
Public housing
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-64283-134-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910511425903321
Phillips Shane <1984->  
Washington, District of Columbia : , : Island Press, , [2020]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The affordable city : strategies for putting housing within reach (and keeping it there) / / Shane Phillips
The affordable city : strategies for putting housing within reach (and keeping it there) / / Shane Phillips
Autore Phillips Shane <1984->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, District of Columbia : , : Island Press, , [2020]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (282 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 363.50973
Soggetto topico Housing policy - United States
Housing - United States
Public housing
ISBN 1-64283-134-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Part 1. Principles and general recommendations -- Pursue the three S's (supply, stability, and subsidy) simultaneously -- Take action now -- Focus on institutional reform -- Adapt solutions to the needs of your community -- Center voices of, and outcomes for, the disenfranchised and most vulnerable -- Use a mix of mandates and incentives -- Know what you're asking for -- Pick one : housing affordability or rising home values -- Don't reward idle money -- Don't coddle landlords -- Track everything -- Strive for objective, consistent rules -- Expand the conversation around gentrification -- Align local votes with Presidential and Midterm elections -- Part 2. Policies -- Supply : why housing matters -- Increased zoning capacity -- Upzone many places at once (upzoning geographically distributed) -- Focus upzones in accessible and high-opportunity areas (upzoning : targeted) -- Find the upzoning sweet spot : not too big, not too small (upzoning : rightsized) -- Allow housing in commercial zones (mixed-use zoning) -- Make it expensive to reduce the supply of homes (Home sharing) -- Eliminate density limits in most places (density limits) -- Eliminate parking requirements everywhere (parking minimums) -- Let renters decide what they value (micro-units) -- Make development approvals "by right" (by-right development) -- Speed up the entitlement process (faster approvals) -- Explore other ways to bring down development costs (input costs) -- Promote counter-cyclical home building (counter-cyclical development) -- Stability : why tenant protections and rental housing preservation matter -- Place moderate restrictions on rent increases for nearly all housing (anti-gouging) -- Place stronger restrictions on rent increases for older housing (rent stabilization) -- Be careful with vacancy control -- Implement inclusionary zoning and density bonuses -- Discourage redevelopment that requires renter displacement (displacement compensation and right of return) -- Make affordability requirements permanent (affordability covenant duration ) -- Buy naturally occurring affordable housing with public funds -- Require transparency from voluntary tenant buyouts -- Prioritize displaced tenants for affordable housing placement (preferential placement) -- Limit the ability of landlords to "go out of business" (rental housing preservation) -- Use just-cause protections to discourage evictions -- Require government notification for all eviction notices and rent hikes (landlord transparency) -- Offer free or reduced-cost legal counsel to residents facing evictions (right to counsel) -- Enforce housing and building codes -- Eliminate discrimination against people with housing choice vouchers -- Prioritize stability over wealth creation (homeownership assistance) -- Subsidy : why government spending and public programs matter -- Institute a progressive tax home sales (real estate transfer tax) -- Tax "flipped" houses at higher rates -- Utilize property taxes -- Tax underutilized and vacant property -- Don't sell public land : lease it (public land and P3s) -- Minimize impact fees and charge them equitably -- Don't let small buildings off the hook (missing middle) -- Reform or eliminate most homeowner subsidies -- Reform and increase funding for affordable housing construction -- Increase funding for direct rental assistance -- Fund low- and zero-interest loans for housing acquisition and development -- Part 3. Bringingit all together.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910794350603321
Phillips Shane <1984->  
Washington, District of Columbia : , : Island Press, , [2020]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The affordable city : strategies for putting housing within reach (and keeping it there) / / Shane Phillips
The affordable city : strategies for putting housing within reach (and keeping it there) / / Shane Phillips
Autore Phillips Shane <1984->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, District of Columbia : , : Island Press, , [2020]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (282 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 363.50973
Soggetto topico Housing policy - United States
Housing - United States
Public housing
ISBN 1-64283-134-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Part 1. Principles and general recommendations -- Pursue the three S's (supply, stability, and subsidy) simultaneously -- Take action now -- Focus on institutional reform -- Adapt solutions to the needs of your community -- Center voices of, and outcomes for, the disenfranchised and most vulnerable -- Use a mix of mandates and incentives -- Know what you're asking for -- Pick one : housing affordability or rising home values -- Don't reward idle money -- Don't coddle landlords -- Track everything -- Strive for objective, consistent rules -- Expand the conversation around gentrification -- Align local votes with Presidential and Midterm elections -- Part 2. Policies -- Supply : why housing matters -- Increased zoning capacity -- Upzone many places at once (upzoning geographically distributed) -- Focus upzones in accessible and high-opportunity areas (upzoning : targeted) -- Find the upzoning sweet spot : not too big, not too small (upzoning : rightsized) -- Allow housing in commercial zones (mixed-use zoning) -- Make it expensive to reduce the supply of homes (Home sharing) -- Eliminate density limits in most places (density limits) -- Eliminate parking requirements everywhere (parking minimums) -- Let renters decide what they value (micro-units) -- Make development approvals "by right" (by-right development) -- Speed up the entitlement process (faster approvals) -- Explore other ways to bring down development costs (input costs) -- Promote counter-cyclical home building (counter-cyclical development) -- Stability : why tenant protections and rental housing preservation matter -- Place moderate restrictions on rent increases for nearly all housing (anti-gouging) -- Place stronger restrictions on rent increases for older housing (rent stabilization) -- Be careful with vacancy control -- Implement inclusionary zoning and density bonuses -- Discourage redevelopment that requires renter displacement (displacement compensation and right of return) -- Make affordability requirements permanent (affordability covenant duration ) -- Buy naturally occurring affordable housing with public funds -- Require transparency from voluntary tenant buyouts -- Prioritize displaced tenants for affordable housing placement (preferential placement) -- Limit the ability of landlords to "go out of business" (rental housing preservation) -- Use just-cause protections to discourage evictions -- Require government notification for all eviction notices and rent hikes (landlord transparency) -- Offer free or reduced-cost legal counsel to residents facing evictions (right to counsel) -- Enforce housing and building codes -- Eliminate discrimination against people with housing choice vouchers -- Prioritize stability over wealth creation (homeownership assistance) -- Subsidy : why government spending and public programs matter -- Institute a progressive tax home sales (real estate transfer tax) -- Tax "flipped" houses at higher rates -- Utilize property taxes -- Tax underutilized and vacant property -- Don't sell public land : lease it (public land and P3s) -- Minimize impact fees and charge them equitably -- Don't let small buildings off the hook (missing middle) -- Reform or eliminate most homeowner subsidies -- Reform and increase funding for affordable housing construction -- Increase funding for direct rental assistance -- Fund low- and zero-interest loans for housing acquisition and development -- Part 3. Bringingit all together.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910823039603321
Phillips Shane <1984->  
Washington, District of Columbia : , : Island Press, , [2020]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Characteristics of HUD-assisted renters and their units in ..
Characteristics of HUD-assisted renters and their units in ..
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Washington, D.C.] : , : U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Office of Policy Development and Research, , 1992-
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (volumes) : illustrations
Soggetto topico Low-income tenants - United States
Low-income housing - United States
Public housing - United States
Rent subsidies - United States
Low-income housing
Low-income tenants
Public housing
Rent subsidies
Soggetto genere / forma Statistics.
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910256657903321
[Washington, D.C.] : , : U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Office of Policy Development and Research, , 1992-
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Competition between social and private rental housing [[electronic resource] /] / Christian Lennartz
Competition between social and private rental housing [[electronic resource] /] / Christian Lennartz
Autore Lennartz Christian
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam, : Cambridge University Press, c2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (304 p.)
Disciplina 363.5/1
Collana Sustainable urban areas
Soggetto topico Rental housing
Public housing
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-299-33346-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Title Page; Contents; Acknowledgements; Introduction; The definitions of social and private renting; Competition and rental housing markets in the housing literature; The traditional structure-conduct-performance paradigm; The structure-conduct-performance of rental housing; Research approach and key questions; Methodological approach and data; Outline of the thesis; Rental housing systems in England and the Netherlands; Rental housing in England; The landlords; The tenants; Rental housing in the Netherlands; The landlords; The tenants; The case study cities Coventry and Breda
Coventry in contextBreda in context; Conclusions; Market structure: The competitiveness of mixed rental markets; An analytical framework of perfect competition in mixed rental markets; Supply and spatial concentration; Barriers to entry provision and access consumption; Product differentiation; Perfect competition and the mixed rental markets in Coventry and Breda; Conclusion; Landlord conduct: Perceptions of rivalry and rivalrous behaviour; An analytical framework of conscious rivalry in mixed rental markets; Landlords' perceptions of rivalry and their competitive strategies
Forms of rivalry in the mixed rental markets of Coventry and BredaThe drivers of and barriers to rivalry between social and private landlords; Conclusion; Market performance: The possible effects of competition in mixed rental markets; The concept of performance in the literature; Performance as a mainstream economic concept; The nonprofit view on performance; Performance in the housing literature; An analytical framework of performance in mixed rental markets; The possible effects of competition in the mixed rental markets of Coventry and Breda; Landlord-level effects; Wider market effects
Quantifying the competition-performance relationConclusions; Tenants' willingness to substitute social and private rental services; An analytical framework of tenants' moving intentions in mixed rental markets; Tenants' perceptions of and attitudes towards social and private renting in Breda; Dependent and independent variables; Statistical methods; Results; Tenants' moving intentions in the mixed rental market of Breda; Dependent and independent and variables; Statistical approach; Results; Social tenants' perceptions and moving intentions in Coventry - a descriptive analysis
Variables and statistical methodsResults; Conclusion; Summary and conclusions; Exploring competition - the individual elements of the SCP of rental housing; The competitiveness of mixed rental housing markets; Competitive conduct of landlords in mixed rental markets; Landlord and market performance; Consumption decisions and the willingness to substitute; Understanding competition - the links between the elements of the SCP of rental housing; Reflections on the research and directions for further research; Policy implications; Summary (in Dutch); References; Appendix A. Case study selection
Appendix B. Methodology: Qualitative interviews with social and private landlords
Record Nr. UNINA-9910465107003321
Lennartz Christian  
Amsterdam, : Cambridge University Press, c2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Competition between social and private rental housing [[electronic resource] /] / Christian Lennartz
Competition between social and private rental housing [[electronic resource] /] / Christian Lennartz
Autore Lennartz Christian
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam, : Cambridge University Press, c2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (304 p.)
Disciplina 363.5/1
Collana Sustainable urban areas
Soggetto topico Rental housing
Public housing
ISBN 1-299-33346-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Title Page; Contents; Acknowledgements; Introduction; The definitions of social and private renting; Competition and rental housing markets in the housing literature; The traditional structure-conduct-performance paradigm; The structure-conduct-performance of rental housing; Research approach and key questions; Methodological approach and data; Outline of the thesis; Rental housing systems in England and the Netherlands; Rental housing in England; The landlords; The tenants; Rental housing in the Netherlands; The landlords; The tenants; The case study cities Coventry and Breda
Coventry in contextBreda in context; Conclusions; Market structure: The competitiveness of mixed rental markets; An analytical framework of perfect competition in mixed rental markets; Supply and spatial concentration; Barriers to entry provision and access consumption; Product differentiation; Perfect competition and the mixed rental markets in Coventry and Breda; Conclusion; Landlord conduct: Perceptions of rivalry and rivalrous behaviour; An analytical framework of conscious rivalry in mixed rental markets; Landlords' perceptions of rivalry and their competitive strategies
Forms of rivalry in the mixed rental markets of Coventry and BredaThe drivers of and barriers to rivalry between social and private landlords; Conclusion; Market performance: The possible effects of competition in mixed rental markets; The concept of performance in the literature; Performance as a mainstream economic concept; The nonprofit view on performance; Performance in the housing literature; An analytical framework of performance in mixed rental markets; The possible effects of competition in the mixed rental markets of Coventry and Breda; Landlord-level effects; Wider market effects
Quantifying the competition-performance relationConclusions; Tenants' willingness to substitute social and private rental services; An analytical framework of tenants' moving intentions in mixed rental markets; Tenants' perceptions of and attitudes towards social and private renting in Breda; Dependent and independent variables; Statistical methods; Results; Tenants' moving intentions in the mixed rental market of Breda; Dependent and independent and variables; Statistical approach; Results; Social tenants' perceptions and moving intentions in Coventry - a descriptive analysis
Variables and statistical methodsResults; Conclusion; Summary and conclusions; Exploring competition - the individual elements of the SCP of rental housing; The competitiveness of mixed rental housing markets; Competitive conduct of landlords in mixed rental markets; Landlord and market performance; Consumption decisions and the willingness to substitute; Understanding competition - the links between the elements of the SCP of rental housing; Reflections on the research and directions for further research; Policy implications; Summary (in Dutch); References; Appendix A. Case study selection
Appendix B. Methodology: Qualitative interviews with social and private landlords
Record Nr. UNINA-9910792043703321
Lennartz Christian  
Amsterdam, : Cambridge University Press, c2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
A Decent Place To Live : From Columbia Point to Harbor Point-A Community History / / Jane Roessner ; [new foreword by Karilyn Crockett]
A Decent Place To Live : From Columbia Point to Harbor Point-A Community History / / Jane Roessner ; [new foreword by Karilyn Crockett]
Autore Roessner Jane
Pubbl/distr/stampa Northeastern University Press
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (1 online resource xiv, 314 pages) : illustrations, maps
Soggetto topico Urban renewal
Public housing
Housing policy
City planning
Housing policy - Massachusetts - Boston - History
Public housing - Massachusetts - Boston - History
City planning - Massachusetts - Boston - History
Urban renewal - Massachusetts - Boston - History
Soggetto genere / forma History
Case studies.
Soggetto non controllato Urban communities
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Columbia Point, 1951-1962 -- Breaking Ground at the Calf Pasture -- The Promise of Public Housing -- Ignoring the Warnings -- Moving In: A Tale of Two Families -- Building a New Community -- The Mothers Club -- Children of the Point: I -- Columbia Point in the Spotlight -- Columbia Point, 1962-1978 -- "Island of Isolation" -- The Downhill Slide -- Housing of Last Resort -- Children of the Point: II -- Planning for Columbia Point -- Moving Out and Moving In -- The News from Columbia Point -- Columbia Point, 1978-1987 -- Unlikely Partners -- Seeing Is Believing -- The Court Takes Over -- Receivership -- Shotgun Marriage -- Designing the New Community -- The Wrecking Ball -- Harbor Point, 1988-2000 -- The Blitz -- Goodboy -- Renting and Recession -- Moving into Harbor Point -- Running the New Community -- Lessons from Harbor Point.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910524688503321
Roessner Jane  
Northeastern University Press
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The design quality manual [[electronic resource] ] : improving building performance / / Martin Cook
The design quality manual [[electronic resource] ] : improving building performance / / Martin Cook
Autore Cook Martin <1956->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford ; ; Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (222 p.)
Disciplina 720
Soggetto topico Building - Quality control
Public buildings - Purchasing
Public architecture
Architecture, Domestic
Building designers
Public housing
ISBN 1-281-32155-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The Design Quality Manual: Improving building performance; Contents; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations and acronyms; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Overview of design quality and building performance; 1.2 Building procurement systems; 1.3 Chequered history of building procurement systems; 1.4 Cultural context of building procurement systems - public v. private?; 1.5 Architects and social status; 1.6 Architecture: art, profession or commercial enterprise?; 1.7 Client's changing needs and objectives; 1.8 References; 2 Building procurement; 2.1 Evolution of the building industry and professionalism
2.2 Modern building procurement systems2.3 Traditional building procurement; 2.4 Variants of the traditional system; 2.5 Design and build; 2.6 Variants of design and build; 2.7 Management contracting; 2.8 Construction management; 2.9 Design and manage; 2.10 British Property Federation system; 2.11 Project management; 2.12 Professional development system; 2.13 New Engineering Contract; 2.14 Private Finance Initiative; 2.15 Building procurement guidance; 2.16 Chapter summary; 2.17 References; 3 Schools; 3.1 Historical evolution of schools; 3.2 The modern era of school building
3.3 Twentieth century schools3.4 Twenty-first century schools; 3.5 PFI schools in England and Wales - Introduction; 3.6 PFI schools in England and Wales - Design Quality Matrices; 3.7 PFI schools in England and Wales - Overall summary matrix; 3.8 PFI schools in England and Wales - Architecture; 3.9 PFI schools in England and Wales - Environmental engineering; 3.10 PFI schools in England and Wales - User comfort; 3.11 PFI schools in England and Wales - Whole life costs; 3.12 PFI schools in England and Wales - Detail design; 3.13 PFI schools in England and Wales - Conclusions
3.14 PFI schools in England and Wales - Recommendations3.15 PFI schools in England and Wales - Summary; 3.16 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Introduction; 3.17 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Description of the project; 3.18 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Design Quality Matrices; 3.19 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Overall summary matrix; 3.20 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Architecture; 3.21 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Environmental engineering; 3.22 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - User comfort; 3.23 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Whole life costs
The colour plate section3.24 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Detail design; 3.25 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - User satisfaction; 3.26 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Conclusions; 3.27 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Recommendations; 3.28 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Summary; 3.29 International case studies; 3.30 Further international case studies; 3.31 References; 4 Hospitals; 4.1 Historical evolution of hospitals; 4.2 The modern era of hospital building; 4.3 Twenty-first century hospitals; 4.4 Benchmarking hospitals - Introducing a design quality method
4.5 Benchmarking hospitals - The Design Quality Matrices
Record Nr. UNISA-996202112603316
Cook Martin <1956->  
Oxford ; ; Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The design quality manual : improving building performance / / Martin Cook
The design quality manual : improving building performance / / Martin Cook
Autore Cook Martin <1956->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford ; ; Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (222 p.)
Disciplina 720
Soggetto topico Building - Quality control
Public buildings - Purchasing
Public architecture
Architecture, Domestic
Building designers
Public housing
ISBN 1-281-32155-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The Design Quality Manual: Improving building performance; Contents; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations and acronyms; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Overview of design quality and building performance; 1.2 Building procurement systems; 1.3 Chequered history of building procurement systems; 1.4 Cultural context of building procurement systems - public v. private?; 1.5 Architects and social status; 1.6 Architecture: art, profession or commercial enterprise?; 1.7 Client's changing needs and objectives; 1.8 References; 2 Building procurement; 2.1 Evolution of the building industry and professionalism
2.2 Modern building procurement systems2.3 Traditional building procurement; 2.4 Variants of the traditional system; 2.5 Design and build; 2.6 Variants of design and build; 2.7 Management contracting; 2.8 Construction management; 2.9 Design and manage; 2.10 British Property Federation system; 2.11 Project management; 2.12 Professional development system; 2.13 New Engineering Contract; 2.14 Private Finance Initiative; 2.15 Building procurement guidance; 2.16 Chapter summary; 2.17 References; 3 Schools; 3.1 Historical evolution of schools; 3.2 The modern era of school building
3.3 Twentieth century schools3.4 Twenty-first century schools; 3.5 PFI schools in England and Wales - Introduction; 3.6 PFI schools in England and Wales - Design Quality Matrices; 3.7 PFI schools in England and Wales - Overall summary matrix; 3.8 PFI schools in England and Wales - Architecture; 3.9 PFI schools in England and Wales - Environmental engineering; 3.10 PFI schools in England and Wales - User comfort; 3.11 PFI schools in England and Wales - Whole life costs; 3.12 PFI schools in England and Wales - Detail design; 3.13 PFI schools in England and Wales - Conclusions
3.14 PFI schools in England and Wales - Recommendations3.15 PFI schools in England and Wales - Summary; 3.16 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Introduction; 3.17 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Description of the project; 3.18 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Design Quality Matrices; 3.19 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Overall summary matrix; 3.20 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Architecture; 3.21 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Environmental engineering; 3.22 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - User comfort; 3.23 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Whole life costs
The colour plate section3.24 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Detail design; 3.25 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - User satisfaction; 3.26 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Conclusions; 3.27 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Recommendations; 3.28 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Summary; 3.29 International case studies; 3.30 Further international case studies; 3.31 References; 4 Hospitals; 4.1 Historical evolution of hospitals; 4.2 The modern era of hospital building; 4.3 Twenty-first century hospitals; 4.4 Benchmarking hospitals - Introducing a design quality method
4.5 Benchmarking hospitals - The Design Quality Matrices
Record Nr. UNINA-9910145746903321
Cook Martin <1956->  
Oxford ; ; Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Diversity of urban inclusivity : perspectives beyond gentrification in advanced city-regions / / Toshio Mizuuchi, Geerhardt Kornatowski, Taku Fukumoto, editors
Diversity of urban inclusivity : perspectives beyond gentrification in advanced city-regions / / Toshio Mizuuchi, Geerhardt Kornatowski, Taku Fukumoto, editors
Edizione [1st ed. 2023.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Singapore : , : Springer, , [2023]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (344 pages)
Disciplina 307.1216
Collana International perspectives in geography
Soggetto topico City planning - Social aspects
Public housing
ISBN 981-19-8528-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction -- Why is “Gentrification as a Dirty Word” Irrelevant in Japan: A Brief History of Recent Residential Rights -- A Neighbourhood Commons Proposition Based on a Comparison of the Gentrification Processes in the Global North, South and Japan -- Jjok-bang as Symbols of Poverty: The Creation and Eradication of Seoul’s Last Residential Safety-Net -- Material Changes, Symbolic Transformations: Commercial Gentrification and Urban Change in Turin, Italy -- Service hubs: Stuck in Time, Stuck in Place -- Spatial Dynamics and Strengths of Service Hubs Addressing Homelessness in Global Miami -- The Impact of Increasing Welfare Needs and Exclusion of Homeless People in Urban Underclass Communities: The Case of Kotobuki, Yokohama -- Resilience of Homeless People in Hong Kong: A Structurational Perspective -- Voluntary services in Disordered Space: The Inner-city Service Hub for Foreign Workers in Singapore -- Transition or Consolidation? The Role of Inner-City Neighbourhoods in the Integration of Immigrants in Brussels -- The Historical Transformation of Korean Resident Areas in Osaka: Its Dynamics in the Absence of Urban Policy -- Community Creation and Transformation in Higashikujo, Kyoto -- Uncovering the Inclusivity of Brixton: A Historical Analysis of Diversity and Its Relation to Gentrification in London’s Inner City -- Housing Policy and the Role of Housing Associations: The Case of Amsterdam and Urban Renewal in the Bijlmermeer -- From “Politique de la Ville” to “Renouvellement Urbain”: Paradigm Shifts of Urbanism in the Banlieue of Paris -- From Confinement to Dispersion: The Changing Geographies of Tokyo's Homeless Policies and Last Housing Safety Net -- Housing Policies and the (Re-)Shaping of the Inner City: The Case of Osaka City’s Nishinari Ward -- From Stigma to Pride: New Practices of Housing-based Welfare for Regenerating Disadvantaged Communities in Taipei -- Synthesis. .
Record Nr. UNINA-9910678262403321
Singapore : , : Springer, , [2023]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui