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Advances in photoreception [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of a Symposium on Frontiers of Visual Science / / Committee on Vision, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Advances in photoreception [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of a Symposium on Frontiers of Visual Science / / Committee on Vision, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C., : National Academy Press, 1990
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (156 p.)
Disciplina 591.1/823
Soggetto topico Photoreceptors
Visual pigments
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-280-21248-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910455449303321
Washington, D.C., : National Academy Press, 1990
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Advances in photoreception [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of a Symposium on Frontiers of Visual Science / / Committee on Vision, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Advances in photoreception [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of a Symposium on Frontiers of Visual Science / / Committee on Vision, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C., : National Academy Press, 1990
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (156 p.)
Disciplina 591.1/823
Soggetto topico Photoreceptors
Visual pigments
ISBN 1-280-21248-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910778706303321
Washington, D.C., : National Academy Press, 1990
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Handbook of photosensory receptors [[electronic resource] /] / Winslow R. Briggs, John L. Spudich, eds
Handbook of photosensory receptors [[electronic resource] /] / Winslow R. Briggs, John L. Spudich, eds
Pubbl/distr/stampa Weinheim, : Wiley-VCH, c2005
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (499 p.)
Disciplina 571.6
Altri autori (Persone) BriggsWinslow R
SpudichJohn Lee
Soggetto topico Photobiology
Optical detectors
ISBN 1-280-52002-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Handbook of Photosensory Receptors; Table of Contents; Preface; List of Authors; 1 Microbial Rhodopsins: Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Archaeal Rhodopsins; 1.3 Clues to Newfound Microbial Rhodopsin Function from Primary Sequence Comparison to Archaeal Rhodopsins; 1.4 Bacterial Rhodopsins; 1.4.1 Green-absorbing Proteorhodopsin ("GPR") from Monterey Bay Surface Plankton; 1.4.2 Blue-absorbing Proteorhodopsin ("BPR") from Hawaiian Deep Sea Plankton; 1.4.3 Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin; 1.4.4 Other Bacterial Rhodopsins; 1.5 Eukaryotic Microbial Rhodopsins
1.5.1 Fungal Rhodopsins1.5.2 Algal Rhodopsins; 1.6 Spectral Tuning; 1.7 A Unified Mechanism for Molecular Function?; 1.8 Opsin-related Proteins without the Retinal-binding Site; 1.9 Perspective; References; 2 Sensory Rhodopsin Signaling in Green Flagellate Algae; 2.1 Introduction; 2.1.1 Retinylidene Receptors; 2.1.2. Physiology of Algal Phototaxis and the Photophobic Response; 2.1.3 Photoelectrical Currents and their Relationship to Swimming Behavior; 2.2 The Photosensory Receptors: CSRA and CSRB; 2.2.1 Genomics, Sequence, and Predicted Structure
2.2.2 Cellular Content and Roles in Phototaxis and Photophobic Behavior2.2.3 Molecular Mechanism of Action; 2.3 Other Algae; 2.4 Conclusion and Future Perspectives; Acknowledgements; References; 3 Visual Pigments as Photoreceptors; 3.1 Introduction; 3.1.1 General Considerations; 3.1.2 Photoreceptors and Pigments; 3.1.3 Non-photoreceptor or "Non-rod", "Non-cone" Retinal Pigments; 3.1.4 Retinal Photoisomerases; 3.2 The Unphotolyzed State of Vertebrate Visual Pigments; 3.2.1 Structure of Visual Pigments: the Chromophore; 3.2.2 Overall Topology of the Pigment; 3.2.3 Cytoplasmic Domain
3.2.4 The Hydrophobic Core of Rhodopsin and the Retinal Binding Pocket3.2.5 The Extracellular Domain of Rhodopsin; 3.2.6 Structure of Other Visual Pigments; 3.2.7 Protonation State of Some of the Carboxylic Acids of Rhodopsin; 3.2.8 Internal Waters in Visual Pigments; 3.2.9 Is Rhodopsin a Dimer in vivo?; 3.2.10 Functional Properties of the Unphotolyzed State of a "Good" Visual Pigment; 3.2.11 Quantum Efficiency of Visual Pigment Photochemistry; 3.2.12 Dark Noise Originating from the Photoreceptor Pigment; 3.3 Activation of Vertebrate Visual Pigments; 3.3.1 Introduction
3.5.3 Required Steps for Photolyzed Octopus Rhodopsin to Activate its G-protein
Record Nr. UNINA-9910144557403321
Weinheim, : Wiley-VCH, c2005
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Handbook of photosensory receptors [[electronic resource] /] / Winslow R. Briggs, John L. Spudich, eds
Handbook of photosensory receptors [[electronic resource] /] / Winslow R. Briggs, John L. Spudich, eds
Pubbl/distr/stampa Weinheim, : Wiley-VCH, c2005
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (499 p.)
Disciplina 571.6
Altri autori (Persone) BriggsWinslow R
SpudichJohn Lee
Soggetto topico Photobiology
Optical detectors
ISBN 1-280-52002-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Handbook of Photosensory Receptors; Table of Contents; Preface; List of Authors; 1 Microbial Rhodopsins: Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Archaeal Rhodopsins; 1.3 Clues to Newfound Microbial Rhodopsin Function from Primary Sequence Comparison to Archaeal Rhodopsins; 1.4 Bacterial Rhodopsins; 1.4.1 Green-absorbing Proteorhodopsin ("GPR") from Monterey Bay Surface Plankton; 1.4.2 Blue-absorbing Proteorhodopsin ("BPR") from Hawaiian Deep Sea Plankton; 1.4.3 Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin; 1.4.4 Other Bacterial Rhodopsins; 1.5 Eukaryotic Microbial Rhodopsins
1.5.1 Fungal Rhodopsins1.5.2 Algal Rhodopsins; 1.6 Spectral Tuning; 1.7 A Unified Mechanism for Molecular Function?; 1.8 Opsin-related Proteins without the Retinal-binding Site; 1.9 Perspective; References; 2 Sensory Rhodopsin Signaling in Green Flagellate Algae; 2.1 Introduction; 2.1.1 Retinylidene Receptors; 2.1.2. Physiology of Algal Phototaxis and the Photophobic Response; 2.1.3 Photoelectrical Currents and their Relationship to Swimming Behavior; 2.2 The Photosensory Receptors: CSRA and CSRB; 2.2.1 Genomics, Sequence, and Predicted Structure
2.2.2 Cellular Content and Roles in Phototaxis and Photophobic Behavior2.2.3 Molecular Mechanism of Action; 2.3 Other Algae; 2.4 Conclusion and Future Perspectives; Acknowledgements; References; 3 Visual Pigments as Photoreceptors; 3.1 Introduction; 3.1.1 General Considerations; 3.1.2 Photoreceptors and Pigments; 3.1.3 Non-photoreceptor or "Non-rod", "Non-cone" Retinal Pigments; 3.1.4 Retinal Photoisomerases; 3.2 The Unphotolyzed State of Vertebrate Visual Pigments; 3.2.1 Structure of Visual Pigments: the Chromophore; 3.2.2 Overall Topology of the Pigment; 3.2.3 Cytoplasmic Domain
3.2.4 The Hydrophobic Core of Rhodopsin and the Retinal Binding Pocket3.2.5 The Extracellular Domain of Rhodopsin; 3.2.6 Structure of Other Visual Pigments; 3.2.7 Protonation State of Some of the Carboxylic Acids of Rhodopsin; 3.2.8 Internal Waters in Visual Pigments; 3.2.9 Is Rhodopsin a Dimer in vivo?; 3.2.10 Functional Properties of the Unphotolyzed State of a "Good" Visual Pigment; 3.2.11 Quantum Efficiency of Visual Pigment Photochemistry; 3.2.12 Dark Noise Originating from the Photoreceptor Pigment; 3.3 Activation of Vertebrate Visual Pigments; 3.3.1 Introduction
3.5.3 Required Steps for Photolyzed Octopus Rhodopsin to Activate its G-protein
Record Nr. UNINA-9910830131903321
Weinheim, : Wiley-VCH, c2005
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Handbook of photosensory receptors / / Winslow R. Briggs, John L. Spudich, eds
Handbook of photosensory receptors / / Winslow R. Briggs, John L. Spudich, eds
Pubbl/distr/stampa Weinheim, : Wiley-VCH, c2005
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (499 p.)
Disciplina 571.6
Altri autori (Persone) BriggsWinslow R
SpudichJohn Lee
Soggetto topico Photobiology
Optical detectors
ISBN 1-280-52002-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Handbook of Photosensory Receptors; Table of Contents; Preface; List of Authors; 1 Microbial Rhodopsins: Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Archaeal Rhodopsins; 1.3 Clues to Newfound Microbial Rhodopsin Function from Primary Sequence Comparison to Archaeal Rhodopsins; 1.4 Bacterial Rhodopsins; 1.4.1 Green-absorbing Proteorhodopsin ("GPR") from Monterey Bay Surface Plankton; 1.4.2 Blue-absorbing Proteorhodopsin ("BPR") from Hawaiian Deep Sea Plankton; 1.4.3 Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin; 1.4.4 Other Bacterial Rhodopsins; 1.5 Eukaryotic Microbial Rhodopsins
1.5.1 Fungal Rhodopsins1.5.2 Algal Rhodopsins; 1.6 Spectral Tuning; 1.7 A Unified Mechanism for Molecular Function?; 1.8 Opsin-related Proteins without the Retinal-binding Site; 1.9 Perspective; References; 2 Sensory Rhodopsin Signaling in Green Flagellate Algae; 2.1 Introduction; 2.1.1 Retinylidene Receptors; 2.1.2. Physiology of Algal Phototaxis and the Photophobic Response; 2.1.3 Photoelectrical Currents and their Relationship to Swimming Behavior; 2.2 The Photosensory Receptors: CSRA and CSRB; 2.2.1 Genomics, Sequence, and Predicted Structure
2.2.2 Cellular Content and Roles in Phototaxis and Photophobic Behavior2.2.3 Molecular Mechanism of Action; 2.3 Other Algae; 2.4 Conclusion and Future Perspectives; Acknowledgements; References; 3 Visual Pigments as Photoreceptors; 3.1 Introduction; 3.1.1 General Considerations; 3.1.2 Photoreceptors and Pigments; 3.1.3 Non-photoreceptor or "Non-rod", "Non-cone" Retinal Pigments; 3.1.4 Retinal Photoisomerases; 3.2 The Unphotolyzed State of Vertebrate Visual Pigments; 3.2.1 Structure of Visual Pigments: the Chromophore; 3.2.2 Overall Topology of the Pigment; 3.2.3 Cytoplasmic Domain
3.2.4 The Hydrophobic Core of Rhodopsin and the Retinal Binding Pocket3.2.5 The Extracellular Domain of Rhodopsin; 3.2.6 Structure of Other Visual Pigments; 3.2.7 Protonation State of Some of the Carboxylic Acids of Rhodopsin; 3.2.8 Internal Waters in Visual Pigments; 3.2.9 Is Rhodopsin a Dimer in vivo?; 3.2.10 Functional Properties of the Unphotolyzed State of a "Good" Visual Pigment; 3.2.11 Quantum Efficiency of Visual Pigment Photochemistry; 3.2.12 Dark Noise Originating from the Photoreceptor Pigment; 3.3 Activation of Vertebrate Visual Pigments; 3.3.1 Introduction
3.5.3 Required Steps for Photolyzed Octopus Rhodopsin to Activate its G-protein
Record Nr. UNINA-9910876856103321
Weinheim, : Wiley-VCH, c2005
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Life under the sun [[electronic resource] /] / Peter A. Ensminger
Life under the sun [[electronic resource] /] / Peter A. Ensminger
Autore Ensminger Peter A. <1957->
Pubbl/distr/stampa New Haven, CT, : Yale University Press, c2001
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (1 online resource (xii, 276 p.) ) : ill
Disciplina 571.4/55
Soggetto topico Photobiology
Light - Physiological effect
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-72259-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1 .Vision at the Threshold -- 2. The Five Percent Solution to Vision -- 3. A More Delightful Vision -- 4 .A Burning Issue -- 5. A SAD Tale -- 6 .The Purple Disease -- 7 .A Novel Method of Weed Control -- 8 .Light and Beer -- 9. Phycomyces, the Fungus That Sees -- 10. Dictyostelium, the Amoeba and the Slug -- 11. High Hopes for Hypericin -- 12 .Turning on a Butterfly -- 13 .Blue Moons and Red Tides -- 14. Photosynthesis and the Great Salt Lake -- 15. Too Much of a Good Thing -- Appendix: A Menagerie of Molecules -- Notes -- Glossary -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910454524203321
Ensminger Peter A. <1957->  
New Haven, CT, : Yale University Press, c2001
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Life under the sun [[electronic resource] /] / Peter A. Ensminger
Life under the sun [[electronic resource] /] / Peter A. Ensminger
Autore Ensminger Peter A. <1957->
Pubbl/distr/stampa New Haven, CT, : Yale University Press, c2001
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (1 online resource (xii, 276 p.) ) : ill
Disciplina 571.4/55
Soggetto topico Photobiology
Light - Physiological effect
ISBN 1-281-72259-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1 .Vision at the Threshold -- 2. The Five Percent Solution to Vision -- 3. A More Delightful Vision -- 4 .A Burning Issue -- 5. A SAD Tale -- 6 .The Purple Disease -- 7 .A Novel Method of Weed Control -- 8 .Light and Beer -- 9. Phycomyces, the Fungus That Sees -- 10. Dictyostelium, the Amoeba and the Slug -- 11. High Hopes for Hypericin -- 12 .Turning on a Butterfly -- 13 .Blue Moons and Red Tides -- 14. Photosynthesis and the Great Salt Lake -- 15. Too Much of a Good Thing -- Appendix: A Menagerie of Molecules -- Notes -- Glossary -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910782620303321
Ensminger Peter A. <1957->  
New Haven, CT, : Yale University Press, c2001
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui