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Jurnal kimia dan kemasan
Jurnal kimia dan kemasan
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Jakarta, Indonesia], : Balai Besar Kimia dan Kemasan, Kementerian Perindustrian
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Soggetto topico Chemistry
Packaging - Research
Soggetto genere / forma Periodicals.
ISSN 2549-9424
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione ind
Altri titoli varianti Journal of chemical and packaging
Record Nr. UNISA-996321596803316
[Jakarta, Indonesia], : Balai Besar Kimia dan Kemasan, Kementerian Perindustrian
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Jurnal kimia dan kemasan
Jurnal kimia dan kemasan
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Jakarta, Indonesia], : Balai Besar Kimia dan Kemasan, Kementerian Perindustrian
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Soggetto topico Chemistry
Packaging - Research
Soggetto genere / forma Periodicals.
ISSN 2549-9424
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione ind
Altri titoli varianti Journal of chemical and packaging
Record Nr. UNINA-9910267955603321
[Jakarta, Indonesia], : Balai Besar Kimia dan Kemasan, Kementerian Perindustrian
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Modified atmospheric processing and packaging of fish : filtered smokes, carbon monoxide, and reduced oxygen packaging / / edited by W. Steven Otwell, Hordur G. Kristinsson, Murat O. Balaban
Modified atmospheric processing and packaging of fish : filtered smokes, carbon monoxide, and reduced oxygen packaging / / edited by W. Steven Otwell, Hordur G. Kristinsson, Murat O. Balaban
Pubbl/distr/stampa Ames, Iowa : , : Blackwell Publishing, , 2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (268 p.)
Disciplina 664.94
Soggetto topico Fishery products - Packaging
Protective atmospheres
Carbon monoxide - Health aspects
Packaging - Research
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-282-36551-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto MODIFIED ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSING AND PACKAGING OF FISH: Filtered Smokes, Carbon Monoxide, and Reduced Oxygen Packaging; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Acknowledgments; PART I USE OF CARBON MONOXIDE AND FILTERED SMOKES IN FISH PROCESSING; 1 Use of Filtered Smokes and Carbon Monoxide in Fish Processing; 1.1 Historical perspective; 1.2 Regulations; 1.3 Future considerations; References; 2 Commercial Aspects of Filtered Wood Smoke Technology Compared to Carbon Monoxide Gassing of Seafood Products; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Traditional wood smoke processing; 2.3 Filtered wood smoking processes
2.4 Similar commercial preservation methods2.5 How fresh is fresh .sh?; 2.6 Bene.ts and actions of .ltered wood smoke processing; 2.7 Summary of the bene.ts as they relate to commercial aspects; 2.8 Filtered wood smoking-the processes; 2.9 Clearsmoke .ltered wood smoking process; 2.10 Tasteless smoke; 2.11 Carbon monoxide processing; 2.12 Labeling; 2.13 Summary; References; 3 The Influence of Carbon Monoxide and Filtered Wood Smoke on Fish Muscle Color; 3.1 The chemistry of .sh color; 3.2 Carbon monoxide related colors; 3.3 Identifying CO- or FS-treated products; References
4 Human Absorption of Carbon Monoxide with Consumption of CO-Exposed Tuna4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Methods; 4.3 Results; 4.4 Discussion; 4.5 Summary; References; 5 Microbial and Quality Consequences of Aquatic Foods Treated with Carbon Monoxide or Filtered Wood Smoke; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Influence of CO and FS on microbial growth; 5.3 Influence on histamine formation; 5.4 Effect on oxidative rancidity; 5.5 Infiuence on muscle proteins and texture; References; 6 Use of CO for Red Meats: Current Research and Recent Regulatory Approvals; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Historical development
6.3 Functions and effects of CO used for packaging of red meat6.4 Means of utilizingCOand gas blends for red meat packaging; 6.5 Concerns for CO use; 6.6 Current regulations for CO use in the United States; References; 7 Prospects for Utilization of Carbon Monoxide in the Muscle Food Industry; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Retail display of muscle foods; 7.3 International regulations on CO; 7.4 How to apply CO; 7.5 Color; 7.6 Lipid oxidation; 7.7 Tenderness; 7.8 Microbiology; 7.9 Substitution of nitrite with CO in meat sausages; 7.10 Toxicology and occupational safety
7.11 Prospects for future CO utilizationAcknowledgments; References; 8 Tasteless Smoke Sources, Specifications, and Controls; References; 9 Color Enhancement and Potential Fraud in Using CO; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Approach; 9.3 Experimental design; 9.4 Results and discussion; 9.5 Recommendations; Acknowledgments; References; Part II Use of Modified and Controlled Atmospheric Packaging; 10 Use of Modified Atmosphere Packaging to Extend the Shelf Life of Fresh Fish: A Critical Look from a Historical Perspective; Acknowledgments; References
11 Hazards Associated with Clostridium botulinum in Modified Atmosphere Packaged Fresh Fish and Fishery Products
Record Nr. UNINA-9910144391103321
Ames, Iowa : , : Blackwell Publishing, , 2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Modified atmospheric processing and packaging of fish : filtered smokes, carbon monoxide, and reduced oxygen packaging / / edited by W. Steven Otwell, Hordur G. Kristinsson, Murat O. Balaban
Modified atmospheric processing and packaging of fish : filtered smokes, carbon monoxide, and reduced oxygen packaging / / edited by W. Steven Otwell, Hordur G. Kristinsson, Murat O. Balaban
Pubbl/distr/stampa Ames, Iowa : , : Blackwell Publishing, , 2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (268 p.)
Disciplina 664.94
Soggetto topico Fishery products - Packaging
Protective atmospheres
Carbon monoxide - Health aspects
Packaging - Research
ISBN 1-282-36551-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto MODIFIED ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSING AND PACKAGING OF FISH: Filtered Smokes, Carbon Monoxide, and Reduced Oxygen Packaging; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Acknowledgments; PART I USE OF CARBON MONOXIDE AND FILTERED SMOKES IN FISH PROCESSING; 1 Use of Filtered Smokes and Carbon Monoxide in Fish Processing; 1.1 Historical perspective; 1.2 Regulations; 1.3 Future considerations; References; 2 Commercial Aspects of Filtered Wood Smoke Technology Compared to Carbon Monoxide Gassing of Seafood Products; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Traditional wood smoke processing; 2.3 Filtered wood smoking processes
2.4 Similar commercial preservation methods2.5 How fresh is fresh .sh?; 2.6 Bene.ts and actions of .ltered wood smoke processing; 2.7 Summary of the bene.ts as they relate to commercial aspects; 2.8 Filtered wood smoking-the processes; 2.9 Clearsmoke .ltered wood smoking process; 2.10 Tasteless smoke; 2.11 Carbon monoxide processing; 2.12 Labeling; 2.13 Summary; References; 3 The Influence of Carbon Monoxide and Filtered Wood Smoke on Fish Muscle Color; 3.1 The chemistry of .sh color; 3.2 Carbon monoxide related colors; 3.3 Identifying CO- or FS-treated products; References
4 Human Absorption of Carbon Monoxide with Consumption of CO-Exposed Tuna4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Methods; 4.3 Results; 4.4 Discussion; 4.5 Summary; References; 5 Microbial and Quality Consequences of Aquatic Foods Treated with Carbon Monoxide or Filtered Wood Smoke; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Influence of CO and FS on microbial growth; 5.3 Influence on histamine formation; 5.4 Effect on oxidative rancidity; 5.5 Infiuence on muscle proteins and texture; References; 6 Use of CO for Red Meats: Current Research and Recent Regulatory Approvals; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Historical development
6.3 Functions and effects of CO used for packaging of red meat6.4 Means of utilizingCOand gas blends for red meat packaging; 6.5 Concerns for CO use; 6.6 Current regulations for CO use in the United States; References; 7 Prospects for Utilization of Carbon Monoxide in the Muscle Food Industry; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Retail display of muscle foods; 7.3 International regulations on CO; 7.4 How to apply CO; 7.5 Color; 7.6 Lipid oxidation; 7.7 Tenderness; 7.8 Microbiology; 7.9 Substitution of nitrite with CO in meat sausages; 7.10 Toxicology and occupational safety
7.11 Prospects for future CO utilizationAcknowledgments; References; 8 Tasteless Smoke Sources, Specifications, and Controls; References; 9 Color Enhancement and Potential Fraud in Using CO; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Approach; 9.3 Experimental design; 9.4 Results and discussion; 9.5 Recommendations; Acknowledgments; References; Part II Use of Modified and Controlled Atmospheric Packaging; 10 Use of Modified Atmosphere Packaging to Extend the Shelf Life of Fresh Fish: A Critical Look from a Historical Perspective; Acknowledgments; References
11 Hazards Associated with Clostridium botulinum in Modified Atmosphere Packaged Fresh Fish and Fishery Products
Record Nr. UNISA-996199250703316
Ames, Iowa : , : Blackwell Publishing, , 2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Modified atmospheric processing and packaging of fish : filtered smokes, carbon monoxide, and reduced oxygen packaging / / edited by W. Steven Otwell, Hordur G. Kristinsson, Murat O. Balaban
Modified atmospheric processing and packaging of fish : filtered smokes, carbon monoxide, and reduced oxygen packaging / / edited by W. Steven Otwell, Hordur G. Kristinsson, Murat O. Balaban
Pubbl/distr/stampa Ames, Iowa : , : Blackwell Publishing, , 2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (268 p.)
Disciplina 664.94
Soggetto topico Fishery products - Packaging
Protective atmospheres
Carbon monoxide - Health aspects
Packaging - Research
ISBN 1-282-36551-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto MODIFIED ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSING AND PACKAGING OF FISH: Filtered Smokes, Carbon Monoxide, and Reduced Oxygen Packaging; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Acknowledgments; PART I USE OF CARBON MONOXIDE AND FILTERED SMOKES IN FISH PROCESSING; 1 Use of Filtered Smokes and Carbon Monoxide in Fish Processing; 1.1 Historical perspective; 1.2 Regulations; 1.3 Future considerations; References; 2 Commercial Aspects of Filtered Wood Smoke Technology Compared to Carbon Monoxide Gassing of Seafood Products; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Traditional wood smoke processing; 2.3 Filtered wood smoking processes
2.4 Similar commercial preservation methods2.5 How fresh is fresh .sh?; 2.6 Bene.ts and actions of .ltered wood smoke processing; 2.7 Summary of the bene.ts as they relate to commercial aspects; 2.8 Filtered wood smoking-the processes; 2.9 Clearsmoke .ltered wood smoking process; 2.10 Tasteless smoke; 2.11 Carbon monoxide processing; 2.12 Labeling; 2.13 Summary; References; 3 The Influence of Carbon Monoxide and Filtered Wood Smoke on Fish Muscle Color; 3.1 The chemistry of .sh color; 3.2 Carbon monoxide related colors; 3.3 Identifying CO- or FS-treated products; References
4 Human Absorption of Carbon Monoxide with Consumption of CO-Exposed Tuna4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Methods; 4.3 Results; 4.4 Discussion; 4.5 Summary; References; 5 Microbial and Quality Consequences of Aquatic Foods Treated with Carbon Monoxide or Filtered Wood Smoke; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Influence of CO and FS on microbial growth; 5.3 Influence on histamine formation; 5.4 Effect on oxidative rancidity; 5.5 Infiuence on muscle proteins and texture; References; 6 Use of CO for Red Meats: Current Research and Recent Regulatory Approvals; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Historical development
6.3 Functions and effects of CO used for packaging of red meat6.4 Means of utilizingCOand gas blends for red meat packaging; 6.5 Concerns for CO use; 6.6 Current regulations for CO use in the United States; References; 7 Prospects for Utilization of Carbon Monoxide in the Muscle Food Industry; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Retail display of muscle foods; 7.3 International regulations on CO; 7.4 How to apply CO; 7.5 Color; 7.6 Lipid oxidation; 7.7 Tenderness; 7.8 Microbiology; 7.9 Substitution of nitrite with CO in meat sausages; 7.10 Toxicology and occupational safety
7.11 Prospects for future CO utilizationAcknowledgments; References; 8 Tasteless Smoke Sources, Specifications, and Controls; References; 9 Color Enhancement and Potential Fraud in Using CO; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Approach; 9.3 Experimental design; 9.4 Results and discussion; 9.5 Recommendations; Acknowledgments; References; Part II Use of Modified and Controlled Atmospheric Packaging; 10 Use of Modified Atmosphere Packaging to Extend the Shelf Life of Fresh Fish: A Critical Look from a Historical Perspective; Acknowledgments; References
11 Hazards Associated with Clostridium botulinum in Modified Atmosphere Packaged Fresh Fish and Fishery Products
Record Nr. UNINA-9910830254103321
Ames, Iowa : , : Blackwell Publishing, , 2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Packaging research in food production design and development [[electronic resource] /] / Howard R. Moskowitz, Michele Reisner, John Ben Lawlor, Rosires Deliza
Packaging research in food production design and development [[electronic resource] /] / Howard R. Moskowitz, Michele Reisner, John Ben Lawlor, Rosires Deliza
Autore Moskowitz Howard R
Pubbl/distr/stampa Ames, IA, : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (281 p.)
Disciplina 664/.09
Altri autori (Persone) ReisnerMichele
LawlorJohn Ben
Soggetto topico Food - Packaging
Packaging - Research
ISBN 1-282-27403-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Packaging Research in Food Product Design and Development; Contents; Authors; Preface; Acknowledgments; Part I: Methods, Materials, and Mind-Sets; Chapter 1: A Practitioner's Guide to Research, or What You Should Know; Chapter 2: Consumer Packaging: Important Functionally, but Not Attitudinally; Chapter 3: Starting at the Beginning: Experimenting to Discover What Shape "Wins"; Chapter 4: Patterns in Packages: Learning from Many Packages and Many Attributes; Chapter 5: A Gentle Introduction to the World of Systematics; Chapter 6: Identify What Works by Letting the Competition Do the Work
Chapter 7: Psychophysics and the Issue of Price/ValuePart II: Ideas and Inspirations; Chapter 8: Idea Factories: Where Do Packaging (and Other) Ideas Come from?; Chapter 9: Defining the New Package: Specifying the Package at the Concept Level; Chapter 10: What Should My Package Say?; Chapter 11: What Concepts Tell Us versus What Packages Tell Us for the Same Product-Case History: Pretzels; Chapter 12: "Closing in on the Container"; Chapter 13: Action and Reality: Using Video for the Package Experience; Part III: Health and Hope; Chapter 14: Do Labels Make a Difference?
Chapter 15: Understanding Nutritional Labeling: Case Study-Ice CreamChapter 16: Healthy Pasta: Nutritional Labeling and the Role of Messages; Part IV: Emotions and Experience; Chapter 17: Emotions and Package Design-Coffee; Chapter 18: Beyond the Stimulus to the "Experience"; Chapter 19: Homo economicus Rears Its Head; Chapter 20: Which Should I Choose?-Packages on the Shelf; Part V: Temptations of Technology; Chapter 21: Response Time; Chapter 22: Combining Eye Tracking with Experimental Design; Chapter 23: Taking Stock and Summing Up; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910139914703321
Moskowitz Howard R  
Ames, IA, : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Packaging research in food production design and development [[electronic resource] /] / Howard R. Moskowitz, Michele Reisner, John Ben Lawlor, Rosires Deliza
Packaging research in food production design and development [[electronic resource] /] / Howard R. Moskowitz, Michele Reisner, John Ben Lawlor, Rosires Deliza
Autore Moskowitz Howard R
Pubbl/distr/stampa Ames, IA, : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (281 p.)
Disciplina 664/.09
Altri autori (Persone) ReisnerMichele
LawlorJohn Ben
Soggetto topico Food - Packaging
Packaging - Research
ISBN 1-282-27403-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Packaging Research in Food Product Design and Development; Contents; Authors; Preface; Acknowledgments; Part I: Methods, Materials, and Mind-Sets; Chapter 1: A Practitioner's Guide to Research, or What You Should Know; Chapter 2: Consumer Packaging: Important Functionally, but Not Attitudinally; Chapter 3: Starting at the Beginning: Experimenting to Discover What Shape "Wins"; Chapter 4: Patterns in Packages: Learning from Many Packages and Many Attributes; Chapter 5: A Gentle Introduction to the World of Systematics; Chapter 6: Identify What Works by Letting the Competition Do the Work
Chapter 7: Psychophysics and the Issue of Price/ValuePart II: Ideas and Inspirations; Chapter 8: Idea Factories: Where Do Packaging (and Other) Ideas Come from?; Chapter 9: Defining the New Package: Specifying the Package at the Concept Level; Chapter 10: What Should My Package Say?; Chapter 11: What Concepts Tell Us versus What Packages Tell Us for the Same Product-Case History: Pretzels; Chapter 12: "Closing in on the Container"; Chapter 13: Action and Reality: Using Video for the Package Experience; Part III: Health and Hope; Chapter 14: Do Labels Make a Difference?
Chapter 15: Understanding Nutritional Labeling: Case Study-Ice CreamChapter 16: Healthy Pasta: Nutritional Labeling and the Role of Messages; Part IV: Emotions and Experience; Chapter 17: Emotions and Package Design-Coffee; Chapter 18: Beyond the Stimulus to the "Experience"; Chapter 19: Homo economicus Rears Its Head; Chapter 20: Which Should I Choose?-Packages on the Shelf; Part V: Temptations of Technology; Chapter 21: Response Time; Chapter 22: Combining Eye Tracking with Experimental Design; Chapter 23: Taking Stock and Summing Up; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910831163503321
Moskowitz Howard R  
Ames, IA, : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Packaging research in food production design and development / / Howard R. Moskowitz, Michele Reisner, John Ben Lawlor, Rosires Deliza
Packaging research in food production design and development / / Howard R. Moskowitz, Michele Reisner, John Ben Lawlor, Rosires Deliza
Autore Moskowitz Howard R
Pubbl/distr/stampa Ames, IA, : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (281 p.)
Disciplina 664/.09
Altri autori (Persone) ReisnerMichele
LawlorJohn Ben
Soggetto topico Food - Packaging
Packaging - Research
ISBN 1-282-27403-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Packaging Research in Food Product Design and Development; Contents; Authors; Preface; Acknowledgments; Part I: Methods, Materials, and Mind-Sets; Chapter 1: A Practitioner's Guide to Research, or What You Should Know; Chapter 2: Consumer Packaging: Important Functionally, but Not Attitudinally; Chapter 3: Starting at the Beginning: Experimenting to Discover What Shape "Wins"; Chapter 4: Patterns in Packages: Learning from Many Packages and Many Attributes; Chapter 5: A Gentle Introduction to the World of Systematics; Chapter 6: Identify What Works by Letting the Competition Do the Work
Chapter 7: Psychophysics and the Issue of Price/ValuePart II: Ideas and Inspirations; Chapter 8: Idea Factories: Where Do Packaging (and Other) Ideas Come from?; Chapter 9: Defining the New Package: Specifying the Package at the Concept Level; Chapter 10: What Should My Package Say?; Chapter 11: What Concepts Tell Us versus What Packages Tell Us for the Same Product-Case History: Pretzels; Chapter 12: "Closing in on the Container"; Chapter 13: Action and Reality: Using Video for the Package Experience; Part III: Health and Hope; Chapter 14: Do Labels Make a Difference?
Chapter 15: Understanding Nutritional Labeling: Case Study-Ice CreamChapter 16: Healthy Pasta: Nutritional Labeling and the Role of Messages; Part IV: Emotions and Experience; Chapter 17: Emotions and Package Design-Coffee; Chapter 18: Beyond the Stimulus to the "Experience"; Chapter 19: Homo economicus Rears Its Head; Chapter 20: Which Should I Choose?-Packages on the Shelf; Part V: Temptations of Technology; Chapter 21: Response Time; Chapter 22: Combining Eye Tracking with Experimental Design; Chapter 23: Taking Stock and Summing Up; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910877727703321
Moskowitz Howard R  
Ames, IA, : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Smart packaging technologies for fast moving consumer goods [[electronic resource] /] / Joseph Kerry, Paul Butler
Smart packaging technologies for fast moving consumer goods [[electronic resource] /] / Joseph Kerry, Paul Butler
Autore Kerry Joseph
Pubbl/distr/stampa Chichester, England ; ; Hoboken, NJ, : John Wiley, c2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (360 p.)
Disciplina 621.381046
Altri autori (Persone) ButlerPaul <1942->
Soggetto topico Food - Preservation - Research
Consumer goods - Packing - Research
Radio frequency identification systems - Research
Packaging machinery - Research
Packaging - Research
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-282-34316-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Smart Packaging Technologies for Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Contents; Contributors; Preface; 1 Active Packaging of Food; 1.1 Introduction and Background Information; 1.2 Oxygen Scavengers; 1.2.1 ZerO2 ® Oxygen Scavenging Materials; 1.3 Carbon Dioxide Scavengers/Emitters; 1.4 Ethylene Scavengers; 1.5 Ethanol Emitters; 1.6 Preservative Releasers; 1.7 Moisture Absorbers; 1.8 Flavour/Odour Absorbers and Releasers; 1.9 Temperature Control Packaging; 1.10 Temperature Compensating Films; 1.11 Conclusions; References; 2 Active Polymer Packaging of Non-Meat Food Products; 2.1 Introduction
2.2 Bread and Bakery Products2.2.1 Elimination of Oxygen from Inside the Package: Oxygen Scavengers; 2.2.2 Inhibition of Mould Growth: Ethanol Emitters; 2.2.3 Other Smart Technologies for Bakery Products; 2.3 Fruits and Vegetables; 2.3.1 Slowing Down the Ripening Rate: Ethylene Scavengers; 2.3.2 Control of Gas Concentration: CO2 Controllers; 2.3.3 Other Smart Technologies for Fresh Produce; 2.4 Dairy Products; 2.4.1 Reducing Lactose and Cholesterol Content: Enzymatically Active Packages; 2.4.2 Oxygen Scavenging Films for Yoghurt; 2.4.3 Other Smart Technologies for Dairy Products
2.5 Fish and Seafood2.5.1 Removing Malodorous Compounds: Aldehyde or Aroma Scavengers; 2.5.2 Humidity Absorbers; 2.5.3 Other Smart Technologies for Fish Products; 2.6 Outlook and Future Developments; Acknowledgement; References; 3 Smart Packaging of Meat and Poultry Products; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Oxygen Scavengers; 3.3 Carbon Dioxide Scavengers and Emitters; 3.4 Moisture Control; 3.5 Antimicrobial Packaging; 3.6 Sensors; 3.6.1 Gas Sensors; 3.6.2 Fluorescence-based Oxygen Sensors; 3.6.3 Biosensors; 3.7 Indicators; 3.7.1 Integrity Indicators; 3.7.2 Freshness Indicators
3.7.3 Time-Temperature Indicators3.8 Radio Frequency Identification; 3.9 Potential Future Applications for Smart Packaging with Meat Products; References; 4 Application of Time-Temperature Integrators for Monitoring and Management of Perishable Product Quality in the Cold Chain; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Time-Temperature Integrators; 4.3 Cold Chain Management; Acknowledgement; References; 5 Smart Packaging Technologies for Fish and Seafood Products; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 What are the Parameters of Fish Quality?; 5.3 Mechanisms of Fish Spoilage; 5.4 On-pack Quality Indicators
5.5 Time-Temperature Integrators5.6 Food Quality Indicators; 5.7 Overview: TTI versus FQI; 5.8 Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP); 5.9 Conclusion; Acknowledgement; References; 6 Antimicrobial Packaging for Food; 6.1 Background of Antimicrobial Packaging Systems for Food; 6.2 Governmental Encouragement; 6.3 Demand for Antimicrobial and Disinfectant Chemicals in the US Market; 6.4 History of Antimicrobial Packaging in Industry; 6.5 Antimicrobial Agents in Use for Commercialization; 6.6 Mechanism of Antimicrobial Packaging Systems
6.6.1 Incorporation of Antimicrobial Agents into the Polymer Matrix 102
Record Nr. UNINA-9910144387803321
Kerry Joseph  
Chichester, England ; ; Hoboken, NJ, : John Wiley, c2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Smart packaging technologies for fast moving consumer goods / / Joseph Kerry, Paul Butler
Smart packaging technologies for fast moving consumer goods / / Joseph Kerry, Paul Butler
Autore Kerry Joseph
Pubbl/distr/stampa Chichester, England ; ; Hoboken, NJ, : John Wiley, c2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (360 p.)
Disciplina 658.5/64
Altri autori (Persone) ButlerPaul <1942->
Soggetto topico Food - Preservation - Research
Consumer goods - Packing - Research
Radio frequency identification systems - Research
Packaging machinery - Research
Packaging - Research
ISBN 1-282-34316-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Smart Packaging Technologies for Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Contents; Contributors; Preface; 1 Active Packaging of Food; 1.1 Introduction and Background Information; 1.2 Oxygen Scavengers; 1.2.1 ZerO2 ® Oxygen Scavenging Materials; 1.3 Carbon Dioxide Scavengers/Emitters; 1.4 Ethylene Scavengers; 1.5 Ethanol Emitters; 1.6 Preservative Releasers; 1.7 Moisture Absorbers; 1.8 Flavour/Odour Absorbers and Releasers; 1.9 Temperature Control Packaging; 1.10 Temperature Compensating Films; 1.11 Conclusions; References; 2 Active Polymer Packaging of Non-Meat Food Products; 2.1 Introduction
2.2 Bread and Bakery Products2.2.1 Elimination of Oxygen from Inside the Package: Oxygen Scavengers; 2.2.2 Inhibition of Mould Growth: Ethanol Emitters; 2.2.3 Other Smart Technologies for Bakery Products; 2.3 Fruits and Vegetables; 2.3.1 Slowing Down the Ripening Rate: Ethylene Scavengers; 2.3.2 Control of Gas Concentration: CO2 Controllers; 2.3.3 Other Smart Technologies for Fresh Produce; 2.4 Dairy Products; 2.4.1 Reducing Lactose and Cholesterol Content: Enzymatically Active Packages; 2.4.2 Oxygen Scavenging Films for Yoghurt; 2.4.3 Other Smart Technologies for Dairy Products
2.5 Fish and Seafood2.5.1 Removing Malodorous Compounds: Aldehyde or Aroma Scavengers; 2.5.2 Humidity Absorbers; 2.5.3 Other Smart Technologies for Fish Products; 2.6 Outlook and Future Developments; Acknowledgement; References; 3 Smart Packaging of Meat and Poultry Products; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Oxygen Scavengers; 3.3 Carbon Dioxide Scavengers and Emitters; 3.4 Moisture Control; 3.5 Antimicrobial Packaging; 3.6 Sensors; 3.6.1 Gas Sensors; 3.6.2 Fluorescence-based Oxygen Sensors; 3.6.3 Biosensors; 3.7 Indicators; 3.7.1 Integrity Indicators; 3.7.2 Freshness Indicators
3.7.3 Time-Temperature Indicators3.8 Radio Frequency Identification; 3.9 Potential Future Applications for Smart Packaging with Meat Products; References; 4 Application of Time-Temperature Integrators for Monitoring and Management of Perishable Product Quality in the Cold Chain; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Time-Temperature Integrators; 4.3 Cold Chain Management; Acknowledgement; References; 5 Smart Packaging Technologies for Fish and Seafood Products; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 What are the Parameters of Fish Quality?; 5.3 Mechanisms of Fish Spoilage; 5.4 On-pack Quality Indicators
5.5 Time-Temperature Integrators5.6 Food Quality Indicators; 5.7 Overview: TTI versus FQI; 5.8 Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP); 5.9 Conclusion; Acknowledgement; References; 6 Antimicrobial Packaging for Food; 6.1 Background of Antimicrobial Packaging Systems for Food; 6.2 Governmental Encouragement; 6.3 Demand for Antimicrobial and Disinfectant Chemicals in the US Market; 6.4 History of Antimicrobial Packaging in Industry; 6.5 Antimicrobial Agents in Use for Commercialization; 6.6 Mechanism of Antimicrobial Packaging Systems
6.6.1 Incorporation of Antimicrobial Agents into the Polymer Matrix 102
Record Nr. UNINA-9910877076303321
Kerry Joseph  
Chichester, England ; ; Hoboken, NJ, : John Wiley, c2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui