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Advanced caucasian and mediterranean rhinoplasty / / Peter JFM Lohuis ; design, Willem Driebergen ; illustrations, Karin Spijker ; foreword by Egbert H. Huizing, Shan R. Baker, Gilbert J. Nolst Trenité
Advanced caucasian and mediterranean rhinoplasty / / Peter JFM Lohuis ; design, Willem Driebergen ; illustrations, Karin Spijker ; foreword by Egbert H. Huizing, Shan R. Baker, Gilbert J. Nolst Trenité
Autore Lohuis Peter J. F. M
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam, Netherlands : , : Kugler Publications, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (466 p.)
Disciplina 617.5230592
Soggetto topico Rhinoplasty
Nose - Surgery
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 90-6299-866-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ""11. POSTOPERATIVECONSIDERATIONS""""12. SPECIAL PROBLEMS""; ""13. CASES""; ""14. NASALRECONSTRUCTION""; ""15. References""
Record Nr. UNINA-9910460508503321
Lohuis Peter J. F. M  
Amsterdam, Netherlands : , : Kugler Publications, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Advanced caucasian and mediterranean rhinoplasty / / Peter JFM Lohuis ; design, Willem Driebergen ; illustrations, Karin Spijker ; foreword by Egbert H. Huizing, Shan R. Baker, Gilbert J. Nolst Trenité
Advanced caucasian and mediterranean rhinoplasty / / Peter JFM Lohuis ; design, Willem Driebergen ; illustrations, Karin Spijker ; foreword by Egbert H. Huizing, Shan R. Baker, Gilbert J. Nolst Trenité
Autore Lohuis Peter J. F. M
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam, Netherlands : , : Kugler Publications, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (466 p.)
Disciplina 617.5230592
Soggetto topico Rhinoplasty
Nose - Surgery
ISBN 90-6299-866-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ""11. POSTOPERATIVECONSIDERATIONS""""12. SPECIAL PROBLEMS""; ""13. CASES""; ""14. NASALRECONSTRUCTION""; ""15. References""
Record Nr. UNINA-9910787369303321
Lohuis Peter J. F. M  
Amsterdam, Netherlands : , : Kugler Publications, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Advanced caucasian and mediterranean rhinoplasty / / Peter JFM Lohuis ; design, Willem Driebergen ; illustrations, Karin Spijker ; foreword by Egbert H. Huizing, Shan R. Baker, Gilbert J. Nolst Trenité
Advanced caucasian and mediterranean rhinoplasty / / Peter JFM Lohuis ; design, Willem Driebergen ; illustrations, Karin Spijker ; foreword by Egbert H. Huizing, Shan R. Baker, Gilbert J. Nolst Trenité
Autore Lohuis Peter J. F. M
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam, Netherlands : , : Kugler Publications, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (466 p.)
Disciplina 617.5230592
Soggetto topico Rhinoplasty
Nose - Surgery
ISBN 90-6299-866-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ""11. POSTOPERATIVECONSIDERATIONS""""12. SPECIAL PROBLEMS""; ""13. CASES""; ""14. NASALRECONSTRUCTION""; ""15. References""
Record Nr. UNINA-9910826457903321
Lohuis Peter J. F. M  
Amsterdam, Netherlands : , : Kugler Publications, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Atlas of lip and nose plastic and cosmetic surgery / / edited by Jianhua Liu and Bing Shi
Atlas of lip and nose plastic and cosmetic surgery / / edited by Jianhua Liu and Bing Shi
Pubbl/distr/stampa Gateway East, Singapore : , : Springer, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (199 pages)
Disciplina 617.5220592
Soggetto topico Lips - Surgery
Surgery, Plastic
Nose - Surgery
Cirurgia plàstica
Soggetto genere / forma Atles (Científic)
Llibres electrònics
ISBN 981-16-1911-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Contributors -- Part I: Anatomy of the Lips and Nose -- 1: Applied Anatomy of the Lips and Nose -- 1.1 Position of the Lips and Nose in Relation to the Facial Proportions -- 1.2 Normal Anatomical Landmarks of Lips and Nose -- 1.2.1 Anatomical Landmarks of the Lip -- 1.2.2 Anatomical Landmarks of the Nose -- 1.3 Structural Characteristics of Lips and Nose -- 1.4 Blood Supply of the Lips and Nose -- References -- 2: Embryonic Development of the Lips and Nose -- 2.1 Developmental Process of the Lips and Nose -- 2.2 Development Deformities of Lips and Nose -- References -- 3: Esthetic Features of Lips and Nose -- 3.1 Common Reference Points of the Lips and Nose -- 3.2 The Esthetics of Important Angles of the Face -- 3.3 Esthetic Proportions of the Face, and Lip and Nose Region -- References -- Part II: Esthetic Correction of Lip and Nose Deformities -- 4: Esthetic Correction of Lip Deformities -- 4.1 Surgical Correction of the Hypertrophic Lip -- 4.2 Depressed Deformity Correction of Nasolabial Groove -- 4.3 Lip Augmentation -- References -- 5: Cosmetic Surgery of Nose -- 5.1 Plastic Surgery of Saddle Nose and Augmentation Rhinoplasty -- 5.2 Correction of Deviated Nose Deformity -- 5.3 Correction of Nasal Septum Deviation -- 5.4 Correction of Hump Nose Deformity -- 5.5 Correction of Brachyrhinia Deformity -- 5.6 Plastic Surgery of Nasal Tip -- References -- Part III: Plastic Surgery of Congenital Nasolabial Deformities -- 6: Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair -- 6.1 Unilateral Micro-cleft Lip Repair -- 6.1.1 Invisible Incision Technique -- 6.2 Z-Plasty Technique -- 6.3 Unilateral Incomplete Cleft Lip Repair -- 6.3.1 (Method A): Lower Triangular Flap Method -- 6.3.2 (Method B): Huaxi's Principles -- 6.4 Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip Repair -- 6.4.1 Stepwise Downward Rotation Technique -- Reference.
7: Bilateral Cleft Lip Repair -- 7.1 Bilateral Micro-cleft Lip Repair -- 7.2 Bilateral Incomplete Cleft Lip Repair -- 7.3 Bilateral Complete Cleft Lip Repair -- 7.3.1 Technique to Reconstruct the Cupid's Bow -- References -- 8: Repair of Secondary Deformities of Unilateral Cleft Lip Surgery -- 8.1 Reconstruction of the Lip Tubercle -- 8.2 Correction of a Deviated Philtrum Ridge (Fossa) -- 8.3 Correction of an Excessive Peak of the Cupid's Bow -- 8.3.1 Oblique Flap Technique -- 8.3.2 Downward Rotation Technique -- 8.4 Correction of Excessive Upper Lip Length -- References -- 9: Repair of Secondary Deformities of Bilateral Cleft Lip Surgery -- 9.1 Correction of Whistle Deformity of the Lip -- 9.2 Reconstruction of the Philtrum Ridges (Fossa) -- 9.3 Correction of a Tight Upper Lip -- 9.4 Correction of a Short Upper Lip -- 9.5 Correction of a Long Upper Lip -- 9.6 Repair of Alveolar Cleft with Bone Graft -- 9.7 Management of Severe Upper Lip Retrusion Secondary to an Underdeveloped Maxilla -- References -- 10: Correction of Secondary Nasal Deformities of Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair -- 10.1 Internal Fixation of the Nasal Alar Cartilage -- 10.2 Reconstruction of the Alar Cartilage with Septal Cartilage Graft -- 10.3 Correction of Constricted Nostrils -- 10.3.1 Auricular Composite Tissue Transfer -- 10.3.2 Rhinoplasty -- References -- 11: Correction of Secondary Nasal Deformities of Bilateral Cleft Lip Repair -- 11.1 Lengthening of the Nasal Columella -- 11.2 Reconstruction of the Nasal Tip with Costal Cartilage -- References -- 12: Plastic Surgery of Facial Cleft -- 12.1 Horizontal Facial Cleft Repair -- 12.2 Median Facial Cleft Repair -- 12.3 Oblique Facial Cleft Repair -- References -- Part IV: Acquired Nasolabial Deformities and Plastic Reconstruction -- 13: Essentials of Surgical Design for Acquired Lip Defect.
13.1 Safety Margin of Labial Tumor Resection -- 13.2 Geometry Study of Safety Margin of Tumor Resection -- 13.3 Study on Stretchability of Labial Soft Tissue -- 13.4 Classification of Lip Defect -- References -- 14: Surgical Methods of Simple Lip Defect -- 14.1 Immediate Lip Repair with Defect Less Than One-Third of Lip Width -- 14.2 Modified Reconstruction Design for One-Third to One and Half Lower Lip Defects -- References -- 15: Modified Bernard's Sliding Flaps for Larger Lower Lip Defect -- 15.1 Immediate Reconstruction of the Defect Involving One and Half of the Lower Lip -- 15.2 Immediate Reconstruction of Large (Two-Third to Four-Fifth) Lower Lip Defect -- 15.3 Immediate Reconstruction of Larger Lateral Lower Lip Defect -- References -- 16: Reconstructive Surgery After Total Lower Lip Resection -- 16.1 Adjacent Soft Tissue Sliding Flaps for Total Lower Lip Defect -- 16.1.1 Case Report and Surgical Process -- 16.2 Vascularized Soft Tissue Free Flaps for Total Lower Lip Defect -- 16.3 Fan-Shaped Tissue Flaps for Total Lower Lip Defect -- References -- 17: Reconstruction of Upper Lip Defect After Tumor Resection -- 17.1 Labial and Buccal Sliding Flaps for One and Half Upper Lip Defect -- 17.1.1 Case Report and Surgical Process -- 17.1.2 Classic Case Study (Fig. 17.6) -- 17.2 Lower Lip Rectangle-Like Flap for One and Half Upper Lip Defect -- 17.2.1 Case Presentation -- 17.2.2 Classic Case 1 (Fig. 17.11) -- 17.2.3 Classic Case 2 -- 17.3 Lower Lip Flap for Median Upper Lip Defect -- 17.3.1 Case Presentation -- 17.3.2 Classic Case -- 17.4 Pedicled Naso-Labial Groove Flap for Unilateral Upper Lip Defect -- 17.4.1 Case Presentation -- 17.4.2 Classic Case 1 -- 17.4.3 Classic Case 2 (Fig. 17.31) -- 17.5 Bilateral Sliding Flaps for Upper Lip Defect -- 17.5.1 Case Presentation.
17.6 Fan-Shaped Tissue Flap for Unilateral Upper Lip Defect -- 17.7 Second Stage Repairing of Microstome -- 17.7.1 Classic Case -- References -- 18: Reconstruction of Irregular Lip Defects -- 18.1 Repairing After Broad Nasolabial Tumor Resection -- 18.1.1 Case Presentation -- 18.1.2 Classic Case (Fig. 18.8) -- 18.2 Reconstruction of Irregular Upper Lip Defects After Tumor Resection -- 18.2.1 Case Presentation -- 18.2.2 Classic Case (Fig. 18.13) -- 18.3 Reconstruction of Total Lower Lip Vermilion Defect with Tongue Flap -- 18.3.1 Case Presentation 1: -- 18.3.2 Case Presentation 2: -- 18.3.3 Classic Case 1 -- 18.3.4 Classic Case 2 -- 18.4 Reconstruction of Unilateral Upper and Lower Lip Vermilion Defect with Tongue Flap -- 18.4.1 Case Presentation -- 18.4.2 Classic Case -- References -- 19: Reconstruction of Lip Defects with Composite Tissue Flap -- 19.1 Unilateral Sliding Flap Combined with Transposition Flap for Larger Lip Defect -- 19.1.1 Case Presentation -- 19.2 Bilateral Sliding Flaps Combined with Transposition Flap for Larger Lip Defect -- 19.2.1 Surgical Illustrations -- 19.2.2 Case Presentation -- 19.2.3 Classic Case -- References -- 20: Reconstruction of Total Nasal Defect -- 20.1 Principle of Aesthetic Subunit: Nose and Face Subunit -- 20.2 Total Nose Reconstruction with Radial Forearm Free Flap and Frontal Flap -- 20.3 Total Nose Reconstruction with Expanded Forehead Flap -- 20.4 Preconstructed Chest Flap for Combined Total Nasal and Total Upper Lip Defect -- References.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910506410003321
Gateway East, Singapore : , : Springer, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Contemporary rhinology : science and practice / / edited by Andrew C. Swift, Sean Carrie, Christopher de Souza
Contemporary rhinology : science and practice / / edited by Andrew C. Swift, Sean Carrie, Christopher de Souza
Edizione [1st ed. 2023.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2023
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (646 pages)
Disciplina 617.51
Altri autori (Persone) SwiftAndrew C
de SouzaChristopher
Soggetto topico Nose - Diseases
Nose - Surgery
ISBN 3-031-28690-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface -- Part I: The Basic Science of Rhinology: Understanding the Nose and Sinuses -- Ch 1: Embryology of the nose and paranasal sinuses -- Ch 2: Applied anatomy of the nose and paranasal sinuses -- Ch 3:Physiology of the nose and paranasal sinuses: Nasal Air Flow -- Ch 4:Physiology of the nose and paranasal sinuses: Mucociliary clearance -- Ch 5:Immunology and the nose and paranasal sinuses -- Ch 6:Allergy and the nose -- Ch 7:Genetics and Disorders of the nose and sinuses -- Ch 8:The current concepts of Biofilms and Superantigens -- Ch 9:Bacteria, viruses and fungi in healthy and diseased paranasal sinuses -- Ch 10:Sleep disorders and the nose. What is the Evidence-base? -- Ch 11:The nose and the effects of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic -- Part II: The Assessment of the Nose and Sinuses -- Ch 12: Clinical assessment of the Nose and Olfaction -- Ch 13: Outcome metrics and measurement tools for rhinological treatment modalities -- Ch 14: Radiological Imaging in Rhinology -- Part III: Paediatric Sinonasal Disorders -- Ch 15: Congenital Sinonasal Disorders -- Ch 16: Paediatric Rhinosinusitis -- Ch 17: Paediatric Nasal Masses -- Ch 18: Paediatric Nasal Deformity -- Part IV: Inflammatory Sinus Disorders -- Ch 19: Non-allergic rhinitis -- Ch 20: Allergic Rhinitis -- Ch 21: Current Scientific Understanding of Rhinosinusitis -- Ch 22: New Innovations and Treatments for Rhinosinusitis -- Ch 23: Clinical Assessment and Management of Acute Rhinosinusitis -- Ch 24: Clinical Assessment and Management of Chronic Rhinosinusitis without Nasal Polyps -- Ch 25: Clinical Assessment and Management of Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps -- Ch 25: Primary Atrophic Rhinitis -- Ch 26: Fungal Sinus Diseases -- Ch 27: Frontal Sinusitis -- Ch 28: Complications of Rhinosinusitis -- Part V: Tumours -- Ch 29: Sinonasal Papilloma -- Ch 30: Benign Tumours of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses -- Ch 31: Malignant Tumours of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses -- Ch 32: Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma -- Part VI: Sinus and Skull Base Surgery -- Ch 33: Complications of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery -- Ch 34: Open Approaches to the Paranasal Sinuses -- Ch 35: Surgery of the Anterior Skull Base -- Ch 36: Transorbital endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses and skull base -- Ch 37: CSF rhinorrhea -- Part VII: MISCELLANEOUS -- Ch 38: Epistaxis -- Ch 39: Olfaction, Taste and its Disorders -- Ch 40: Headache and Facial pain: Diagnosis, Evaluation and Management -- Ch 41: Trauma to the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses -- Ch 42: Nasal obstruction: Septoplasty -- Ch 43: Nasal obstruction: The role and management of the Nasal Valve and the Inferior Turbinates -- Ch 44: Nasal Septal Perforation -- Ch 45: Granulomatous Vasculitis and the Cocaine nose -- Ch 46: Empty Nose Syndrome -- Ch 47: Management of Lacrimal and Orbital Disorders -- Ch 48: Rhinological Dilemmas and Questions from Clinical Practice.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910760282903321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2023
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery / / by: Huizing, Egbert H., Groot, John A.M. <de>
Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery / / by: Huizing, Egbert H., Groot, John A.M. <de>
Autore Bleys Ronald L.A.W
Edizione [2nd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Stuttgart, [Germany] : , : Thieme Publishers, , 2015
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (428 p.)
Disciplina 616.1092378
Soggetto topico Rhinoplasty
Nose - Surgery
ISBN 3-13-257961-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Contributors; 1 Basics; 1.1 Surgical Anatomy; 1.1.1 Face; 1.1.2 External Nose (External Pyramid); 1.1.3 Internal Nose; 1.1.4 Vasculature of the Nose; 1.1.5 Nerve Supply of the Nose; 1.2 Histological Features of the Main Nasal Structures and Their Implications for Nasal Surgery; 1.2.1 Septum; 1.2.2 Turbinates; 1.2.3 Bony Pyramid; 1.2.4 Cartilaginous Pyramid; 1.2.5 Lobule; 1.2.6 Lobular Cartilages; 1.3 Nasal Development and Growth; 1.3.1 The Phases; 1.3.2 Developmental Phase; 1.3.3 Growth Phase
1.3.4 Disturbance of Development and Growth-Consequences for Nasal Pathology and Surgery1.4 Surgical Physiology; 1.4.1 Olfaction; 1.4.2 Respiration; 1.4.3 Air Conditioning (Heating and Humidification); 1.4.4 Defense; 1.4.5 Speech; 1.4.6 Facial Beauty and Facial Expression; 2 Pathology and Diagnosis; 2.1 Nasal Syndromes; 2.1.1 Deviated Pyramid Syndromes; 2.1.2 Hump Nose (Dorsal Nasal Deformity); 2.1.3 Prominent-Narrow Pyramid Syndrome (Tension Nose); 2.1.4 Low-Wide Pyramid Syndrome (Saddle Nose); 2.1.5 Ski-Slope Nose; 2.1.6 Open Roof Syndrome
2.1.7 Lobular Inspiratory Insufficiency Syndrome ("Alar Collapse")2.1.8 Middle Meatus Obstructive Syndrome; 2.1.9 Wide Nasal Cavity Syndrome ("Empty Nose" Syndrome); 2.1.10 Dry Nose Syndrome; 2.1.11 Cleft Lip- and Cleft Palate-Nose; 2.1.12 Congenital Nasal Hypoplasia (Nasomaxillary Dysplasia, Binder Syndrome); 2.1.13 Facial Syndromes; 2.1.14 Nasal Neuralgias; 2.2 Nasal Symptoms-The Most Common Deformities, Abnormalities, and Anatomical Variations; 2.2.1 Pathology and Variations of Nasal Dimensions; 2.2.2 Humps; 2.2.3 Saddling and Sagging; 2.2.4 Bony and Cartilaginous Pyramid; 2.2.5 Lobule
2.2.6 Valve Area2.2.7 Septum; 2.2.8 Turbinates; 2.3 Diagnosis and Documentation; 2.3.1 Making the Diagnosis; 2.3.2 Examination; 2.3.3 Examination of the Internal Nose; 2.3.4 Analysis of Nose, Face, and Dentition; 2.3.5 Imaging; 2.3.6 Photographic Diagnosis and Documentation; 2.4 Function Tests; 2.4.1 Breathing Tests; 2.4.2 Olfactometry; 2.4.3 Measuring Air-Conditioning Capacity; 2.4.4 Measuring Nasal Defense; 2.4.5 Allergy and Hyperreactivity Testing; 3 Surgery-General; 3.1 Concepts of Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery; 3.1.1 Surgery for Function and Form; 3.1.2 Concepts
3.1.3 Basic Principles3.2 Endonasal versus External Approach; 3.2.1 Historical Development; 3.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Two Different Approaches; 3.2.3 Which Approach to Use When?; 3.2.4 Sequence of the Surgical Steps; 3.3 Preoperative and Postoperative Care; 3.3.1 Preoperative Care; 3.3.2 Postoperative Care; 3.4 Anesthesia and the Bloodless Surgical Field; 3.4.1 Local or General Anesthesia?; 3.4.2 Local Anesthesia; 3.4.3 General Anesthesia; 3.4.4 The Bloodless Surgical Field; 3.5 Antibiotics and Corticosteroids in Nasal Surgery; 3.5.1 Antibiotics; 3.5.2 Corticosteroids
4 Incisions and Approaches
Record Nr. UNINA-9910788295103321
Bleys Ronald L.A.W  
Stuttgart, [Germany] : , : Thieme Publishers, , 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery / / by: Huizing, Egbert H., Groot, John A.M. <de>
Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery / / by: Huizing, Egbert H., Groot, John A.M. <de>
Autore Bleys Ronald L.A.W
Edizione [2nd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Stuttgart, [Germany] : , : Thieme Publishers, , 2015
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (428 p.)
Disciplina 616.1092378
Soggetto topico Rhinoplasty
Nose - Surgery
ISBN 3-13-257961-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Contributors; 1 Basics; 1.1 Surgical Anatomy; 1.1.1 Face; 1.1.2 External Nose (External Pyramid); 1.1.3 Internal Nose; 1.1.4 Vasculature of the Nose; 1.1.5 Nerve Supply of the Nose; 1.2 Histological Features of the Main Nasal Structures and Their Implications for Nasal Surgery; 1.2.1 Septum; 1.2.2 Turbinates; 1.2.3 Bony Pyramid; 1.2.4 Cartilaginous Pyramid; 1.2.5 Lobule; 1.2.6 Lobular Cartilages; 1.3 Nasal Development and Growth; 1.3.1 The Phases; 1.3.2 Developmental Phase; 1.3.3 Growth Phase
1.3.4 Disturbance of Development and Growth-Consequences for Nasal Pathology and Surgery1.4 Surgical Physiology; 1.4.1 Olfaction; 1.4.2 Respiration; 1.4.3 Air Conditioning (Heating and Humidification); 1.4.4 Defense; 1.4.5 Speech; 1.4.6 Facial Beauty and Facial Expression; 2 Pathology and Diagnosis; 2.1 Nasal Syndromes; 2.1.1 Deviated Pyramid Syndromes; 2.1.2 Hump Nose (Dorsal Nasal Deformity); 2.1.3 Prominent-Narrow Pyramid Syndrome (Tension Nose); 2.1.4 Low-Wide Pyramid Syndrome (Saddle Nose); 2.1.5 Ski-Slope Nose; 2.1.6 Open Roof Syndrome
2.1.7 Lobular Inspiratory Insufficiency Syndrome ("Alar Collapse")2.1.8 Middle Meatus Obstructive Syndrome; 2.1.9 Wide Nasal Cavity Syndrome ("Empty Nose" Syndrome); 2.1.10 Dry Nose Syndrome; 2.1.11 Cleft Lip- and Cleft Palate-Nose; 2.1.12 Congenital Nasal Hypoplasia (Nasomaxillary Dysplasia, Binder Syndrome); 2.1.13 Facial Syndromes; 2.1.14 Nasal Neuralgias; 2.2 Nasal Symptoms-The Most Common Deformities, Abnormalities, and Anatomical Variations; 2.2.1 Pathology and Variations of Nasal Dimensions; 2.2.2 Humps; 2.2.3 Saddling and Sagging; 2.2.4 Bony and Cartilaginous Pyramid; 2.2.5 Lobule
2.2.6 Valve Area2.2.7 Septum; 2.2.8 Turbinates; 2.3 Diagnosis and Documentation; 2.3.1 Making the Diagnosis; 2.3.2 Examination; 2.3.3 Examination of the Internal Nose; 2.3.4 Analysis of Nose, Face, and Dentition; 2.3.5 Imaging; 2.3.6 Photographic Diagnosis and Documentation; 2.4 Function Tests; 2.4.1 Breathing Tests; 2.4.2 Olfactometry; 2.4.3 Measuring Air-Conditioning Capacity; 2.4.4 Measuring Nasal Defense; 2.4.5 Allergy and Hyperreactivity Testing; 3 Surgery-General; 3.1 Concepts of Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery; 3.1.1 Surgery for Function and Form; 3.1.2 Concepts
3.1.3 Basic Principles3.2 Endonasal versus External Approach; 3.2.1 Historical Development; 3.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Two Different Approaches; 3.2.3 Which Approach to Use When?; 3.2.4 Sequence of the Surgical Steps; 3.3 Preoperative and Postoperative Care; 3.3.1 Preoperative Care; 3.3.2 Postoperative Care; 3.4 Anesthesia and the Bloodless Surgical Field; 3.4.1 Local or General Anesthesia?; 3.4.2 Local Anesthesia; 3.4.3 General Anesthesia; 3.4.4 The Bloodless Surgical Field; 3.5 Antibiotics and Corticosteroids in Nasal Surgery; 3.5.1 Antibiotics; 3.5.2 Corticosteroids
4 Incisions and Approaches
Record Nr. UNINA-9910814002403321
Bleys Ronald L.A.W  
Stuttgart, [Germany] : , : Thieme Publishers, , 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Functional reconstructive nasal surgery / / Egbert H. Huizing, John A.M. de Groot
Functional reconstructive nasal surgery / / Egbert H. Huizing, John A.M. de Groot
Autore Huizing E. H.
Edizione [2nd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Stuttgart, [Germany] : , : Thieme Publishers, , 2015
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (428 p.)
Disciplina 616.1092378
Soggetto topico Rhinoplasty
Nose - Surgery
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Contributors; 1 Basics; 1.1 Surgical Anatomy; 1.1.1 Face; 1.1.2 External Nose (External Pyramid); 1.1.3 Internal Nose; 1.1.4 Vasculature of the Nose; 1.1.5 Nerve Supply of the Nose; 1.2 Histological Features of the Main Nasal Structures and Their Implications for Nasal Surgery; 1.2.1 Septum; 1.2.2 Turbinates; 1.2.3 Bony Pyramid; 1.2.4 Cartilaginous Pyramid; 1.2.5 Lobule; 1.2.6 Lobular Cartilages; 1.3 Nasal Development and Growth; 1.3.1 The Phases; 1.3.2 Developmental Phase; 1.3.3 Growth Phase
1.3.4 Disturbance of Development and Growth-Consequences for Nasal Pathology and Surgery1.4 Surgical Physiology; 1.4.1 Olfaction; 1.4.2 Respiration; 1.4.3 Air Conditioning (Heating and Humidification); 1.4.4 Defense; 1.4.5 Speech; 1.4.6 Facial Beauty and Facial Expression; 2 Pathology and Diagnosis; 2.1 Nasal Syndromes; 2.1.1 Deviated Pyramid Syndromes; 2.1.2 Hump Nose (Dorsal Nasal Deformity); 2.1.3 Prominent-Narrow Pyramid Syndrome (Tension Nose); 2.1.4 Low-Wide Pyramid Syndrome (Saddle Nose); 2.1.5 Ski-Slope Nose; 2.1.6 Open Roof Syndrome
2.1.7 Lobular Inspiratory Insufficiency Syndrome ("Alar Collapse")2.1.8 Middle Meatus Obstructive Syndrome; 2.1.9 Wide Nasal Cavity Syndrome ("Empty Nose" Syndrome); 2.1.10 Dry Nose Syndrome; 2.1.11 Cleft Lip- and Cleft Palate-Nose; 2.1.12 Congenital Nasal Hypoplasia (Nasomaxillary Dysplasia, Binder Syndrome); 2.1.13 Facial Syndromes; 2.1.14 Nasal Neuralgias; 2.2 Nasal Symptoms-The Most Common Deformities, Abnormalities, and Anatomical Variations; 2.2.1 Pathology and Variations of Nasal Dimensions; 2.2.2 Humps; 2.2.3 Saddling and Sagging; 2.2.4 Bony and Cartilaginous Pyramid; 2.2.5 Lobule
2.2.6 Valve Area2.2.7 Septum; 2.2.8 Turbinates; 2.3 Diagnosis and Documentation; 2.3.1 Making the Diagnosis; 2.3.2 Examination; 2.3.3 Examination of the Internal Nose; 2.3.4 Analysis of Nose, Face, and Dentition; 2.3.5 Imaging; 2.3.6 Photographic Diagnosis and Documentation; 2.4 Function Tests; 2.4.1 Breathing Tests; 2.4.2 Olfactometry; 2.4.3 Measuring Air-Conditioning Capacity; 2.4.4 Measuring Nasal Defense; 2.4.5 Allergy and Hyperreactivity Testing; 3 Surgery-General; 3.1 Concepts of Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery; 3.1.1 Surgery for Function and Form; 3.1.2 Concepts
3.1.3 Basic Principles3.2 Endonasal versus External Approach; 3.2.1 Historical Development; 3.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Two Different Approaches; 3.2.3 Which Approach to Use When?; 3.2.4 Sequence of the Surgical Steps; 3.3 Preoperative and Postoperative Care; 3.3.1 Preoperative Care; 3.3.2 Postoperative Care; 3.4 Anesthesia and the Bloodless Surgical Field; 3.4.1 Local or General Anesthesia?; 3.4.2 Local Anesthesia; 3.4.3 General Anesthesia; 3.4.4 The Bloodless Surgical Field; 3.5 Antibiotics and Corticosteroids in Nasal Surgery; 3.5.1 Antibiotics; 3.5.2 Corticosteroids
4 Incisions and Approaches
Record Nr. UNINA-9910463413403321
Huizing E. H.  
Stuttgart, [Germany] : , : Thieme Publishers, , 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Head and neck surgery Rhinology / / editor, David W. Kennedy, MD, FACS, FRCSI, Rhinology Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Head and neck surgery Rhinology / / editor, David W. Kennedy, MD, FACS, FRCSI, Rhinology Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pubbl/distr/stampa Philadelphia : , : Wolters Kluwer, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xvii, 364 pages) : illustrations (chiefly color)
Disciplina 617.5/1
Collana Master techniques in otolaryngology
Soggetto topico Nose - Surgery
ISBN 1-4698-9079-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto part I. Intranasal techniques 1 -- part II. Functional rhinoplastic techniques -- part III. Techniques for removal of neoplasms -- part IV. Transnasal orbital surgical technique -- part V. Open sinus surgery techniques.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910446339603321
Philadelphia : , : Wolters Kluwer, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Journal Tunisien d'ORL & de chirurgie cervico-faciale
Journal Tunisien d'ORL & de chirurgie cervico-faciale
Pubbl/distr/stampa Tunis, : Société Tunisienne d'ORL & de chirurgie cervico-faciale
Soggetto topico Otolaryngology
Nose - Surgery
Throat - Surgery
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Record Nr. UNINA-9910895669603321
Tunis, : Société Tunisienne d'ORL & de chirurgie cervico-faciale
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui