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DPSM for modeling engineering problems [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Dominique Placko and Tribikram Kundu
DPSM for modeling engineering problems [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Dominique Placko and Tribikram Kundu
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (394 p.)
Disciplina 620.015118
Altri autori (Persone) PlackoDominique
KunduT (Tribikram)
Soggetto topico Distributed point source method (Numerical analysis)
Engineering mathematics
Ultrasonic waves - Mathematical models
Electromagnetic devices - Design and construction - Mathematics
Electrostatics - Mathematics
Electromagnetism - Mathematical models
Magnetism - Mathematical models
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-280-90115-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto DPSM FOR MODELING ENGINEERING PROBLEMS; CONTENTS; Preface; Contributors; Chapter 1 - Basic Theory of Distributed Point Source Method (DPSM) and Its Application to Some Simple Problems; 1.1 Introduction and Historical Development of DPSM; 1.2 Basic Principles of DPSM Modeling; 1.2.1 The fundamental idea; Basic equations; Boundary conditions; 1.2.2 Example in the case of a magnetic open core sensor; Governing equations and solution; Solution of coupling equations; Results and discussion; 1.3 Examples From Ultrasonic Transducer Modeling
1.3.1 Justification of modeling a finite plane source by a distribution of point sources1.3.2 Planar piston transducer in a fluid; Conventional surface integral technique; Alternative DPSM for computing the ultrasonic field; Restrictions on r(s) for point source distribution; 1.3.3 Focused transducer in a homogeneous fluid; 1.3.4 Ultrasonic field in a nonhomogeneous fluid in the presence of an interface; Pressure field computation in fluid 1 at point P; Pressure field computation in fluid 2 at point Q
1.3.5 DPSM technique for ultrasonic field modeling in nonhomogeneous fluid1.3.5.1 Field computation in fluid 1; Field in fluid 2; 1.3.6 Ultrasonic field in the presence of a scatterer; 1.3.7 Numerical results; Ultrasonic field in a homogeneous fluid; Ultrasonic field in a nonhomogeneous fluid - DPSM technique; Ultrasonic field in a nonhomogeneous fluid - surface integral method; Ultrasonic field in the presence of a finite-size scatterer; References; Chapter 2-Advanced Theory of DPSM-Modeling Multilayered Medium and Inclusions of Arbitrary Shape
2.1 Introduction2.2 Theory of Multilayered Medium Modeling; 2.2.1 Transducer faces not coinciding with any interface; Source strength determination from boundary and interface conditions; 2.2.2 Transducer faces coinciding with the interface - case 1: transducer faces modeled separately; Source strength determination from interface and boundary conditions; Counting number of equations and number of unknowns; 2.2.3 Transducer faces coinciding with the interface - case 2: transducer faces are part of the interface Source strength determination from interface and boundary conditions2.2.4 Special case involving one interface and one transducer only; 2.3 Theory for Multilayered Medium Considering the Interaction Effect on the Transducer Surface; 2.3.1 Source strength determination from interface conditions; 2.3.2 Counting number of equations and number of unknowns; 2.4 Interference between Two Transducers: Step-by-Step Analysis of Multiple Reflection; 2.5 Scattering by an Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape; 2.6 Scattering by an Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape - An Alternative Approach
2.7 Electric Field in a Multilayered Medium
Record Nr. UNINA-9910143404303321
Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
DPSM for modeling engineering problems [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Dominique Placko and Tribikram Kundu
DPSM for modeling engineering problems [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Dominique Placko and Tribikram Kundu
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (394 p.)
Disciplina 620.015118
Altri autori (Persone) PlackoDominique
KunduT (Tribikram)
Soggetto topico Distributed point source method (Numerical analysis)
Engineering mathematics
Ultrasonic waves - Mathematical models
Electromagnetic devices - Design and construction - Mathematics
Electrostatics - Mathematics
Electromagnetism - Mathematical models
Magnetism - Mathematical models
ISBN 1-280-90115-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto DPSM FOR MODELING ENGINEERING PROBLEMS; CONTENTS; Preface; Contributors; Chapter 1 - Basic Theory of Distributed Point Source Method (DPSM) and Its Application to Some Simple Problems; 1.1 Introduction and Historical Development of DPSM; 1.2 Basic Principles of DPSM Modeling; 1.2.1 The fundamental idea; Basic equations; Boundary conditions; 1.2.2 Example in the case of a magnetic open core sensor; Governing equations and solution; Solution of coupling equations; Results and discussion; 1.3 Examples From Ultrasonic Transducer Modeling
1.3.1 Justification of modeling a finite plane source by a distribution of point sources1.3.2 Planar piston transducer in a fluid; Conventional surface integral technique; Alternative DPSM for computing the ultrasonic field; Restrictions on r(s) for point source distribution; 1.3.3 Focused transducer in a homogeneous fluid; 1.3.4 Ultrasonic field in a nonhomogeneous fluid in the presence of an interface; Pressure field computation in fluid 1 at point P; Pressure field computation in fluid 2 at point Q
1.3.5 DPSM technique for ultrasonic field modeling in nonhomogeneous fluid1.3.5.1 Field computation in fluid 1; Field in fluid 2; 1.3.6 Ultrasonic field in the presence of a scatterer; 1.3.7 Numerical results; Ultrasonic field in a homogeneous fluid; Ultrasonic field in a nonhomogeneous fluid - DPSM technique; Ultrasonic field in a nonhomogeneous fluid - surface integral method; Ultrasonic field in the presence of a finite-size scatterer; References; Chapter 2-Advanced Theory of DPSM-Modeling Multilayered Medium and Inclusions of Arbitrary Shape
2.1 Introduction2.2 Theory of Multilayered Medium Modeling; 2.2.1 Transducer faces not coinciding with any interface; Source strength determination from boundary and interface conditions; 2.2.2 Transducer faces coinciding with the interface - case 1: transducer faces modeled separately; Source strength determination from interface and boundary conditions; Counting number of equations and number of unknowns; 2.2.3 Transducer faces coinciding with the interface - case 2: transducer faces are part of the interface Source strength determination from interface and boundary conditions2.2.4 Special case involving one interface and one transducer only; 2.3 Theory for Multilayered Medium Considering the Interaction Effect on the Transducer Surface; 2.3.1 Source strength determination from interface conditions; 2.3.2 Counting number of equations and number of unknowns; 2.4 Interference between Two Transducers: Step-by-Step Analysis of Multiple Reflection; 2.5 Scattering by an Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape; 2.6 Scattering by an Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape - An Alternative Approach
2.7 Electric Field in a Multilayered Medium
Record Nr. UNINA-9910829906203321
Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
DPSM for modeling engineering problems / / edited by Dominique Placko and Tribikram Kundu
DPSM for modeling engineering problems / / edited by Dominique Placko and Tribikram Kundu
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (394 p.)
Disciplina 620.001/51
Altri autori (Persone) PlackoDominique
KunduT (Tribikram)
Soggetto topico Distributed point source method (Numerical analysis)
Engineering mathematics
Ultrasonic waves - Mathematical models
Electromagnetic devices - Design and construction - Mathematics
Electrostatics - Mathematics
Electromagnetism - Mathematical models
Magnetism - Mathematical models
ISBN 1-280-90115-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto DPSM FOR MODELING ENGINEERING PROBLEMS; CONTENTS; Preface; Contributors; Chapter 1 - Basic Theory of Distributed Point Source Method (DPSM) and Its Application to Some Simple Problems; 1.1 Introduction and Historical Development of DPSM; 1.2 Basic Principles of DPSM Modeling; 1.2.1 The fundamental idea; Basic equations; Boundary conditions; 1.2.2 Example in the case of a magnetic open core sensor; Governing equations and solution; Solution of coupling equations; Results and discussion; 1.3 Examples From Ultrasonic Transducer Modeling
1.3.1 Justification of modeling a finite plane source by a distribution of point sources1.3.2 Planar piston transducer in a fluid; Conventional surface integral technique; Alternative DPSM for computing the ultrasonic field; Restrictions on r(s) for point source distribution; 1.3.3 Focused transducer in a homogeneous fluid; 1.3.4 Ultrasonic field in a nonhomogeneous fluid in the presence of an interface; Pressure field computation in fluid 1 at point P; Pressure field computation in fluid 2 at point Q
1.3.5 DPSM technique for ultrasonic field modeling in nonhomogeneous fluid1.3.5.1 Field computation in fluid 1; Field in fluid 2; 1.3.6 Ultrasonic field in the presence of a scatterer; 1.3.7 Numerical results; Ultrasonic field in a homogeneous fluid; Ultrasonic field in a nonhomogeneous fluid - DPSM technique; Ultrasonic field in a nonhomogeneous fluid - surface integral method; Ultrasonic field in the presence of a finite-size scatterer; References; Chapter 2-Advanced Theory of DPSM-Modeling Multilayered Medium and Inclusions of Arbitrary Shape
2.1 Introduction2.2 Theory of Multilayered Medium Modeling; 2.2.1 Transducer faces not coinciding with any interface; Source strength determination from boundary and interface conditions; 2.2.2 Transducer faces coinciding with the interface - case 1: transducer faces modeled separately; Source strength determination from interface and boundary conditions; Counting number of equations and number of unknowns; 2.2.3 Transducer faces coinciding with the interface - case 2: transducer faces are part of the interface Source strength determination from interface and boundary conditions2.2.4 Special case involving one interface and one transducer only; 2.3 Theory for Multilayered Medium Considering the Interaction Effect on the Transducer Surface; 2.3.1 Source strength determination from interface conditions; 2.3.2 Counting number of equations and number of unknowns; 2.4 Interference between Two Transducers: Step-by-Step Analysis of Multiple Reflection; 2.5 Scattering by an Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape; 2.6 Scattering by an Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape - An Alternative Approach
2.7 Electric Field in a Multilayered Medium
Record Nr. UNINA-9910876896203321
Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Simple models of magnetism [[electronic resource] /] / Ralph Skomski
Simple models of magnetism [[electronic resource] /] / Ralph Skomski
Autore Skomski Ralph <1961->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford, : Oxford University Press, c2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (366 p.)
Disciplina 538.011
Collana Oxford Graduate Texts
Soggetto topico Magnetism
Magnetism - Mathematical models
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 0-19-965539-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; List of abbreviations; List of panels and tables; Preface; 1 Introduction: The simplest models of magnetism; 1.1 Field and magnetization; 1.2 The circular-current model; 1.3 Paramagnetic spins; 1.4 Ising model and exchange; 1.5 The viscoelastic model of magnetization dynamics; Exercises; 2 Models of exchange; 2.1 Atomic origin of exchange; 2.1.1 One-electron wave functions; 2.1.2 Two-electron wave functions; 2.1.3 Hamiltonian and spin structure; 2.1.4 Heisenberg model; 2.1.5 Independent-electron approximation; 2.1.6 Correlations; 2.1.7 *Hubbard model; 2.1.8 *Kondo model
2.2 Magnetic ions2.2.1 Atomic orbitals; 2.2.2 Angular-momentum algebra; 2.2.3 Vector model and Hund's rules; 2.2.4 Spin and orbital moment; 2.3 Exchange between local moments; 2.3.1 Exchange in oxides; 2.3.2 Ruderman-Kittel exchange; 2.3.3 Zero-temperature spin structure; 2.4 Itinerant magnetism; 2.4.1 Free electrons, Pauli susceptibility, and the Bloch model; 2.4.2 Band structure; 2.4.3 Stoner model and beyond; 2.4.4 *Itinerant antiferromagnets; Exercises; 3 Models of magnetic anisotropy; 3.1 Phenomenological models; 3.1.1 Uniaxial anisotropy
3.1.2 Second-order anisotropy of general symmetry3.1.3 Higher-order anisotropies of nonuniaxial symmetry; 3.1.4 Cubic anisotropy; 3.1.5 Anisotropy coefficients; 3.1.6 Anisotropy fields; 3.2 Models of pair anisotropy; 3.2.1 Dipolar interactions and shape anisotropy; 3.2.2 Demagnetizing factors; 3.2.3 Applicability of the shape-anisotropy model; 3.2.4 The Néel model; 3.3 Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field interaction; 3.3.1 Relativistic origin of magnetism; 3.3.2 Hydrogen-like atomic wave functions; 3.3.3 Crystal-field interaction; 3.3.4 Quenching; 3.3.5 Spin-orbit coupling
3.4 The single-ion model of magnetic anisotropy3.4.1 Rare-earth anisotropy; 3.4.2 Point-charge model; 3.4.3 The superposition model; 3.4.4 Transition-metal anisotropy; 3.5 Other anisotropies; 3.5.1 Magnetoelasticity; 3.5.2 Anisotropic exchange; 3.5.3 Models of surface anisotropy; Exercises; 4 Micromagnetic models; 4.1 Stoner-Wohlfarth model; 4.1.1 Aligned Stoner-Wohlfarth particles; 4.1.2 Angular dependence; 4.1.3 Spin reorientations and other first-order transitions; 4.1.4 Limitations of the Stoner-Wohlfarth model; 4.2 Hysteresis; 4.2.1 Micromagnetic free energy
4.2.2 *Magnetostatic self-interaction4.2.3 *Exchange stiffness; 4.2.4 Linearized micromagnetic equations; 4.2.5 Micromagnetic scaling; 4.2.6 Domains and domain walls; 4.3 Coercivity; 4.3.1 Nucleation; 4.3.2 Pinning; 4.3.3 Phenomenological coercivity modeling; 4.4 Grain-boundary models; 4.4.1 Boundary conditions; 4.4.2 Spin structure at grain boundaries; 4.4.3 Models with atomic resolution; 4.4.4 Nanojunctions; Exercises; 5 Finite-temperature magnetism; 5.1 Basic statistical mechanics; 5.1.1 Probability and partition function; 5.1.2 *Fluctuations and response; 5.1.3 Phase transitions
5.1.4 Landau theory
Record Nr. UNINA-9910465138403321
Skomski Ralph <1961->  
Oxford, : Oxford University Press, c2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Simple models of magnetism [[electronic resource] /] / Ralph Skomski
Simple models of magnetism [[electronic resource] /] / Ralph Skomski
Autore Skomski Ralph <1961->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford, : Oxford University Press, c2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (366 p.)
Disciplina 538.011
Collana Oxford Graduate Texts
Soggetto topico Magnetism
Magnetism - Mathematical models
ISBN 0-19-965539-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; List of abbreviations; List of panels and tables; Preface; 1 Introduction: The simplest models of magnetism; 1.1 Field and magnetization; 1.2 The circular-current model; 1.3 Paramagnetic spins; 1.4 Ising model and exchange; 1.5 The viscoelastic model of magnetization dynamics; Exercises; 2 Models of exchange; 2.1 Atomic origin of exchange; 2.1.1 One-electron wave functions; 2.1.2 Two-electron wave functions; 2.1.3 Hamiltonian and spin structure; 2.1.4 Heisenberg model; 2.1.5 Independent-electron approximation; 2.1.6 Correlations; 2.1.7 *Hubbard model; 2.1.8 *Kondo model
2.2 Magnetic ions2.2.1 Atomic orbitals; 2.2.2 Angular-momentum algebra; 2.2.3 Vector model and Hund's rules; 2.2.4 Spin and orbital moment; 2.3 Exchange between local moments; 2.3.1 Exchange in oxides; 2.3.2 Ruderman-Kittel exchange; 2.3.3 Zero-temperature spin structure; 2.4 Itinerant magnetism; 2.4.1 Free electrons, Pauli susceptibility, and the Bloch model; 2.4.2 Band structure; 2.4.3 Stoner model and beyond; 2.4.4 *Itinerant antiferromagnets; Exercises; 3 Models of magnetic anisotropy; 3.1 Phenomenological models; 3.1.1 Uniaxial anisotropy
3.1.2 Second-order anisotropy of general symmetry3.1.3 Higher-order anisotropies of nonuniaxial symmetry; 3.1.4 Cubic anisotropy; 3.1.5 Anisotropy coefficients; 3.1.6 Anisotropy fields; 3.2 Models of pair anisotropy; 3.2.1 Dipolar interactions and shape anisotropy; 3.2.2 Demagnetizing factors; 3.2.3 Applicability of the shape-anisotropy model; 3.2.4 The Néel model; 3.3 Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field interaction; 3.3.1 Relativistic origin of magnetism; 3.3.2 Hydrogen-like atomic wave functions; 3.3.3 Crystal-field interaction; 3.3.4 Quenching; 3.3.5 Spin-orbit coupling
3.4 The single-ion model of magnetic anisotropy3.4.1 Rare-earth anisotropy; 3.4.2 Point-charge model; 3.4.3 The superposition model; 3.4.4 Transition-metal anisotropy; 3.5 Other anisotropies; 3.5.1 Magnetoelasticity; 3.5.2 Anisotropic exchange; 3.5.3 Models of surface anisotropy; Exercises; 4 Micromagnetic models; 4.1 Stoner-Wohlfarth model; 4.1.1 Aligned Stoner-Wohlfarth particles; 4.1.2 Angular dependence; 4.1.3 Spin reorientations and other first-order transitions; 4.1.4 Limitations of the Stoner-Wohlfarth model; 4.2 Hysteresis; 4.2.1 Micromagnetic free energy
4.2.2 *Magnetostatic self-interaction4.2.3 *Exchange stiffness; 4.2.4 Linearized micromagnetic equations; 4.2.5 Micromagnetic scaling; 4.2.6 Domains and domain walls; 4.3 Coercivity; 4.3.1 Nucleation; 4.3.2 Pinning; 4.3.3 Phenomenological coercivity modeling; 4.4 Grain-boundary models; 4.4.1 Boundary conditions; 4.4.2 Spin structure at grain boundaries; 4.4.3 Models with atomic resolution; 4.4.4 Nanojunctions; Exercises; 5 Finite-temperature magnetism; 5.1 Basic statistical mechanics; 5.1.1 Probability and partition function; 5.1.2 *Fluctuations and response; 5.1.3 Phase transitions
5.1.4 Landau theory
Record Nr. UNINA-9910792246403321
Skomski Ralph <1961->  
Oxford, : Oxford University Press, c2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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