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Bio-design and manufacturing
Bio-design and manufacturing
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Singapore] : , : Springer Singapore
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Soggetto topico Biomedical engineering
Biomedical materials
Mechanical engineering
Three-dimensional printing
Biomedical Engineering
Biocompatible Materials
Printing, Three-Dimensional
Enginyeria biomèdica
Materials biomèdics
Enginyeria mecànica
Impressió 3D
Soggetto genere / forma Periodical
Revistes electròniques.
ISSN 2522-8552
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti BDM
Biodesign and manufacturing
Bio-design & manufacturing
Record Nr. UNINA-9910481968003321
[Singapore] : , : Springer Singapore
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Bioinspired Biomaterials : Advances in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine / / edited by Heung Jae Chun, Rui L. Reis, Antonella Motta, Gilson Khang
Bioinspired Biomaterials : Advances in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine / / edited by Heung Jae Chun, Rui L. Reis, Antonella Motta, Gilson Khang
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Singapore : , : Springer Singapore : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (230 pages)
Disciplina 610.284
Collana Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Soggetto topico Biomedical engineering
Regenerative medicine
Tissue engineering
Pharmaceutical technology
Biochemical engineering
Biomedical Engineering/Biotechnology
Regenerative Medicine/Tissue Engineering
Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology
Biochemical Engineering
Materials biomèdics
Enginyeria de teixits
Medicina regenerativa
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 981-15-3258-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Part I. Novel Bioinspired Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine -- Chapter 1. Natural Sources and Applications of Demineralized Bone Matrix in the Field of Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering -- Chapter 2. Application of Gellan Gum-based Scaffold for Regenerative Medicine -- Chapter 3. Natural Fibrous Protein for Advanced Tissue Engineering Applications: Focusing on Silk Fibroin and Keratin -- Part II. Bioinspired 3D Bioprinting Hydrogel for Regenerative Medicine -- Chapter 4. Silk Fibroin Bioinks for Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D Bioprinting -- Chapter 5. 3D-Bioprinting of Tissue Models with Customized Bioinks -- Chapter 6. Visible Light-curable Hydrogel Systems for Tissue Engineering and Drug Delivery -- Part III. Regulation of Stem Cell Fate by Bioinspired Biomaterials -- Chapter 7. Scaffolds for Cartilage Regeneration: To Use or Not to Use -- Chapter 8. Bio-application of Inorganic Nanomaterials in Tissue Engineering -- Chapter 9. Directional Cell Migration Guide for Improved Tissue Regeneration -- Part IV. Cutting-Edge Enabling Technology for Regenerative Medicine -- Chapter 10. Extracellular Vesicles: The Next Frontier in Regenerative Medicine and Drug Delivery -- Chapter 11. Application of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine in Maternal-fetal Medicine -- Chapter 12. Fundamentals and Current Strategies for Peripheral Nerve Repair and Regeneration -- Chapter 13. Protein-based Drug Delivery in Brain Tumor Therapy -- Chapter 14. Human Hair: Scaffold Materials for Regenerative Medicine.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910409687403321
Singapore : , : Springer Singapore : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Biointerface Engineering: Prospects in Medical Diagnostics and Drug Delivery / / edited by Pranjal Chandra, Lalit M. Pandey
Biointerface Engineering: Prospects in Medical Diagnostics and Drug Delivery / / edited by Pranjal Chandra, Lalit M. Pandey
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Singapore : , : Springer Singapore : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (VIII, 254 p. 78 illus., 54 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 612.01583
Soggetto topico Biomedical engineering
Biomedical Engineering/Biotechnology
Nanoscale Science and Technology
Materials Engineering
Enginyeria biomèdica
Materials biomèdics
Interfícies biològiques
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 981-15-4790-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter 1. Engineered Drug Delivery Systems: Insights of Biointerface -- Chapter 2. Tissue Engineering Strategies for Tooth and Dento-alveolar Region with Engineered Biomaterial and Stem Cells -- Chapter 3. Antifouling Peptoid Biointerfaces -- Chapter 4.Structure and Rheology of Hydrogels: Applications in Drug Delivery -- Chapter 5. Surface Engineering in Wearable Sensors for Medical Diagnostic Applications -- Chapter 6. Modulation of Physicochemical properties of Polymers for Effective Insulin Delivery Systems -- Chapter 7. Organization of Bio-molecules in Bulk and over the Nano-substrate: Perspective to the Molecular Dynamics Simulations -- Chapter 8. Medical Diagnostics Based on Electrochemical Biosensor -- Chapter 9. Nanomaterial functionalization Strategies in Bio-interface Development for Modern Diagnostic Devices -- Chapter 10. Bio-nano-Interface Engineering Strategies of AuNPs Passivation for Next-generation Biomedical Applications -- Chapter 11. Electrooptical Analysis as Sensing System for Detection and Diagnostic Bacterial Cells.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910416106603321
Singapore : , : Springer Singapore : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Biomaterials in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine : from basic concepts to state of the art approaches / / edited by Birru Bhaskar [and three others]
Biomaterials in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine : from basic concepts to state of the art approaches / / edited by Birru Bhaskar [and three others]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Gateway East, Singapore : , : Springer, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (587 pages)
Disciplina 610.284
Soggetto topico Biomedical materials
Regenerative medicine
Tissue engineering
Materials biomèdics
Medicina regenerativa
Enginyeria de teixits
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 981-16-0002-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Contents -- About the Editors -- List of Abbreviations -- Part I: Fundamentals of Biomaterials -- 1: Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, and Regenerative Medicine: A Brief Outline -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.1.1 Biomaterials -- 1.1.2 Tissue Engineering -- 1.1.3 Regenerative Medicine -- References -- 2: Metallic Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering: Retrospect and Prospects -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.1.1 Traditional Metallic Biomaterials -- 2.1.2 Advanced and Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials -- 2.1.3 Metallic Biomaterials and Biocompatibility -- 2.2 Properties of Metallic Biomaterials -- 2.2.1 Phase Transformation and Elastic Moduli -- 2.2.2 Porosity -- 2.2.3 Corrosion Resistance -- 2.2.4 Anti-Bacterial Properties -- 2.2.5 Bioactivation of Metallic Biomaterials -- 2.2.6 Biodegradation -- 2.2.7 MRI Compatibility -- 2.2.8 Radiopacity -- 2.3 Permanent Metallic Biomaterials -- 2.3.1 Stainless Steel -- 2.3.2 Co-Based Biomaterials -- 2.3.3 Ti-Based Biomaterials -- 2.3.4 Tantalum and Its Alloys -- 2.3.5 Zirconium Alloys -- 2.4 Biodegradable Metallic Biomaterials -- 2.4.1 Mg-Based Biomaterials -- 2.4.2 Zinc-Based Biomaterials -- 2.4.3 Iron-Based Biomaterials -- 2.5 Advanced Metallic Biomaterials -- 2.5.1 Bulk Metallic Glasses -- 2.5.2 Shape Memory Alloys -- 2.6 Tissue Engineering Applications of Metallic Biomaterials -- 2.6.1 Bone Tissue Engineering -- 2.6.2 Cartilage Tissue Engineering -- 2.6.3 Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering -- 2.6.4 Dental Tissue Engineering -- 2.7 Future Prospects of Metallic Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering -- References -- 3: Bioceramics in Tissue Engineering: Retrospect and Prospects -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Background Perspective -- 3.3 Bioactivity of Calcium Phosphate -- 3.3.1 Calcium Phosphates: Variants and Effects -- 3.3.2 CaPO4 Bioceramics in Tissue Engineering -- 3.3.3 Clinical Vignettes -- 3.4 Summary and Outlook.
References -- 4: Polymeric Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering: Retrospect and Prospects -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Extracellular Matrix-the Framework Enabling Tissue Growth -- 4.3 Polymeric Materials as Ideal Scaffold -- 4.4 Natural and Synthetic Polymers as Scaffolds -- 4.5 Natural Biodegradable Polymers -- 4.5.1 Collagen -- 4.5.2 Gelatin -- 4.5.3 Chitosan -- 4.5.4 Alginate -- 4.5.5 Fibrin -- 4.5.6 Hyaluronic Acid -- 4.5.7 Silk -- 4.6 Synthetic Biodegradable Polymers -- 4.6.1 Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) -- 4.6.2 Poly (glycolic acid) (PGA) -- 4.6.3 Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) -- 4.6.4 Poly(caprolactone) (PCL) -- 4.6.5 Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) -- 4.6.6 Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate -- 4.6.7 Polyethylene Glycol-Based Polymers -- 4.7 Polymer Scaffold Fabrication Techniques -- 4.7.1 Conventional (Traditional) Manufacturing Techniques -- 4.7.2 Nano Fabrication-Based Techniques -- 4.7.3 Additive Manufacturing-Based Techniques -- 4.8 Conclusion and Perspectives -- References -- 5: Composite Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering: Retrospective and Prospects -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Bio-Composite Components: Classes and Desirable Properties -- 5.3 Strategies of Bio-Composite Development -- 5.3.1 Conventional Blending and Mixing Technique -- 5.3.2 Advanced Bio-Fabrication Methods -- Co-electrospinning -- Bioprinting -- Reinforcement Methods -- 5.3.3 Nano-Particle Reinforced Bio-Composites -- 5.3.4 Surface Modifications -- 5.3.5 Surface Effects and Characterization -- 5.4 Retrospectives of Composite Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering -- 5.4.1 Composite Biomaterials for Hard Tissue Regeneration -- Bone Tissue Regeneration -- Dentistry -- 5.4.2 Composite Biomaterials in Soft Tissue Engineering -- Vascular Grafting -- Cardiac Tissue Engineering -- Contact Lens and Cornea. Neural Tissue Engineering -- 5.5 Bottlenecks of Composite Biomaterial Applications -- 5.6 Prospects of Composite Biomaterials -- 5.7 Conclusion -- References -- Part II: Trends in Biomaterials -- 6: Trends in Bio-Derived Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Concept of Bio-Derived Biomaterials and their Applications in Tissue Engineering -- 6.3 Decellularized Extracellular Matrix (DECM) as Biomaterials -- 6.3.1 ECM and Decellularization -- 6.3.2 Methods of Decellularization -- 6.3.3 Regenerative Properties of DECM -- 6.3.4 Decellularized Material Systems: Applications in Tissue Engineering -- 6.4 Naturally Derived Biomaterials -- 6.4.1 Proteins Based Bio-Derived Biomaterials -- Collagen -- Gelatin -- Fibrin -- Silk -- Keratin -- 6.4.2 Polysaccharides Based Bio-Derived Biomaterials -- Glycosaminoglycans -- Alginates -- Agarose -- Carrageenan -- Chitosan -- 6.4.3 Other Bio-Derived Biomaterials -- 6.5 Microbial Derived Biopolymers -- 6.5.1 Types of Bacterial Polymers -- 6.5.2 Biosynthesis and Purification of Bacterial-Derived Polymers -- Polyamides -- Polyesters -- Polysaccharides -- 6.5.3 Microbial Derived Biopolymers for Tissue Engineering -- Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid (γ-PGA) -- Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) -- Polysaccharides -- 6.6 Conclusion and Future Directions -- References -- 7: Trends in Functional Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine -- 7.1 Functionalized Biomaterials -- 7.2 Surface Functionalization Methods -- 7.2.1 Surface Roughening and Patterning -- 7.2.2 Surface Films and Coatings -- Physical Methods -- Physical Adsorption of Active Biomolecules -- Langmuir-Blodgett Method -- Physical Vapor Deposition -- Evaporation.
Deposition by Sputtering -- Plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition (PIIIandD) -- Electrophoretic Deposition -- Spraying Techniques -- Chemical Methods -- Adsorption Via Covalent Bonding -- Alkali Acid Hydrolysis -- Chemical Vapor Deposition -- Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition -- Plasma Polymerization -- Atomic Layer Deposition -- Sol-Gel Technique -- Layer-by-Layer (LbL) Deposition -- Radiation Methods -- 7.2.3 Surface Modification by Addition of Signaling Biomolecules -- 7.3 Functionalized Scaffolds Towards Organ Development -- 7.3.1 Cardiac Tissue -- 7.3.2 Liver -- 7.3.3 Lung -- 7.3.4 Bone -- 7.3.5 Dental Implants -- 7.4 Conclusion and Future Perspectives -- References -- 8: Trends in Bioactive Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine -- 8.1 Tissue Engineering -- 8.2 Bioactive Scaffolds -- 8.3 Incorporation of Bioactive Components -- 8.3.1 Bioactivity by Incorporation of Adhesion Sites -- 8.3.2 Nanopatterning -- 8.3.3 Bioactivity by Incorporation of Growth Factors -- 8.3.4 Bioactivity by Physiochemical Interactions -- 8.3.5 Bioactivity by Material Transformation -- 8.4 Bioactive Inorganic Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering -- 8.5 Injectable Biomaterials -- 8.6 Bioactive Scaffolds: Tissue Engineering Applications -- 8.6.1 Neural Tissue Engineering -- 8.6.2 Vascular Tissue Engineering -- 8.6.3 Cardiac Tissue Engineering -- 8.7 Biomaterial Based Stem Cell Therapy in Regenerative Medicine -- 8.8 Scaffolds for Biomolecule Delivery -- 8.8.1 Properties -- 8.9 Biomolecule Delivery Systems -- 8.9.1 Hydrogel-Based Systems -- 8.9.2 Nanoparticle Based Systems -- 8.9.3 Liposomes -- 8.9.4 Micelles -- 8.9.5 Microparticles -- 8.9.6 Dendrimers and Elastomers -- 8.9.7 Microchips -- 8.10 Scaffold Based Biomolecule Delivery.
8.10.1 Delivery of Therapeutic Drugs -- 8.10.2 Delivery of Therapeutic Cells -- 8.10.3 Scaffold Based Peptide Delivery -- 8.10.4 Scaffolds for Gene Delivery -- 8.11 Biomolecule Loaded Scaffolds in Tissue Engineering: Applications -- 8.11.1 Bone Tissue Engineering -- 8.11.2 Skin Tissue Engineering -- 8.11.3 Cartilage Tissue Engineering -- 8.12 Future Perspectives -- References -- 9: Trends in Stimuli Responsive Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Stimuli Responsive Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering -- 9.2.1 Electroactive Biomaterials -- Conducting Polymers -- Conducting Polymers in Tissue Engineering -- Piezoelectric Material -- Piezoelectric Materials in Tissue Engineering -- Electrets -- Electrets in Tissue Engineering -- Photovoltaics -- Photovoltaic Materials in Tissue Engineering -- Carbon Based Nanomaterials -- Carbon Based Nanomaterials in Tissue Engineering -- 9.2.2 Magnetoresponsive Biomaterials -- 9.2.3 Thermoresponsive Biomaterials -- 9.2.4 Photoresponsive Biomaterials -- 9.2.5 Chemical Stimuli Responsive Biomaterials -- 9.2.6 Biological Stimuli Responsive Biomaterials -- 9.3 Conclusions and Future Outlook -- References -- Part III: Applications of Biomaterials -- 10: Biomaterials for Hard Tissue Engineering: Concepts, Methods, and Applications -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering -- 10.2.1 Polymers and Hydrogels -- 10.2.2 Hybrid Scaffolds in Bone Tissue Engineering -- 10.3 Applications of Tissue Engineering in Dentistry -- 10.3.1 Tooth Regeneration -- 10.3.2 Bone Regeneration in Dental Application -- 10.3.3 Enamel Regeneration -- 10.3.4 Dentin and Dental Pulp Regeneration -- 10.4 Biomaterials Used in Dentistry -- 10.5 Dental Stem Cells in Hard and Soft Tissue Engineering in Dentistry.
10.6 Advanced Tissue Engineering Strategies.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910483456503321
Gateway East, Singapore : , : Springer, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Biomaterials- and Microfluidics-Based Tissue Engineered 3D Models / / edited by J. Miguel Oliveira, Rui L. Reis
Biomaterials- and Microfluidics-Based Tissue Engineered 3D Models / / edited by J. Miguel Oliveira, Rui L. Reis
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (VII, 175 p. 42 illus., 40 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 610.28
Collana Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Soggetto topico Medicine
Regenerative medicine
Tissue engineering
Biomedical engineering
Biomedical materials
Biomedicine, general
Regenerative Medicine/Tissue Engineering
Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering
Enginyeria biomèdica
Materials biomèdics
Medicina regenerativa
Teixit connectiu
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 3-030-36588-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Microfluidic devices and three dimensional-printing strategies for in vitro models of bone -- Microfluidics for Processing of biomaterials -- Organ-on-a-chip -- Body-on-a-chip: Current challenges -- Biomaterials and microfluidics for liver models -- Microfluidics for CNS research -- Biomaterials and microfluidics for angiogenesis research -- Biomaterials and microfluidics for drug discovery and development -- Microfluidics for diagnostics -- Nanoparticles and Microfluidic devices in cancer research.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910409699603321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Biomedical microdevices
Biomedical microdevices
Pubbl/distr/stampa Dordrecht ; ; Boston, : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998-
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Disciplina 610.28
Soggetto topico Biomedical materials
Biomedical engineering
Génie biomédical
Enginyeria biomèdica
Materials biomèdics
Soggetto genere / forma Periodicals.
Revistes electròniques
ISSN 1572-8781
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910142801903321
Dordrecht ; ; Boston, : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998-
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Biomimetic biomaterials for tissue regeneration and drug delivery / / edited by Mamoni Dash
Biomimetic biomaterials for tissue regeneration and drug delivery / / edited by Mamoni Dash
Pubbl/distr/stampa Singapore : , : Springer, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (164 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 950.05
Soggetto topico Drug delivery systems
Drug Delivery Systems
Materials biomèdics
Medicina regenerativa
Enginyeria de teixits
Administració de medicaments
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 981-16-4566-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910743214303321
Singapore : , : Springer, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Cell-inspired materials and engineering / / Ediotrs: Dan Ohtan Wang and Daniel Packwood
Cell-inspired materials and engineering / / Ediotrs: Dan Ohtan Wang and Daniel Packwood
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (254 pages)
Disciplina 610.28
Collana Fundamental Biomedical Technologies
Soggetto topico Biomedical materials
Tissue engineering
Regenerative medicine
Enginyeria de teixits
Materials biomèdics
Medicina regenerativa
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 3-030-55924-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910483852303321
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Disordered pharmaceutical materials / / edited by Marc Descamps
Disordered pharmaceutical materials / / edited by Marc Descamps
Pubbl/distr/stampa Weinheim, Germany : , : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Company KGaA, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (646 p.)
Soggetto topico Materials biomèdics
Biotecnologia farmacèutica
Pharmaceutical biotechnology
Biomedical materials
ISBN 3-527-65269-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Title Page; Copyright; Table of Contents; List of Contributors; Chapter 1: Some Facets of Molecular Disorder in Crystalline and Amorphous Pharmaceuticals; 1.1 The Crystal/Amorph Alternative; 1.2 Characteristics of the Disorder in Glass Formers; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 2: Influence of Disorder on Dissolution; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Approaches to Enhance Solubility; 2.3 Measuring the Solubility Advantage of Amorphous Compounds; 2.4 Solid Dispersions; 2.5 Polymer Properties; 2.6 Drug-Polymer Interactions; 2.7 Polymer Concentration; 2.8 Other Formulation Components
2.9 Formulation Variables2.10 Reliable Measurement of Supersaturation; 2.11 Conclusion; References; Chapter 3: Crystal Imperfections in Molecular Crystals: Physical and Chemical Consequences; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 General Aspects of Defects in Crystals; 3.3 Role of Imperfections in Reactivity and Stability - Chemistry in the Perfect and Imperfect Lattice; 3.4 Role in Physical Processes; 3.5 Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 4: Observation and Characterization of Crystal Defects in Pharmaceutical Solids; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Techniques for Characterizing Defects within Crystals
4.3 Techniques for Characterizing Defects Emergent at Crystal Surfaces4.4 Techniques for Quantifying Defect Densities within Crystals; 4.5 The Complementarity of Techniques for Characterizing Defects; 4.6 Summary and Outlook; Acknowledgment; References; Chapter 5: "Enantiomeric Disorder" Pharmaceutically Oriented; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Introduction and Lexicon of Specific Terms Used among Chiral Molecules and Chiral Molecular Associations; 5.3 Restrictions in Symmetry Operations Inside Crystal Lattices with an Enantiomeric Excess Different from Zero
5.4 Impact of Chirality on Phase Diagrams and the Gibbs-Scott Phase Rule5.5 Competitions between Solid Solutions (Impact of Polymorphism on Solid Solutions) Application: Preferential Enrichment; 5.6 Disorder at Level 3 Multiepitaxy between Enantiomers; 5.7 Conclusion and Perspectives; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 6: Conformational Disorder and Atropisomerism in Pharmaceutical Compounds; 6.1 Premise: Conformational Energy Barriers in Flexible Molecules; 6.2 Conformational Topology and Crystallization of Chain Molecules
6.3 Conformational Polymorphism and Crystallization of Flexible Molecules6.4 Conformational Flexibility of Ring Molecules: Carbohydrates; 6.5 Hindered Conformational Isomerism: Atropisomerism; 6.6 Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 7: Tautomerism in Drug Delivery; 7.1 Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy as a Powerful Tool for Investigating the Tautomerization Process in Condensed Materials; 7.2 Tautomerization Kinetics of Supercooled Pharmaceuticals; Acknowledgment; References; Chapter 8: Disorders in Pharmaceutical Polymers; 8.1 Polymers Architectures - Structural Disorders
8.2 Structural States and Phases Transitions
Record Nr. UNINA-9910136779403321
Weinheim, Germany : , : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Company KGaA, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Disordered pharmaceutical materials / / edited by Marc Descamps
Disordered pharmaceutical materials / / edited by Marc Descamps
Pubbl/distr/stampa Weinheim, Germany : , : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Company KGaA, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (646 p.)
Soggetto topico Materials biomèdics
Biotecnologia farmacèutica
Pharmaceutical biotechnology
Biomedical materials
ISBN 3-527-65269-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Title Page; Copyright; Table of Contents; List of Contributors; Chapter 1: Some Facets of Molecular Disorder in Crystalline and Amorphous Pharmaceuticals; 1.1 The Crystal/Amorph Alternative; 1.2 Characteristics of the Disorder in Glass Formers; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 2: Influence of Disorder on Dissolution; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Approaches to Enhance Solubility; 2.3 Measuring the Solubility Advantage of Amorphous Compounds; 2.4 Solid Dispersions; 2.5 Polymer Properties; 2.6 Drug-Polymer Interactions; 2.7 Polymer Concentration; 2.8 Other Formulation Components
2.9 Formulation Variables2.10 Reliable Measurement of Supersaturation; 2.11 Conclusion; References; Chapter 3: Crystal Imperfections in Molecular Crystals: Physical and Chemical Consequences; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 General Aspects of Defects in Crystals; 3.3 Role of Imperfections in Reactivity and Stability - Chemistry in the Perfect and Imperfect Lattice; 3.4 Role in Physical Processes; 3.5 Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 4: Observation and Characterization of Crystal Defects in Pharmaceutical Solids; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Techniques for Characterizing Defects within Crystals
4.3 Techniques for Characterizing Defects Emergent at Crystal Surfaces4.4 Techniques for Quantifying Defect Densities within Crystals; 4.5 The Complementarity of Techniques for Characterizing Defects; 4.6 Summary and Outlook; Acknowledgment; References; Chapter 5: "Enantiomeric Disorder" Pharmaceutically Oriented; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Introduction and Lexicon of Specific Terms Used among Chiral Molecules and Chiral Molecular Associations; 5.3 Restrictions in Symmetry Operations Inside Crystal Lattices with an Enantiomeric Excess Different from Zero
5.4 Impact of Chirality on Phase Diagrams and the Gibbs-Scott Phase Rule5.5 Competitions between Solid Solutions (Impact of Polymorphism on Solid Solutions) Application: Preferential Enrichment; 5.6 Disorder at Level 3 Multiepitaxy between Enantiomers; 5.7 Conclusion and Perspectives; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 6: Conformational Disorder and Atropisomerism in Pharmaceutical Compounds; 6.1 Premise: Conformational Energy Barriers in Flexible Molecules; 6.2 Conformational Topology and Crystallization of Chain Molecules
6.3 Conformational Polymorphism and Crystallization of Flexible Molecules6.4 Conformational Flexibility of Ring Molecules: Carbohydrates; 6.5 Hindered Conformational Isomerism: Atropisomerism; 6.6 Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 7: Tautomerism in Drug Delivery; 7.1 Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy as a Powerful Tool for Investigating the Tautomerization Process in Condensed Materials; 7.2 Tautomerization Kinetics of Supercooled Pharmaceuticals; Acknowledgment; References; Chapter 8: Disorders in Pharmaceutical Polymers; 8.1 Polymers Architectures - Structural Disorders
8.2 Structural States and Phases Transitions
Record Nr. UNINA-9910830561803321
Weinheim, Germany : , : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Company KGaA, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui