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Acoustic and radio EeV neutrino detection activities [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of the international workshop (ARENA 2005) : DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, 17-19 May 2005 / / editors, Rolf Nahnhauer, Sebastian Böser
Acoustic and radio EeV neutrino detection activities [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of the international workshop (ARENA 2005) : DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, 17-19 May 2005 / / editors, Rolf Nahnhauer, Sebastian Böser
Pubbl/distr/stampa New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (314 p.)
Disciplina 523.01/97215
Altri autori (Persone) NahnhauerRolf
Soggetto topico Neutrino astrophysics
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-92496-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction, history and theory. Early years of high energy neutrino physics in cosmic rays and neutrino astronomy (1957-1962) / I. Zheleznykh. Extremely energetic cosmic neutrinos: opportunities for astrophysics, particle physics, and cosmology / A. Ringwald. Comparison of GZK neutrino flux calculations* / D. Seckel et al. Investigation of event rates for different detector arrays and various extremely high energy models / J. K. Becker and W. Rhode (presented by J. K. Becker) -- Target material properties. Measurement of attenuation length for radio wave in natural rock salt samples concerning ultra high energy neutrino detection / M. Chiba et al. (presented by M. Chiba). Acoustic wave propagation in ice and salt* / B. Price. Experience on acoustic wave propagation in rock salt in the frequency range 1-100 kHz and conclusions with respect to the feasibility of a rock salt dome as neutrino detector / J. Eisenbl�atter et al. (presented by G. Manthei). Radio signals from photon beams in sand and salt / D. Williams et al. (presented by D. Williams). Broadband analysis of Askaryan pulses / P. Mio�inovi�c -- Simulation and propagation of signals. Hybrid scheme of simulation of electron-photon and electron-hadron cascades in dense medium at ultra-high energies / L. G. Dedenko et al. (presented by L. G. Dedenko). Structure function of excess charge in rock salt / Y. Watanabe et al. (presented by Y. Watanabe). Simulations of radio emission from electromagnetic showers in dense media / J. Alvarez-Mu�niz et al. (presented by J. Alvarez-Mu�niz). Monte Carlo simulations of radio emission from cosmic ray air showers / T. Huege and H. Falcke (presented by T. Huege). Simulation of radio signals from 1-10 TeV air showers using EGSnrc / R. Engel et al. (presented by A. A. Konstantinov) -- Signal processing and background reduction. Scaling of Askaryan pulses / D. Seckel. Signal processing for acoustic neutrino detection in water, ice and salt / S. Danaher. Experience from SAUND* / J. Vandenbroucke. An analysis approach to acoustic detection of extensive atmospheric showers / D. Zaborov -- Sensors and transmitters. Development of acoustic sensors for the ANTARES experiment / C. Naumann et al. (presented by C. Naumann). Measurements and simulation studies of Piezoceramics for acoustic particle detection / K. Salomon et al. Fiber laser hydrophones as pressure sensors / P. E. Bagnoli et al. (presented by C. Trono). Development of glaciophones and acoustic transmitters for ice / S. B�oser et al. (presented by S. B�oser). Preliminary results on hydrophones calibration with proton beam / A. Capone and G. de Bonis (presented by G. de Bonis) -- Experimental results I (acoustic). High frequency noise in Lake Baikal as a background for the acoustic detection of high energy neutrinos / V. M. Aynutdinov et al. (presented by N. M. Budnev). ITEP investigation of acoustic phenomena from high energy particles / V. S. Demidov et al. (presented by V. Lyashuk). Testing thermo-acoustic sound generation in water with proton and laser beams / K. Graf et al. (presented by K. Graf). Results from the SAUND I experiment* / J. Vandenbroucke. The NEMO acoustic test facility / G. Riccobene. First activities in acoustic detection of particles in UPV / M. Ardid et al. (presented by M. Ardid) -- Experimental results II (Cherenkov Radio). The upper limit to the EHE neutrino flux from observations of the moon with Kalyazin radio telescope / R. D. Dagkesamanskii et al. (presented by R. D. Dagkesamanskii). Using the Westerbork Radio Observatory to detect UHE cosmic particles interacting on the moon / J. Bacelar et al. (presented by J. Bacelar). Updated limits on the Ultra-High Energy (UHE) neutrino flux from the RICE experiment / Kravchenko et al. (presented by D. Besson). The ANITA cosmogenic neutrino experiment / P. W. Gorham et al. (presented by P. Miocinovic). Measuring the neutrino-nucleon cross section with SalSA / A. Connolly -- Experimental results III (Air Shower Radio). Radio detection of cosmic rays with LOPES / A. Horneffer et al. (presented by H. Falcke and A. Horneffer). Combined LOPES and KASCADE-GRANDE data analysis / A. Haungs et al. (presented by A. Haungs). Absolute calibration of the LOPES antenna system / S. Nehls et al. (presented by S. Nehls). CODALEMA: a cosmic ray air shower radio detection experiment / D. Ardouin et al. (presented by R. Dallier) -- Future projects I. The converted hydroacoustic array "MG-10M"- a basic module for a deep water neutrino-telescope / Y. Karlik and V. Svet (presented by V. Svet). A device for detection of acoustic signals from super high energy neutrinos / V. M. Aynutdinov et al. (presented by L. V. Pan'kov). The UK-ACoRNE group: present projects and future plans* / S. Danaher. ACoRNE simulation work / J. Perkin. Design considerations and sensitivity estimates for an acoustic neutrino detector / T. Karg et al. (presented by T. Karg) -- Future projects II. Study of acoustic ultra-high energy neutrino detection Phase II / N. Kurahashi. SPATS-a South Pole acoustic test setup / S. B�oser et al. (presented by S. B�oser). Integration of acoustic detection equipment into ANTARES / R. Lahmann et al. (presented by R. Lahmann). Overview of the LORD experiment (Lunar Orbital Radio Detector) / V. A. Chechin et al. (presented by V. A. Tsarev). Concept of the LORD experiment / V. A. Chechin et al. (presented by V. A. Chechin). Advanced detection methods of radio signals from cosmic rays for KASCADE Grande and Auder / H. Gemmeke et al. (presented by H. Gemmeke) -- Future projects III. Neutrino detection in salt domes under LOFAR / A. M. van den Berg. Introduction to the SalSA, a saltdome shower array as a GZK neutrino observatory (abstract only) / D. Saltzberg. Neutrino flavor identification in SalSA / P. Mio�cpinovi�c. Simulation of a hybrid optical/radio/acoustic extension to icecube for EHE neutrino detection / J. A. Vandenbroucke et al. (presented by J. A. Vandenbroucke) -- Round table discussion. ARENA round table discussion summary / R. Nahnhauer -- Conference summary. ARENA 2005 Conference summary / J. G. Learned. ARENA workshop pictures. List of participants. *Contribution not received.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910458366203321
New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Acoustic and radio EeV neutrino detection activities [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of the international workshop (ARENA 2005) : DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, 17-19 May 2005 / / editors, Rolf Nahnhauer, Sebastian Böser
Acoustic and radio EeV neutrino detection activities [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of the international workshop (ARENA 2005) : DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, 17-19 May 2005 / / editors, Rolf Nahnhauer, Sebastian Böser
Pubbl/distr/stampa New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (314 p.)
Disciplina 523.01/97215
Altri autori (Persone) NahnhauerRolf
Soggetto topico Neutrino astrophysics
ISBN 1-281-92496-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction, history and theory. Early years of high energy neutrino physics in cosmic rays and neutrino astronomy (1957-1962) / I. Zheleznykh. Extremely energetic cosmic neutrinos: opportunities for astrophysics, particle physics, and cosmology / A. Ringwald. Comparison of GZK neutrino flux calculations* / D. Seckel et al. Investigation of event rates for different detector arrays and various extremely high energy models / J. K. Becker and W. Rhode (presented by J. K. Becker) -- Target material properties. Measurement of attenuation length for radio wave in natural rock salt samples concerning ultra high energy neutrino detection / M. Chiba et al. (presented by M. Chiba). Acoustic wave propagation in ice and salt* / B. Price. Experience on acoustic wave propagation in rock salt in the frequency range 1-100 kHz and conclusions with respect to the feasibility of a rock salt dome as neutrino detector / J. Eisenbl�atter et al. (presented by G. Manthei). Radio signals from photon beams in sand and salt / D. Williams et al. (presented by D. Williams). Broadband analysis of Askaryan pulses / P. Mio�inovi�c -- Simulation and propagation of signals. Hybrid scheme of simulation of electron-photon and electron-hadron cascades in dense medium at ultra-high energies / L. G. Dedenko et al. (presented by L. G. Dedenko). Structure function of excess charge in rock salt / Y. Watanabe et al. (presented by Y. Watanabe). Simulations of radio emission from electromagnetic showers in dense media / J. Alvarez-Mu�niz et al. (presented by J. Alvarez-Mu�niz). Monte Carlo simulations of radio emission from cosmic ray air showers / T. Huege and H. Falcke (presented by T. Huege). Simulation of radio signals from 1-10 TeV air showers using EGSnrc / R. Engel et al. (presented by A. A. Konstantinov) -- Signal processing and background reduction. Scaling of Askaryan pulses / D. Seckel. Signal processing for acoustic neutrino detection in water, ice and salt / S. Danaher. Experience from SAUND* / J. Vandenbroucke. An analysis approach to acoustic detection of extensive atmospheric showers / D. Zaborov -- Sensors and transmitters. Development of acoustic sensors for the ANTARES experiment / C. Naumann et al. (presented by C. Naumann). Measurements and simulation studies of Piezoceramics for acoustic particle detection / K. Salomon et al. Fiber laser hydrophones as pressure sensors / P. E. Bagnoli et al. (presented by C. Trono). Development of glaciophones and acoustic transmitters for ice / S. B�oser et al. (presented by S. B�oser). Preliminary results on hydrophones calibration with proton beam / A. Capone and G. de Bonis (presented by G. de Bonis) -- Experimental results I (acoustic). High frequency noise in Lake Baikal as a background for the acoustic detection of high energy neutrinos / V. M. Aynutdinov et al. (presented by N. M. Budnev). ITEP investigation of acoustic phenomena from high energy particles / V. S. Demidov et al. (presented by V. Lyashuk). Testing thermo-acoustic sound generation in water with proton and laser beams / K. Graf et al. (presented by K. Graf). Results from the SAUND I experiment* / J. Vandenbroucke. The NEMO acoustic test facility / G. Riccobene. First activities in acoustic detection of particles in UPV / M. Ardid et al. (presented by M. Ardid) -- Experimental results II (Cherenkov Radio). The upper limit to the EHE neutrino flux from observations of the moon with Kalyazin radio telescope / R. D. Dagkesamanskii et al. (presented by R. D. Dagkesamanskii). Using the Westerbork Radio Observatory to detect UHE cosmic particles interacting on the moon / J. Bacelar et al. (presented by J. Bacelar). Updated limits on the Ultra-High Energy (UHE) neutrino flux from the RICE experiment / Kravchenko et al. (presented by D. Besson). The ANITA cosmogenic neutrino experiment / P. W. Gorham et al. (presented by P. Miocinovic). Measuring the neutrino-nucleon cross section with SalSA / A. Connolly -- Experimental results III (Air Shower Radio). Radio detection of cosmic rays with LOPES / A. Horneffer et al. (presented by H. Falcke and A. Horneffer). Combined LOPES and KASCADE-GRANDE data analysis / A. Haungs et al. (presented by A. Haungs). Absolute calibration of the LOPES antenna system / S. Nehls et al. (presented by S. Nehls). CODALEMA: a cosmic ray air shower radio detection experiment / D. Ardouin et al. (presented by R. Dallier) -- Future projects I. The converted hydroacoustic array "MG-10M"- a basic module for a deep water neutrino-telescope / Y. Karlik and V. Svet (presented by V. Svet). A device for detection of acoustic signals from super high energy neutrinos / V. M. Aynutdinov et al. (presented by L. V. Pan'kov). The UK-ACoRNE group: present projects and future plans* / S. Danaher. ACoRNE simulation work / J. Perkin. Design considerations and sensitivity estimates for an acoustic neutrino detector / T. Karg et al. (presented by T. Karg) -- Future projects II. Study of acoustic ultra-high energy neutrino detection Phase II / N. Kurahashi. SPATS-a South Pole acoustic test setup / S. B�oser et al. (presented by S. B�oser). Integration of acoustic detection equipment into ANTARES / R. Lahmann et al. (presented by R. Lahmann). Overview of the LORD experiment (Lunar Orbital Radio Detector) / V. A. Chechin et al. (presented by V. A. Tsarev). Concept of the LORD experiment / V. A. Chechin et al. (presented by V. A. Chechin). Advanced detection methods of radio signals from cosmic rays for KASCADE Grande and Auder / H. Gemmeke et al. (presented by H. Gemmeke) -- Future projects III. Neutrino detection in salt domes under LOFAR / A. M. van den Berg. Introduction to the SalSA, a saltdome shower array as a GZK neutrino observatory (abstract only) / D. Saltzberg. Neutrino flavor identification in SalSA / P. Mio�cpinovi�c. Simulation of a hybrid optical/radio/acoustic extension to icecube for EHE neutrino detection / J. A. Vandenbroucke et al. (presented by J. A. Vandenbroucke) -- Round table discussion. ARENA round table discussion summary / R. Nahnhauer -- Conference summary. ARENA 2005 Conference summary / J. G. Learned. ARENA workshop pictures. List of participants. *Contribution not received.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910784749303321
New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Beta beams [[electronic resource] ] : neutrino beams / / Mats Lindroos, Mauro Mezzetto
Beta beams [[electronic resource] ] : neutrino beams / / Mats Lindroos, Mauro Mezzetto
Autore Lindroos Mats
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Imperial College Press, 2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xiv, 154p. ) : ill
Disciplina 539.7/375
Altri autori (Persone) MezzettoMauro
Soggetto topico Neutrinos
Neutron beams
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-282-75990-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Machine Aspects; CERN-Frejus Beta Beam Physics Potential; Physics Potential of Other Beta Beam Settings; Low-Energy Beta-Beams.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910455872303321
Lindroos Mats  
London, : Imperial College Press, 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Beta beams [[electronic resource] ] : neutrino beams / / Mats Lindroos, Mauro Mezzetto
Beta beams [[electronic resource] ] : neutrino beams / / Mats Lindroos, Mauro Mezzetto
Autore Lindroos Mats
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Imperial College Press, 2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xiv, 154p. ) : ill
Disciplina 539.7/375
Altri autori (Persone) MezzettoMauro
Soggetto topico Neutrinos
Neutron beams
ISBN 1-282-75990-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Machine Aspects; CERN-Frejus Beta Beam Physics Potential; Physics Potential of Other Beta Beam Settings; Low-Energy Beta-Beams.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910780727503321
Lindroos Mats  
London, : Imperial College Press, 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Colliders and neutrinos : the window into physics beyond the standard model / / editors, Sally Dawson, Rabindra N. Mohapatra
Colliders and neutrinos : the window into physics beyond the standard model / / editors, Sally Dawson, Rabindra N. Mohapatra
Autore Dawson Sally
Pubbl/distr/stampa New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (716 p.)
Disciplina 539.73
Altri autori (Persone) MohapatraR. N (Rabindra Nath)
Soggetto topico Colliders (Nuclear physics)
ISBN 9789812819260
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Extra dimensions / K. Agashe -- The international linear collider / M. Battaglia -- Astrophysical aspects of neutrinos / J. F. Beacom -- Leptogenesis / M.-C. Chen -- Neutrino experiments / J. M. Conrad -- String theory, string model-building, and string phenomenology - a practical introduction / K. R. Dienes -- Theoretical aspects of neutrino masses and mixings / R. N. Mohapatra -- Searching for the Higgs Boson / D. Rainwater -- Z[symbol] phenomenology and the LHC / T. G. Rizzo -- Neutrinoless double beta decay / P. Vogel. Supersymmetry in elementary particle physics / M. E. Peskin.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910553084103321
Dawson Sally  
New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The fourth International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations and their origin [[electronic resource] ] : Kanazawa, Japan, 10-14 February 2003 / / edited by Y. Suzuki ... [et al.]
The fourth International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations and their origin [[electronic resource] ] : Kanazawa, Japan, 10-14 February 2003 / / edited by Y. Suzuki ... [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa River Edge, N.J., : World Scientific, c2004
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (497 p.)
Disciplina 539.7215
Altri autori (Persone) SuzukiY (Yoichiro)
Soggetto topico Neutrinos
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-89910-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface Y. Suzuki; International Advisory Committee, Scientific Program Committee and Local Organizing Committee; Contents; Session 1 Solar and Reactor Neutrinos; Session 2 Accelerated Neutrinos and Future Neutrino Oscillation Experiments; Session 3 Atmospheric Neutrinos; Session 4 Dark Matter and Double Beta Decay; Session 5 Lepton Flavor Violation, Leptogenesis and Proton Decays; Scientific Programme; List of Participants
Record Nr. UNINA-9910451335103321
River Edge, N.J., : World Scientific, c2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The fourth International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations and their origin [[electronic resource] ] : Kanazawa, Japan, 10-14 February 2003 / / edited by Y. Suzuki ... [et al.]
The fourth International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations and their origin [[electronic resource] ] : Kanazawa, Japan, 10-14 February 2003 / / edited by Y. Suzuki ... [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa River Edge, N.J., : World Scientific, c2004
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (497 p.)
Disciplina 539.7215
Altri autori (Persone) SuzukiY (Yoichiro)
Soggetto topico Neutrinos
ISBN 1-281-89910-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface Y. Suzuki; International Advisory Committee, Scientific Program Committee and Local Organizing Committee; Contents; Session 1 Solar and Reactor Neutrinos; Session 2 Accelerated Neutrinos and Future Neutrino Oscillation Experiments; Session 3 Atmospheric Neutrinos; Session 4 Dark Matter and Double Beta Decay; Session 5 Lepton Flavor Violation, Leptogenesis and Proton Decays; Scientific Programme; List of Participants
Record Nr. UNINA-9910783919303321
River Edge, N.J., : World Scientific, c2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Fundamental physics with reactor neutrons and neutrinos : 26 papers from a Workshop held at the Institut Lave-Langevin, Grenoble, France, 10-11 October, 1977 / edited by Till von Egidy
Fundamental physics with reactor neutrons and neutrinos : 26 papers from a Workshop held at the Institut Lave-Langevin, Grenoble, France, 10-11 October, 1977 / edited by Till von Egidy
Autore Workshop on fundamental physics with reactor neutrons and neutrinos
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bristol : IOP Publishing, 1978
Descrizione fisica 183 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Altri autori (Persone) Egidy, Till : von
Soggetto topico Neutrinos
Classificazione 53(082.2)
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISALENTO-991000965249707536
Workshop on fundamental physics with reactor neutrons and neutrinos  
Bristol : IOP Publishing, 1978
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. del Salento
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Fundamentals of neutrino physics and astrophysics [[electronic resource] /] / Carlo Giunti, Chung W. Kim
Fundamentals of neutrino physics and astrophysics [[electronic resource] /] / Carlo Giunti, Chung W. Kim
Autore Giunti Carlo
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford ; ; New York, : Oxford University Press, 2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (727 p.)
Disciplina 539.7215
Altri autori (Persone) KimChung Wook <1934->
Soggetto topico Neutrino astrophysics
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-16005-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; 1 Historical introduction; 2 Quantized Dirac fields; 2.1 Dirac equation; 2.2 Representations of γ matrices; 2.3 Products of γ matrices; 2.4 Relativistic covariance; 2.5 Helicity; 2.6 Gauge transformations; 2.7 Chirality; 2.8 Solution of the Dirac equation; 2.9 Quantization; 2.10 Symmetry transformation of states; 2.11 C, P, and T transformations; 2.12 Wave packets; 2.13 Finite normalization volume; 2.14 Fierz transformations; 3 The Standard Model; 3.1 Electroweak Lagrangian; 3.2 Electroweak interactions; 3.3 Three generations; 3.4 The Higgs mechanism; 3.5 Fermion masses and mixing
3.6 Gauge bosons3.7 Effective low-energy CC and NC Lagrangians; 4 Three-generation mixing; 4.1 Diagonalization of the mass matrix; 4.2 Physical parameters in the mixing matrix; 4.3 Parameterization of the mixing matrix; 4.4 Degenerate masses; 4.5 Mixing matrix with one vanishing element; 4.6 CP violation; 4.7 Rephasing invariants; 4.8 Unitarity triangles; 4.9 Conditions for CP violation; 5 Neutrino interactions; 5.1 Neutrino-electron interactions; 5.2 Hadron decays; 5.3 Neutrino-nucleon scattering; 6 Massive neutrinos; 6.1 Dirac masses; 6.2 Majorana neutrinos
6.3 Mixing of three Majorana neutrinos6.4 One-generation Dirac-Majorana mass term; 6.5 Three-generation Dirac-Majorana mixing; 6.6 Special cases; 6.7 Majorana mass matrix; 7 Neutrino oscillations in vacuum; 7.1 Standard Derivation of the Neutrino Oscillation Probability; 7.2 Antineutrino case; 7.3 CPT, CP, and T transformations; 7.4 Two-neutrino mixing; 7.5 Types of neutrino oscillation experiments; 7.6 Averaged transition probability; 7.7 Large Δm[sup(2)] dominance; 7.8 Active small Δm[sup(2)]; 8 Theory of neutrino oscillations in vacuum; 8.1 Plane-wave approximation
8.2 Wave-packet treatment8.3 Size of neutrino wave packets; 8.4 Questions; 9 Neutrino oscillations in matter; 9.1 Effective potentials in matter; 9.2 Evolution of neutrino flavors; 9.3 The MSW effect; 9.4 Slab approximation; 9.5 Parametric resonance; 9.6 Geometrical representation; 10 Solar neutrinos; 10.1 Thermonuclear energy production; 10.2 Standard solar models; 10.3 Model-independent constraints on solar neutrino fluxes; 10.4 Homestake experiment; 10.5 Gallium experiments; 10.6 Water Cherenkov detectors; 10.7 Vacuum oscillations; 10.8 Resonant flavor transitions in the Sun
10.9 Regeneration of solar ν[sub(e)]'s in the Earth10.10 Global fit of solar neutrino data; 11 Atmospheric neutrinos; 11.1 Flux of atmospheric neutrinos; 11.2 Atmospheric neutrino experiments; 12 Terrestrial neutrino oscillation experiments; 12.1 Sensitivity; 12.2 Reactor experiments; 12.3 Accelerator experiments; 13 Phenomenology of three-neutrino mixing; 13.1 Neutrino oscillations in vacuum; 13.2 Matter effects; 13.3 Analysis of oscillation data; 14 Direct measurements of neutrino mass; 14.1 Beta decay; 14.2 Pion and tau decays; 14.3 Neutrinoless double-beta decay; 15 Supernova neutrinos
15.1 Supernova types
Record Nr. UNINA-9910465776903321
Giunti Carlo  
Oxford ; ; New York, : Oxford University Press, 2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Fundamentals of neutrino physics and astrophysics [[electronic resource] /] / Carlo Giunti, Chung W. Kim
Fundamentals of neutrino physics and astrophysics [[electronic resource] /] / Carlo Giunti, Chung W. Kim
Autore Giunti Carlo
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford ; ; New York, : Oxford University Press, 2007
Descrizione fisica xvi, 710 p. : ill
Altri autori (Persone) KimChung Wook <1934->
Soggetto topico Neutrino astrophysics
ISBN 0191523224
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910795750303321
Giunti Carlo  
Oxford ; ; New York, : Oxford University Press, 2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui