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Applied thermodynamics of fluids [[electronic resource] /] / edited by A.R.H. Goodwin, J.V. Sengers, C.J. Peters
Applied thermodynamics of fluids [[electronic resource] /] / edited by A.R.H. Goodwin, J.V. Sengers, C.J. Peters
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cambridge, : RSC Pub., c2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (535 p.)
Disciplina 530.42
Altri autori (Persone) GoodwinA. R. H
SengersJ. V
PetersCor J
Soggetto topico Fluids - Thermal properties
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-62198-164-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ; Machine generated contents note: ; ch. 1 Introduction / J. Peters -- References -- ; ch. 2 Fundamental Considerations / Cor J. Peters -- ; 2.1. Introduction -- ; 2.2. Basic Thermodynamics -- ; 2.2.1. Homogeneous Functions -- ; 2.2.2. Thermodynamic Properties from Differentiation of Fundamental Equations -- ; 2.3. Deviation Functions -- ; 2.3.1. Residual Functions -- ; 2.3.2. Evaluation of Residual Functions -- ; 2.4. Mixing and Departure Functions -- ; 2.4.1. Departure Functions with Temperature, Molar Volume and Composition as the Independent Variables -- ; 2.4.2. Departure Functions with Temperature, Pressure and Composition as the Independent Variables -- ; 2.5. Mixing and Excess Functions -- ; 2.6. Partial Molar Properties -- ; 2.7. Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficients -- ; 2.8. Activity Coefficients -- ; 2.9. The Phase Rule -- ; 2.10. Equilibrium Conditions -- ; 2.10.1. Phase Equilibria -- ; 2.10.2. Chemical Equilibria -- ; 2.11. Stability and the Critical State -- ; 2.11.1. Densities and Fields -- ; 2.11.2. Stability.
; 2.11.3. Critical State -- References -- ; ch. 3 The Virial Equation of State / J. P. Martin Trusler -- ; 3.1. Introduction -- ; 3.1.1. Temperature Dependence of the Virial Coefficients -- ; 3.1.2. Composition Dependence of the Virial Coefficients -- ; 3.1.3. Convergence of the Virial Series -- ; 3.1.4. The Pressure Series -- ; 3.2. Theoretical Background -- ; 3.2.1. Virial Coefficients of Hard-Core-Square-Well Molecules -- ; 3.3. Thermodynamic Properties of Gases -- ; 3.3.1. Perfect-gas and Residual Properties -- ; 3.3.2. Helmholtz Energy and Gibbs Energy -- ; 3.3.3. Perfect-Gas Properties -- ; 3.3.4. Residual Properties -- ; 3.4. Estimation of Second and Third Virial Coefficients -- ; 3.4.1. Application of Intermolecular Potential-energy Functions -- ; 3.4.2. Corresponding-states Methods -- References -- ; ch. 4 Cubic and Generalized van der Waals Equations of State / Ioannis G. Economou -- ; 4.1. Introduction -- ; 4.2. Cubic Equation of State Formulation -- ; 4.2.1. The van der Waals Equation of State (1873) -- ; 4.2.2. The Redlich and Kwong Equation of State (1949).
; 4.2.3. The Soave, Redlich and Kwong Equation of State (1972) -- ; 4.2.4. The Peng and Robinson Equation of State (1976) -- ; 4.2.5. The Patel and Teja (PT) Equation of State (1982) -- ; 4.2.6. The α Parameter -- ; 4.2.7. Volume Translation -- ; 4.2.8. The Elliott, Suresh and Donohue (ESD) Equation of State (1990) -- ; 4.2.9. Higher-Order Equations of State Rooted to the Cubic Equations of State -- ; 4.2.10. Extension of Cubic Equations of State to Mixtures -- ; 4.3. Applications -- ; 4.3.1. Pure Components -- ; 4.3.2. Oil and Gas Industry -- Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Fractions -- ; 4.3.3. Chemical Industry -- Polar and Hydrogen Bonding Fluids -- ; 4.3.4. Polymers -- ; 4.3.5. Transport Properties -- ; 4.4. Conclusions -- References -- ; ch. 5 Mixing and Combining Rules / Stanley I. Sandler -- ; 5.1. Introduction -- ; 5.2. The Virial Equation of State -- ; 5.3. Cubic Equations of State -- ; 5.3.1. Mixing Rules -- ; 5.3.2. Combining Rules -- ; 5.3.3. Non-Quadratic Mixing and Combining Rules -- ; 5.3.4. Mixing Rules that Combine an Equation of State with an Activity-Coefficient Model.
; 5.4. Multi-Parameter Equations of State -- ; 5.4.1. Benedict, Webb, and Rubin Equation of State -- ; 5.4.2. Generalization with the Acentric Factor -- ; 5.4.3. Helmholtz-Function Equations of State -- ; 5.5. Mixing Rules for Hard Spheres and Association -- ; 5.5.1. Mixing and Combining Rules for SAFT -- ; 5.5.2. Cubic Plus Association Equation of State -- References -- ; ch. 6 The Corresponding-States Principle / James F. Ely -- ; 6.1. Introduction -- ; 6.2. Theoretical Considerations -- ; 6.3. Determination of Shape Factors -- ; 6.3.1. Other Reference Fluids -- ; 6.3.2. Exact Shape Factors -- ; 6.3.3. Shape Factors from Generalized Equations of State -- ; 6.4. Mixtures -- ; 6.4.1. van der Waals One-Fluid Theory -- ; 6.4.2. Mixture Corresponding-States Relations -- ; 6.5. Applications of Corresponding-States Theory -- ; 6.5.1. Extended Corresponding-States for Natural Gas Systems -- ; 6.5.2. Extended Lee-Kesler -- ; 6.5.3. Generalized Crossover Cubic Equation of State -- ; 6.6. Conclusions -- References -- ; ch. 7 Thermodynamics of Fluids at Meso and Nano Scales / Christopher E. Bertrand.
; 7.1. Introduction -- ; 7.2. Thermodynamic Approach to Meso-Heterogeneous Systems -- ; 7.2.1. Equilibrium Fluctuations -- ; 7.2.2. Local Helmholtz Energy -- ; 7.3. Applications of Meso-Thermodynamics -- ; 7.3.1. Van der Waals Theory of a Smooth Interface -- ; 7.3.2. Polymer Chain in a Dilute Solution -- ; 7.3.3. Building a Nanoparticle Through Self Assembly -- ; 7.3.4. Modulated Fluid Phases -- ; 7.4. Meso-Thermodynamics of Criticality -- ; 7.4.1. Critical Fluctuations -- ; 7.4.2. Scaling Relations -- ; 7.4.3. Near-Critical Interface -- ; 7.4.4. Divergence of Tolman's Length -- ; 7.5. Competition of Meso-Scales -- ; 7.5.1. Crossover to Tricriticality in Polymer Solutions -- ; 7.5.2. Tolman's Length in Polymer Solutions -- ; 7.5.3. Finite-size Scaling -- ; 7.6. Non-Equilibrium Meso-Thermodynamics of Fluid Phase Separation -- ; 7.6.1. Relaxation of Fluctuations -- ; 7.6.2. Critical Slowing Down -- ; 7.6.3. Homogeneous Nucleation -- ; 7.6.4. Spinodal Decomposition -- ; 7.7. Conclusion -- References -- ; ch. 8 SAFT Associating Fluids and Fluid Mixtures / Amparo Galindo.
; 8.1. Introduction -- ; 8.2. Statistical Mechanical Theories of Association and Wertheim's Theory -- ; 8.3. SAFT Equations of State -- ; 8.3.1. SAFT-HS and SAFT-HR -- ; 8.3.2. Soft-SAFT -- ; 8.3.3. SAFT-VR -- ; 8.3.4. PC-SAFT -- ; 8.3.5. Summary -- ; 8.4. Extensions of the SAFT Approach -- ; 8.4.1. Modelling the Critical Region -- ; 8.4.2. Polar Fluids -- ; 8.4.3. Ion-Containing Fluids -- ; 8.4.4. Modelling Inhomogeneous Fluids -- ; 8.4.5. Dense Phases: Liquid Crystals and Solids -- ; 8.5. Parameter Estimation: Towards more Predictive Approaches -- ; 8.5.1. Pure-component Parameter Estimation -- ; 8.5.2. Use of Quantum Mechanics in SAFT Equations of State -- ; 8.5.3. Unlike Binary Intermolecular Parameters -- ; 8.6. SAFT Group-Contribution Approaches -- ; 8.6.1. Homonuclear Group-Contribution Models in SAFT -- ; 8.6.2. Heteronuclear Group Contribution Models in SAFT -- ; 8.7. Concluding Remarks -- References -- ; ch. 9 Polydisperse Fluids / Dieter Browarzik -- ; 9.1. Introduction -- ; 9.2. Influence of Polydispersity on the Liquid + Liquid Equilibrium of a Polymer Solution.
; 9.3. Approaches to Polydispersity -- ; 9.3.1. The Pseudo-component Method -- ; 9.3.2. Continuous Thermodynamics -- ; 9.4. Application to Real Systems -- ; 9.4.1. Polymer Systems -- ; 9.4.2. Petroleum Fluids, Asphaltenes, Waxes and Other Applications -- ; 9.5. Conclusions -- References -- ; ch. 10 Thermodynamic Behaviour of Fluids near Critical Points / Mikhail A. Anisimov -- ; 10.1. Introduction -- ; 10.2. General Theory of Critical Behaviour -- ; 10.2.1. Scaling Fields, Critical Exponents, and Critical Amplitudes -- ; 10.2.2. Parametric Equation of State -- ; 10.3. One-Component Fluids -- ; 10.3.1. Simple Scaling -- ; 10.3.2. Revised Scaling -- ; 10.3.3. Complete Scaling -- ; 10.3.4. Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium -- ; 10.3.5. Symmetric Corrections to Scaling -- ; 10.4. Binary Fluid Mixtures -- ; 10.4.1. Isomorphic Critical Behaviour of Mixtures -- ; 10.4.2. Incompressible Liquid Mixtures -- ; 10.4.3. Weakly Compressible Liquid Mixtures -- ; 10.4.4. Compressible Fluid Mixtures -- ; 10.4.5. Dilute Solutions -- ; 10.5. Crossover Critical Behaviour -- ; 10.5.1. Crossover from Ising-like to Mean-Field Critical Behaviour.
; 10.5.2. Effective Critical Exponents -- ; 10.5.3. Global Crossover Behaviour of Fluids -- ; 10.6. Discussion -- Acknowledgements -- References -- ; ch. 11 Phase Behaviour of Ionic Liquid Systems / Cor J. Peters -- ; 11.1. Introduction -- ; 11.2. Phase Behaviour of Binary Ionic Liquid Systems -- ; 11.2.1. Phase Behaviour of (Ionic Liquid + Gas Mixtures) -- ; 11.2.2. Phase Behaviour of (Ionic Liquid + Water) -- ; 11.2.3. Phase Behaviour of (Ionic Liquid + Organic) -- ; 11.3. Phase Behaviour of Ternary Ionic Liquid Systems -- ; 11.3.1. Phase Behaviour of (Ionic Liquid + Carbon Dioxide + Organic) -- ; 11.3.2. Phase Behaviour of (Ionic Liquid + Aliphatic + Aromatic) -- ; 11.3.3. Phase Behaviour of (Ionic Liquid + Water + Alcohol) -- ; 11.3.4. Phase Behaviour of Ionic Liquid Systems with Azeotropic Organic Mixtures -- ; 11.4. Modeling of the Phase Behaviour of Ionic Liquid Systems -- ; 11.4.1. Molecular Simulations -- ; 11.4.2. Excess Gibbs-energy Methods -- ; 11.4.3. Equation of State Modeling -- ; 11.4.4. Quantum Chemical Methods -- References -- ; ch. 12 Multi-parameter Equations of State for Pure Fluids and Mixtures / Roland Span.
; 12.1. Introduction -- ; 12.2. The Development of a Thermodynamic Property Formulation -- ; 12.3. Fitting an Equation of State to Experimental Data -- ; 12.3.1. Recent Nonlinear Fitting Methods -- ; 12.4. Pressure-Explicit Equations of State -- ; 12.4.1. Cubic Equations -- ; 12.4.2. The Benedict-Webb-Rubin Equation of State -- ; 12.4.3. The Bender Equation of State -- ; 12.4.4. The Jacobsen-Stewart Equation of State -- ; 12.4.5. Thermodynamic Properties from Pressure-Explicit Equations of State -- ; 12.5. Fundamental Equations -- ; 12.5.1. The Equation of Keenan, Keyes, Hill, and Moore -- ; 12.5.2. The Equations of Haar, Gallagher, and Kell -- ; 12.5.3. The Equation of Schmidt and Wagner -- ; 12.5.4. Reference Equations of Wagner -- ; 12.5.5. Technical Equations of Span and of Lemmon -- ; 12.5.6. Recent Equations of State.
Note continued--
; 13.6. Concluding Remarks -- References -- ; ch. 14 Applied Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics / Dick Bedeaux -- ; 14.1. Introduction -- ; 14.1.1. A Systematic Thermodynamic Theory for Transport -- ; 14.1.2. On the Validity of the Assumption of Local Equilibrium -- ; 14.1.3. Concluding remarks -- ; 14.2. Fluxes and Forces from the Second Law of Thermodynamics -- ; 14.2.1. Continuous phases -- ; 14.2.2. Maxwell-Stefan Equations -- ; 14.2.3. Discontinuous Systems -- ; 14.2.4. Concluding Remarks -- ; 14.3. Chemical Reactions -- ; 14.3.1. Thermal Diffusion in a Reacting System -- ; 14.3.2. Mesoscopic Description Along the Reaction Coordinate -- ; 14.3.3. Heterogeneous Catalysis -- ; 14.3.4. Concluding Remarks -- ; 14.4. The Path of Energy-Efficient Operation -- ; 14.4.1. An Optimisation Procedure -- ; 14.4.2. Optimal Heat Exchange -- ; 14.4.3. The Highway Hypothesis for a Chemical Reactor -- ; 14.4.4. Energy-Efficient Production of Hydrogen Gas -- ; 14.4. Conclusions -- References.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910455872703321
Cambridge, : RSC Pub., c2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Applied thermodynamics of fluids [[electronic resource] /] / edited by A.R.H. Goodwin, J.V. Sengers, C.J. Peters
Applied thermodynamics of fluids [[electronic resource] /] / edited by A.R.H. Goodwin, J.V. Sengers, C.J. Peters
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cambridge, : RSC Pub., c2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (535 p.)
Disciplina 530.42
Altri autori (Persone) GoodwinA. R. H
SengersJ. V
PetersCor J
Soggetto topico Fluids - Thermal properties
ISBN 1-62198-164-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ; 13.6. Concluding Remarks -- References -- ; ch. 14 Applied Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics / Dick Bedeaux -- ; 14.1. Introduction -- ; 14.1.1. A Systematic Thermodynamic Theory for Transport -- ; 14.1.2. On the Validity of the Assumption of Local Equilibrium -- ; 14.1.3. Concluding remarks -- ; 14.2. Fluxes and Forces from the Second Law of Thermodynamics -- ; 14.2.1. Continuous phases -- ; 14.2.2. Maxwell-Stefan Equations -- ; 14.2.3. Discontinuous Systems -- ; 14.2.4. Concluding Remarks -- ; 14.3. Chemical Reactions -- ; 14.3.1. Thermal Diffusion in a Reacting System -- ; 14.3.2. Mesoscopic Description Along the Reaction Coordinate -- ; 14.3.3. Heterogeneous Catalysis -- ; 14.3.4. Concluding Remarks -- ; 14.4. The Path of Energy-Efficient Operation -- ; 14.4.1. An Optimisation Procedure -- ; 14.4.2. Optimal Heat Exchange -- ; 14.4.3. The Highway Hypothesis for a Chemical Reactor -- ; 14.4.4. Energy-Efficient Production of Hydrogen Gas -- ; 14.4. Conclusions -- References.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910780715103321
Cambridge, : RSC Pub., c2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Convective flow and heat transfer from wavy surfaces : viscous fluids, porous media, and nanofluids / / Aroon Shenoy, Mikhail Sheremet, and Ioan Pop
Convective flow and heat transfer from wavy surfaces : viscous fluids, porous media, and nanofluids / / Aroon Shenoy, Mikhail Sheremet, and Ioan Pop
Autore Shenoy Aroon V. <1951, >
Pubbl/distr/stampa Boca Raton, FL : , : Taylor & Francis, a CRC title, part of the Taylor & Francis imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, the academic division of T&F Informa, plc, , [2017]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (329 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 621.402/2
Soggetto topico Fluid mechanics
Fluids - Thermal properties
Heat - Convection
Surfaces (Technology)
ISBN 1-315-35065-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. Governing equations -- 2. Steady natural and mixed convection flow in viscous fluids over wavy vertical wall -- 3. Steady natural convection flow in fluid-saturated porous media over wavy vertical wall -- 4. Natural convective flow of a viscous fluid in a wavy vertical channel -- 5. Forced convective flow in a wavy horizontal channel -- 6. Convective flow in a wavy tube -- 7. Natural convection flow saturated with nanoparticles in wavy-walled cavities -- 8. Natural convection flow saturated with nanoparticles in wavy-walled porous cavities.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910136138003321
Shenoy Aroon V. <1951, >  
Boca Raton, FL : , : Taylor & Francis, a CRC title, part of the Taylor & Francis imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, the academic division of T&F Informa, plc, , [2017]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Engineering design and optimization of thermofluid systems / / David S. K. Ting
Engineering design and optimization of thermofluid systems / / David S. K. Ting
Autore Ting David S-K.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, New Jersey : , : Wiley, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (275 pages)
Disciplina 620.106
Soggetto topico Thermofluid systems - Design and construction
Fluids - Thermal properties
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-5231-4341-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910554846503321
Ting David S-K.  
Hoboken, New Jersey : , : Wiley, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Engineering design and optimization of thermofluid systems / / David S. K. Ting
Engineering design and optimization of thermofluid systems / / David S. K. Ting
Autore Ting David S-K.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, New Jersey : , : Wiley, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (275 pages)
Disciplina 620.106
Soggetto topico Thermofluid systems - Design and construction
Fluids - Thermal properties
ISBN 1-5231-4341-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910830882503321
Ting David S-K.  
Hoboken, New Jersey : , : Wiley, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Interactive FORTRAN programs for micro computers to calculate the thermophysical properties of twelve fluids : MIPROPS / / Robert D. McCarty
Interactive FORTRAN programs for micro computers to calculate the thermophysical properties of twelve fluids : MIPROPS / / Robert D. McCarty
Autore McCarty Robert D
Pubbl/distr/stampa Gaithersburg, MD : , : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, , 1986
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Altri autori (Persone) McCartyRobert D
Collana NBS technical note
Soggetto topico Fluids - Thermal properties
FORTRAN (Computer program language)
Microcomputers - Programming
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti Interactive FORTRAN programs for micro computers to calculate the thermophysical properties of twelve fluids
Record Nr. UNINA-9910711228503321
McCarty Robert D  
Gaithersburg, MD : , : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, , 1986
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Introduction to thermo-fluids systems design [[electronic resource] /] / André G. McDonald, Hugh L. Magande
Introduction to thermo-fluids systems design [[electronic resource] /] / André G. McDonald, Hugh L. Magande
Autore McDonald Andre G
Pubbl/distr/stampa Chichester, U.K., : Wiley, 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (450 p.)
Disciplina 621.402/2
Altri autori (Persone) MagandeHugh L
Soggetto topico Heat exchangers - Fluid dynamics
Fluids - Thermal properties
ISBN 1-283-59291-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction to Thermo-FluidsSystems Design; Contents; Preface; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Practical Notes; List of Conversion Factors; 1 Design of Thermo-Fluids Systems; 1.1 Engineering Design-Definition; 1.2 Types of Design in Thermo-Fluid Science; 1.3 Difference between Design and Analysis; 1.4 Classification of Design; 1.5 General Steps in Design; 1.6 Abridged Steps in the Design Process; 2 Air Distribution Systems; 2.1 Fluid Mechanics-A Brief Review; 2.1.1 Internal Flow; 2.2 Air Duct Sizing-Special Design Considerations; 2.2.1 General Considerations
2.2.2 Sizing Straight Rectangular Air Ducts2.2.3 Use of an Air Duct Calculator to Size Rectangular Air Ducts; 2.3 Minor Head Loss in a Run of Pipe or Duct; 2.4 Minor Losses in the Design of Air Duct Systems-Equal Friction Method; 2.5 Fans-Brief Overview and Selection Procedures; 2.5.1 Classification and Terminology; 2.5.2 Types of Fans; 2.5.3 Fan Performance; 2.5.4 Fan Selection from Manufacturer's Data or Performance Curves; 2.5.5 Fan Laws; 2.6 Design for Advanced Technology-Small Duct High-Velocity (SDHV) Air Distribution Systems; Problems; References and Further Reading
3 Liquid Piping Systems3.1 Liquid Piping Systems; 3.2 Minor Losses: Fittings and Valves in Liquid Piping Systems; 3.2.1 Fittings; 3.2.2 Valves; 3.2.3 A Typical Piping System-A Closed-Loop Fuel Oil Piping System; 3.3 Sizing Liquid Piping Systems; 3.3.1 General Design Considerations; 3.3.2 Pipe Data for Building Water Systems; 3.4 Fluid Machines (Pumps) and Pump-Pipe Matching; 3.4.1 Classifications and Terminology; 3.4.2 Types of Pumps; 3.4.3 Pump Fundamentals; 3.4.4 Pump Performance and System Curves; 3.4.5 Pump Performance Curves for a Family of Pumps
3.4.6 A Manufacturer's Performance Plot for a Family of Centrifugal Pumps3.4.7 Cavitation and Net Positive Suction Head; 3.4.8 Pump Scaling Laws: Nondimensional Pump Parameters; 3.4.9 Application of the Nondimensional Pump Parameters-Affinity Laws; 3.4.10 Nondimensional Form of the Pump Efficiency; 3.5 Design of Piping Systems Complete with In-Line or Base-Mounted Pumps; 3.5.1 Open-Loop Piping System; 3.5.2 Closed-Loop Piping System; Problems; References and Further Reading; 4 Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design; 4.1 Definition and Requirements; 4.2 Types of Heat Exchangers
4.2.1 Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers4.2.2 Compact Heat Exchangers; 4.2.3 Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers; 4.3 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient; 4.3.1 The Thermal Resistance Network for Plane Walls- Brief Review; 4.3.2 Thermal Resistance from Fouling-The Fouling Factor; 4.4 The Convection Heat Transfer Coefficients-Forced Convection; 4.4.1 Nusselt Number-Fully Developed Internal Laminar Flows; 4.4.2 Nusselt Number-Developing Internal Laminar Flows- Correlation Equation; 4.4.3 Nusselt Number-Turbulent Flows in Smooth Tubes: Dittus-Boelter Equation
4.4.4 Nusselt Number-Turbulent Flows in Smooth Tubes: Gnielinski's Equation
Record Nr. UNINA-9910141412203321
McDonald Andre G  
Chichester, U.K., : Wiley, 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Introduction to thermo-fluids systems design / / André G. McDonald, Hugh L. Magande
Introduction to thermo-fluids systems design / / André G. McDonald, Hugh L. Magande
Autore McDonald Andre G
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Chichester, U.K., : Wiley, 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (450 p.)
Disciplina 621.402/2
Altri autori (Persone) MagandeHugh L
Soggetto topico Heat exchangers - Fluid dynamics
Fluids - Thermal properties
ISBN 1-283-59291-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction to Thermo-FluidsSystems Design; Contents; Preface; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Practical Notes; List of Conversion Factors; 1 Design of Thermo-Fluids Systems; 1.1 Engineering Design-Definition; 1.2 Types of Design in Thermo-Fluid Science; 1.3 Difference between Design and Analysis; 1.4 Classification of Design; 1.5 General Steps in Design; 1.6 Abridged Steps in the Design Process; 2 Air Distribution Systems; 2.1 Fluid Mechanics-A Brief Review; 2.1.1 Internal Flow; 2.2 Air Duct Sizing-Special Design Considerations; 2.2.1 General Considerations
2.2.2 Sizing Straight Rectangular Air Ducts2.2.3 Use of an Air Duct Calculator to Size Rectangular Air Ducts; 2.3 Minor Head Loss in a Run of Pipe or Duct; 2.4 Minor Losses in the Design of Air Duct Systems-Equal Friction Method; 2.5 Fans-Brief Overview and Selection Procedures; 2.5.1 Classification and Terminology; 2.5.2 Types of Fans; 2.5.3 Fan Performance; 2.5.4 Fan Selection from Manufacturer's Data or Performance Curves; 2.5.5 Fan Laws; 2.6 Design for Advanced Technology-Small Duct High-Velocity (SDHV) Air Distribution Systems; Problems; References and Further Reading
3 Liquid Piping Systems3.1 Liquid Piping Systems; 3.2 Minor Losses: Fittings and Valves in Liquid Piping Systems; 3.2.1 Fittings; 3.2.2 Valves; 3.2.3 A Typical Piping System-A Closed-Loop Fuel Oil Piping System; 3.3 Sizing Liquid Piping Systems; 3.3.1 General Design Considerations; 3.3.2 Pipe Data for Building Water Systems; 3.4 Fluid Machines (Pumps) and Pump-Pipe Matching; 3.4.1 Classifications and Terminology; 3.4.2 Types of Pumps; 3.4.3 Pump Fundamentals; 3.4.4 Pump Performance and System Curves; 3.4.5 Pump Performance Curves for a Family of Pumps
3.4.6 A Manufacturer's Performance Plot for a Family of Centrifugal Pumps3.4.7 Cavitation and Net Positive Suction Head; 3.4.8 Pump Scaling Laws: Nondimensional Pump Parameters; 3.4.9 Application of the Nondimensional Pump Parameters-Affinity Laws; 3.4.10 Nondimensional Form of the Pump Efficiency; 3.5 Design of Piping Systems Complete with In-Line or Base-Mounted Pumps; 3.5.1 Open-Loop Piping System; 3.5.2 Closed-Loop Piping System; Problems; References and Further Reading; 4 Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design; 4.1 Definition and Requirements; 4.2 Types of Heat Exchangers
4.2.1 Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers4.2.2 Compact Heat Exchangers; 4.2.3 Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers; 4.3 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient; 4.3.1 The Thermal Resistance Network for Plane Walls- Brief Review; 4.3.2 Thermal Resistance from Fouling-The Fouling Factor; 4.4 The Convection Heat Transfer Coefficients-Forced Convection; 4.4.1 Nusselt Number-Fully Developed Internal Laminar Flows; 4.4.2 Nusselt Number-Developing Internal Laminar Flows- Correlation Equation; 4.4.3 Nusselt Number-Turbulent Flows in Smooth Tubes: Dittus-Boelter Equation
4.4.4 Nusselt Number-Turbulent Flows in Smooth Tubes: Gnielinski's Equation
Record Nr. UNINA-9910827687503321
McDonald Andre G  
Chichester, U.K., : Wiley, 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Journal of fluids and thermal sciences
Journal of fluids and thermal sciences
Pubbl/distr/stampa Naini Allahabad, India : , : Mili Publications, , 2012-
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Disciplina 532
Soggetto topico Fluids - Thermal properties
Fluides - Propriétés thermiques
Soggetto genere / forma Periodicals.
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996336673403316
Naini Allahabad, India : , : Mili Publications, , 2012-
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Perturbation theories for the thermodynamic properties of fluids and solids / / J.R. Solana
Perturbation theories for the thermodynamic properties of fluids and solids / / J.R. Solana
Autore Solana J. R.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Boca Raton, Fla : , : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, , [2013]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (400 p.)
Disciplina 536/.71
Soggetto topico Thermodynamics
Fluids - Thermal properties
Solids - Thermal properties
Perturbation (Mathematics)
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 0-429-09239-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; Contents; Preface; Author; Notation; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Some Basics on Statistical Mechanics; Chapter 3: Overview of Computer Simulation Methods; Chapter 4: Integral Equation Theories; Chapter 5: Radial Distribution Function and Equation of State of the Hard-Sphere Fluid and Solid; Chapter 6: Free Energy Perturbation Theories for Simple Fluids and Solids; Chapter 7: Perturbation Theories for Simple Fluid Mixtures; Chapter 8: Perturbation Theories for Molecular Fluids; Chapter 9: Inhomogeneous Systems
Chapter 10: Overview to Perturbation Theories for More Complex Systems
Record Nr. UNINA-9910462904803321
Solana J. R.  
Boca Raton, Fla : , : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, , [2013]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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