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Health care finance : basic tools for nonfinancial managers
Health care finance : basic tools for nonfinancial managers
Autore Baker Judith J
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Place of publication not identified], : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014
Disciplina 362.1068/1
Soggetto topico North America
Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services
Organization and Administration
Social Sciences
Health Care
Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena
Health Care Economics and Organizations
Health Services Administration
Geographic Locations
Health Facility Administration
Health Facilities
United States
Financial Management
Public Health
Health & Biological Sciences
Hospitals & Medical Centers
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti OUT OF PRINT
Health Care Finance
Record Nr. UNINA-9910164028903321
Baker Judith J  
[Place of publication not identified], : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Molière et le monde médical du XVIIe siècle
Molière et le monde médical du XVIIe siècle
Autore Christian Warolin
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Paris
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (200 p.)
Collana Mâedecine áa travers les siáecles Moliáere et le monde mâedical au XVIIe siáecle
Soggetto topico Medicine in literature - History - 17th century - France
Drugs in literature - History - 17th century - France
Health Occupations
History, Modern 1601-
Disciplines and Occupations
Geographic Locations
Medicine in Literature
Clinical Medicine
History, 17th Century
Romance Literatures
Languages & Literatures
French Literature
ISBN 9782336677637
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Nota di contenuto ; Pt. 1. Les apothicaires -- ; 1. Les Le Camus, apothicaires-épiciers à Paris du XVe au XVIIe siècle -- Nicolas IV Le Camus, propriétaire rue Saint-Honoré du Pavillon des singes, résidence de la famille Pocquelin -- ; 2. Antoine Brulon, apothicaire privilégié, et Anne de Fumes, sa femme. Leur illustre locataire place du Palais-Royal : Molière -- Molière au village d'Auteuil -- ; 3. Deux notaires au Châtelet de Paris au XVIIe siècle -- Pierre I de Beaufort, époux de Marie de Fumes, Pierre II de Beaufort, leur fils -- ; 4. Philibert Boudin, apothicaire du Roi et des Enfants de France, établi rue Saint-Thomas-du-Louvre, place du Palais-Royal -- ; 5. Pierre Frapin, apothicaire de la grande Écurie du Roi, établi rue Saint-Thomas-du-Louvre, place du Palais-Royal, fournisseur de médicaments à Molière -- ; Pt. 2. Thérapeutique et médicaments au XVIIe siècle -- ; 6. Concepts médicaux et médicaments au XVIIe siècle, Pierre Fournet, apothicaire rue Saint-Honoré à Paris en 1631 -- ; 7. Les médicaments opiacés : de la thériaque au laudanum de Sydenham -- ; Pt. 3. Les médecins -- ; 8. Armand-Jean de Mauvillain (1620-1685), ami et médecin de Molière, doyen de la Faculté de médecine de Paris (1666-1668) -- ; 9. Armand-Jean II de Mauvillain (1651-1677), séminariste, docteur-régent de la Faculté de médecine de Paris, et le placet adressé au roi par Molière lors de la représentation du Tartuffe, le 5 février 1669.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910153337503321
Christian Warolin  
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Sexuality, social exclusion & human rights : vulnerability in the Caribbean context of HIV
Sexuality, social exclusion & human rights : vulnerability in the Caribbean context of HIV
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Place of publication not identified], : Ian Randle Publishers, 2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (369 pages)
Disciplina 362.196/9792009729
Soggetto topico HIV-positive persons - Caribbean Area
Human rights - Caribbean Area
Social integration - Caribbean Area
Marginality, Social - Caribbean Area
Sex discrimination against women - Caribbean Area
Homophobia - Caribbean Area
Sex role - Caribbean Area
Sex - Caribbean Area
Health risk assessment - Caribbean Area
Risk-taking (Psychology) - Caribbean Area
Social aspects - Transmission
Government policy - Transmission
Civil rights
HIV infections - Caribbean Area
Lentivirus Infections
Behavioral Sciences
Social Control, Formal
Public Policy
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes
Social Behavior
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Viral
Geographic Locations
Social Control Policies
Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms
Behavioral Disciplines and Activities
Retroviridae Infections
Social Sciences
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexual Behavior
Health Care Economics and Organizations
Immune System Diseases
Reproductive Physiological Phenomena
Virus Diseases
Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomena
Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena
Psychiatry and Psychology
RNA Virus Infections
Health Care
Phenomena and Processes
Human Rights
Social Isolation
Health Policy
Caribbean Region
HIV Infections
Public Health
Health & Biological Sciences
Communicable Diseases
ISBN 976-637-701-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Table of Contents -- List of Tables -- Foreword -- Preface -- Introduction -- Acronyms -- Human Rights, Citizenship and Social Exclusion -- Chapter 1: Authorized Sex Same-Sex Sexuality and Law in the Caribbean -- Chapter 2: Drugs Obscure the Human Rights Issues for Drug Users Are Demons and Jumbies Rights Holders? -- Chapter 3: Charting a Legal Response to HIV and AIDS and Work From the Perspective of Vulnerability -- Chapter 4: Social Exclusion, Citizenship and Rights -- Rethinking Communication -- Chapter 5: Speaking Sexuality -- Chapter 6: Positively Limited Gender, Sexuality and HIV and AIDS Discourses in Barbados -- Chapter 7: Communication and HIV Multi-Dimensional Frustration -- Chapter 8: Tackling the Social Complexities of HIV and AIDS Understanding the Social Roots of the Epidemic and Learning from Developments in HIV Communication -- Reconceptualizing Sex -- Chapter 9: Centering Praxis in Policies and Studies of Caribbean Sexuality -- Chapter 10: Afro-Surinamese Women's Sexual Culture and the Long Shadows of the Past -- Chapter 11: Contradictory Sexualities From Vulnerability to Empowerment for Adolescent Girls in Barbados -- Chapter 12: How Risk and Vulnerability become 'Socially Embedded' Insights into the Resilient Gap Between Awareness and Safety in HIV -- Policy and Macro Perspectives -- Chapter 13: Risking Education: Placing Young Gay, Bisexual and Other MSM in the HIV Prevention Equation -- Chapter 14: HIV and AIDS, Vulnerability and the Governance Agenda: A Critical Perspective on Barbados -- Chapter 15: HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean - An Assessment of the Risk Environment: The Case of Trinidad and Tobago -- Contributors -- Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910671331803321
[Place of publication not identified], : Ian Randle Publishers, 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui