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Asian families in Canada and the United States : implications for mental health and well-being / / Editors, Susan S. Chuang [and three others]
Asian families in Canada and the United States : implications for mental health and well-being / / Editors, Susan S. Chuang [and three others]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (293 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 305.895071
Collana Advances in Immigrant Family Research
Soggetto topico Families - Canada
Asians - United States
Asians - Canada
Salut mental
Qualitat de vida
Aspectes psicològics
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 3-030-56452-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Contents -- About the Editors -- About the Authors -- Chapter 1: The Complexities of Asian Families from Around the World: Creating New Lives in Canada and the United States -- Mental Health and Well-being of Asian Immigrants -- References -- Part I: History, Religion, and Culture -- Chapter 2: Comparing and Contrasting Asian Families in Canada and the United States -- Conceptualizing, Defining, and Operationalizing the Term "Asian" -- Immigration Patterns and the Asian Immigrant Populations: Past and Present -- Canada and the United States -- Canada -- United States -- Major Asian Immigrant Groups in Canada and the United States -- Chinese Immigrants -- Indian Immigrants -- Filipino/a Immigrants -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 3: Religion, Spirituality, and Worldviews: Implications for Mental Health -- Hindu Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Jain Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Buddhist Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Sikh Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Zoroastrian Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Muslim Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Baha'i Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Chinese Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Shamanic and Shinto Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Christian Spiritualities and Worldviews -- Asian North American Religions: Implications for Mental Health -- Future Research -- Conclusion -- References -- Part II: Specific Countries and Regions of Origin: East Asia -- Chapter 4: Chinese Families from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan -- Immigration History of Chinese Families in Canada and the United States -- The Chinese: Political, Ethnic, and Linguistic Variations and their Implications -- Political Factors -- Ethnic Variations -- Linguistic and Cultural Variations -- Traditional Values on Parent-Child Relations and Gender Roles -- Cultural Adaptation and Acculturation.
Acculturation Processes and Parent-Child Discrepancies -- Parenting in Contemporary Immigrant Chinese Families -- Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Research on Immigrant Chinese Families -- Implication for Mental Health and Well-being -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 5: Growing Up Between Two Cultures: Young Chinese Americans in New York City -- The Rise of Chinatowns in New York City -- Migration Patterns and the Expansion and Composition of New York's Chinatowns -- Working Conditions and Illegal Activities in Chinatown -- Gang Memberships -- Growing Up in a Bicultural World -- Culture -- Societal Structure -- Cultural Values -- Religion -- Familial Structure -- Family Values -- Parenting -- Parent-Child Relationships -- Education -- Child Characteristics -- The Impact of Living in an Immigrant Family: Some Examples -- Being Not Fully Chinese but American, I Am Entitled to My Own Opinions: An Interview with Cornelia Yao (Pseudonym) -- Five Situations Shaping the Destinies and Identities of Chinese American Children and Youths -- Theme 1: The Impact of Immigration Status -- Theme 2: Satellite Children -- Theme 3: The Impact of Gender Roles and Identities -- Theme 4: The Impact of Racial Prejudice and Discrimination -- Theme 5: Striving for Academic Excellence -- Mental Health Services for Chinese New Yorkers -- Chinese Immigrant Families in New York City and Elsewhere: A Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6: Japanese Families in the United States -- Demographics of Japan and Japanese Migration to North America -- Japanese Families -- Economic Globalization and Japanese Migration to North America -- Transnational Generation of Families: Acculturation and Socialization -- Japanese American Families: Interracial Marriages and Children -- Child-Generations of Intermarriages -- Education and Career Pathways.
Implications for Educators, Social Workers, and Psychologists -- References -- Chapter 7: Korean Families -- Brief Immigration History -- A Social, Cultural, and Economic Profile of Korean Families -- Supporting Korean Families: Ethnic Identity -- Supporting Korean Families: Balancing Roles -- Conclusion -- References -- Part III: Specific Countries and Regions of Origin: South Asia -- Chapter 8: Bangladeshi Families -- Brief Immigration History -- Ethnic and Linguistic Differences Among Bangladeshi Immigrants -- Demographic Information -- The United States -- Canada -- Educational Achievement, Employment, and Career Development -- Value Systems -- Religion -- Cultural Traditions and Social Services -- Collectivistic Versus Individualistic Values -- Marriage Systems -- Ethnic and Racial Intermarriages -- Acculturation and Identity Issues -- Forms of Family Life -- Socialization Practices -- Health and Well-Being of Bangladeshi Immigrants -- Health Behaviors of Bangladeshi Immigrants -- Implications for Mental Health and Well-Being -- Future Research -- References -- Chapter 9: Indian Families: The Diaspora in the United States and Canada -- Introduction -- Brief Immigration History -- Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity -- Demographic Information of Indians in the United States and Canada -- Acculturation -- Traditional Values and Family Life -- Immigrant Identity and America-Born Offspring -- Implications for Mental Health -- Future Directions -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 10: Pakistani Families -- Immigration History and Demographics -- Immigration During the Late-Nineteenth and the Early Twentieth Century -- Business Networks and Domestic Life in North America -- Post-1965 Immigration from Pakistan to the U.S. -- Pakistani Immigration to Canada -- Settlement Patterns -- Acculturation: Transnational Community Formations and Assimilation.
Transnational Pakistani Community Formations -- Cultural Organizations -- Radio -- Movies, Television and Sports -- Religion and Transnational Community Formation -- Islamophobia and Racism -- Veiling Practices -- Assimilation and Contested Belonging to Mainstream North American Societies -- Forms of Family Life -- Value Systems -- Community Formation in Historical Contexts -- Consumption Patterns as Indexes of Religious Value Systems -- Socialization Practices and Intergenerational Relations and Conflict -- Intergenerational Relations and Conflict -- Gender Roles and the Family System -- Gendered Experiences: Women's Rights and Labor in the Workforce -- South Asian Women's Organizations -- South Asian LGBTQIA Organizations -- Ethnic and Racial Intermarriages -- Educational Expectations and Achievements and Career Patterns -- Implications for Counselors and Social Workers -- Conclusions -- Future Research -- References -- Part IV: Specific Countries and Regions of Origin: West Asia -- Chapter 11: Arab Families From the Levant (Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian, Jordanian): Adaptation and Mental Health -- Bioecological Theory and Levant Families -- Microsystem and Macrosystem Racism -- Pre-Migration Influences and Immigration Patterns -- Immigration of Syrian Refugees -- Current Demographic Trends -- Arab Ethnic Identity: Acculturation and Acculturative Stress -- Socialization of Beliefs and Values Within the Family: The Enculturation Process -- Gender Roles and the Family System -- Marriage Customs and Intermarriages -- Educational Expectations, Achievement, and Career Patterns -- Implications for Mental Health -- Future Research Directions -- Conclusion -- References -- Part V: Counseling and Therapy for Mental Health and Wellbeing -- Chapter 12: Asian-Origin Families in Canada and the United States: Challenges and Resilience.
Acculturation and Intergenerational Relationship -- Aging in Asian-Origin Families -- Racism, Discrimination, and Stereotype -- Domestic Violence -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 13: Providing Therapy with Asian Immigrant Families: A Review of Prominent Issues and Treatment Considerations -- Fatimah's Story -- Acculturative Stress -- Implications for Clinicians -- Application to Fatimah's Story -- Stereotypes and Discrimination -- Implications for Clinicians -- Application to Fatimah's Story -- Resettlement Stress -- Implications for Clinicians -- Application to Fatimah's Story -- Traumatic Stress -- Implications for Clinicians -- Application to Fatimah's Story -- Family and Relational Issues -- Intimate Partner Violence -- Marriage Related Practices -- Implications for Clinicians -- Application to Fatimah's Story -- Child Related Issues -- Child Abuse, Neglect, and Maltreatment -- Implications for Clinicians -- Application to Fatimah's Story -- Resilience -- Implications for Clinicians -- Application to Fatimah's Story -- Treatment Considerations -- Trauma-Based Interventions -- Couples Therapy -- Family Therapy -- Application to Fatimah's Story -- Conclusions -- References -- Part VI: Methodology Considerations -- Chapter 14: Critically Assessing the Methodological Challenges of Exploring Chinese Immigrant Fathers -- The Under-Researched Immigrant Chinese Fathers -- Themes of Existing Studies -- Fathering and Father Involvement -- Parenting Practices and Beliefs -- Acculturation and Immigration-Related Issues -- Academic and School-Related Issues -- Demographics of the Samples -- Age of the Targeted Children -- Informants' Host Countries -- Informants' Country of Origin -- Methodological Approaches -- Methods of Data Collection -- Fathers as Informants or Targeted Parent -- Immigrant Chinese Fathers are Under-Researched.
Conceptual Exclusions.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910483959203321
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Canada's changing families : implications for individuals and society / / edited by Kevin McQuillan and Zenaida R. Ravanera
Canada's changing families : implications for individuals and society / / edited by Kevin McQuillan and Zenaida R. Ravanera
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (315 p.)
Disciplina 306.850971
Soggetto topico Families - Canada
Parent and child - Canada
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-99268-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Contributors -- 1. Introduction / Ravanera, Zenaida R. / Mcquillan, Kevin -- PART ONE. Changes in Families: Childbearing, Work Patterns, and Life Course Transitions -- 2. Transformed Families and the Basis for Childbearing / Beaujot, Roderic / Muhammad, Ali -- 3. A Balancing Act: Parents' Work Arrangements and Family Time / Lapierre-Adamcyk, Evelyne / Marcilgratton, Nicole / Bourdais, Céline Le -- 4. Parental Time, Work Schedules, and Changing Gender Roles / Rapoport, Benoît / Bourdais, Céline Le -- 5. Delayed Life Transitions: Trends and Implications / Beaujot, Roderic -- PART TWO. Family Transformation and Investment in Children -- 6. The Evolving Family Living Arrangements of Canada's Children: Consequences for Child Poverty and Child Outcomes / Kerr, Don -- 7. The Impact of Family Context on Adolescent Emotional Health during the Transition to High School / Con, Karen Mac -- 8. Intergenerational Transfer: The Impact of Parental Separation on Young Adults' Conjugal Behaviour / Provencher, Claudine / Bourdais, Céline Le / Marcil-Gratton, Nicole -- 9. Single Parenthood and Labour Force Participation: The Effect of Social Policies / Meilleur, Nancy / Lapierreadamcyk, Évelyne -- PART THREE. Family Solidarity and Social Integration -- 10. Family Solidarity in Canada: An Exploration with the General Social Survey on Family and Community Support / Rajulton, Fernando / Ravanera, Zenaida R. -- 11. Social Integration over the Life Course: Influences of Individual, Family, and Community Characteristics / Ravanera, Zenaida R. / Rajulton, Fernando -- 12. Conclusion: Family Change and the Challenge for Social Policy / Mcquillan, Kevin
Record Nr. UNINA-9910456366703321
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Canada's changing families : implications for individuals and society / / edited by Kevin McQuillan and Zenaida R. Ravanera
Canada's changing families : implications for individuals and society / / edited by Kevin McQuillan and Zenaida R. Ravanera
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (315 p.)
Disciplina 306.850971
Soggetto topico Families - Canada
Parent and child - Canada
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-99268-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ""Contents""; ""Contributors""; ""1 Introduction""; ""Part One: Changes in Families: Childbearing, Work Patterns, and Life Course Transitions""; ""2 Transformed Families and the Basis for Childbearing""; ""3 A Balancing Act: Parents� Work Arrangements and Family Time""; ""4 Parental Time, Work Schedules, and Changing Gender Roles""; ""5 Delayed Life Transitions: Trends and Implications""; ""Part Two: Family Transformation and Investment in Children""; ""6 The Evolving Family Living Arrangements of Canada�s Children: Consequences for Child Poverty and Child Outcomes""
""7 The Impact of Family Context on Adolescent Emotional Health during the Transition to High School""""8 Intergenerational Transfer: The Impact of Parental Separation on Young Adults� Conjugal Behaviour""; ""9 Single Parenthood and Labour Force Participation: The Effect of Social Policies""; ""Part Three: Family Solidarity and Social Integration""; ""10 Family Solidarity in Canada: An Exploration with the General Social Survey on Family and Community Support""; ""11 Social Integration over the Life Course: Influences of Individual, Family, and Community Characteristics""
Record Nr. UNINA-9910780669103321
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Canada's changing families : implications for individuals and society / / edited by Kevin McQuillan and Zenaida R. Ravanera
Canada's changing families : implications for individuals and society / / edited by Kevin McQuillan and Zenaida R. Ravanera
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (315 p.)
Disciplina 306.850971
Soggetto topico Families - Canada
Parent and child - Canada
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-99268-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ""Contents""; ""Contributors""; ""1 Introduction""; ""Part One: Changes in Families: Childbearing, Work Patterns, and Life Course Transitions""; ""2 Transformed Families and the Basis for Childbearing""; ""3 A Balancing Act: Parents� Work Arrangements and Family Time""; ""4 Parental Time, Work Schedules, and Changing Gender Roles""; ""5 Delayed Life Transitions: Trends and Implications""; ""Part Two: Family Transformation and Investment in Children""; ""6 The Evolving Family Living Arrangements of Canada�s Children: Consequences for Child Poverty and Child Outcomes""
""7 The Impact of Family Context on Adolescent Emotional Health during the Transition to High School""""8 Intergenerational Transfer: The Impact of Parental Separation on Young Adults� Conjugal Behaviour""; ""9 Single Parenthood and Labour Force Participation: The Effect of Social Policies""; ""Part Three: Family Solidarity and Social Integration""; ""10 Family Solidarity in Canada: An Exploration with the General Social Survey on Family and Community Support""; ""11 Social Integration over the Life Course: Influences of Individual, Family, and Community Characteristics""
Record Nr. UNINA-9910817824603321
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Famille et fragmentation / sous la direction de Marie-Blanche Tahon et Denyse Côte
Famille et fragmentation / sous la direction de Marie-Blanche Tahon et Denyse Côte
Pubbl/distr/stampa Ottawa : , : Presses de l'Universite d'Ottawa, , 2000
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (168 p.)
Disciplina 362.82560971
Collana Études des femmes
Soggetto topico Families - Canada
Parent and child
Sex role
Famille - Canada
Parents et enfants
Rôle selon le sexe
Condition de parents
ISBN 2-7603-1590-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Nota di contenuto TABLE DES MATIÈRES; Remerciements; Introduction; Chapitre 1 Famille et adoption : dissociations identitaires; Chapitre 2 L'équité en matière de garde parentale : l'art de l'illusion; Chapitre 3 Les ruptures d'union dans les familles recomposées : l'expérience des Canadiennes; Chapitre 4 Les limites de l'association de la famille et de l'État dans la prise en charge des adultes dépendants; Chapitre 5 Familles immigrantes et société d'accueil; Chapitre 6 La question du père; Chapitre 7 Pour penser la mère : distinguer privé et domestique
Record Nr. UNINA-9910155855103321
Ottawa : , : Presses de l'Universite d'Ottawa, , 2000
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The future families project : a survey of Canadian hopes and dreams
The future families project : a survey of Canadian hopes and dreams
Autore Bippy Reginald W
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Place of publication not identified], : Vanier Institute of the Family, 2004
Disciplina 306.850971
Soggetto topico Families - Canada
Family life surveys - Canada
Sociology & Social History
Social Sciences
Family & Marriage
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996204931803316
Bippy Reginald W  
[Place of publication not identified], : Vanier Institute of the Family, 2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The future families project : a survey of Canadian hopes and dreams
The future families project : a survey of Canadian hopes and dreams
Autore Bippy Reginald W
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Place of publication not identified], : Vanier Institute of the Family, 2004
Disciplina 306.850971
Soggetto topico Families - Canada
Family life surveys - Canada
Sociology & Social History
Social Sciences
Family & Marriage
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910172259803321
Bippy Reginald W  
[Place of publication not identified], : Vanier Institute of the Family, 2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Household counts : Canadian households and families in 1901 / / edited by Eric W. Sager and Peter Baskerville
Household counts : Canadian households and families in 1901 / / edited by Eric W. Sager and Peter Baskerville
Autore Levy F. J (Fred Jacob)
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (501 pages) : illustrations, maps, digital file
Disciplina 306.850971/09041
Soggetto topico Families - Canada - History - 20th century
Households - Canada - History - 20th century
Families - Canada
Soggetto genere / forma Statistics.
Electronic books.
ISBN 0-8020-3802-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Transitions in household and family structure : Canada in 1901 and 1991 / Stacie D.A. Burke -- Canadian fertility in 1901 : a bird's-eye view / Peter Gossage, Danielle Gauvreau -- Family geographies : a national perspective / Larry McCann, Ian Buck, Ole Heggen -- Family geographies : an urban perspective / Larry McCann, Ian Buck, Ole Heggen -- Rural to urban migration : finding house hold complexity in a New World environment / Kenneth M. Sylvester -- Family geographies : Montreal, Canada's metropolis / Larry McCann, Ian Buck, Ole Heggen -- Families, fostering and flying the coop : lessons in liberal cultural formation, 1871-1901 / Gordon Darroch -- Canadian children who lived with one parent in 1901 / Bettina Bradbury -- Boundaries of age : exploring the patterns of young-old age among men, Canada and the United States, 1870-1901 / Lisa Dillon -- Inequality, earnings, and the Canadian working class in 1901 / Eric W. Sager -- 'Leaving God behind when they crossed the Rocky Mountains' : exploring unbelief in turn-of-the-century British Columbia / Lynne Marks -- Giving birth : families and the medical marketplace in Victoria, British Columbia, 1880-1901 / Peter Baskerville -- Language, ancestry, and the competing constructions of identity in turn-of-the-century Canada / Chad Gaffield -- Constructing normality and confronting deviance : familial ideologies, household structures, and divorce in the 1901 Canadian census / Annalee Lepp.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910780540203321
Levy F. J (Fred Jacob)  
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Household counts : Canadian households and families in 1901 / / edited by Eric W. Sager and Peter Baskerville
Household counts : Canadian households and families in 1901 / / edited by Eric W. Sager and Peter Baskerville
Autore Levy F. J (Fred Jacob)
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (501 pages) : illustrations, maps, digital file
Disciplina 306.850971/09041
Soggetto topico Families - Canada - History - 20th century
Households - Canada - History - 20th century
Families - Canada
Soggetto genere / forma Statistics.
Electronic books.
ISBN 0-8020-3802-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Transitions in household and family structure : Canada in 1901 and 1991 / Stacie D.A. Burke -- Canadian fertility in 1901 : a bird's-eye view / Peter Gossage, Danielle Gauvreau -- Family geographies : a national perspective / Larry McCann, Ian Buck, Ole Heggen -- Family geographies : an urban perspective / Larry McCann, Ian Buck, Ole Heggen -- Rural to urban migration : finding house hold complexity in a New World environment / Kenneth M. Sylvester -- Family geographies : Montreal, Canada's metropolis / Larry McCann, Ian Buck, Ole Heggen -- Families, fostering and flying the coop : lessons in liberal cultural formation, 1871-1901 / Gordon Darroch -- Canadian children who lived with one parent in 1901 / Bettina Bradbury -- Boundaries of age : exploring the patterns of young-old age among men, Canada and the United States, 1870-1901 / Lisa Dillon -- Inequality, earnings, and the Canadian working class in 1901 / Eric W. Sager -- 'Leaving God behind when they crossed the Rocky Mountains' : exploring unbelief in turn-of-the-century British Columbia / Lynne Marks -- Giving birth : families and the medical marketplace in Victoria, British Columbia, 1880-1901 / Peter Baskerville -- Language, ancestry, and the competing constructions of identity in turn-of-the-century Canada / Chad Gaffield -- Constructing normality and confronting deviance : familial ideologies, household structures, and divorce in the 1901 Canadian census / Annalee Lepp.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910813574103321
Levy F. J (Fred Jacob)  
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Household counts : Canadian households and families in 1901 / / edited by Eric W. Sager and Peter Baskerville
Household counts : Canadian households and families in 1901 / / edited by Eric W. Sager and Peter Baskerville
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (501 pages) : illustrations, maps, digital file
Disciplina 306.850971/09041
Soggetto topico Families - Canada - History - 20th century
Households - Canada - History - 20th century
Families - Canada
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 0-8020-3802-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Contributors -- Introduction / Sager, Eric W. / Baskerville, Peter -- PART ONE: FAMILY DEMOGRAPHY: CANADA, 1901 -- 1. Transitions in Household and Family Structure: Canada in 1901 and 1991 / Burke, Stacie D.A. -- 2. Canadian Fertility in 1901: A Bird's-Eye View / Gossage, Peter / Gauvreau, Danielle -- 3. Family Geographies: A National Perspective / Mccann, Larry / Buck, Ian / Heggen, Ole -- PART TWO: URBAN FAMILIES -- 4. Family Geographies: An Urban Perspective / Mccann, Larry / Buck, Ian / Heggen, Ole -- 5. Rural to Urban Migration: Finding Household Complexity in a New World Environment / Sylvester, Kenneth M. -- 6. Family Geographies: Montreal, Canada's Metropolis / Mccann, Larry / Buck, Ian / Heggen, Ole -- PART THREE: THE YOUNG AND THE OLD -- 7. Families, Fostering, and Flying the Coop: Lessons in Liberal Cultural Formation, 1871-1901 / Darroch, Gordon -- 8. Canadian Children Who Lived with One Parent in 1901 / Bradbury, Bettina -- 9. Boundaries of Age: Exploring the Patterns of Young-Old Age among Men, Canada and the United States, 1870-1901 / Dillon, Lisa -- PART FOUR: NEW INTERPRETATIONS: FAMILY AND SOCIAL HISTORY -- 10. Inequality, Earnings, and the Canadian Working Class in 1901 / Sager, Eric W. -- 11. 'Leaving God Behind When They Crossed the Rocky Mountains': Exploring Unbelief in Turn-of-the-Century British Columbia / Marks, Lynne -- 12. Giving Birth: Families and the Medical Marketplace in Victoria, British Columbia, 1880-1901 / Baskerville, Peter -- PART FIVE: THE IMPORTANCE OF CULTURAL CONTEXT -- 13. Language, Ancestry, and the Competing Constructions of Identity in Turn-of-the-Century Canada / Gaffield, Chad -- 14. Constructing Normality and Confronting Deviance: Familial Ideologies, Household Structures, and Divorce in the 1901 Canadian Census / Lepp, Annalee -- Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910456199303321
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui