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Angels at the table : a practical guide to celebrating Shabbat / / Yvette Alt Miller
Angels at the table : a practical guide to celebrating Shabbat / / Yvette Alt Miller
Autore Miller Yvette Alt
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, [England] ; ; New York, [New York] : , : Continuum, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (376 p.)
Disciplina 296.41
Soggetto topico Sabbath
Judaism - Customs and practices
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-283-08902-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; 1 Greeting the angels: an overview of Shabbat; 2 Rules and laws of Shabbat; 3 Shabbat evening; 4 Drawing close to God: blessings at the Shabbat dinner table; 5 An evening of holiness: Shabbat dinner and after; 6 Shabbat early morning; 7 Finding a community: Shabbat morning services; 8 The beauty that is Shabbat lunch; 9 The holiness of Shabbat afternoon; 10 Saturday evening; 11 Torah questions for your Shabbat table; 12 Songs for Shabbat; 13 Activities on Shabbat; 14 Easy, traditional Shabbat recipes; 15 "Birkat HaMazon": the blessings after a meal; Appendix; Index; Acknowledgements
Record Nr. UNINA-9910465078103321
Miller Yvette Alt  
London, [England] ; ; New York, [New York] : , : Continuum, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Angels at the table : a practical guide to celebrating Shabbat / / Yvette Alt Miller
Angels at the table : a practical guide to celebrating Shabbat / / Yvette Alt Miller
Autore Miller Yvette Alt
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, [England] ; ; New York, [New York] : , : Continuum, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (376 p.)
Disciplina 296.41
Soggetto topico Sabbath
Judaism - Customs and practices
ISBN 1-283-08902-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; 1 Greeting the angels: an overview of Shabbat; 2 Rules and laws of Shabbat; 3 Shabbat evening; 4 Drawing close to God: blessings at the Shabbat dinner table; 5 An evening of holiness: Shabbat dinner and after; 6 Shabbat early morning; 7 Finding a community: Shabbat morning services; 8 The beauty that is Shabbat lunch; 9 The holiness of Shabbat afternoon; 10 Saturday evening; 11 Torah questions for your Shabbat table; 12 Songs for Shabbat; 13 Activities on Shabbat; 14 Easy, traditional Shabbat recipes; 15 "Birkat HaMazon": the blessings after a meal; Appendix; Index; Acknowledgements
Record Nr. UNINA-9910791978003321
Miller Yvette Alt  
London, [England] ; ; New York, [New York] : , : Continuum, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Angels at the table : a practical guide to celebrating Shabbat / / Yvette Alt Miller
Angels at the table : a practical guide to celebrating Shabbat / / Yvette Alt Miller
Autore Miller Yvette Alt
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, [England] ; ; New York, [New York] : , : Continuum, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (376 p.)
Disciplina 296.41
Soggetto topico Sabbath
Judaism - Customs and practices
ISBN 1-283-08902-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; 1 Greeting the angels: an overview of Shabbat; 2 Rules and laws of Shabbat; 3 Shabbat evening; 4 Drawing close to God: blessings at the Shabbat dinner table; 5 An evening of holiness: Shabbat dinner and after; 6 Shabbat early morning; 7 Finding a community: Shabbat morning services; 8 The beauty that is Shabbat lunch; 9 The holiness of Shabbat afternoon; 10 Saturday evening; 11 Torah questions for your Shabbat table; 12 Songs for Shabbat; 13 Activities on Shabbat; 14 Easy, traditional Shabbat recipes; 15 "Birkat HaMazon": the blessings after a meal; Appendix; Index; Acknowledgements
Record Nr. UNINA-9910825459703321
Miller Yvette Alt  
London, [England] ; ; New York, [New York] : , : Continuum, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Biblical and historical background of Jewish customs and ceremonies / by Abraham P. Bloch
The Biblical and historical background of Jewish customs and ceremonies / by Abraham P. Bloch
Autore Bloch, Abraham P.
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York : Ktav Pub. House, 1980
Descrizione fisica ix, 402 p. ; 23 cm
Soggetto topico Judaism - Customs and practices
Fasts and feasts - Judaism
ISBN 0870686585
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISALENTO-991000685389707536
Bloch, Abraham P.  
New York : Ktav Pub. House, 1980
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. del Salento
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
De legibus Hebraeorum ritualibus et earum rationibus libri tres [[electronic resource] ] : primo, fuse agitur de rationibus legum Judaicarum generalibus ... : secundo, de legibus Mosaicis quibus Zabiorum ritus occasionem dedere fuse disseritur ... : tertio, de iis Hebraeorum legibus & institutis agitur, quibus gentium usus occasionem praebuit ... / / authore Joanne Spencero .
De legibus Hebraeorum ritualibus et earum rationibus libri tres [[electronic resource] ] : primo, fuse agitur de rationibus legum Judaicarum generalibus ... : secundo, de legibus Mosaicis quibus Zabiorum ritus occasionem dedere fuse disseritur ... : tertio, de iis Hebraeorum legibus & institutis agitur, quibus gentium usus occasionem praebuit ... / / authore Joanne Spencero .
Autore Spencer John <1630-1693.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cantabrigiae, : Ex officina Joan. Hayes ..., : Impensis Richardi Chiswel ..., 1685
Descrizione fisica [16], 1051, [1] p
Soggetto topico Judaism - Customs and practices
Jewish law
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione lat
Record Nr. UNISA-996386535003316
Spencer John <1630-1693.>  
Cantabrigiae, : Ex officina Joan. Hayes ..., : Impensis Richardi Chiswel ..., 1685
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
A different kind of Passover / / by Linda Leopold-Strauss ; illustrated by Jeremy Tugeau
A different kind of Passover / / by Linda Leopold-Strauss ; illustrated by Jeremy Tugeau
Autore Strauss Linda Leopold
Pubbl/distr/stampa Minneapolis : , : Kar-Ben Publishing, , [2017]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource : illustrations
Disciplina [E]
Soggetto topico Passover
Judaism - Customs and practices
Family life
ISBN 1-5124-2723-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover -- Front Flap -- Copyright Page -- Title Page -- Back Flap -- Back Cover.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910154917803321
Strauss Linda Leopold  
Minneapolis : , : Kar-Ben Publishing, , [2017]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Embracing Judaism / Simcha Kling
Embracing Judaism / Simcha Kling
Autore Kling, Simcha
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York : Rabbinical Assembly, c1987
Descrizione fisica xi, 189 p. ; 21 cm
Disciplina 296
Soggetto topico Judaism - History
Judaism - Customs and practices
ISBN 091621902X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISALENTO-991000687579707536
Kling, Simcha  
New York : Rabbinical Assembly, c1987
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. del Salento
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Le folklore dans l'ancien Testament / / James George Frazer
Le folklore dans l'ancien Testament / / James George Frazer
Autore Frazer James George <1854-1941, >
Pubbl/distr/stampa Chicoutimi : , : J.-M. Tremblay, , 2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (700 pages)
Disciplina 296.4
Soggetto topico Judaism - Customs and practices
ISBN 1-4123-6737-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Nota di contenuto Préface--Avant-propos de l'auteur--Préface de l'auteur--Livre premier--Chapitre I. La création de l'homme--Chapitre II. La chute de l'homme--§ 1. Le récit de la genèse--§ 2. L'histoire du message dénaturé--§ 3. L'histoire de la mue--§ 4. Histoire combinée du message dénaturé et le la mue--§ 5. Conclusion--Chapitre III. Le signe de Caïn--Chapitre IV. Le déluge--§ 1. Introduction--§ 2. Le déluge babylonien--§ 3. Le déluge des Hébreux--§ 4. Le déluge dans la Grèce antique--§ 5. Légendes de l'Inde antique relatives au déluge--§ 6. Légendes diluviennes dans l'Inde moderne--§ 7. Le déluge dans l'Asie orientale--§ 8. Le déluge dans l'archipel asiatique--§ 9. Le déluge en Australie--§ 10. Le déluge dans la Nouvelle Guinée et en Mélanésie--§ 11. Le déluge en Polynésie et en Micronésie--§ 12. Le déluge dans l'Amérique du sud--§ 13. Le déluge dans l'Amérique centrale et au Mexique--§ 14. Le déluge dans l'Amérique du nord--§ 15. Le déluge en Afrique--§ 16. Diffusion géographique des légendes diluviennes--§ 17. Origine des légendes diluviennes--Chapitre V. La tour de Babel--Livre II--Chapitre I. L'alliance d'Abraham--Chapitre II. L'héritage de Jacob ou l'ultimogéniture--§ 1. - Traces de l'ultimogéniture en Israël--§ 2. - L'ultimogéniture en Europe--§ 3. - L'origine de l'ultimogéniture--§ 4. - L'ultimogéniture dans l'Asie méridionale--§ 5. - L'ultimogéniture dans le nord-est de l'Asie--§ 6. - L'ultimogéniture en Afrique--§ 7. - L'origine de l'ultimogéniture--Chapitre III. Jacob et les peaux de chevreau--§ 1. - La bénédiction dérobée--§ 2. - Emploi rituel des peaux des victimes--§ 3. - Renaissance--§ 4. - Conclusion--Chapitre IV. Jacob à Béthel--§ 1. - Le rêve de Jacob--§ 2. - Les dieux révélés en songe--§ 3. - L'échelle céleste--§ 4. - La pierre sacrée--Chapitre V. Jacob au puits--Chapitre VI. L'alliance sur le cairn--Chapitre VII. Jacob au gué de Jabbok--Chapitre VIII. La coupe de Joseph--Livre III--Chapitre I. Moïse dans la corbeille de roseaux--Chapitre II. Samson et Dalila--Chapitre III. Le faisceau de vie--Chapitre IV. La sorcière d'Endor--Chapitre V. Le péché du cens--Chapitre VI. Les gardiens du seuil--Chapitre VII. Chênes et térébinthes sacrés--Chapitre VIII. Les hauts lieux d'Israël--Chapitre IX. La veuve silencieuse--Livre IV--Chapitre I. Place de la loi dans l'histoire juive--Chapitre II. Tu ne feras pas cuire le chevreau dans le lait de sa mère--Chapitre III. Le deuil ensanglanté--Chapitre IV. Le bœuf homicide--Chapitre V. Les clochettes d'or--Abréviations--Index--Notes.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910132571103321
Frazer James George <1854-1941, >  
Chicoutimi : , : J.-M. Tremblay, , 2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The harmony of the four evangelists, and their text methodiz'd according to the order and series of times in which the several things by them mentioned were transacted [[electronic resource] ] : wherein the entire history of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is methodically set forth, divers Jewish rites and customs tending to illustrate the text are opened, several seeming contradictions are reconciled, many dark and obscure places in the Gospels are paraphrased and explained / / by Samuel Cradock .
The harmony of the four evangelists, and their text methodiz'd according to the order and series of times in which the several things by them mentioned were transacted [[electronic resource] ] : wherein the entire history of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is methodically set forth, divers Jewish rites and customs tending to illustrate the text are opened, several seeming contradictions are reconciled, many dark and obscure places in the Gospels are paraphrased and explained / / by Samuel Cradock .
Autore Cradock Samuel <1621?-1706.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed for Samuel Thompson ... and Francis Tyton ..., 1668
Descrizione fisica [34], 223 [i.e. 183], [1], 287 p
Soggetto topico Judaism - Customs and practices
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996386185403316
Cradock Samuel <1621?-1706.>  
London, : Printed for Samuel Thompson ... and Francis Tyton ..., 1668
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The history of the rites, customes, and manner of life, of the present Jews throughout the world [[electronic resource] =] : Historia de' riti hebraici, vita ed osservanze de gl'Hebrei di questi tempi. / / VVritten in Italian, by Leo Modena, a rabbine of Venice. Translated into English, by Edmund Chilmead, Mr. of arts and chaplain of Christ-Church Oxon
The history of the rites, customes, and manner of life, of the present Jews throughout the world [[electronic resource] =] : Historia de' riti hebraici, vita ed osservanze de gl'Hebrei di questi tempi. / / VVritten in Italian, by Leo Modena, a rabbine of Venice. Translated into English, by Edmund Chilmead, Mr. of arts and chaplain of Christ-Church Oxon
Autore Modena Leone <1571-1648.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed by J.L. and are to be sold by Jo : Martin, and Jo : Ridley, at the Castle in Fleet-street, by Ram-Alley, 1650
Descrizione fisica [46], 80, 91-249, [1] p
Altri autori (Persone) ChilmeadEdmund <1610-1654.>
Soggetto topico Jews - Social life and customs
Judaism - Customs and practices
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996392761503316
Modena Leone <1571-1648.>  
London, : Printed by J.L. and are to be sold by Jo : Martin, and Jo : Ridley, at the Castle in Fleet-street, by Ram-Alley, 1650
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui