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Changing work relationships in industralized economies [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Işik Urla Zeytinoǧlu
Changing work relationships in industralized economies [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Işik Urla Zeytinoǧlu
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia, : John Benjamins Pub., c1999
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (275 p.)
Disciplina 331.25/72
Altri autori (Persone) ZeytinogluIsik U
Collana Advances in organization studies
Soggetto topico Flextime
Part-time employment
Work environment
Employees - Effect of technological innovations on
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-283-17435-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Changing Work Relationships in Industrialized Economies; Editorial page; Title page; Copyright page; Table of contents; Preface; Introduction and Overview; 1. Changing Work Relationships Enacting Gender, Race/Ethnicity and Economic Class1; I. CHANGING WORK RELATIONSHIPS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA; 2. Flexible Work Arrangements An Overview of Developments in the United States; 3. Flexible Work Arrangements An Overview of Developments in Canada; 4. Part-Time Employment and the Worker; 5. Telework and Teleworkers; II. CHANGING WORK RELATIONSHIPS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION
6. Changing Work Relations in the European Union7. European Employment Policies7 Potential Impact on Female Workers; 8. Regulating the Distanced Work Force Self-Employment in the United Kingdom; III. CHANGING WORK RELATIONSHIPS IN AUSTRALIA; 9. Changing Work Relationships in Australia; IV. VIEWS OF THE STAKEHOLDERS; 10. A Union Perspective on Emerging Trends in the Workplace; 11. Between Strategic Choice and Adaptation The Role of UNICE in the European Social Dialogue; 12. Atypical Forms of Work in the European Union Experiences at the Establishment Level
13. International Policymaking The ILO Standards on Changing Work RelationshipsAppendix; Biographical Sketches of the Contributors; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910456686103321
Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia, : John Benjamins Pub., c1999
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Changing work relationships in industralized economies [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Işik Urla Zeytinoǧlu
Changing work relationships in industralized economies [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Işik Urla Zeytinoǧlu
Pubbl/distr/stampa Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia, : John Benjamins Pub., c1999
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (275 p.)
Disciplina 331.25/72
Altri autori (Persone) ZeytinogluIsik U
Collana Advances in organization studies
Soggetto topico Flextime
Part-time employment
Work environment
Employees - Effect of technological innovations on
ISBN 1-283-17435-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Changing Work Relationships in Industrialized Economies; Editorial page; Title page; Copyright page; Table of contents; Preface; Introduction and Overview; 1. Changing Work Relationships Enacting Gender, Race/Ethnicity and Economic Class1; I. CHANGING WORK RELATIONSHIPS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA; 2. Flexible Work Arrangements An Overview of Developments in the United States; 3. Flexible Work Arrangements An Overview of Developments in Canada; 4. Part-Time Employment and the Worker; 5. Telework and Teleworkers; II. CHANGING WORK RELATIONSHIPS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION
6. Changing Work Relations in the European Union7. European Employment Policies7 Potential Impact on Female Workers; 8. Regulating the Distanced Work Force Self-Employment in the United Kingdom; III. CHANGING WORK RELATIONSHIPS IN AUSTRALIA; 9. Changing Work Relationships in Australia; IV. VIEWS OF THE STAKEHOLDERS; 10. A Union Perspective on Emerging Trends in the Workplace; 11. Between Strategic Choice and Adaptation The Role of UNICE in the European Social Dialogue; 12. Atypical Forms of Work in the European Union Experiences at the Establishment Level
13. International Policymaking The ILO Standards on Changing Work RelationshipsAppendix; Biographical Sketches of the Contributors; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910781497303321
Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia, : John Benjamins Pub., c1999
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Flexible working practices and approaches : psychological and social implications / / Christian Korunka, editor
Flexible working practices and approaches : psychological and social implications / / Christian Korunka, editor
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (291 pages)
Disciplina 650.1
Soggetto topico Quality of work life
Flexible work arrangements
Qualitat de vida en el treball
Jornada de treball flexible
Psicologia del treball
Psicologia social
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 3-030-74128-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Preface: Flexible Work: An Important Trend in New Ways of Working -- Job Demands, Job Resources and the Quality of Working Life -- The Role of Technology in Flexible Work -- Employment Contracts, Job Insecurity and Law Aspects -- References -- About the Book -- Contents -- Contributors -- About the Editor -- Research Perspectives from Job Control to Flexibility: Historical Outline, Depiction of Risks, and Implications for Future Research -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Job Autonomy and Control in Classic Theory -- 2.1 Control as the Counterweight of Demands -- 2.2 Autonomy as a Prerequisite for Work Motivation -- 2.3 The Thin Line Between Resource and Demand -- 3 ICT-Enabled Flexibility Adds More Layers to the Classic Concept -- 3.1 Workers as Objects or Subjects of Control -- 3.2 The Critical Process of Work Subjectivation and Indirect Control -- 4 How to Approach Work Flexibility in the Future -- 4.1 Self-control Demands -- 4.2 Self-exploitation Through Excessive Work Engagement -- 5 Conclusion and Practical Implications -- References -- Cognitive Demands of Flexible Work -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Cognitive Demands of Flexible Work -- 2.1 Planning of Working Times -- 2.2 Planning of Working Places -- 2.3 Structuring of Work Tasks -- 2.4 Coordinating with Others -- 2.5 Cognitive Demands of Flexible Work in Different Sectors -- 3 The Consequences of Cognitive Demands of Flexible Work: A Proposed Model -- 3.1 The Strain Process -- 3.2 The Learning Process -- 4 Preliminary Empirical Evidence -- 4.1 The Strain Process -- 4.2 The Learning Process -- 5 Practical Implications -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- Managing the Work-Nonwork Interface: Personal Social Media Use as a Tool to Craft Boundaries? -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Increased Flexibility at Work and Boundaries Between Work and Nonwork Domains -- 3 Theoretical Background: Boundary Management.
4 Theoretical Background: Integration and Segmentation -- 5 Theoretical Background: Work-Nonwork Balance Crafting -- 6 Restricting ICT Use in Order to Facilitate Boundary Management and Work-Nonwork Balance? -- 7 Personal Use of Social Media in the Context of Work: A Tool to Manage Work-Nonwork Balance? -- 8 Relevant Empirical Findings on the Personal Use of Social Media at Work -- 9 Discussion -- 10 Practical Implications and Suggestions for Future Research -- 11 Conclusion -- References -- The Importance of Recovery from Work in Intensified Working Life -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Background and Aims -- 1.2 Defining Work Intensification: Toward a Multifaceted Model -- 1.3 Defining Recovery from Work -- 2 A Conceptual Model of the Role of Recovery Between IJDs and Employee Outcomes -- 3 Empirical Findings of the IJDFIN Study on the Role of Psychological Detachment -- 3.1 IJDs as Predictors of Impaired Psychological Detachment from Work -- 3.2 Psychological Detachment as a Buffering Factor Between IJDs and Employee Outcomes -- 3.3 Conclusions Regarding Empirical Findings in Relation to the Conceptual Model -- 4 General Outlook -- 4.1 Some Future Scenarios -- 4.2 Stress Management Recommendations -- References -- The Impact of Gender in Flexible Work: From Highlighting Gender Differences to Understanding Gender Roles in Use of Information and Communication Technology -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Theoretical Background -- 3 Empirical Study -- 3.1 Sample of Diary Study 1 -- 3.2 Sample of Diary Study 2 -- 3.3 Method -- 4 Results -- 4.1 Gender-Specific Usage Pattern -- 5 Discussion -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- Technology in the Workplace: Opportunities and Challenges -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Telework: Implications for Work Performance, Work-Life Balance, and Social Aspects of Work -- 2.1 Implications of Telework -- 2.1.1 Work Performance.
2.1.2 Work-Life Balance -- Individual Differences in Preferences for Telework -- Individual Differences in the Way Employees Manage Telework -- Variety in Quality and Quantity of Telework Due to Differential Telework Policies -- 2.1.3 Social Aspects of Work -- Social Isolation -- Professional Isolation -- Quality of Relationship with Supervisor and Colleagues and Social Support -- 3 Automation: A Human Approach -- 3.1 Technology Apprehension -- 3.2 Job Insecurity -- 3.3 Perceived Lack of Control -- 4 Artificial Intelligence: Algorithmic Management -- 4.1 Algorithmic Direction -- 4.2 Algorithmic Evaluation -- 4.3 Algorithmic Discipline -- 4.4 Algorithmic Management Going Forward -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Mobile Multilocational Work: Benefits and Drawbacks -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Drivers of Mobile Multilocational Work -- 2.1 External Needs for Change in the Organization of Work -- 2.2 Prevalence of Mobile Multilocational Work -- 3 Types of Mobile Multilocational Work -- 3.1 A Garden of Individual Mobility -- 3.2 A Mobile Employee as a Member of a Team -- 4 The "Life Space" of a Mobile Multilocational Worker -- 5 Benefits and Drawbacks of Working in Multiple Places -- 5.1 Workload Factors -- 5.2 Working at Home -- 5.3 Main Workplace -- 5.4 Moving Places -- 5.5 Other Workplaces -- 5.6 Third Workplaces -- 5.7 Challenges and Hindrances in Mobile Multilocational Work -- 6 Leading and Managing a Mobile Workforce -- 7 Future Developments -- References -- ICT-Enabled Work Extension and Its Consequences: A Paradoxical Situation Between High Performance and Low Wellbeing -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Unraveling the Broad Concept of ICT-Enabled Work Extension -- 2.1 Work Extending Behaviors -- 2.2 Availability Expectations -- 3 Systematic Literature Review -- 4 Theoretical Background of the Studies -- 5 ICT-Enabled Work Extension and Its Consequences.
5.1 Generally Negative Associations with Wellbeing-Related Consequences -- 5.2 Generally Positive Associations with Work-Related Consequences -- 6 Integrative Summary of Findings -- 7 Discussion -- 7.1 Implication for Future Research -- 7.2 Practical Implications -- 8 Conclusion -- References -- Digitalization of Employment: Working via Online Platforms -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Definition and Theoretical Background -- 2.1 Definition of Crowdwork -- 2.2 Changing World of Work: Marketization, Flexibilization, and Subjectification -- 3 Distribution and Sociodemographic Characteristics of Platform and Crowdworkers -- 3.1 Distribution of Platform and Crowdworkers -- 3.2 Sociodemographic Characteristics of Platform and Crowdworkers -- 4 Work Situation of Platform Workers and Crowdworkers -- 4.1 Organizational Conditions -- 4.2 Job Demands and Outcomes -- 4.3 Comparison with Other Employees -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Non-standard Employment Contracts: Characteristics and Consequences of New Ways of Working -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Defining Non-standard Employment -- 3 What Characterizes Individuals in Non-standard Employment? -- 4 Consequences of Non-standard Employment -- 4.1 Work-related Consequences -- 4.2 Safety-Related Consequences -- 4.3 Health-Related Consequences -- 4.4 The Role of Volition and Preferences -- 5 Implications -- 6 Conclusions -- References -- Job Insecurity: Challenge or Hindrance Stressor? Review of the Evidence and Empirical Test on Entrepreneurs -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Distinguishing Challenge from Hindrance Stressors -- 3 Reviewing the Evidence on Job Insecurity, Well-Being, and Performance: Challenge or Hindrance Stressor? -- 3.1 Associations Between Job Insecurity and Ill-Being -- 3.2 Associations Between Job Insecurity and Well-Being -- 3.3 Associations Between Job Insecurity and (Diverse Dimensions of) Job Performance.
4 Does Insecurity Motivate Entrepreneurs? -- 4.1 Sample and Procedure -- 4.2 Measures -- 4.3 Analysis -- 4.4 Results -- 4.4.1 Do Entrepreneurs Feel Insecure, Strained, or Unhappy? -- 4.4.2 Insecurity: Challenge or Hindrance for Entrepreneurs? -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Precarious Employment: An Overlooked Determinant of Workers' Health and Well-Being? -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Political-Economic Roots of Precarious Employment -- 2.1 The Post-Second World War "Standard Employment Relationship" -- 2.2 The New Employment Model of Neoliberal Capitalism -- 3 Conceptualizing Employment Quality and Precarious Employment -- 3.1 Traditional Research on the Quality of Employment Arrangements -- 3.2 The Multidimensional Employment Quality Approach -- 3.3 Continuous Versus Typological Approaches -- 4 Empirical Evidence from Multidimensional Approaches -- 4.1 Who Are the Precarious Workers and Where Do We Find Them? -- 4.2 The Relationship Between Precarious Employment and Other Work-Related Risks -- 4.3 Health and Well-Being Correlates of Precarious Employment -- 4.4 What Are the Mechanisms Explaining the Link Between Precarious Employment and Workers' Health and Well-Being? -- 5 Conclusion -- 5.1 Research Agenda on the Health and Well-Being Consequences of Precarious Employment -- 5.2 A Policy Agenda Aimed at Reducing the Exposure to Precarious Employment and Attenuating Its Negative Consequences -- References -- Labor Law and Technological Challenges -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Challenges to Worker Control by Customers Through Digital Reputation Systems -- 3 Challenges to Labor Law Arising from Automated Decision-Making on Workers -- 3.1 Using Big Data to Take Automated Decisions -- 3.2 The Risks of Automated Processing: Big Data and Discrimination -- 4 Artificial Intelligence as a Boss: Health and Occupational Risks -- 4.1 Work Directed by a Machine.
4.2 Occupational Risk Factors Derived from Algorithmic Work Management.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910506383803321
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Management assistance report [[electronic resource] ] : review of Region 10's Maxiflex program
Management assistance report [[electronic resource] ] : review of Region 10's Maxiflex program
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Washington, D.C.] : , : United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Inspector General, , [2000]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (22 pages)
Collana Audit report (United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of the Inspector General)
Soggetto topico Flextime - United States
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti Management assistance report
Record Nr. UNINA-9910703909603321
[Washington, D.C.] : , : United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Inspector General, , [2000]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Work-life advantage : sustaining regional learning and innovation / / Al James
Work-life advantage : sustaining regional learning and innovation / / Al James
Autore James Al
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, New Jersey : , : Wiley Blackwell, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (251 pages) : illustrations, maps, tables, graphs
Disciplina 306.36
Collana RGS-IBG Book Series
Soggetto topico Flextime
Women - Employment - Psychological aspects
Work and family
Organizational learning
Organizational change
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-118-94481-X
Classificazione SCI030000
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910271035503321
James Al  
Hoboken, New Jersey : , : Wiley Blackwell, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Work-life advantage : sustaining regional learning and innovation / / Al James
Work-life advantage : sustaining regional learning and innovation / / Al James
Autore James Al
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, New Jersey : , : Wiley Blackwell, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (251 pages) : illustrations, maps, tables, graphs
Disciplina 306.36
Collana RGS-IBG Book Series
Soggetto topico Flextime
Women - Employment - Psychological aspects
Work and family
Organizational learning
Organizational change
ISBN 1-118-94481-X
Classificazione SCI030000
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910831040103321
James Al  
Hoboken, New Jersey : , : Wiley Blackwell, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Working time [[electronic resource] ] : its impact on safety and health / / Anne Spurgeon
Working time [[electronic resource] ] : its impact on safety and health / / Anne Spurgeon
Autore Spurgeon Anne
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Geneva], : International Labour Office, : Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency, 2003
Descrizione fisica 143 p. : ill
Soggetto topico Hours of labor
Industrial safety
Work - Physiological aspects
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 92-2-118379-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910456866803321
Spurgeon Anne  
[Geneva], : International Labour Office, : Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency, 2003
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Working time [[electronic resource] ] : its impact on safety and health / / Anne Spurgeon
Working time [[electronic resource] ] : its impact on safety and health / / Anne Spurgeon
Autore Spurgeon Anne
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Geneva], : International Labour Office, : Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency, 2003
Descrizione fisica 143 p. : ill
Soggetto topico Hours of labor
Industrial safety
Work - Physiological aspects
ISBN 92-2-118379-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910781239503321
Spurgeon Anne  
[Geneva], : International Labour Office, : Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency, 2003
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Workplace leave policies : opportunities and challenges for employers and working families : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, hearing held in Washington, DC, December 6, 2017
Workplace leave policies : opportunities and challenges for employers and working families : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, hearing held in Washington, DC, December 6, 2017
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington : , : U.S. Government Publishing Office, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (iii, 115 pages)
Soggetto topico Leave of absence - Law and legislation - United States
Work and family - United States
Flextime - United States
Hours of labor - United States
Quality of work life - United States
Family policy - United States
Family policy
Hours of labor
Leave of absence - Law and legislation
Quality of work life
Work and family
Soggetto genere / forma Online resources.
Legislative hearings.
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti Workplace leave policies
Record Nr. UNINA-9910711615903321
Washington : , : U.S. Government Publishing Office, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui