Nota di contenuto |
Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- Chapter 1: General Features of the Pantanal Wetland -- 1.1 General Information on the Pantanal and Book Contents -- References -- Chapter 2: Classification and Mapping of the Vegetation of the Brazilian Pantanal -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Main Vegetation Types -- 2.2.1 Forest Formations -- 2.2.2 Arboreal Cerrado -- 2.2.3 Herbaceous Cerrado -- 2.2.4 Chaco -- 2.2.5 Monodominant Formations -- 2.2.6 Vegetational Mixtures -- 2.2.7 Anthropic Areas -- References -- Chapter 3: Flora of the Pantanal -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Results -- References -- Chapter 4: Aquatic Plants -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Taxonomy -- 4.3 Flora of Aquatic Plants -- 4.4 Phytogeography -- 4.5 Ecology -- 4.6 Aquatic Weeds -- 4.7 Aquatic Habitats -- 4.8 Life Forms -- 4.9 Effects of Fire -- 4.10 Dispersal -- 4.11 Biology -- 4.12 Collecting Aquatic Plants for the Herbarium -- 4.13 Current and Potential Uses -- 4.14 Impacts and Conservation Status -- 4.15 Resilience -- 4.16 Final Remarks -- References -- Chapter 5: Leguminosae in the Pantanal -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Databank on Leguminosae in the Pantanal: Procurement, Standardization, and Analyses -- 5.3 Richness and Taxonomic Distinctness -- 5.4 Knowledge Gaps and Perspectives for Studies on Leguminosae in the Pantanal -- 5.5 Final Considerations -- References -- Chapter 6: Lichenized Ascomycota from the Pantanal in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Taxa Previously Reported from the Pantanal -- 6.3 Species Diversity and Taxonomic Treatment -- 6.4 Identification Keys -- 6.5 Identification Key to the Groups of Lichens Found in the Pantanal -- 6.6 Key A - Cyanolichens -- 6.7 Key B - Microlichens -- 6.8 Key C - Foliose Caliciaceae and Physciaceae -- 6.9 Key D - Parmeliaceae -- 6.10 Comments on the Species Treated in This Chapter -- References.
Chapter 7: Hydrology and Vegetation Base for Classification of Macrohabitats of the Brazilian Pantanal for Policy-Making and Management -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 The Position of the Pantanal Macrohabitat Classification Within the Brazilian Wetland Classification System: A Summary -- 7.3 General Description of the Pantanal's Subclasses and Macrohabitats -- 7.3.1 Functional Unit 1: Permanently Aquatic Areas -- Subclass 1.1: River Channels -- Subclass 1.2: Lakes (Lagoas, Lagos, and Baías) -- 7.3.2 Functional Unit 2: Predominantly Aquatic Areas (ATTZ with a Predominant Aquatic Phase) -- Subclass 2.1: Areas with Periodically Flowing Water (Small Water-Distribution Channels Inside the Floodplain) -- Subclass 2.2: Areas Periodically Covered by Standing Water -- 7.3.3 Functional Unit 3: Predominantly Terrestrial Areas (ATTZ with a Predominant Terrestrial Phase) -- Subclass 3.1: Areas Without or With Sparse Vegetation Cover -- Subclass 3.2: Areas Covered with Grasses and Herbaceous Plants (Campo Limpo Natural) -- Subclass 3.3: Areas Covered by Herbaceous Plants, Shrubs, and Small Groups of Trees -- Subclass 3.4: Areas Covered by Shrublands -- Subclass 3.5: Areas Covered by Polyspecific Forests -- Subclass 3.6: Areas Covered by Monodominant Stands -- 7.3.4 Functional unit 4: Swampy Areas (Permanently Waterlogged or Shallowly Flooded) -- Subclass 4.1: Swamps Covered by Herbaceous Plants (brejos) -- Subclass 4.2: Swamps Covered by Herbaceous Plants and Palms -- 7.3.5 Functional Unit 5: Permanently Terrestrial Areas -- Subclass 5.1: Paleo-Deltas, Alluvial Terraces, and Paleo-Levees (Capões, Cordilheiras) -- Subclass 5.2: Inselbergs (Morros) -- 7.3.6 Functional Unit 6: Anthropogenic Areas -- Subclass 6.1: Paleo-Anthropic Areas. Subclass 6.2: Areas of Recent Anthropic Activities -- 7.4 Conclusions and Recommendations -- References -- Chapter 8: Monodominant Stands in the Pantanal -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Monodominant Trees and Shrubs -- 8.2.1 Tabebuia aurea (Silva Manso) Benth. & -- Hook.f. ex S.Moore (Bignoniaceae) - "Paratudo" -- 8.2.2 Byrsonima cydoniifolia A. Juss. (Malpighiaceae) - "Canjiqueira" -- 8.2.3 Erythrina fusca Lour. (Fabaceae) - "Abobreiro" -- 8.2.4 Leptobalanus parvifolius (Huber) Sothers & -- Prance (Chrysobalanaceae) - "Pimenteira" -- 8.2.5 Couepia uiti (Mart. & -- Zucc.) Benth. ex Hook.f. (Chrysobalanaceae) - "Pateiro" -- 8.2.6 Vochysia divergens Pohl (Vochysiaceae) - "Cambará" -- 8.2.7 Curatella americana L. (Dilleniaceae) - "Lixeira" -- 8.2.8 Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Vell.) Mattos (Bignoniaceae) - "Piúva" -- 8.2.9 Inga vera Willd. (Fabaceae) - "Ingá" -- 8.3 Monodominant Tree Palms -- 8.3.1 Copernicia alba Morong (Arecaceae) - "Carandá" -- 8.3.2 Mauritia flexuosa L.f. (Arecaceae) - "Buriti" -- 8.3.3 Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng. (Arecaceae) - "Acuri" -- 8.3.4 Attalea speciosa Mart. ex Spreng. (Arecaceae) - "Babaçu" -- 8.4 Herbaceous Monodominant Formations -- 8.4.1 Cyperus giganteus Vahl (Cyperaceae) - "Piripiri or Piri" -- 8.4.2 Oryza spp. (Poaceae) - "Arroz" -- 8.4.3 Elionurus muticus (Spreng.) Kuntze (Poaceae) - "Capim-Carona" -- 8.4.4 Andropogon hypogynus Hack. (Poaceae) - "Capim-Vermelho" -- 8.4.5 Andropogon bicornis L. (Poaceae) - "Capim Rabo-de-Burro" -- 8.4.6 Paspalum lineare Trin./Paspalum carinatum Humb. & -- Bonpl. ex Flüggé (Poaceae) - "Fura-Bucho" -- 8.4.7 Paspalum wrightii Hitchc. and Chase (Poaceae) - "Capim Macega-Branca" -- 8.4.8 Eichhornia spp./Pontederia spp. (Pontederiaceae) - "Camalote/Aguapé" -- 8.4.9 Typha domingensis Pers. (Typhaceae) - "Taboa" -- 8.4.10 Thalia geniculata L. (Marantaceae) - "Caeté".
8.4.11 Aspilia latissima Malme (Asteraceae) - "Mirassol," "Malmequer" -- 8.4.12 Heliconia marginata (Griggs) Pittier (Heliconiaceae) - "Pacova" -- 8.5 Possibilities of Economical Use -- 8.6 Future Studies on Monodominant Stands in the Pantanal -- References -- Chapter 9: Composition and Distribution of Woody and Palm Vegetation in the Pantanal Wetland -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Methods -- 9.3 Results and Discussion -- 9.3.1 Altitude -- 9.3.2 Soil -- 9.4 Main Woody and Palm Vegetation Types in the Wetland and Upland Influences -- 9.5 Habitat Generalists: Species with Higher Frequencies in the Floodplain and with Wide Geographic Distributions -- 9.6 Habitat Specialists: Species with Limited Distributions in the Pantanal or That Are Restricted to Its Border -- References -- Chapter 10: Natural Pastures of the Pantanal: Diversity, Productive Potential and Dynamics -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Diversity of Native Pastures and Ecological Sites -- 10.3 Productive Potential and Carrying Capacity of the Native Pastures -- 10.4 Dynamics and Adaptative Management of the Native Pastures - A Multifunctional System -- References -- Chapter 11: Woody Encroachment and Its Control in Periodically Flooded Grasslands of the Pantanal, a Large Brazilian Wetland -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Pantanal Grassland Macrohabitats Under Woody Encroachment -- 11.2.1 Shortgrass-Floodplain Community (Campo de Mimosinho, Sensu Schessl 1999 and Nunes da Cunha and Junk 2015) -- 11.2.2 Small Tussock Grassland (Campos de Murundus, Sensu Schessl 1999, Nunes da Cunha and Junk 2015) -- 11.2.3 Tall Tussock Grasslands (Campos de Rabo de Burro, Sensu Schessl 1999, Nunes da Cunha and Junk 2015) -- 11.3 Encroaching Woody Species in the Pantanal -- 11.3.1 Byrsonima cydoniifolia A. Juss. (Malpighiaceae) -- 11.3.2 Combretum lanceolatum Pohl ex Eichler and C. laxum Jacq. (Combretaceae).
11.3.3 Curatella americana L. (Dilleniaceae) -- 11.3.4 Vochysia divergens Pohl (Vochysiaceae) -- 11.4 The Colonization of Grassland Macrohabitats by Encroaching Woody Plants -- 11.4.1 General Considerations -- 11.4.2 The Colonization of Campo de Mimosinho by Combretum laxum -- 11.5 Woody Encroachment and Fauna -- 11.6 Control of Woody Encroachment: Vegetation States, Costs, History, Legal Aspects, and Current Perspectives -- 11.7 Discussion -- References -- Chapter 12: Paleovegetation Inferences and Landscape Evolution in the Pantanal Basin -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Pollen Records in the Pantanal -- 12.2.1 Pantanal Vegetation Types and Pollen Rain -- 12.2.2 Lake Gaiva (17°45′S, 57°35′W) -- 12.2.3 Lagoa Negra (Black Lake) (19°04′S, 57°31′W) -- 12.2.4 Porto Jofre (17°19′ S, 56°48′ W) -- 12.2.5 Salinas of Nhecolândia (18°59′ S, 56°39′ W) -- 12.3 Discussion -- 12.3.1 Potential and Obstacles of Pollen Studies in the Pantanal Basin -- 12.3.2 Late-Glacial Vegetation -- 12.3.3 Holocene Vegetation -- 12.3.4 Final Considerations and Perspectives -- References -- Chapter 13: Synthesis of the Present Knowledge on Plant Phenology of the Pantanal -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Methods -- 13.3 Results and Discussion -- References -- Chapter 14: Temporal Patterns of Pollination and Seed Dispersal in Capões of the Southern Pantanal -- 14.1 Introduction -- 14.2 Methods -- 14.2.1 Study Site -- 14.2.2 Reproductive Phenology -- 14.2.3 Pollination and Seed Dispersal Syndromes -- 14.3 Results -- 14.4 Discussion -- References -- Chapter 15: Soil Seed Banks in the Pantanal Wetland -- 15.1 Introduction -- 15.2 Soil Seed Bank Studies in the Pantanal -- 15.3 Synthesis of Soil Seed Bank Studies in the Pantanal -- 15.4 Effects of Flood and Fire -- 15.5 Dispersal -- 15.6 Research Needs -- 15.7 Conclusions -- References.
Chapter 16: Plant Morphoanatomical Adaptations to Environmental Conditions of the Pantanal Wetland.