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Da Kussara a Karkemish : storia del regno ittita / / Stefano de Martino
Da Kussara a Karkemish : storia del regno ittita / / Stefano de Martino
Autore De Martino Stefano (Hittitologist)
Pubbl/distr/stampa LoGisma
Soggetto topico Hittites
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ita
Altri titoli varianti Da Kussara a Karkemish
Record Nr. UNINA-9910229889603321
De Martino Stefano (Hittitologist)  
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
La frontiera nord-orientale dell'Impero Ittita : uno studio sulla provincia di Tapika e sulle terre del fiume Kummešmaḫa / / Antonio Carnevale
La frontiera nord-orientale dell'Impero Ittita : uno studio sulla provincia di Tapika e sulle terre del fiume Kummešmaḫa / / Antonio Carnevale
Autore Carnevale Antonio <1984->
Pubbl/distr/stampa Artemide
Soggetto topico Hittites
Excavations (Archaeology) - Turkey
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ita
Altri titoli varianti La frontiera nord-orientale dell'Impero Ittita
Frontiera nord-orientale dell'Impero Ittita
Record Nr. UNINA-9910437555303321
Carnevale Antonio <1984->  
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Hittite diplomatic texts [[electronic resource] /] / by Gary Beckman ; edited by Harry A. Hoffner, Jr
Hittite diplomatic texts [[electronic resource] /] / by Gary Beckman ; edited by Harry A. Hoffner, Jr
Autore Beckman Gary M
Pubbl/distr/stampa Atlanta, Ga., : Scholars Press, c1996
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xx, 206 p. ) : maps ;
Disciplina 341/.0264392
Altri autori (Persone) HoffnerHarry A., Jr., <1934-2015.>
Collana Writings from the ancient world
Soggetto topico Hittites
Law, Hittite
Hittites - Treaties
Law, Hittite - Sources
Law - Africa, Asia, Pacific & Antarctica
Law - Non-U.S
Law, Politics & Government
ISBN 0-7885-0153-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996248118503316
Beckman Gary M  
Atlanta, Ga., : Scholars Press, c1996
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Hittite prayers / / by Itamar Singer ; edited by Harry A. Hoffner, Jr [[electronic resource]]
Hittite prayers / / by Itamar Singer ; edited by Harry A. Hoffner, Jr [[electronic resource]]
Autore Singer Itamar
Pubbl/distr/stampa Atlanta, Ga., : Society of Biblical Literature, c2002
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xv, 141 p. )
Disciplina 299/.199
Altri autori (Persone) HoffnerHarry A., Jr., <1934-2015.>
Collana Writings from the ancient world
Soggetto topico Hittites - English
Eastern Religions
Philosophy & Religion
Soggetto genere / forma Prayers.
Electronic books
ISBN 1-58983-032-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction: 1. Early invocations: 1. Invocation of the sun-goddess of the netherworld against slander (CTH 371) -- 2. Invocation of the sun-god and the storm-god against slander (CTH 389.2) -- 3. Invocation of the sun-goddess of arinna for the protection of the royal couple (CTH 385.10) -- II. Early empire prayers: 4. Prayers to the sun-god for appeasing an angry God (CTH 372-374) -- 4a. Prayer fo Kantuzzili (CTH 373) -- 4b. Prayer of a king (CTH 374) -- 4c. Prayer of a mortal (CTH 372) -- 5. Prayer fo Arnuwanda and Asmunikal to the sun-goddess of arinna about the ravages of the Kaska (CTH 375) -- 6. Hurrian prayer of Taduhepa to Tessub for the well-being of Tasmi-sarri (CTH 777.8) -- 7. Prayer to the sun-goddess of arinna concerning plague and enemies (CTH 376.C) -- III. Mursili's prayers concerning plague and enemies: 8. Mrrsili's hymn and prayer to the sun-goddess of arinna (CTH 376.A) -- 9. Mursili's hymn and prayer to Telipinu (CTH 377) --
10. Mursili's third plague prayer to the sun-goddess of Arinna (CTH 378.III) -- 11. Mursili's second plague prayer to the storm-god of Hatti (CTH 378.II) -- 12. Mursili's first plague prayer to the assembly of Gods and Goddesses (CTH 378.I) -- 13. Mursili's fourth plague prayer to the assembly of Gods (arranged by localities) (CTH 378.IV) -- 14. Mursili's fifth plague prayer to the assembly of God's (arranged typologically) (CTH 379) -- IV. Mursili's prayers concerning his wife and his stepmother: 15. Mursili's prayer to Lelwani for the recovery of Gassuliyawiya (CTH 380) -- 16. Mursili's prayer to the sun-goddess of Arinna for a the recovery of Gassuliyawiya (CTH 70) -- 17. Mursili's accusations against Tawannanna (CTH 70) -- 18. Mursili's exculpation for the deposition of Tawannanna (CTH 71) -- V. Muwatalli's prayers: 19. Muwatalli's prayer to the storm-god concerning the cult fo Kummanni (CTH 382) --
20. Muwatalli's model prayer to the assembly of Gods through the storm-god of lighting (CTH 381) -- VI. Prayers of Hattusili, Puduhepa and Tudhaliya: 21. Hattusili's prayer of exculpation to the sun-goddess of Arinna (CTH 383) -- 22. Puduhepa's prayer to the sun-goddess of Arinna and her circle for the well-being of Hattusili (CTH 384) -- 23. Fragments of prayers to the storm-god of Nerik (CTH 386.1-3) -- 24. Tudhaliya's prayer to the sun-goddess of Arinna for military success (CTH 385.9) -- Sources -- Concordance.
Record Nr. UNISA-996248130603316
Singer Itamar  
Atlanta, Ga., : Society of Biblical Literature, c2002
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Hittite Studies in Honor of Harry A. Hoffner Jr. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
Hittite Studies in Honor of Harry A. Hoffner Jr. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
Autore Hoffner Harry A.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Warsaw : , : Eisenbrauns, Incorporated, Jan. 2004
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (431 p.)
Disciplina 939/.2
Soggetto topico Foreign Language Study - Ancient Languages
History - Ancient - General
Hittite Language
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic book
Electronic books.
ISBN 1-57506-543-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Chapter 1; Indexes; Back Cover
Record Nr. UNINA-9910456472003321
Hoffner Harry A.  
Warsaw : , : Eisenbrauns, Incorporated, Jan. 2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Hittite Studies in Honor of Harry A. Hoffner Jr. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
Hittite Studies in Honor of Harry A. Hoffner Jr. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
Autore Hoffner Harry A.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Warsaw : , : Eisenbrauns, Incorporated, Jan. 2004
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (431 p.)
Disciplina 939/.2
Soggetto topico Foreign Language Study - Ancient Languages
History - Ancient - General
Hittite Language
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-57506-543-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Chapter 1; Indexes; Back Cover
Record Nr. UNINA-9910781308203321
Hoffner Harry A.  
Warsaw : , : Eisenbrauns, Incorporated, Jan. 2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Hittites and their world [[electronic resource] /] / by Billie Jean Collins
The Hittites and their world [[electronic resource] /] / by Billie Jean Collins
Autore Collins Billie Jean
Pubbl/distr/stampa Atlanta, : Society of Biblical Literature, c2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (270 p.)
Disciplina 939/.3
Collana Archaeology and biblical studies
Soggetto topico Hittites
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-58983-672-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto A brief history of Hittite studies -- A political history of the Hittites -- Society -- Religion -- Hittites in the Bible -- Afterword.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910451810903321
Collins Billie Jean  
Atlanta, : Society of Biblical Literature, c2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Hittites and their world [[electronic resource] /] / by Billie Jean Collins
The Hittites and their world [[electronic resource] /] / by Billie Jean Collins
Autore Collins Billie Jean
Pubbl/distr/stampa Atlanta, : Society of Biblical Literature, c2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (270 p.)
Disciplina 939/.3
Collana Archaeology and biblical studies
Soggetto topico Hittites
ISBN 1-58983-672-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto A brief history of Hittite studies -- A political history of the Hittites -- Society -- Religion -- Hittites in the Bible -- Afterword.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910778226303321
Collins Billie Jean  
Atlanta, : Society of Biblical Literature, c2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Hittitology today: Studies on Hittite and Neo-Hittite Anatolia in Honor of Emmanuel Laroche’s 100th Birthday : 5e Rencontres d'archéologie de l'IFEA, Istanbul 21-22 novembre 2014 / / Alice Mouton
Hittitology today: Studies on Hittite and Neo-Hittite Anatolia in Honor of Emmanuel Laroche’s 100th Birthday : 5e Rencontres d'archéologie de l'IFEA, Istanbul 21-22 novembre 2014 / / Alice Mouton
Autore Akdoğan Rukiye
Pubbl/distr/stampa Istanbul, : Institut français d’études anatoliennes, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (306 p.)
Altri autori (Persone) BeyerDominique
de MartinoStefano
ErbilYiğit H
HawkinsJ. David
Hoffner Jr. †Harry A
MelchertH. Craig
YenerK. Aslıhan
Soggetto topico Hittites
Excavations (Archaeology) - Turkey
Anatolian languages
Excavations (Archaeology)
Soggetto genere / forma Conference papers and proceedings.
Soggetto non controllato epigraphy
Ancient Hittite period
ISBN 2-36245-083-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ; I. Linguisitque, grammaire et épigraphie. Syntax of the Hittite "supine" construction / Harry A. Hffner, Jr. et Craig Melchert -- Agreement patterns of collective nouns in Hittite / Elisabeth Rieken -- Yayınlanmamiş bazı Bo tabletlerine yeni duplikat ve paralel metinler / Rukiye Akdoğan -- The Luwian title of the great king / Ilya Yakubovich -- A new hieroglpyhic Luwian epigraph : Urfa-Külafli Tepe / Massimo Poetto -- Old and newly discovered Lycian inscriptions from Tlos / Recai Tekoğlu. ; II. Philologie et histoire des religions. A new interpretation of the Hittite expression šarā ar- / Willemijn Waal -- Sandas in translation / Ian Rutherford -- L'individu et son corps en Anatolie hittite : un nouveau project / Alice Mouton -- Kubaba in the Hittite Empire and the consequences for her expansion to western Anatolia / Manfred Hutter. ; III. Histoire et géographie historique. Le rôle de Purušḫanda dans l'histoire hittite / Massimo Forlanini -- The Hurrian language in Anatolia in the late Bronze Age / Stefano de Martino -- An alternative view on the location of Arzawa / Max Gander -- Preliminary report of the Fasıllar survey / Yiğit Erbil -- The northern border of Tabal / Zsolt Simon. ; IV. Archéologie. Cult and ritual at late Bronze Age II Alalakh : hybridity and power under Hittite administration / K. Aslıhan Yener -- A new tablet fragment and a sealed pottery fragment from Alacahöyük / Belkıs Dinçol -- Le site de Zeyve-Höyük-Porsuk aux époques hittite et néo-hittite : remarques sur la succession des systèmes défensifs / Dominque Beyer et Françoise Laroche-Traunecker. ; V. Historiographie. Laroche and the seals of Meskene-Emar / J. David Hawkins -- What do we understand in Hurrian? / Susanne Görke -- Ein philologisch-sprachwissenschaftlicher Blick auf de Forgang der Lykischen studien seit Emmanuel Laroche / Heiner Eichner.
Altri titoli varianti Hittitology today
Record Nr. UNINA-9910416505003321
Akdoğan Rukiye  
Istanbul, : Institut français d’études anatoliennes, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The kingdom of the Hittites [[electronic resource] /] / Trevor Bryce
The kingdom of the Hittites [[electronic resource] /] / Trevor Bryce
Autore Bryce Trevor <1940->
Edizione [New ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford ; ; New York, : Oxford University Press, 2005
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xix, 554 p.) : ill
Disciplina 939/.2
Soggetto topico Hittites
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-4294-6980-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The origins of the Hittites -- Anatolia in the Assyrian colony period -- Territories and early rivals of Hatti -- The foundations of the kingdom : the reigns of Labarna and Hattusili I (c.1620) -- The struggles for the royal succession : from Mursili I to Muwattalli I (c.1620-1400) -- A new era begins : from Tudhaliya III to Tudhaliya III (c.1400-1350) -- The supremacy of Hatti : the reign of Suppiluliuma I -- Young king proves his worth : the reign of Mursili II -- The showdown with Egypt : the reign of Muwattalli II -- The illfated reign of the secondrank son : the reign of Urhiteshub -- Hatti and the world of international diplomacy : the reign of Hattusili III -- New enterprises, new threats : the reign of Tudhaliya IV -- The fall of the kingdom and its aftermath -- The Trojan war : myth or reality?
Record Nr. UNINA-9910458495103321
Bryce Trevor <1940->  
Oxford ; ; New York, : Oxford University Press, 2005
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui